WriteFn.hs revision 8c692d0cc44e7df93f58a3eed0d9774ba5908339
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(DevGraph)
This module provides functions to write a pretty printed abstract
syntax and all the other formats.
module WriteFn where
import Options
import Common.Utils
import Common.Result
import System.IO
import Syntax.Print_HetCASL
import Syntax.AS_Library (LIB_DEFN(), LIB_NAME())
import Syntax.GlobalLibraryAnnotations
import Common.GlobalAnnotations (GlobalAnnos)
import Version
import Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos
import Common.ATerm.Lib
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import ATC.Proofs
import Proofs.Proofs
import Static.DevGraph
import ATC.DevGraph
import Common.SimpPretty (writeFileSDoc)
-- for debugging
import Debug.Trace
Write the given LIB_DEFN in every format that HetcatsOpts includes.
Filenames are determined by the output formats.
@param opt - Options Either default or given on the comandline
@param ld - a LIB_DEFN read as ATerm or parsed
write_LIB_DEFN :: GlobalAnnos -> FilePath -> HetcatsOpts -> LIB_DEFN -> IO ()
write_LIB_DEFN ga file opt ld = sequence_ $ map write_type $ outtypes opt
write_type :: OutType -> IO ()
write_type t =
case t of
HetCASLOut OutASTree OutAscii -> printAscii t
PrettyOut PrettyAscii -> printAscii t
PrettyOut PrettyLatex -> do
putIfVerbose opt 3 ("Generating OutType: " ++ (show t))
write_casl_latex opt ga (casl_latex_filename file opt) ld
EnvOut -> return () -- implemented in hets.hs
-- (requires environment)
_ -> do putStrLn ( "Error: the OutType \"" ++
show t ++ "\" is not implemented")
return ()
printAscii ty = do
putIfVerbose opt 3 ("Generating OutType: " ++ (show ty))
write_casl_asc opt ga (casl_asc_filename file opt) ld
Produces the filename of the pretty printed CASL-file.
@param opt - Options from the command line
@return path - full path to the generated file
casl_asc_filename :: FilePath -> HetcatsOpts -> FilePath
casl_asc_filename file opt =
let (base,_,_) = fileparse [".casl",".tree.gen_trm"] file
in (outdir opt) ++ "/" ++ base ++ ".pp.casl"
-- maybe an optin out-file is better
write_casl_asc :: HetcatsOpts -> GlobalAnnos -> FilePath -> LIB_DEFN -> IO ()
write_casl_asc opt ga oup ld =
do hout <- openFile oup WriteMode
putIfVerbose opt 3 (show (printText0_eGA ga))
hPutStr hout $ printLIB_DEFN_text ga ld
hClose hout
casl_latex_filename :: FilePath -> HetcatsOpts -> FilePath
casl_latex_filename file opt =
let (base,_,_) = fileparse [".casl",".tree.gen_trm"] file
in (outdir opt) ++ "/" ++ base ++ ".pp.tex"
-- maybe an optin out-file is better
debug_latex_filename :: FilePath -> FilePath
debug_latex_filename = (\(b,p,_) -> p++ b ++ ".debug.tex") .
fileparse [".pp.tex"]
write_casl_latex :: HetcatsOpts -> GlobalAnnos -> FilePath -> LIB_DEFN -> IO ()
write_casl_latex opt ga oup ld =
do hout <- openFile oup WriteMode
putIfVerbose opt 3 (show (printText0_eGA ga))
hPutStr hout $ printLIB_DEFN_latex ga ld
hClose hout
doIfVerbose opt 5
(do dout <- openFile (debug_latex_filename oup) WriteMode
hPutStr dout $ printLIB_DEFN_debugLatex ga ld
hClose dout)
return ()
writeShATermFile :: (ATermConvertible a) => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
writeShATermFile fp atcon = writeFile fp $ toShATermString atcon
writeShATermFileSDoc :: (ATermConvertible a) => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
writeShATermFileSDoc fp atcon =
writeFileSDoc fp $ writeSharedATermSDoc (versionedATermTable atcon)
versionedATermTable :: (ATermConvertible a) => a -> ATermTable
versionedATermTable atcon =
case {-# SCC "att0" #-} toShATerm emptyATermTable hetcats_version of
(att0,versionnr) ->
case {-# SCC "att1" #-} toShATerm att0 atcon of
(att1,aterm) -> {-# SCC "att3" #-}
fst $ addATerm (ShAAppl "hets" [versionnr,aterm] []) att1
toShATermString :: (ATermConvertible a) => a -> String
toShATermString atcon = writeSharedATerm (versionedATermTable atcon)
globalContexttoShATerm :: FilePath -> GlobalContext -> IO ()
globalContexttoShATerm fp gc = writeShATermFileSDoc fp gc
writeFileInfo :: HetcatsOpts -> [Diagnosis] -> String -> LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> IO()
writeFileInfo opts diags file ln lenv =
if hasErrors diags then return ()
else case Map.lookup ln lenv of
Nothing -> putStrLn ("*** Error: Cannot find library "++show ln)
Just gctx -> do
let envFile = rmSuffix file ++ ".env"
putIfVerbose opts 2 ("Writing "++envFile)
res <- try (globalContexttoShATerm envFile gctx)
case res of
Right _ -> return ()
Left ioErr -> do
putIfVerbose opts 2 (envFile++" not written")
putIfVerbose opts 3 ("see following error description:\n"
++show ioErr++"\n")
write_casl_asc_stdout :: HetcatsOpts -> GlobalAnnos -> LIB_DEFN -> IO(String)
write_casl_asc_stdout opt ga ld =
do putIfVerbose opt 3 (show (printText0_eGA ga))
return $ printLIB_DEFN_text ga ld
write_casl_latex_stdout :: HetcatsOpts -> GlobalAnnos -> LIB_DEFN -> IO(String)
write_casl_latex_stdout opt ga ld =
do putIfVerbose opt 3 (show (printText0_eGA ga))
return $ printLIB_DEFN_latex ga ld
{-doIfVerbose opt 5
(do dout <- openFile (debug_latex_filename oup) WriteMode
hPutStr dout $ printLIB_DEFN_debugLatex ga ld
hClose dout)
proofStatusToShATerm :: FilePath -> ProofStatus -> IO()
proofStatusToShATerm filepath proofStatus =
writeShATermFileSDoc filepath proofStatus