Encoders.hs revision 215d42ce4d6397a453d5887292bc786e8fa9c1a2
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fth -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
-- |
-- Module : Text.XML.Serializer.Encoders
-- Copyright : (c) Simon Foster 2006
-- License : GPL version 2 (see COPYING)
-- Maintainer : S.Foster@dcs.shef.ac.uk
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (ghc >= 6 only)
-- Some default encoders for GXS. Includes mostly serializers for abstract types, such
-- as lists etc.
-- @This file is part of HAIFA.@
-- @HAIFA is free software; you can redistribute it and\/or modify it under the terms of the
-- GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.@
-- @HAIFA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
-- even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
-- GNU General Public License for more details.@
-- @You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with HAIFA; if not,
-- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA@
module Text.XML.Serializer.Encoders where
import Text.XML.Serializer.Core
import Text.XML.Serializer.Derive
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Util
import Text.XML.HXT.Aliases
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Generics2
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.DynamicMap
import Data.Array hiding (inRange)
import Network.URI
import qualified Data.Array as Array
import Debug.Trace as DB
-- A note to the world - no it isn't nice to have to declare XSD Types here as we shouldn't depend on XSD. But I've no choice, the alternative is
-- to use a bizarre hook system which I tried in haifa previously, and was rather difficult to use.
xsdTypeKey = newDynamicKey "xsdTypeKey" (undefined::QName)
instance XMLNamespace XmlTree where
containsNamespaces (NTree t s) = (case t of
XTag (QN _ _ ns) as -> (maybe [] (:[]) (parseURIReference ns))
++ (concat $ map containsNamespaces as)
XPi (QN _ _ ns) as -> (maybe [] (:[]) (parseURIReference ns))
++ (concat $ map containsNamespaces as)
XAttr (QN _ _ ns) -> (maybe [] (:[]) (parseURIReference ns))
_ -> []
) ++ (concat $ map containsNamespaces s)
instance XMLNamespace DTDElem
instance XMLNamespace XNode
$(deriveData [''QName, ''NTree, ''XNode])
$(derive [''AttrSet, ''ElemSet])
instance XMLData XNode
instance XMLData XmlTree
instance XMLData DTDElem
instance XMLData XmlTrees where
xmlEncode dm q x = let nst = map (\(p,ns) -> (p, show ns)) $ lookupDM_D nstKey dm in [SLeaf $ \f -> (applyNamespaceTable nst $$ x)]
xmlDecode q = do s <- get
return $ concat $ map flattenDNode $ particles s
instance XMLNamespace a => XMLNamespace (Maybe a) where
namespaceURI x = x >>= namespaceURI
defaultPrefix = maybe "" defaultPrefix
instance (Data DictXMLData a, Data DictXMLData (Maybe a)) => XMLData (Maybe a) where
toXMLType x = xmlType { elementNames = elementNames xc
, defaultSchema = liftM (setSchemaOccurs occursMaybe) $ defaultSchema xc
, fieldSchema = fieldSchema xc
, xmlMetaData = xmlMetaData xc
where xc = toXMLTypeA (undefined::a)
xmlEncode dm x = maybe [] (xmlEncodeA dm) x
xmlDecode = do s <- get
if (null $ particles s)
then mzero
else do x <- xmlDecodeA
return (Just x)
`mplus` do s <- get
(maybe (return Nothing) return (defaultValue s >>= fromDynamic))
instance XMLNamespace a => XMLNamespace [a] where
namespaceURI x = {-if (null x) then Nothing else-} namespaceURI (undefined::a) --(head x)
containsNamespaces = concat . map containsNamespaces
defaultPrefix x = {-if (null x) then "" else-} defaultPrefix (undefined::a)
-- FIXME : This needs adapting to work with attribute lists too, which are altogether different to element lists.
