hets.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Id$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2003-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The Main module of the Heterogeneous Tool Set.
It provides the main function to call (and not much more).
-- for interactice purposes use Test.hs
module Main where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Monad
import Driver.Options
import Driver.AnaLib
import Driver.WriteFn
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.FromXml
import GUI.ShowGraph
import GUI.ShowLogicGraph
import Haskell.Haskell2DG
import Common.LibName
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import CMDL.ProcessScript
import CMDL.Interface (cmdlRunShell)
import CMDL.DataTypes
import PGIP.XMLparsing
import PGIP.XMLstate (isRemote)
#ifdef SERVER
import PGIP.Server
import Maude.Maude2DG (anaMaudeFile)
import LF.Twelf2DG (anaTwelfFile)
import OMDoc.Import (anaOMDocFile)
#ifdef HEXPAT
import HolLight.HolLight2DG (anaHolLightFile)
#ifdef HAXML
import Isabelle.Isa2DG (anaIsaFile, anaThyFile)
main :: IO ()
main =
getArgs >>= hetcatsOpts >>= \ opts -> let imode = interactive opts in
#ifdef SERVER
if serve opts then hetsServer opts else
if isRemote opts || imode
then cmdlRun opts >>= displayGraph "" opts . getMaybeLib . intState
else do
putIfVerbose opts 3 $ "Options: " ++ show opts
case infiles opts of
[] | not imode -> displayLogicGraphInfo opts
fs -> mapM_ (processFile opts) fs
noUniPkg :: IO ()
noUniPkg = fail $ "No graph display interface; \n"
++ "UNI_PACKAGE option has been "
++ "disabled during compilation of Hets"
displayLogicGraphInfo :: HetcatsOpts -> IO ()
displayLogicGraphInfo opts = case guiType opts of
NoGui -> writeLG opts
UseGui ->
processFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO ()
processFile opts file = do
putIfVerbose opts 3 ("Processing input: " ++ file)
let doExit = not $ guiType opts /= NoGui || interactive opts
res <- case guess file (intype opts) of
HaskellIn -> putStr "this is HaskellIn" >> anaHaskellFile opts file
#ifdef HEXPAT
HolLightIn -> anaHolLightFile opts file
#ifdef HAXML
IsaIn -> anaIsaFile opts file
ThyIn -> anaThyFile opts file
PrfIn -> anaLibReadPrfs opts file
ProofCommand -> do
st <- cmdlProcessFile doExit opts file
liftM (getMaybeLib . intState)
$ (if interactive opts then cmdlRunShell else return) st
MaudeIn -> anaMaudeFile opts file
TwelfIn -> anaTwelfFile opts file
OmdocIn -> anaOMDocFile opts file
DgXml | not (defLogicIsDMU opts) -> readDGXml opts file
_ -> anaLib opts file
case res of
Just (ln, nEnv) ->
writeSpecFiles opts file nEnv ln $ lookupDGraph ln nEnv
_ -> return ()
if guess file (intype opts) /= ProofCommand && interactive opts
then cmdlRun opts >> return ()
else displayGraph file opts res
displayGraph :: FilePath -> HetcatsOpts -> Maybe (LibName, LibEnv) -> IO ()
displayGraph file opts res = case guiType opts of
NoGui -> return ()
UseGui ->
showGraph file opts res