XMLSchema.hs revision c2a4d8ae266aa37cc922eba97077520229a19902
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fth -fallow-undecidable-instances -fcontext-stack60 #-}
-- |
-- Module : Org.W3.N2001.XMLSchema
-- Copyright : (c) Simon Foster 2006
-- License : GPL version 2 (see COPYING)
-- Maintainer : S.Foster@dcs.shef.ac.uk
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (ghc >= 6 only)
-- An equivelant module for http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema schema and the data-types therein.
-- This is just a shell right now, providing a small number of types and the namespace. This
-- should eventually provide all the data-types required to parse a Schema.
-- This is a work in progress. It certainly won't be able to parse any schema thrown at it
-- yet.
-- @This file is part of HAIFA.@
-- @HAIFA is free software; you can redistribute it and\/or modify it under the terms of the
-- GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.@
-- @HAIFA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
-- even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
-- GNU General Public License for more details.@
-- @You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with HAIFA; if not,
-- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA@
module Org.W3.N2001.XMLSchema ( Int, Long, String, Decimal, Float, Double, Boolean, Duration, HexBinary, AnyURI, QName, XSDType(..), Base64Binary(..)
, Element(..), ComplexType(..), Sequence(..), Group(..), Choice(..), ComplexContent(..)
, SimpleContent(..), All(..), Attribute(..), AttributeGroup(..), Schema(..), ComplexRestriction(..)
, ComplexExtension(..)
, simpleElement, simpleComplexType, Any
, deriveXSDType) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Char
import Data.Char
import Network.URI
import qualified Text.XML.Serializer as GXS
import Text.XML.Serializer.Core
import Text.XML.Serializer.Derive
import Text.XML.Serializer.Datatypes hiding (Choice, Sequence)
import Text.XML.Serializer.Encoders
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser hiding (choice)
import Text.XML.HXT.Aliases
import Control.Monad
import Data.Generics2 hiding (ID)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Dynamic
import System.Time
import qualified Network.HTTP.Base64 as Base64
import Numeric
import Data.DynamicMap
tns = parseURI "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
prefix = "xsd"
class XSDType a where
xsdType :: a -> [String]
xsdType _ = []
type NCName = String
type ID = String
type Decimal = Prelude.Double
type Duration = System.Time.CalendarTime
type Boolean = Bool
type Long = Int64
-- This makes life easy, because most types already have the right names, they just need the first letter lowercase.
-- instance Typeable a => XSDType a where xsdType x = [(\x -> (toLower $ head x):tail x) $ show $ typeOf x]
-- Qualify ground types
$(qualifyP [''Bool, ''Int, ''Double, ''Int64, ''CalendarTime, ''Float, ''Integer
, ''Int8, ''Int16, ''Word8, ''Word16, ''Word32, ''Word64] "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" "xsd")
-- Have to derive this manually
instance XMLNamespace Char where
namespaceURI _ = tns
defaultPrefix _ = prefix
-- Instances where we need to do it explicitly
instance XSDType a => XSDType [a] where xsdType = concat . map xsdType
instance XSDType a => XSDType (Maybe a) where xsdType = xsdType . fromJust
-- Query type case for a String
instance XSDType String where xsdType _ = ["string"]
instance XMLData Char
deriveXSDType t x = (deriveXTypeElem t x) { xmlMetaData = addToDM (QN prefix t (show $ fromJust tns)) xsdTypeKey emptyDM }
setXSDType (n, ns) x = x { xmlMetaData = addToDM (QN "" n ns) xsdTypeKey (xmlMetaData x) }
setXSDTypeE (n, ns) = [| setXSDTypeE (n, ns) |]
-- Signed numeric types
instance XSDType Int64 where xsdType _ = ["long"]
instance XMLData Long where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "long"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
instance XSDType Int where xsdType _ = ["int"]
instance XMLData Int where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "int"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
instance XSDType Int16 where xsdType _ = ["short"]
instance XMLData Int16 where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "short"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
instance XSDType Int8 where xsdType _ = ["byte"]
