Options.hs revision caf544dc9b8f02e05e37786681153f5660e67f64
{- |
> HetCATS/hetcats/Options.hs
> $Id$
> Author: Martin K�hl
> Year: 2002
Datatypes for options, a list of options hetcats understands.
Useful functions to parse and check the user-provided functions
and for filling in default values.
A record datatype for fast and easy access and modification
extension of the options.
{- TODO:
-- Check for -G Option -- if given, set OutTypes to [] and Ana to Basic
just Maybe:
-- implement Read instance for some (all?) Types of Flags
-- parse the input type via 'instance Read InType'?
-- there's got to be a better way to realize parseOutType...
-- an Error should be raised when more than one OutDir were specified,
or when the OutDir wasn't approved sane
{- Optionen:
Usage: hetcats [OPTION...] file ... file
-v[Int] --verbose[=Int] chatty output to stderr
-q --quiet no output to stderr
-V --version print version number and exit
-g --gui use graphical user interface
-G --only-gui use graphical user interface ONLY!
-h --help, --usage print usage information and exit
-i ITYPE --input-type=ITYPE ITYPE of input file:
(tree.)?gen_trm(.baf)? | het(casl)? | casl | ast(.baf)?
-p --just-parse skip analysis - just parse
-s --just-structure skip basic analysis - just do structured
-O DIR --output-dir=DIR destination directory for output files
-o OTYPES --output-types=OTYPES OTYPES of output files, a comma seperated
list of OTYPE
OTYPE is (pp.(het|tex|html))
(default: dg.taf)
? -l id --output-logic=id select output logic and optional logic coding
mit Parsec (Token.simpleId) parsen
-L DIR --casl-libdir=DIR CASL library directory
-r RAW --raw=RAW raw options passed to the pretty-printer
RAW is (ascii|text|(la)?tex)=STRING where STRING is passed to the
appropiate pretty-printer
module Options where
import Version
import Common.Utils
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import Data.List
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import System.Console.GetOpt
-- main Datatypes --
-- | 'HetcatsOpts' is a record set of all options received from the command line
data HetcatsOpts =
HcOpt { analysis :: AnaType -- Skip | Structured | Basic
, gui :: GuiType -- True when Output is shown in a GUI
, infiles :: [FilePath] -- files to be read
, intype :: InType -- type of the file to be read
, libdir :: FilePath -- CASL library directory
, outdir :: FilePath -- output directory
, outtypes :: [OutType] -- list of output types to be generated
, rawopts :: [RawOpt] -- raw options for the pretty printer
, verbose :: Int -- greater than null to turn verbosity on
deriving (Eq)
instance Show HetcatsOpts where
show opts = " --verbose=" ++ show (verbose opts)
++ showGui (gui opts)
++ showAnalysis (analysis opts)
++ " --input-type=" ++ show (intype opts)
++ " --output-types=" ++ showOutTypes (outtypes opts)
++ " " ++ showRaw (rawopts opts)
++ " --casl-libdir=" ++ (libdir opts)
++ " --output-dir=" ++ (outdir opts)
++ " " ++ showInFiles (infiles opts)
showAnalysis x = case x of Skip -> " --just-parse"
Structured -> " --just-structured"
Basic -> ""
showGui x = case x of Only -> " -- only-gui"
Also -> " --gui"
Not -> ""
showInFiles = joinWith ' '
showOutTypes = joinWith ',' . map show
showRaw = joinWith ' ' . map showRaw'
showRaw' (RawAscii s) = "--raw=ascii=" ++ s
showRaw' (RawLatex s) = "--raw=latex=" ++ s
-- | 'makeOpts' includes a parsed Flag in a set of HetcatsOpts
makeOpts :: HetcatsOpts -> Flag -> HetcatsOpts
makeOpts opts (Analysis x) = opts { analysis = x }
makeOpts opts (Gui x) = opts { gui = x }
makeOpts opts (Help) = opts -- skipped
makeOpts opts (InType x) = opts { intype = x }
makeOpts opts (LibDir x) = opts { libdir = x }
makeOpts opts (OutDir x) = opts { outdir = x }
makeOpts opts (OutTypes x) = opts { outtypes = x }
makeOpts opts (Raw x) = opts { rawopts = x }
makeOpts opts (Verbose x) = opts { verbose = x }
makeOpts opts (Version) = opts -- skipped
makeOpts _ x = hetsError Intern ("unrecognized Flag: " ++ (show x))
-- | 'defaultHetcatsOpts' defines the default HetcatsOpts, which are used as
-- basic values when the user specifies nothing else
defaultHetcatsOpts :: HetcatsOpts
defaultHetcatsOpts =
HcOpt { analysis = Basic
, gui = Not
, infiles = []
, intype = GuessIn
, libdir = ""
, outdir = ""
, outtypes = [HetCASLOut OutASTree OutAscii]
-- better default options, but not implemented yet:
--, outtypes = [HetCASLOut OutASTree OutXml]
, rawopts = []
, verbose = 1
-- | every 'Flag' describes a raw option
data Flag = Analysis AnaType -- to analyse or not to analyse
| Gui GuiType -- show Output in GUI
| Help -- print usage message
| InType InType -- type of input file
| LibDir FilePath -- CASL library directory
| OutDir FilePath -- destination directory for output files
| OutTypes [OutType] -- types of output to generate
| Quiet -- Ssht! Be silent!
