Aliases.hs revision d0279930f87bf39843e0bd2992a4789322662144
{-# OPTIONS -fth -cpp #-}
-- |
-- Module : Text.XML.HXT.Aliases
-- Copyright : (c) Simon Foster 2006
-- License : GPL version 2 (see COPYING)
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (ghc >= 6 only)
-- A set of utils and aliases for HXT.
-- @This file is part of HAIFA.@
-- @HAIFA is free software; you can redistribute it and\/or modify it under the terms of the
-- GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.@
-- @HAIFA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
-- even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
-- GNU General Public License for more details.@
-- @You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with HAIFA; if not,
-- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA@
module Text.XML.HXT.Aliases
( module Text.XML.HXT.Aliases
, module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.QualifiedName
) where
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.QualifiedName
import Network.HTTP
import Network.URI
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Control.Exception as CE
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
-- | Shorthand, got fed up of typing hasLocalPart over and over.
hasLP :: String -> XmlFilter
hasLP = hasLocalPart
-- | Parse the XML file given by the String, does not do DTD validation as it doesn't seem to work when trying to parse XML Schema Schema.
parseXML :: String -> IO (Maybe XmlTrees)
parseXML t = do
let x =
liftMf transfAllCharRef -}
liftF canonicalizeAllNodes -- Remove Header and bits we aren't interested in
liftF propagateNamespaces -- Propogate namespace URIs down the tree
liftF (removeDocWhiteSpace)
liftF (getChildren)
) (head $ tag "/" [] [mkXText t] emptyRoot)
t <- run' x
return $ if (null t) then Nothing else Just t
-- | Print an XML Tree to stdout
putXML :: XmlTrees -> IO ()
putXML = putStrLn . xmlTreesToString
-- | Given a URI, return a parse XmlTrees
getXML :: URI -> IO (Maybe XmlTrees)
getXML u = do h <- CE.catch (simpleHTTP (Request u GET [] "")) (\x -> return $ Left undefined)
case h of
Left _ -> return Nothing
Right x -> parseXML (rspBody x)
-- | Empty QName
nullQN :: QName
nullQN = QN "" "" ""
-- | If the the two QNames have the same local parts and namespace URI they are equivelant
-- although not equal.
equalQN :: QName -> QName -> Bool
equalQN q1 q2 = (localPart q1) `equalURL` (localPart q2) && (namespaceUri q1) `equalURL` (namespaceUri q2)
-- | Tests two urls as Strings for equality, strip slashes and normalize
equalURL :: String -> String -> Bool
equalURL s1 s2 = ((map toLower $ stripSlash s1) == (map toLower $ stripSlash s2))
-- | Remove a trailing slash from a string if one exists.
stripSlash :: String -> String
stripSlash "" = ""
stripSlash s
| (last s == '/') = init s
| otherwise = s
-- | Tries it's best to resolve\/fully qualify a QName by filling in missing fields, if possible. Will
-- also correct the prefix if incorrect.
resolveQName :: NamespaceTable -> QName -> QName
resolveQName _ q@(QN "" l "") = q
resolveQName nt (QN "" l u) = let p = fromMaybe "" $ lookup u (map (\(x,y)->(y,x)) nt) in QN p l u
resolveQName nt (QN p l "") = let u = fromMaybe "" $ lookup p nt in QN p l u
resolveQName nt (QN _ l u) = resolveQName nt (QN "" l u)
-- | Get the namespace prefix\/uri mapping table from a given XML Tree.
getNamespaceTable :: XmlTree -> NamespaceTable
getNamespaceTable t = map (\x -> ((localPartOf x),(xmlTreesToString (getChildren x)))) (getNSTableAux t)
getNSTableAux t = topNS ++ otherNS
topNS = ((getAttrl .> isOfAttr ((\(px, lp) -> (px == "xmlns" && lp /= ":")) . span (/= ':') . aName)) t)
otherNS = (concat (map getNSTableAux (getChildren t)))
getAllNamespaces :: XmlTree -> [String]
getAllNamespaces (NTree t s) = (case t of
XTag (QN _ _ ns) as -> ns : (concat $ map getAllNamespaces as)
XPi (QN _ _ ns) as -> ns : (concat $ map getAllNamespaces as)
XAttr (QN _ _ ns) -> [ns]
_ -> []
) ++ (concat $ map getAllNamespaces s)
-- | Generated a new namespacetable for an XML Tree
generateNamespaceTable :: XmlTrees -> NamespaceTable
generateNamespaceTable ts = zipWith (\ns n -> ("tns"++show n, ns)) (nub $ filter (not.null) $ concat $ map getAllNamespaces ts) [0..]
-- | Top-down replacement of all element and attribute namespace prefixes.
applyNamespaceTable :: NamespaceTable -> XmlFilter
applyNamespaceTable nst = (processTopDown $ (modifyQName (resolveQName nst) .> processAttr (modifyQName (resolveQName nst))) `when` isXTag)
-- FIXME: Why does modifyQName in HXT not echo content without a QName, deleting it instead?
