hets.hs revision 0799b5dc3f06d2640e66e9ab54b8b217348fd719
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
The Main module of the Heterogeneous Tool Set.
It provides the main function to call.
{- todo: option for omitting writing of env
module Main where
import Control.Monad (when)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess), exitWith)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Common.Utils
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations (emptyGlobalAnnos)
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Syntax.AS_Library (LIB_DEFN(..), LIB_NAME())
import Syntax.GlobalLibraryAnnotations (initGlobalAnnos)
import Driver.ReadFn
import Driver.WriteFn
import Driver.Options
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Logic.Languages
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.PrintDevGraph
import Isabelle.CreateTheories
-- for extraction functions
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Logic_CASL
--import Syntax.Print_HetCASL
import GUI.AbstractGraphView
import GUI.ConvertDevToAbstractGraph
import InfoBus
import Events
import Destructible
import DialogWin (useHTk)
import Haskell.Haskell2DG
main :: IO ()
main =
do opt <- getArgs >>= hetcatsOpts
putIfVerbose opt 3 ("Options: " ++ show opt)
sequence_ $ map (processFile opt) (infiles opt)
processFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO ()
processFile opt file =
do putIfVerbose opt 2 ("Processing file: " ++ file)
case guess file (intype opt) of
HaskellIn -> do
r <- anaHaskellFile opt file
case gui opt of
Not -> return ()
_ -> showGraph file opt r
_ -> do
ld <- read_LIB_DEFN opt file
-- (env,ld') <- analyse_LIB_DEFN opt
(ld'@(Lib_defn libname _ _ _),env) <-
case (analysis opt) of
Skip -> do
putIfVerbose opt 2
("Skipping static analysis on file: " ++ file)
return (ld, Nothing)
_ -> do
putIfVerbose opt 2 ("Analyzing file: " ++ file)
defl <- lookupLogic
"logic from command line: "
(defLogic opt) logicGraph
Common.Result.Result ds res <- ioresToIO
(ana_LIB_DEFN logicGraph defl opt
emptyLibEnv ld)
showDiags opt ds
case res of
Just (ln,ld1,_,lenv) -> do
when (hasEnvOut opt)
(writeFileInfo opt ds file ln lenv)
putIfVerbose opt 5 (showPretty lenv "")
doIfVerbose opt 5 (printLibEnv lenv)
--checkFile opt file ln lenv
return (ld1,res)
Nothing -> return (ld, res)
let odir = if null (outdir opt) then dirname file else outdir opt
putIfVerbose opt 3 ("Current OutDir: " ++ odir)
let (globalAnnos,notTrans) =
maybe (maybe emptyGlobalAnnos
((\ (Common.Result.Result _ m) -> m)
(initGlobalAnnos ld')),True)
(\ (_,_,_,libEnv) ->
maybe (error ("Library "
++ show libname
++ " not found after analysis"))
(\ (ga,_,_) -> (ga,False))
(Map.lookup libname libEnv))
when notTrans (putIfVerbose opt 2
("Warning: Printing without "
++"transitive imported Global Annotations"))
case gui opt of
Only -> showGraph file opt env
Also -> do showGraph file opt env
write_LIB_DEFN globalAnnos
(opt { outdir = odir })
-- write_GLOBAL_ENV env
Not -> write_LIB_DEFN globalAnnos
(opt { outdir = odir })
checkFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> IO ()
checkFile opts fp ln lenv =
case Map.lookup ln lenv of
Nothing -> putStrLn ("*** Error: Cannot find library "++show ln)
Just gctx -> do
let envFile = rmSuffix fp ++ ".env"
putStrLn "reading in..."
(Common.Result.Result dias mread_gctx) <-
globalContextfromShATerm envFile
maybe (showDiags opts dias)
(\ read_gctx -> do
putStrLn ("read " ++ show (show ln)
++ " from env-file " ++ show envFile
++ ": status: "
++ (case read_gctx of
(r_globalAnnos, r_globalEnv, r_dGraph) ->
case gctx of
(globalAnnos, globalEnv, dGraph) ->
concat $
zipWith (\label status ->
label ++ ": " ++ status ++ ";")
["GlobalAnnos", " GlobalEnv", " DGraph"]
(map (\b -> if b then "ok" else "DIFF!!")
[r_globalAnnos == globalAnnos,
r_globalEnv == globalEnv,
r_dGraph `equal` dGraph]))))
showGraph :: FilePath -> HetcatsOpts ->
Maybe (LIB_NAME, -- filename
a, -- as tree
b, -- development graph
LibEnv -- DGraphs for imported modules
) -> IO ()
showGraph file opt env =
case env of
Just (ln,_,_,libenv) -> do
putIfVerbose opt 2 ("Trying to display " ++ file
++ " in a graphical window")
putIfVerbose opt 3 "Initializing Converter"
graphMem <- initializeConverter
useHTk -- All messages are displayed in TK dialog windows
-- from this point on
putIfVerbose opt 3 "Converting Graph"
(gid, gv, _cmaps) <- convertGraph graphMem ln libenv opt
GUI.AbstractGraphView.redisplay gid gv
graph <- get_graphid gid gv
sync(destroyed graph)
exitWith ExitSuccess
fail "No graph display interface; UNI_PACKAGE option has been disabled during compilation of Hets"
Nothing -> putIfVerbose opt 1
("Error: Basic Analysis is neccessary to display "
++ "graphs in a graphical window")
hasEnvOut :: HetcatsOpts -> Bool
hasEnvOut = any ( \ o -> case o of EnvOut -> True
_ -> False) . outtypes
run :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LIB_NAME, LIB_DEFN, DGraph, LibEnv))
run file =
do let opt = defaultHetcatsOpts
ld <- read_LIB_DEFN opt file
defl <- lookupLogic "logic from command line: "
(defLogic opt) logicGraph
Common.Result.Result ds res <- ioresToIO
(ana_LIB_DEFN logicGraph defl opt
emptyLibEnv ld)
showDiags opt ds
return res
{- Call this function as follows (be sure that there is no ../uni):
make hets
make ghci
:l hets.hs
:module +Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
Just (ln,ast,dg,libenv)<-run "../CASL-lib/List.casl"
-- further functions for extracting information from the output
toCASLsens :: G_l_sentence_list -> [Named (FORMULA ())]
toCASLsens (G_l_sentence_list lid sens) =
case coerce lid CASL sens of
Just sens' -> sens'
_ -> error "not a list of CASL sentences"