| Raw [RawOpt] -- raw options passed on to the pretty-printer
| Verbose Int -- how verbose shall we be?
| Version -- print version number
deriving (Show,Eq)
-- | 'AnaType' describes the type of analysis we want performed
data AnaType = Basic | Structured | Skip
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'GuiType' determines if we want the GUI shown
data GuiType = Only | Also | Not
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'InType' describes the type of input the infile contains
data InType = ATermIn ATType | ASTreeIn ATType | CASLIn | HetCASLIn | GuessIn
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'ATType' describes distinct types of ATerms
data ATType = BAF | NonBAF
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'OutType' describes the type of Output that we want generated
data OutType = PrettyOut PrettyType
| HetCASLOut HetOutType HetOutFormat
| GraphOut GraphType
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'PrettyType' describes the type of Output we want the Pretty-Printer
-- to generate
data PrettyType = PrettyAscii | PrettyLatex | PrettyHtml
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'HetOutType' describes the type of Output we want Hets to create
data HetOutType = OutASTree | OutDGraph Flattening Bool
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'Flattening' describes how flat the Earth really is (TODO: add comment)
data Flattening = Flattened | HidingOutside | Full
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'HetOutFormat' describes the format of Output that HetCASL shall create
data HetOutFormat = OutAscii | OutTerm | OutTaf | OutHtml | OutXml
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'GraphType' describes the type of Graph that we want generated
data GraphType = Dot | PostScript | Davinci
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'RawOpt' describes the options we want to be passed to the Pretty-Printer
data RawOpt = RawAscii String | RawLatex String
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'ErrorSource' describes possible sources of errors:
-- user input or internal errors
data ErrorSource = User | Intern
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | 'options' describes all available options and is used to generate usage
-- information
options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options =
[ Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (OptArg parseVerbosity "Int")
"chatty output to stderr"
, Option ['q'] ["quiet"] (NoArg Quiet)
"no output at all to stderr. overrides --verbose!"
, Option ['g'] ["gui"] (NoArg (Gui Also))
"show graphical output in a GUI window"
, Option ['G'] ["only-gui"] (NoArg (Gui Only))
"show graphical output in a GUI window - don't write Output to file"
, Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg Version)
"print version number and exit"
, Option ['h'] ["help", "usage"] (NoArg Help)
"print usage information and exit"
, Option ['i'] ["input-type"] (ReqArg parseInType "ITYPE")
"ITYPE of input file: \n\t(tree.)?gen_trm(.baf)? | het(casl)? | casl | ast(.baf)?"
, Option ['O'] ["output-dir"] (ReqArg (\x -> OutDir x) "DIR")
"destination directory for output files"
, Option ['o'] ["output-types"] (ReqArg parseOutTypes "OTYPES")
"OTYPES of output files, a comma seperated list of OTYPE\n\tOTYPE is (pp.(het|tex|html))\n\t\t|(ast|[fh]?dg(.nax)?).(het|trm|taf|html|xml)\n\t\t|(graph.(dot|ps|davinci))\n\t\t(default: dg.taf)"
, Option ['p'] ["just-parse"] (NoArg (Analysis Skip))
"skip static analysis - just parse"
, Option ['s'] ["just-structured"] (NoArg (Analysis Structured))
"skip basic analysis - just do structured analysis"
, Option ['L'] ["casl-libdir"] (ReqArg (\x -> LibDir x) "DIR")
"CASL library directory"
, Option ['r'] ["raw"] (ReqArg parseRawOpts "RAW")
"raw options passed to the pretty-printer \n\tRAW is (ascii|text|(la)?tex)=STRING where STRING is passed to the appropiate pretty-printer"
-- TODO: order in some useful way...
