Options.hs revision 2eb84fc82d3ffa9116bc471fda3742bd9e5a24bb
> HetCATS/hetcats/Options.hs
> $Id$
> Author: Klaus L�ttich
> Year: 2002
Datatypes for options, a list of options hetcats understands.
Useful functions to parse and check the user-provided functions
and for filling in default values.
A record datatype for fast and easy access and modification \/
extension of the options.
- Posix Spezifikation zu command line interfaces
- Dokumentation zu GetOpt im package util vom ghc
- Flag und HetCATSOpts Datentyp anpassen
- options Liste erweitern
- parse funktionen schreiben
- form_opt_rec anpassen
- perm_infile und check_in_file implemetieren
Usage: hetcats [OPTION...] file ... file
-v[Int] --verbose[=Int] chatty output on stderr
-V --version show version number
-h --help show usage information
-i ITYPE --input-type=ITYPE ITYPE of input file: casl | het | tree.gen_trm
-p --just-parse just parse -- no analysis
-O DIR --output-dir=DIR output DIR
-o OTYPES --output-types=OTYPES select OTYPES of output files
-l id id? --output-logic=id id? select output logic and optional logic coding
-L DIR --casl-libdir=DIR CASL library directory
-w --width tex=10cm het=75
OTYPES is a comma separated list of OTYPE
OTYPE is (pp.(het|tex|html))|(ast|[fh]?dg(.nax)?).(het|trm|taf|html|xml)|
(default: dg.taf)
module Options where
import Version
import Common.Utils
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List
import System.Console.GetOpt
{- | 'Flag' describes the raw options -}
data Flag = Verbose Int
| Version
| Help
| InType InType
| OutTypes [OutType]
| Analysis [AnaFlag]
| LibDir FilePath
| OutDir FilePath
deriving (Show,Eq)
data HetcatsOpts = HcOpt { verbose :: Int -- ^greater than null for
-- turning verbosity on.
, libdir :: FilePath
, outdir :: FilePath
, infile :: FilePath
, intype :: InType
, outtypes :: [OutType]
, rawoptions :: [Flag]
} deriving (Show,Eq)
default_HetcatsOpts :: HetcatsOpts
default_HetcatsOpts = HcOpt { verbose = 0
, libdir = ""
, outdir = "." -- or like cats the same as
-- that of the input file
, infile = ""
, intype = SML_Gen_ATerm NonBAF
, outtypes = [HetCASLOut Ascii]
{- better default options, but
the unlying functions are not jet implemented :
, intype = HetCASLIn
, outtypes = [Global_Env [XML]] -}
, rawoptions = []
data InType = SML_Gen_ATerm ATFlag | CASLIn | HetCASLIn
deriving (Show,Eq)
data ATFlag = BAF | NonBAF
deriving (Show,Eq)
data OutType = HetCASLOut OutFormat | Global_Env OutFormat
deriving (Show,Eq)
data OutFormat = XML | Ascii | Latex
deriving (Show,Eq)
data AnaFlag = Static
deriving (Show,Eq)
-- This function parses all options
hetcatsOpts :: [String] -> IO HetcatsOpts
hetcatsOpts argv =
case (getOpt Permute options argv) of
(o,n,[] ) -> form_opt_rec (merge_out_types o) n
(_,_,errs) -> fail (concat errs ++ hetcats_usage)
form_opt_rec :: [Flag] -> [String] -> IO HetcatsOpts
form_opt_rec flags inp_files =
let req_in_file = case inp_files of
[] -> error $ "one input filename is required\n" ++
[x] -> x
_ -> error $ "Only one input filename allowed\n" ++
verb' = foldl collect_verb 0 flags
where collect_verb v f = case f of
Verbose i -> i + v
_ -> v
outTypes = if null flags then
else case head flags of
OutTypes ot -> ot
_ -> defaultOt
where defaultOt = outtypes default_HetcatsOpts
in do if Help `elem` flags then
do putStrLn $ "\n" ++ hetcats_usage
exitWith ExitSuccess
if Version `elem` flags then
do putStrLn $ "version of hetcats: " ++ hetcats_version
exitWith ExitSuccess
return ()
in_file <- check_in_file req_in_file
od <- check_out_dir flags in_file
return $ default_HetcatsOpts { infile = in_file
, outdir = od