instance XMLData Int8 where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "byte"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
instance XSDType Integer where xsdType _ = ["integer"]
instance XMLData Integer where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "integer"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
-- Unsigned numeric types
instance XSDType Word64 where xsdType _ = ["unsignedLong"]
instance XMLData Word64 where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "unsignedLong"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
instance XSDType Word32 where xsdType _ = ["unsignedInt"]
instance XMLData Word32 where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "unsignedInt"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
instance XSDType Word16 where xsdType _ = ["unsignedShort"]
instance XMLData Word16 where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "unsignedShort"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
instance XSDType Word8 where xsdType _ = ["unsignedByte"]
instance XMLData Word8 where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "unsignedByte"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
instance XSDType Float where xsdType _ = ["float"]
instance XMLData Float where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "float"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
instance XSDType Double where xsdType _ = ["double"]
instance XMLData Double where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "double"
xmlDecode = decodeViaRead
instance XSDType Bool where xsdType _ = ["boolean"]
instance XMLData Bool where
xmlEncode _ x = [SLeaf $ txt (if x then "true" else "false")]
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "boolean"
xmlDecode = readText >>= \x -> case x of
"true" -> return True
"false" -> return False
"1" -> return True
"0" -> return False
_ -> mzero
instance (XSDType a, XSDType b) => XSDType (Either a b) where xsdType x = either xsdType xsdType x
instance Data ctx URI => XMLData ctx URI where xmlEncode _ uri = [[txt $ show uri]]
instance Data ctx String => XMLNamespace ctx String where
defaultPrefix _ _ = prefix
namespaceURI _ _ = tns
instance (XMLNamespace ctx a, XSDType ctx a) => ElementName ctx a where
elementName ctx x = (head $ xsdType ctx x)
3.2.7 dateTime
3.2.8 time
type Date = System.Time.CalendarTime
3.2.10 gYearMonth
3.2.11 gYear
3.2.12 gMonthDay
3.2.13 gDay
3.2.14 gMonth
data HexBinary = Hex{fromHex::Int} deriving (Show)
data Base64Binary = Base64{fromBase64::[Word8]} deriving Show
$(qualifyP [''HexBinary, ''URI, ''URIAuth, ''Base64Binary] "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" "xsd")
$(derive [''HexBinary, ''Base64Binary])
$(deriveData [''URI, ''URIAuth])
instance XSDType HexBinary where xsdType _ = ["hexBinary"]
instance XMLData HexBinary where
xmlEncode _ x = [SLeaf $ txt $ showHex (fromHex x) ""]
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "hexBinary"
xmlDecode = do x <- readText
return $ Hex $ read $ (++) "0x" x
type AnyURI = URI
instance XSDType URI where xsdType _ = ["anyURI"]
instance XMLData URIAuth
instance XMLData URI where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "anyURI"
xmlDecode = do x <- readText
maybe mzero return (parseURIReference x) -- I'm being lenient with what I class as a URI.
instance XSDType QName where xsdType _ = ["QName"]
instance XMLNamespace QName where
namespaceURI _ = parseURI "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
containsNamespaces (QN _ _ ns) = maybeToList (parseURIReference ns)
defaultPrefix _ = "xsd"
instance XMLData QName where
xmlEncode dm (QN _ l ns) = let nst = lookupDM_D nstIKey dm
p = maybe "" (\x->x++":") $ parseURIReference ns >>= \u -> lookup u nst in
[SLeaf $ txt $ p++l]
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "QName"
xmlDecode = do s <- get
let nst = lookupDM_D nstKey $ dynMap s
x <- readText
let sp = span (/= ':') x
if (null $ snd sp) then return $ (QN "" (fst sp) "")
else let p = fst sp
ns = fromMaybe "" (lookup p nst >>= return . show) in
return $ (QN p (tail $ snd sp) ns)
instance XSDType Base64Binary where xsdType _ = ["base64Binary"]
instance XMLData Base64Binary where
xmlEncode dm x = [SLeaf $ txt $ Base64.encode $ fromBase64 x]
toXMLType = deriveXSDType "base64Binary"
-- FIXME: Base64's decode really should be done in a monad to make it safer.