-- parser functions returning Flags --
-- | 'parseVerbosity' parses a 'Verbose' Flag from user input
parseVerbosity :: (Maybe String) -> Flag
parseVerbosity Nothing = Verbose 1
parseVerbosity (Just s)
= case reads s of
[(i,"")] -> Verbose i
_ -> hetsError User (s ++ " is not a valid INT")
-- | 'parseInType' parses an 'InType' Flag from user input
parseInType :: String -> Flag
parseInType = InType . parseInType1
-- | 'parseInType1' parses an 'InType' Flag from a String
parseInType1 :: String -> InType
parseInType1 "casl" = CASLIn
parseInType1 "hetcasl" = HetCASLIn
parseInType1 "het" = HetCASLIn
parseInType1 "gen_trm" = ATermIn NonBAF
parseInType1 "tree.gen_trm" = ATermIn NonBAF
parseInType1 "gen_trm.baf" = ATermIn BAF
parseInType1 "tree.gen_trm.baf" = ATermIn BAF
parseInType1 "ast" = ASTreeIn NonBAF
parseInType1 "ast.baf" = ASTreeIn BAF
parseInType1 str = hetsError User
(str ++ " is not a valid ITYPE")
-- 'parseOutTypes' parses an 'OutTypes' Flag from user input
parseOutTypes :: String -> Flag
parseOutTypes str
| ',' `elem` str = OutTypes $
(map maybeOType . map parseOutType . splitOn ',') str
| otherwise = case (parseOutType str) of
(Just ts) -> OutTypes [ts]
Nothing -> error' str
maybeOType = maybe (error' str) id
error' s = hetsError User (s ++ " is not a valid OTYPE")
-- 'parseOutType' parses an 'OutType' from a String
parseOutType :: String -> Maybe OutType
parseOutType s
| "pp." `isPrefixOf` s =
parseOutType' (parsePrettyType $ drop 3 s) PrettyOut
| "graph." `isPrefixOf` s =
parseOutType' (parseGraphType $ drop 6 s) GraphOut
| "ast." `isPrefixOf` s =
parseOutType' (parseOutFormat $ drop 4 s) (HetCASLOut OutASTree)
| "fdg.nax." `isPrefixOf` s =
parseOutType' (parseOutFormat $ drop 8 s)
(HetCASLOut $ OutDGraph Flattened True)
| "fdg." `isPrefixOf` s =
parseOutType' (parseOutFormat $ drop 4 s)
(HetCASLOut $ OutDGraph Flattened False)
| "hdg.nax." `isPrefixOf` s =
parseOutType' (parseOutFormat $ drop 8 s)
(HetCASLOut $ OutDGraph HidingOutside True)
| "hdg." `isPrefixOf` s =
parseOutType' (parseOutFormat $ drop 4 s)
(HetCASLOut $ OutDGraph HidingOutside False)
| "dg.nax." `isPrefixOf` s =
parseOutType' (parseOutFormat $ drop 7 s)
(HetCASLOut $ OutDGraph Full True)
| "dg." `isPrefixOf` s =
parseOutType' (parseOutFormat $ drop 3 s)
(HetCASLOut $ OutDGraph Full False)
| otherwise = Nothing
parsePrettyType "het" = Just PrettyAscii
parsePrettyType "tex" = Just PrettyLatex
parsePrettyType "html" = Just PrettyHtml
parsePrettyType _ = Nothing
parseGraphType "dot" = Just Dot
parseGraphType "ps" = Just PostScript
parseGraphType "davinci" = Just Davinci
parseGraphType _ = Nothing
parseOutFormat "het" = Just OutAscii
parseOutFormat "taf" = Just OutTaf
parseOutFormat "trm" = Just OutTerm
parseOutFormat "html" = Just OutHtml
parseOutFormat "xml" = Just OutXml
parseOutFormat _ = Nothing
parseOutType' getter typ =
case getter of
(Just t) -> Just (typ t)
Nothing -> Nothing
-- | 'parseRawOpts' parses a 'Raw' Flag from user input
parseRawOpts :: String -> Flag
parseRawOpts s =
let (prefix, string) = break (== '=') s
parsePrefix "ascii" = RawAscii
parsePrefix "text" = RawAscii
parsePrefix "latex" = RawLatex
parsePrefix "tex" = RawLatex
parsePrefix _ = error'
error' = hetsError User (s ++ " ia not a valid RAW String")
in Raw [(parsePrefix prefix) (drop 1 string)]
-- | 'guessInType' parses an 'InType' from the FilePath to our 'InFile'
guessInType :: FilePath -> InType
guessInType file =
case fileparse ["casl","hetcasl","het","gen_trm","tree.gen_trm",
file of
(_,_,Just suf) -> parseInType1 suf
(_,_,Nothing) -> hetsError User $
"InType of " ++ file ++ " unclear, please specify"
-- main functions --
-- | 'hetcatsOpts' parses sensible HetcatsOpts from ARGV
hetcatsOpts :: [String] -> IO HetcatsOpts
hetcatsOpts argv =
case (getOpt Permute options argv) of
(opts,non_opts,[]) ->
do flags <- checkFlags opts
infs <- checkInFiles non_opts
hcOpts <- return $
foldr (flip makeOpts) defaultHetcatsOpts flags
return $ hcOpts { infiles = infs }
(_,_,errs) -> hetsError User (concat errs)
-- | 'checkFlags' checks all parsed Flags for sanity
checkFlags :: [Flag] -> IO [Flag]
checkFlags fs =
let collectFlags = (collectOutDirs
. collectOutTypes
. collectVerbosity
. collectRawOpts
-- collect some more here?