--instance XMLNamespace Char
--instance XMLData Char
instance (Data DictXMLData [a], Data DictXMLData a) => XMLData [a] where
toXMLType x = if (typeOf x == typeOf "")
then deriveXTypeElem "string" x
else xmlType { elementNames = elementNames xc
, defaultSchema = liftM (setSchemaOccurs occursAny) $ defaultSchema xc
, xmlMetaData = xmlMetaData xc }
where xc = toXMLTypeA (undefined::a)
-- Lists represent particle cardinality, as a the inner lists must be concatenated, since we assume that whatever is inside
-- has cardinality 1
xmlEncode dm x = maybe (concat $ map (xmlEncodeA dm) x) (\x -> [SLeaf $ txt $ stringEscapeXml x]) (cast x)
xmlDecode = if (typeOf (undefined::a) == typeOf 'a')
then readText >>= return . fromJust . cast
else (do s <- get
-- let ne = length (elements s); na = length (attribs s)
mapM (\p -> newReadX s{particles=[p]} xmlDecodeA) (particles s))
{- xmlEncode _ x = [SLeaf $ txt x]
toXMLType = deriveXTypeElem "string"
xmlDecode = readText-}
instance (XMLNamespace a, XMLNamespace b) => XMLNamespace (Either a b) where
namespaceURI = either namespaceURI namespaceURI
defaultPrefix = either defaultPrefix defaultPrefix
instance (Data DictXMLData a, Data DictXMLData b, Data DictXMLData (Either a b)) => XMLData (Either a b) where
toXMLType x = let l = (undefined::a); r = (undefined::b) in
(deriveXMLType x) { defaultSchema = do x <- defaultSchemaA l
y <- defaultSchemaA r
return $ Choice occursOnce [x, y]
xmlEncode dm x = [either (SIndex 1 . xmlEncodeA dm) (SIndex 2 . xmlEncodeA dm ) x]
xmlDecode = do s <- get
if (null $ particles s) then mzero else return ()
case (head $ particles s) of
SIndex 1 t -> put s{particles = t} >> xmlDecodeA >>= return . Left
SIndex 2 t -> put s{particles = t} >> xmlDecodeA >>= return . Right
_ -> (xmlDecodeA >>= return . Right) `mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . Left)
instance XMLNamespace (Union a)
-- We don't actually ever serialize a value of type a:|:b, but we need to be able to prove it because of Dictionary constraints.
-- instance (XMLData h a, XMLData h b, XMLHook h (a :|: b), XMLNamespace (a :|: b)) => XMLData h (a :|: b)
instance (Data DictXMLData (Union a), ShowUnion DictXMLData a (SerializeTree XmlFilter), ReadUnion DictXMLData (StateT ReadXO Maybe) a, TypeIndexOf a, HMapOut (ToXMLConstr h) a XMLType) => XMLData h (Union a) where
xmlEncode dm h x = [SIndex (unionIndex x) $ serializeUnion (undefined::DictXMLData h ()) (Just $ toDyn dm) x]
xmlDecode h = let ctx = (undefined::DictXMLData h ()) in
do s <- get
(i, t) <- partIndex
put s{particles = t}
maybe (deserializeUnion ctx) (\n -> deserializeUnionAt ctx n) i
toXMLConstr q x = xmlConstr { elementNames = if (length names /= length cons) then replicate (length cons) "choice"
else names,
defaultSchema = Just $ Elem occursOnce "choice" Nothing,
fieldSchema =
let ctx = (undefined::DictXMLData h ())
fs = concat $ map (elems . fieldSchema) cons in
listArray (1,length fs) fs,
choiceIndex = unionIndex x
where cons = hMapOut (ToXMLConstr q) (undefined::a)
names = concat $ map elementNames cons
instance Data (DictXMLData h) a => Serializer (DictXMLData h) a (SerializeTree XmlFilter) where
serialize ctx dyn x = xmlEncodeD (dict::DictXMLData h a) (fromMaybe emptyDM (dyn >>= fromDynamic)) x
instance Data (DictXMLData h) a => Deserializer (DictXMLData h) (StateT ReadXO Maybe) a where
deserialize ctx = xmlDecodeD (dict::DictXMLData h a)
instance XMLNamespace HNil
instance XMLNamespace (HCons a l)
instance XMLData HNil where
xmlDecode _ = return HNil
instance (HExtend a e (HCons a e), XMLNamespace (HCons a e), HMapOut (HToXML h) e (SerializeTree XmlFilter), HMapOut (ToXMLConstr h) e XMLConstr) => XMLData (HCons a e) where
xmlEncode dm q x = [SNode (hMapOut (HToXML q dm) x)]
-- This code is mostly adapted from the Core data-type serialization function, except it using tail recursion rather than SYB.
-- FIXME : Add defaulting to Sequences.