xmlDecode = do t <- readText
return $ Base64 $ Base64.decode t
xsdTypes = [(typeOf (undefined::Int) , ["int"])
,(typeOf (undefined::String) , ["string"])
,(typeOf (undefined::Float) , ["float"])
,(typeOf (undefined::Double) , ["double"])
,(typeOf (undefined::Long) , ["long"])
,(typeOf (undefined::Short) , ["short"])
,(typeOf (undefined::Byte) , ["byte"])
,(typeOf (undefined::Bool) , ["bool"])
,(typeOf (undefined::QName) , ["QName"])
,(typeOf (undefined::URI) , ["anyURI"])
,(typeOf (undefined::HexBinary) , ["hexBinary"])
,(typeOf (undefined::Base64Binary) , ["base64Binary"])
3.3.1 normalizedString
3.3.2 token
3.3.3 language
3.3.6 Name
3.3.7 NCName
3.3.8 ID
3.3.9 IDREF
3.3.10 IDREFS
3.3.11 ENTITY
3.3.13 integer
3.3.14 nonPositiveInteger
3.3.15 negativeInteger
3.3.16 long
3.3.17 int
3.3.18 short
3.3.19 byte
3.3.20 nonNegativeInteger
3.3.21 unsignedLong
3.3.22 unsignedInt
3.3.23 unsignedShort
3.3.24 unsignedByte
3.3.25 positiveInteger
Although these are derived types, for now we simply set them as synoyms of their base type. This will remain
if validation based on actual type is not required. (If validation is done on the unprocessed XML document
itself, which is more likely). The other reason to make them individual types is if we required a one-one
mapping between Haskell types and XSD types (which clearly isn't the case with this system). If we do have
to create proper equivelant types, do using type renaming and init major type-classes (Eq, Ord, Num etc.) for
type NormalizedString = String
type Token = NormalizedString
type Language = Token
type NMTOKEN = Token
type NMTOKENS = [Token]
type Name = Token
type IDREF = NCName
type ENTITY = NCName
-- type Integer = Int64
type NonPositiveInteger = Integer
type NegativeInteger = NonPositiveInteger
-- Long is above as Int64
-- Int is above as Int
type Short = Int16
type Byte = Int8
type NonNegativeInteger = Word64
type UnsignedLong = Word64
type UnsignedInt = Word32
type UnsignedShort = Word16
type UnsignedByte = Word8
type PositiveInteger = NonNegativeInteger
abstract = boolean : false
block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))
default = string
final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
fixed = string
form = (qualified | unqualified)
id = ID
maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded) : 1
minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
name = NCName
nillable = boolean : false
ref = QName
substitutionGroup = QName
type = QName
{any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
Content: (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
data ERS = Extension | Restriction | Substitution deriving Show
data AllOr a = A_All | A_Or a deriving Show
instance XMLNamespace a => XMLNamespace (AllOr a) where
namespaceURI _ = namespaceURI (undefined::a)
data Qualification = Qualified | Unqualified deriving Show
data Annotation = Annotation deriving Show
data SimpleType = SimpleType deriving Show
--data ComplexType = ComplexType deriving Show
data KeyType = KeyType deriving Show
type AllOrERS = AllOr ERS
$(derive [''UpperBound])
instance XMLData UpperBound where
xmlEncode = encodeViaShow
toXMLType = deriveXMLType
xmlDecode = do x <- readText
if ((map toLower x)=="unbounded") then return $ Unbounded
else do i <- lift $ readM x
return (Bounded i)
-- Main XML Schema Types --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Schema = Schema { schema_types :: [ComplexType]
, schema_targetNamespace :: Maybe URI } deriving Show
emptySchema :: Schema
emptySchema = Schema [] Nothing
data Element = Element { -- Attributes
element_abstract :: Maybe Bool
, element_block :: Maybe String -- (AllOr ERS)
, element_default :: Maybe String
, element_final :: Maybe String -- (AllOr ERS)
, element_fixed :: Maybe String
, element_form :: Maybe String -- Qualification
, element_id :: Maybe ID
, element_maxOccurs :: Maybe UpperBound
, element_minOccurs :: Maybe LowerBound