in do if (Help `elem` fs)
then do putStrLn hetsUsage
exitWith ExitSuccess
else return [] -- fall through
if (Version `elem` fs)
then do putStrLn ("version of hets: " ++ hetcats_version)
exitWith ExitSuccess
else return [] -- fall through
fs' <- collectFlags fs
return fs'
-- | 'checkInFiles' checks all given InFiles for sanity
checkInFiles :: [String] -> IO [FilePath]
checkInFiles fs =
do ifs <- filterM checkInFile fs
case ifs of
[] -> return (hetsError User "No valid input file specified")
xs -> return xs
-- auxiliary functions: FileSystem interaction --
-- | 'checkInFile' checks a single InFile for sanity
checkInFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool
checkInFile file =
do exists <- doesFileExist file
perms <- catch (getPermissions file) (\_ -> return noPerms)
return (exists && (readable perms))
-- | 'checkOutDirs' checks a list of OutDir for sanity
checkOutDirs :: [Flag] -> IO [Flag]
checkOutDirs fs =
do ods <- ((filterM checkOutDir)
. (map (\(OutDir x) -> x))) fs
if null ods
then return []
else return $ [OutDir $ head ods]
-- | 'checkOutDir' checks a single OutDir for sanity
checkOutDir :: String -> IO Bool
checkOutDir file =
do exists <- doesDirectoryExist file
perms <- catch (getPermissions file) (\_ -> return noPerms)
return (exists && (writable perms))
-- Nil Permissions. Returned, if an Error occurred in FS-Interaction
noPerms :: Permissions
noPerms = Permissions { readable = False
, writable = False
, executable = False
, searchable = False
-- auxiliary functions: collect flags --
collectOutDirs :: [Flag] -> IO [Flag]
collectOutDirs fs =
let (ods,fs') = partition isOutDir fs
isOutDir (OutDir _) = True
isOutDir _ = False
in do ods' <- checkOutDirs ods
return $ ods' ++ fs'
collectVerbosity :: [Flag] -> [Flag]
collectVerbosity fs =
let (vs,fs') = partition isVerb fs
verbosity = (sum . map (\(Verbose x) -> x)) vs
isVerb (Verbose _) = True
isVerb _ = False
vfs = (Verbose (verbosity + 1)):fs'
in if (Quiet `elem` fs') then fs' else vfs
collectOutTypes :: [Flag] -> [Flag]
collectOutTypes fs =
let (ots,fs') = partition isOType fs
isOType (OutTypes _) = True
isOType _ = False
otypes = foldl concatOTypes [] ots
concatOTypes = (\os (OutTypes ot) -> os ++ ot)
in if ((null otypes) || ((Gui Only) `elem` fs'))
then fs'
else ((OutTypes otypes):fs')
collectRawOpts :: [Flag] -> [Flag]
collectRawOpts fs =
let (rfs,fs') = partition isRawOpt fs
isRawOpt (Raw _) = True
isRawOpt _ = False
raws = foldl concatRawOpts [] rfs
concatRawOpts = (\os (Raw ot) -> os ++ ot)
in if (null raws) then fs' else ((Raw raws):fs')
-- auxiliary functions: error messages --
-- | 'hetsError' is a generic Error messaging function that prints the Error
-- and usage information, if the user caused the Error
hetsError :: forall a. ErrorSource -> String -> a
hetsError User errorString = error (errorString ++ "\n" ++ hetsUsage)
hetsError Intern errorString = error ("Internal Error: " ++ errorString)
-- | 'hetsUsage' generates usage information for the commandline
hetsUsage :: String
hetsUsage = usageInfo header options
where header = "Usage: hetcats [OPTION...] file"
-- | 'putIfVerbose' prints a given String to StdOut when the given HetcatsOpts'
-- Verbosity exceeds the given level
putIfVerbose :: HetcatsOpts -> Int -> String -> IO ()
putIfVerbose opts level str = doIfVerbose opts level (putStrLn str)
-- | 'doIfVerbose' executes a given function when the given HetcatsOpts'
-- Verbosity exceeds the given level
doIfVerbose :: HetcatsOpts -> Int -> (IO ()) -> IO ()
doIfVerbose opts level func =
if (verbose opts) >= level then func
else return ()