xmlDecode = do let xc = toXMLConstrA (undefined::a)
p <- nextParticle
let des = do --(f, d) <- nextField
(n, t) <- partIndex
let n' = fromMaybe 1 n
fs <- if (Array.inRange (bounds $ fieldSchema xc) n') then return $ (fieldSchema xc ! n')
else return []
s <- get
-- Expand the tree one level (assuming cardinality 1)
ext <- if ((null t) || (null fs))
then return t
else case (head t) of
SLeaf (e, a) -> put s{elements = e
, attributes = a} >> parseDTree (Sequence occursOnce fs)
_ -> return t
s <- get
h <- newReadX s{particles = p} (des :: ReadX a)
t <- xmlDecodeA :: ReadX e
return ((h .*. t) :: HCons a e)
toXMLType x = xmlConstr { elementNames = if (length names /= length cons) then replicate (length cons) "sequence"
else names,
defaultSchema = Just $ Elem occursOnce "sequence" Nothing,
fieldSchema =
let ctx = (undefined::DictXMLData h ())
fs = concat $ map (elems . fieldSchema) cons in
listArray (1,1) fs
where cons = hMapOut (ToXMLType q) (undefined::HCons a e)
names = concat $ map elementNames cons
data HToXML h = HToXML h DynamicMap
instance Data (DictXMLData h) a => Apply (HToXML h) a (SerializeTree XmlFilter) where
apply (HToXML q dm) x = xmlEncodeA dm q x
data ToXMLConstr h = ToXMLConstr h
instance Data (DictXMLData h) a => Apply (ToXMLConstr h) a XMLConstr where
apply (ToXMLConstr q) x = toXMLConstrA q x
--instance XMLNamespace AttrSet
--instance XMLData AttrSet where
{- xmlDecode = do s <- get
case (particles s) of
(SLeaf (_, as):_) -> return $ AttrSet $ map (\t -> (qnameOf t, xshow $ getChildren t)) as
_ -> return $ AttrSet []
xmlEncode dm (AttrSet l) = [SNode (map (\(q,t) -> [SLeaf $ qattr q (txt t)]) l)]-}
--instance XMLNamespace ElemSet
--instance XMLData ElemSet where
{- xmlDecode = do s <- get
case (particles s) of
(SLeaf (es, _):_) -> return $ ElemSet $ map (\t -> (qnameOf t, xshow $ getChildren t)) es
_ -> return $ ElemSet []
xmlEncode dm (ElemSet l) = [SNode (map (\(q,t) -> [SLeaf $ qetag q += (txt t)]) l)]-}
instance XMLNamespace (a, b)
instance (Data (DictXMLData) (a, b), Data (DictXMLData) a, Data (DictXMLData) b) => XMLData (a, b) where
xmlEncode dm (a, b) = [SNode [xmlEncodeA dm a, xmlEncodeA dm b]]
xmlDecode = do s <- get
case (particles s) of
(SNode (x:y:_):_) -> do p1 <- newReadX s{particles=x} xmlDecodeA
p2 <- newReadX s{particles=y} xmlDecodeA
return (p1, p2)
_ -> mzero
instance XMLNamespace (a, b, c)
instance (Data (DictXMLData) (a, b, c), Data (DictXMLData) a, Data (DictXMLData) b, Data (DictXMLData) c) => XMLData (a, b, c) where
xmlEncode dm (a, b, c) = [SNode [xmlEncodeA dm a, xmlEncodeA dm b, xmlEncodeA dm c]]
xmlDecode = do s <- get
case (particles s) of
(SNode (x:y:z:_):_) -> do p1 <- newReadX s{particles=x} xmlDecodeA
p2 <- newReadX s{particles=y} xmlDecodeA
p3 <- newReadX s{particles=z} xmlDecodeA
return (p1, p2, p3)
_ -> mzero
instance XMLNamespace (a, b, c, d)
instance (Data (DictXMLData) (a, b, c, d), Data (DictXMLData) a, Data (DictXMLData) b, Data (DictXMLData) c, Data (DictXMLData) d) => XMLData (a, b, c, d) where
xmlEncode dm (a, b, c, d) = [SNode [xmlEncodeA dm a, xmlEncodeA dm b, xmlEncodeA dm c, xmlEncodeA dm d]]
xmlDecode = do s <- get
case (particles s) of
(SNode (n1:n2:n3:n4:_):_) -> do p1 <- newReadX s{particles=n1} xmlDecodeA
p2 <- newReadX s{particles=n2} xmlDecodeA
p3 <- newReadX s{particles=n3} xmlDecodeA
p4 <- newReadX s{particles=n4} xmlDecodeA
return (p1, p2, p3, p4)
_ -> mzero
data U2 a b = U21 a | U22 b deriving Show
data U3 a b c = U31 a | U32 b | U33 c deriving Show
data U4 a b c d = U41 a | U42 b | U43 c | U44 d deriving Show
data U5 a b c d e = U51 a | U52 b | U53 c | U54 d | U55 e deriving Show
data U6 a b c d e f = U61 a | U62 b | U63 c | U64 d | U65 e | U66 f deriving Show
$(derive [''U2, ''U3, ''U4, ''U5, ''U6])
instance XMLNamespace (U2 a b)
instance (Data (DictXMLData) (U2 a b), Data (DictXMLData) a, Data (DictXMLData) b) => XMLData (U2 a b) where
xmlEncode dm (U21 a) = [SIndex 1 $ xmlEncodeA dm a]
xmlEncode dm (U22 b) = [SIndex 2 $ xmlEncodeA dm b]
xmlDecode = do s <- get
(i, t) <- partIndex
put s{particles = t}
(case i of
Just 1 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U21
Just 2 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U22
_ -> mzero) `mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U21)
`mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U22)
toXMLType (U21 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 1 }
toXMLType (U22 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 2 }
instance XMLNamespace (U3 a b c)
instance (Data (DictXMLData) (U3 a b c),
Data (DictXMLData) a,