, element_name :: NCName
, element_nillable :: Maybe Bool
, element_ref :: Maybe QName
, element_substitutionGroup :: Maybe QName
, element_type :: Maybe QName
-- Elements
, element_annotation :: Maybe Annotation
, element_innerType :: Maybe (U2 SimpleType ComplexType)
, element_keyType :: Maybe [KeyType]
} deriving Show
instance Cardinality Element where
getCardinality e = (fromMaybe 1 (element_minOccurs e), fromMaybe (Bounded 1) (element_maxOccurs e))
simpleElement n t c = Element Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just $ maxOccurs c) (Just $ minOccurs c) n Nothing Nothing Nothing t Nothing Nothing Nothing
abstract = boolean : false
block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
id = ID
mixed = boolean : false
name = NCName
{any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
Content: (annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent | ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))))
data ComplexType =
ComplexType { ctype_abstract :: Maybe Bool
, ctype_block :: Maybe String --(AllOr ERS)
, ctype_final :: Maybe String --(AllOr ERS)
, ctype_id :: Maybe ID
, ctype_mixed :: Maybe Boolean
, ctype_name :: Maybe NCName
, ctype_annotation :: Maybe Annotation
, ctype_content :: U3 SimpleContent
((U4 Group All Choice Sequence)
,[U2 Attribute AttributeGroup])
} deriving Show
simpleComplexType :: NCName -> U4 Group All Choice Sequence -> [U2 Attribute AttributeGroup] -> ComplexType
simpleComplexType n c a = ComplexType Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just n) Nothing (U33 (c, a))
data Group = Group deriving Show
data All = All { all_id :: Maybe ID
, all_minOccurs :: Maybe LowerBound
, all_maxOccurs :: Maybe UpperBound
, all_annotation :: Maybe Annotation
, all_content :: [Element]
} deriving Show
data Any = Any deriving Show
data Attribute = Attribute { attr_default :: Maybe String
, attr_fixed :: Maybe String
, attr_form :: Maybe String -- Qualification
, attr_id :: Maybe ID
, attr_name :: Maybe NCName
, attr_ref :: Maybe QName
, attr_type :: Maybe QName
, attr_use :: Maybe String -- Use
, attr_anyAttr :: AttrSet
, attr_annotation :: Maybe Annotation
, attr_simpleType :: Maybe SimpleType
} deriving Show
data AttributeGroup = AttributeGroup deriving Show
data Sequence = Sequence { seq_minOccurs :: Maybe LowerBound
, seq_maxOccurs :: Maybe UpperBound
, seq_content :: [U5 Element Group Choice Sequence Any]
} deriving Show
instance Cardinality Sequence where
getCardinality e = (fromMaybe 1 (seq_minOccurs e), fromMaybe (Bounded 1) (seq_maxOccurs e))
data Choice = Choice { cho_minOccurs :: Maybe LowerBound
, cho_maxOccurs :: Maybe UpperBound
, cho_content :: [U5 Element Group Choice Sequence Any]
} deriving Show
instance Cardinality Choice where
getCardinality c = (fromMaybe 1 (cho_minOccurs c), fromMaybe (Bounded 1) (cho_maxOccurs c))
data SimpleContent = SimpleContent { scont_id :: Maybe ID
, scont_annotation :: Maybe Annotation
, scont_content :: U2 SimpleRestriction SimpleExtension
} deriving Show
data SimpleRestriction = SimpleRestriction deriving Show
data SimpleExtension = SimpleExtension deriving Show
data ComplexContent = ComplexContent { ccont_id :: Maybe ID
, ccont_mixed :: Maybe Boolean
, ccont_annotation :: Maybe Annotation
, ccont_content :: U2 ComplexRestriction ComplexExtension
} deriving Show
data ComplexRestriction =
ComplexRestriction { cres_base :: QName
, cres_id :: Maybe ID
, cres_annotation :: Maybe Annotation
, cres_content :: (Maybe (U4 Group All Choice Sequence)
,[U2 Attribute AttributeGroup]
} deriving Show
data ComplexExtension =
ComplexExtension { cext_base :: QName
, cext_id :: Maybe ID
, cext_annotation :: Maybe Annotation
, cext_content :: (Maybe (U4 Group All Choice Sequence)
,[U2 Attribute AttributeGroup]
} deriving Show
-- XML Schema Serializers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Qualify all Schema elements.
