hets.hs revision b0294d73dcefc502ddaa13e18b46103a5916971f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The Main module of the hetcats system. It provides the main function
to call.
module Main where
import Common.Utils
import Common.Result
import Options
import System.Environment
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import ToHaskell.TranslateAna
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
import Static.DevGraph
--import Syntax.Print_HetCASL
import GUI.AbstractGraphView
import GUI.ConvertDevToAbstractGraph
import ReadFn
import WriteFn
--import ProcessFn
import Haskell.Haskell2DG
main :: IO ()
main =
do opt <- getArgs >>= hetcatsOpts
putIfVerbose opt 3 ("Options: " ++ show opt)
sequence_ $ map (processFile opt) (infiles opt)
processFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO ()
processFile opt file =
do putIfVerbose opt 2 ("Processing file: " ++ file)
case guess file (intype opt) of
HaskellIn -> do r <- anaHaskellFile opt file
showGraph file opt r
_ ->
ld <- read_LIB_DEFN opt file
-- (env,ld') <- analyse_LIB_DEFN opt
(ld',env) <-
case (analysis opt) of
Skip -> do
putIfVerbose opt 2
("Skipping static analysis on file: " ++ file)
return (ld, Nothing)
_ -> do
putIfVerbose opt 2 ("Analyzing file: " ++ file)
Common.Result.Result diags res <- ioresToIO
(ana_LIB_DEFN logicGraph defaultLogic opt emptyLibEnv ld)
showDiags opt diags
case res of
Just (ln,ld1,_,lenv) -> do
writeFileInfo opt file ln lenv
return (ld1,res)
Nothing -> return (ld, res)
let odir = if null (outdir opt) then dirname file else outdir opt
putIfVerbose opt 3 ("Current OutDir: " ++ odir)
case gui opt of
Only -> showGraph file opt env
Also -> do showGraph file opt env
write_LIB_DEFN file (opt { outdir = odir }) ld'
-- write_GLOBAL_ENV env
Not -> write_LIB_DEFN file (opt { outdir = odir }) ld'
{- showGraph :: FilePath -> HetcatsOpts -> (Maybe (LIB_NAME, -- filename
HsModule, -- as tree
DGraph, -- development graph
LibEnv -- DGraphs for imported modules
) -> IO ()
showGraph file opt env =
case env of
Just (ln,_,_,libenv) -> do
putIfVerbose opt 2 ("Trying to display " ++ file
++ "in a graphical Window")
putIfVerbose opt 3 "Initializing Converter"
graphMem <- initializeConverter
putIfVerbose opt 3 "Converting Graph"
(gid, gv, cmaps) <- convertGraph graphMem ln libenv
GUI.AbstractGraphView.redisplay gid gv
putIfVerbose opt 1 "Hit Return when finished"
return ()
Nothing -> putIfVerbose opt 1
("Error: Basic Analysis is neccessary to display "
++ "graphs in a graphical window")