Data (DictXMLData) b,
Data (DictXMLData) c) => XMLData (U3 a b c) where
xmlEncode dm (U31 a) = [SIndex 1 $ xmlEncodeA dm a]
xmlEncode dm (U32 b) = [SIndex 2 $ xmlEncodeA dm b]
xmlEncode dm (U33 b) = [SIndex 3 $ xmlEncodeA dm b]
xmlDecode = do s <- get
(i, t) <- partIndex
put s{particles = t}
(case i of
Just 1 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U31
Just 2 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U32
Just 3 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U33
_ -> mzero) `mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U31)
`mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U32)
`mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U33)
toXMLType (U31 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 1 }
toXMLType (U32 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 2 }
toXMLType (U33 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 3 }
instance XMLNamespace (U4 a b c d)
instance (Data (DictXMLData) (U4 a b c d),
Data (DictXMLData) a,
Data (DictXMLData) b,
Data (DictXMLData) c,
Data (DictXMLData) d) => XMLData (U4 a b c d) where
xmlEncode dm (U41 a) = [SIndex 1 $ xmlEncodeA dm a]
xmlEncode dm (U42 b) = [SIndex 2 $ xmlEncodeA dm b]
xmlEncode dm (U43 b) = [SIndex 3 $ xmlEncodeA dm b]
xmlEncode dm (U44 b) = [SIndex 4 $ xmlEncodeA dm b]
xmlDecode = do s <- get
(i, t) <- partIndex
put s{particles = t}
(case i of
Just 1 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U41
Just 2 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U42
Just 3 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U43
Just 4 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U44
_ -> mzero) `mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U41)
`mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U42)
`mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U43)
`mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U44)
toXMLType (U41 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 1 }
toXMLType (U42 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 2 }
toXMLType (U43 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 3 }
toXMLType (U44 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 4 }
instance XMLNamespace (U5 a b c d e)
instance (Data (DictXMLData) (U5 a b c d e),
Data (DictXMLData) a,
Data (DictXMLData) b,
Data (DictXMLData) c,
Data (DictXMLData) d,
Data (DictXMLData) e) => XMLData (U5 a b c d e) where
xmlEncode dm (U51 a) = [SIndex 1 $ xmlEncodeA dm a]
xmlEncode dm (U52 b) = [SIndex 2 $ xmlEncodeA dm b]
xmlEncode dm (U53 b) = [SIndex 3 $ xmlEncodeA dm b]
xmlEncode dm (U54 b) = [SIndex 4 $ xmlEncodeA dm b]
xmlEncode dm (U55 b) = [SIndex 5 $ xmlEncodeA dm b]
xmlDecode = do s <- get
(i, t) <- partIndex
put s{particles = t}
(case i of
Just 1 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U51
Just 2 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U52
Just 3 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U53
Just 4 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U54
Just 5 -> xmlDecodeA >>= return . U55
_ -> mzero) `mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U51)
`mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U52)
`mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U53)
`mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U54)
`mplus` (xmlDecodeA >>= return . U55)
toXMLType (U51 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 1 }
toXMLType (U52 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 2 }
toXMLType (U53 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 3 }
toXMLType (U54 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 4 }
toXMLType (U55 _) = xmlType { choiceIndex = 5 }
{- toXMLConstr q x = xmlConstr { elementNames = if (length names /= length cons) then replicate (length cons) "choice"
else names,
defaultSchema = Just $ Elem occursOnce "choice" Nothing,
fieldSchema =
let ctx = (undefined::DictXMLData h ())
fs = concat $ map (elems . fieldSchema) cons in
listArray (1,length fs) fs,
choiceIndex = unionIndex x
where cons = hMapOut (ToXMLConstr q) (undefined::a)
names = concat $ map elementNames cons-}
instance XMLData Int where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXTypeElem "int"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
instance XMLNamespace Int
data Thing = Thing (U2 [Int] Int) deriving Show
$(derive [''Thing])
instance XMLNamespace Thing
instance XMLData Thing where
toXMLType _ = xmlType { fieldSchema = array (1, 1) [(1, [Choice occursOnce [Elem occursOnce "p1" Nothing, Elem occursOnce "p2" Nothing]])] }