, verbose = verb'
, rawoptions = flags
, outtypes = outTypes
-- some suffixes to try in turn
-- TODO: implement perm_in_file
perm_in_file :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
perm_in_file f = [f]
-- check if one of the possible files exists and is readable
-- TODO: implement check_in_file
check_in_file :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
check_in_file = return . head . perm_in_file
-- check the output directory and choose a default one if none is specified
-- TODO: implement the checking of the out_dir
check_out_dir :: [Flag] -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
check_out_dir flags in_file =
let ods = filter (\f -> case f of
OutDir _ -> True
_ -> False) flags
default_dir = dirname in_file
od = if null ods then
if null default_dir
|| all isSpace default_dir
(\(OutDir fp) -> fp) $ last ods
in do od' <- if od == "." then
return od
existsDir <- doesDirectoryExist od'
perms <- if existsDir then getPermissions od'
else error $ "requested nonexistent output directory \"" ++
od' ++ "\"\n" ++ hetcats_usage
if existsDir && writable perms then
return od'
fail $ "no writeable output directory available\n" ++
-- a String describing the Options of hetcats
hetcats_usage :: String
hetcats_usage = usageInfo header options
where header = "Usage: hetcats [OPTION...] file"
-- this list describes all options and gives usage Information
options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options =
[ Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (OptArg parse_verb "Int")
"chatty output on stderr"
, Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg Version)
"show version number"
, Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help)
"show usage information"
, Option ['i'] ["input-type"] (ReqArg inp_type "TYPE")
"TYPE of input file: gen-trm | gen-trm-baf | hetcasl (default) | casl (via cats)"
, Option ['O'] ["output-dir"] (ReqArg (\x -> OutDir x) "DIR")
"output DIR"
, Option ['o'] ["output-types"] (ReqArg out_types "TYPE")
"select TYPE of output files: hetcasl-latex | hetcasl-ascii | global-env"
, Option ['L'] ["casl-libdir"] (ReqArg (\x -> LibDir x) "DIR")
"CASL library directory"
-- | parse the optional Argument to --verbose
parse_verb :: Maybe String -- ^ optional Argument to --verbose
-> Flag -- ^ Parsed verbose flag
parse_verb Nothing = Verbose 1
parse_verb (Just s) = Verbose $ case reads s of
[] -> error'
[(i,"")] -> i
_ -> error'
where error' = error $ "\""++ s ++"\" is not an Int\n" ++ hetcats_usage
-- Just the function to get the input-type right
inp_type :: String -> Flag
inp_type s | "gen-trm" `isPrefixOf` s = InType $ trm_type s
| s == "casl" = InType CASLIn
| s == "hetcasl" = InType HetCASLIn
| otherwise = error ("unknown input type: " ++ s ++ "\n" ++
where trm_type trm | "baf" `isSuffixOf` trm = SML_Gen_ATerm BAF
| otherwise = SML_Gen_ATerm NonBAF
out_types :: String -> Flag
out_types s | ',' `elem` s = case merge_out_types $ split_types s of
[x] -> x
_ -> error "another thing went wrong!!"
| s == "hetcasl-latex" = OutTypes [HetCASLOut Latex]
| s == "hetcasl-ascii" = OutTypes [HetCASLOut Ascii]
| s == "global-env-xml" = OutTypes [Global_Env XML]
| otherwise = error ("unknown output type: " ++ s ++ "\n" ++
where split_types = map out_types . splitOn ','
merge_out_types :: [Flag] -> [Flag]
merge_out_types flags =
let (ots,flags') = partition is_out_type flags
is_out_type f = case f of
OutTypes _ -> True
_ -> False
concatTypes l ot = case ot of
OutTypes l' -> l++l'
_ -> error "something went very wrong!!"
ots' = foldl concatTypes [] ots
in if null ots' then flags' else (OutTypes ots'):flags'