hets.hs revision 878d0086bd0aae2d7ad64451035c4e78047b1cff
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2003
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The Main module of the Heterogeneous Tool Set.
It provides the main function to call.
{- todo: option for omitting writing of env
module Main where
import Control.Monad (when)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess), exitWith)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Common.Utils
import Common.Result
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.GlobalAnnotations (emptyGlobalAnnos)
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Syntax.AS_Library (LIB_DEFN(..), LIB_NAME())
import Syntax.GlobalLibraryAnnotations (initGlobalAnnos)
import Driver.ReadFn
import Driver.WriteFn
import Driver.Options
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.PrintDevGraph()
import Isabelle.CreateTheories
import GUI.AbstractGraphView
import GUI.ConvertDevToAbstractGraph
import InfoBus
import Events
import Destructible
import DialogWin (useHTk)
import Haskell.Haskell2DG
main :: IO ()
main =
do opt <- getArgs >>= hetcatsOpts
putIfVerbose opt 3 ("Options: " ++ show opt)
sequence_ $ map (processFile opt) (infiles opt)
processFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO ()
processFile opt file =
do putIfVerbose opt 2 ("Processing file: " ++ file)
case guess file (intype opt) of
HaskellIn -> do
r <- anaHaskellFile opt file
case gui opt of
Not -> return ()
_ -> showGraph file opt r
_ -> do
ld <- read_LIB_DEFN opt file
-- (env,ld') <- analyse_LIB_DEFN opt
(ld'@(Lib_defn libname _ _ _),env) <-
case (analysis opt) of
Skip -> do
putIfVerbose opt 2
("Skipping static analysis on file: " ++ file)
return (ld, Nothing)
_ -> do
putIfVerbose opt 2 ("Analyzing file: " ++ file)
defl <- lookupLogic
"logic from command line: "
(defLogic opt) logicGraph
Common.Result.Result ds res <- ioresToIO
(ana_LIB_DEFN logicGraph defl opt
emptyLibEnv ld)
showDiags opt ds
case res of
Just (ln,ld1,_,lenv) -> do
when (hasEnvOut opt)
(writeFileInfo opt ds file ln lenv)
putIfVerbose opt 5 (showPretty lenv "")
doIfVerbose opt 7 (printLibEnv lenv)
--checkFile opt file ln lenv
return (ld1,res)
Nothing -> return (ld, res)
let odir = if null (outdir opt) then dirname file else outdir opt
putIfVerbose opt 3 ("Current OutDir: " ++ odir)
let (globalAnnos,notTrans) =
maybe (maybe emptyGlobalAnnos
((\ (Common.Result.Result _ m) -> m)
(initGlobalAnnos ld')),True)
(\ (_,_,_,libEnv) ->
maybe (error ("Library "
++ show libname
++ " not found after analysis"))
(\ (ga,_,_) -> (ga,False))
(Map.lookup libname libEnv))
when notTrans (putIfVerbose opt 2
("Warning: Printing without "
++"transitive imported Global Annotations"))
case gui opt of
Only -> showGraph file opt env
Also -> do showGraph file opt env
write_LIB_DEFN globalAnnos
(opt { outdir = odir })
-- write_GLOBAL_ENV env
Not -> write_LIB_DEFN globalAnnos
(opt { outdir = odir })
checkFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> IO ()
checkFile opts fp ln lenv =
case Map.lookup ln lenv of
Nothing -> putStrLn ("*** Error: Cannot find library "++show ln)
Just gctx -> do
let envFile = rmSuffix fp ++ ".env"
putStrLn "reading in..."
(Common.Result.Result dias mread_gctx) <-
globalContextfromShATerm envFile
maybe (showDiags opts dias)
(\ read_gctx -> do
putStrLn ("read " ++ show (show ln)
++ " from env-file " ++ show envFile
++ ": status: "
++ (case read_gctx of
(r_globalAnnos, r_globalEnv, r_dGraph) ->
case gctx of
(globalAnnos, globalEnv, dGraph) ->
concat $
zipWith (\label status ->
label ++ ": " ++ status ++ ";")
["GlobalAnnos", " GlobalEnv", " DGraph"]
(map (\b -> if b then "ok" else "DIFF!!")
[r_globalAnnos == globalAnnos]))))
showGraph :: FilePath -> HetcatsOpts ->
Maybe (LIB_NAME, -- filename
a, -- as tree
b, -- development graph
LibEnv -- DGraphs for imported modules
) -> IO ()
showGraph file opt env =
case env of
Just (ln,_,_,libenv) -> do
putIfVerbose opt 2 ("Trying to display " ++ file
++ " in a graphical window")
putIfVerbose opt 3 "Initializing Converter"
graphMem <- initializeConverter
useHTk -- All messages are displayed in TK dialog windows
-- from this point on
putIfVerbose opt 3 "Converting Graph"
(gid, gv, _cmaps) <- convertGraph graphMem ln libenv opt
GUI.AbstractGraphView.redisplay gid gv
graph <- get_graphid gid gv
sync(destroyed graph)
exitWith ExitSuccess
fail "No graph display interface; UNI_PACKAGE option has been disabled during compilation of Hets"
Nothing -> putIfVerbose opt 1
("Error: Basic Analysis is neccessary to display "
++ "graphs in a graphical window")
hasEnvOut :: HetcatsOpts -> Bool
hasEnvOut = any ( \ o -> case o of EnvOut -> True
_ -> False) . outtypes
run :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LIB_NAME, LIB_DEFN, DGraph, LibEnv))
run file =
do let opt = defaultHetcatsOpts
ld <- read_LIB_DEFN opt file
defl <- lookupLogic "logic from command line: "
(defLogic opt) logicGraph
Common.Result.Result ds res <- ioresToIO
(ana_LIB_DEFN logicGraph defl opt
emptyLibEnv ld)
showDiags opt ds
return res
{- Call this function as follows (be sure that there is no ../uni):
make hets
make ghci
:l hets.hs
:module +Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
Just (ln,ast,dg,libenv)<-run "../CASL-lib/List.casl"