modifyQName' :: (TagName -> TagName) -> XmlFilter
modifyQName' f (NTree (XTag n al) cs) = [NTree (XTag (f n) al) cs]
modifyQName' f (NTree (XPi n al) cs) = [NTree (XPi (f n) al) cs]
modifyQName' f (NTree (XAttr n) cs) = [NTree (XAttr (f n) ) cs]
modifyQName' _ x = [x]
declareNamespaces :: NamespaceTable -> XmlFilter
declareNamespaces = cat . map (\(p, ns)->attr ("xmlns:"++p) (txt ns))
parseQName :: String -> QName
parseQName x = let sp = span (/= ':') x in
if (null $ snd sp) then (QN "" (fst sp) "")
else (QN (fst sp) (tail $ snd sp) "")
parseUName :: String -> QName
parseUName x = let sp = span (/= '}') x in
if (null $ snd sp) then (QN "" (fst sp) "")
else (QN "" (tail $ snd sp) (tail $ fst sp))
-- | Remove all namespace prefix declarations from a tree
removeNamespaceDecs :: XmlFilter
removeNamespaceDecs = (processTopDown $ processAttr (none `when` hasPrefix "xmlns"))
qnameOf :: XmlTree -> QName
qnameOf t = (QN (prefixOf t) (localPartOf t) (namespaceOf t))
hasAttrValue :: String -> (String -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
hasAttrValue a p t
| (not . null) att
p val
= [t]
| otherwise
= []
att = getAttrl .> isAttr a $ t
val = xshow . getChildren $$ att
hasNsAttrValue :: String -> String -> (String -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
hasNsAttrValue a ns p t
| (not . null) att
p val
= [t]
| otherwise
= []
att = getAttrl .> hasLocalPart a .> hasNamespace ns $ t
val = xshow . getChildren $$ att
insertAttrl :: XmlTrees -> XmlFilter
insertAttrl al (NTree (XTag n _al) cs) = [ NTree (XTag n (_al++al)) cs ]
insertAttrl al (NTree (XPi n _al) cs) = [ NTree (XPi n (_al++al)) cs ]
insertAttrl _ _ = []
modifyNsAttr :: String -> String -> (String -> String) -> XmlFilter
modifyNsAttr an ns f
= processAttr (modifyValue `when` isNsAttr an ns)
modifyValue = modifyChildren ((modifyText f $$) . xmlTreesToText)
-- FIXME : This should be done properly via lazy IO.
resolveHREFs :: XmlFilter
resolveHREFs t = resolveHREFsRoot t t
resolveHREFsRoot :: XmlTree -> XmlFilter
resolveHREFsRoot t = (processTopDown (iff (hasAttr "href") (resolveHREF t) this))
resolveHREF :: XmlTree -> XmlFilter
resolveHREF rt t = let ref = xshow $ (getAttrl .> hasLocalPart "href" .> getChildren) t
href = case ref of
('#':h) -> h
x -> x
cont = (multi $ hasAttrValue "id" ((==) href)) rt
elms = (getChildren .> resolveHREFsRoot rt) $$ cont
attr = getAttrl $$ cont in
(replaceChildren elms .> insertAttrl attr .> del1Attr "href" .> del1Attr "id") t
xmlParse s = xparse $ mkRootTree [] $ xread s
-- | Perform full canonicalization of an XML Tree.
xparse = transfAllCharRef .>
canonicalizeAllNodes .>
propagateNamespaces .>
removeDocWhiteSpace .>
resolveBaseURIs :: [(String, String)] -> String -> XmlFilter
resolveBaseURIs as u t = let b = xshow $ getNsValue "base" xmlNamespace t
u' | (null b) = u
| (isRelativeReference b) = maybe "" show (do r1 <- parseURIReference b
r2 <- parseURIReference u
r1 `nonStrictRelativeTo` r2)
| otherwise = b
f = seqF $ map (\(l,ns) -> modifyNsAttr l ns (u ++)) as
in processChildren (resolveBaseURIs as u' .> f) t
getXMLFragment :: String -> String -> XmlStateFilter state
getXMLFragment lp ns = getFragment
getFragment t = (getWellformedDoc .>> liftF xparse .>> liftF p) t'
where uri = fromMaybe nullURI $ parseURI $ xshow $ getValue "source" t
p = fromMaybe this (return $ if (null $ uriFragment uri)
then this
else (multi $ hasNsAttrValue lp ns ((==) (uriFragment uri))))
t' = head $ modifyAttr "source" (const $ show uri{uriFragment=""}) t
modifyOfAttr :: (AttrName -> Bool) -> (String -> String) -> XmlFilter
modifyOfAttr p f
= processAttr (modifyValue `when` isOfAttr p)
modifyValue = modifyChildren ((modifyText f $$) . xmlTreesToText)
-- Instances of Lift for HXT XML Tree data-types
#ifndef __HADDOCK__
instance Lift a => Lift (NTree a) where
lift (NTree n ts) = [| NTree n ts |]
instance Lift QName where
lift (QN p l n) = [| QN p l n |]
instance Lift XNode where
lift (XText s) = [| XText s |]
lift (XCharRef i) = [| XCharRef i |]
lift (XEntityRef s) = [| XEntityRef s |]
lift (XCmt s) = [| XCmt s |]
lift (XCdata s) = [| XCdata s |]
lift (XPi q ts) = [| XPi q ts |]
lift (XTag q ts) = [| XTag q ts |]
lift (XDTD d as) = [| XDTD d as |]
lift (XAttr q) = [| XAttr q |]
lift (XError i s) = [| XError i s |]
instance Lift DTDElem where
lift DOCTYPE = [| DOCTYPE |]
lift ELEMENT = [| ELEMENT |]
lift CONTENT = [| CONTENT |]
lift ATTLIST = [| ATTLIST |]
lift ENTITY = [| ENTITY |]
lift PENTITY = [| PENTITY |]
lift NAME = [| NAME |]
lift PEREF = [| PEREF |]