$(qualifyP [ ''Element, ''Annotation, ''SimpleType, ''ComplexType
, ''Qualification, ''ERS, ''KeyType, ''Group, ''All
, ''Choice, ''Sequence, ''SimpleContent, ''ComplexContent
, ''Any, ''Attribute, ''AttributeGroup, ''Schema
, ''SimpleRestriction, ''SimpleExtension, ''ComplexRestriction
, ''ComplexExtension] "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" "xsd")
$(derive [''Element, ''AllOr, ''ComplexType, ''Sequence, ''Group, ''Choice, ''SimpleType, ''Annotation, ''Schema, ''SimpleContent, ''ComplexContent, ''ComplexExtension, ''ComplexRestriction, ''Attribute, ''All])
$(xmlify [''Qualification, ''ERS, ''KeyType, ''Any, ''AttributeGroup, ''SimpleRestriction, ''SimpleExtension ] [])
instance XMLData Schema where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ [elmN occursAny "complexType", atr "targetNamespace"] tns
, defaultSchema = Just $ Elem occursOnce "schema" tns
, elementNames = ["schema"]
, isInterleaved = True
instance XMLData Attribute where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ ((map atr ["default", "fixed", "form", "id", "name", "ref",
"type", "use"]) ++
[anyAtr AnyNS,
elmN occursMaybe "annotation",
elmN occursMaybe "simpleType"]) tns
, elementNames = ["attribute"]
instance XMLData SimpleContent where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ ([ atr "id"
, elmN occursMaybe "annotation"
, choiceN occursOnce [ elm "restriction"
, elm "extension" ]
]) tns
, elementNames = ["simpleContent"]
instance XMLData ComplexContent where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ ([ atr "id"
, atr "mixed"
, elmN occursMaybe "annotation"
, choiceN occursOnce [ elm "restriction"
, elm "extension" ]
]) tns
, elementNames = ["complexContent"]
instance XMLData ComplexRestriction where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ [ atr "base"
, atr "id"
, elmN occursMaybe "annotation"
, seqx [choiceN occursMaybe [elm "group",
elm "all",
elm "choice",
elm "sequence"
choiceN occursAny [elm "attribute",
elm "attributeGroup"
] tns
, elementNames = ["restriction"]
instance XMLData ComplexExtension where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ [ atr "base"
, atr "id"
, elmN occursMaybe "annotation"
, seqx [choiceN occursMaybe [elm "group",
elm "all",
elm "choice",
elm "sequence"
choiceN occursAny [elm "attribute",
elm "attributeGroup"
] tns
, elementNames = ["extension"]
instance XMLData Annotation where
xmlDecode = mzero
instance XMLData SimpleType where
xmlDecode = mzero
instance (Data DictXMLData a, XMLNamespace a) => XMLData (AllOr a) where
toXMLType = deriveXMLType
instance XMLData Element where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ ((map atr ["abstract", "block", "default", "final", "fixed", "form",
"id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs", "name", "nillable", "ref",
"substitutionGroup", "type"]) ++
[elmN occursMaybe "annotation",
choiceN occursMaybe [elm "simpleType",
elm "complexType"],
elmN occursMaybe "keyType"]) tns
, elementNames = ["element"]
, defaultValues = [ Just (toDyn (Just False)), Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing
, Just (toDyn (Just (1::Int))), Just (toDyn (Just (1::Int))), Nothing, Just $ toDyn (Just False)]
instance XMLData ComplexType where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ ((map atr ["abstract", "block", "final", "id", "mixed", "name"]) ++
[elmN occursMaybe "annotation",
choice [elm "simpleContent",
elm "complexContent",
seqx [choice [elm "group",
elm "all",
elm "choice",
elm "sequence"
choiceN occursAny [elm "attribute",
elm "attributeGroup"
]) tns
, elementNames = ["complexType"]
instance XMLData Sequence where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ [atr "minOccurs",
atr "maxOccurs",
choiceN occursAny [elm "element",
elm "group",
elm "choice",
elm "sequence",
elm "any"
] tns
, elementNames = ["sequence"]
instance XMLData All where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ [atr "id",
atr "minOccurs",
atr "maxOccurs",
elmN occursMaybe "annotation",
elmN occursAny "element"
] tns
, elementNames = ["all"]
instance XMLData Choice where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ [atr "minOccurs",
atr "maxOccurs",
choiceN occursAny [elm "element",
elm "group",
elm "choice",
elm "sequence",
elm "any"]
] tns
, elementNames = ["choice"]
instance XMLData Group where
toXMLType x =
xmlType { fieldSchema = fieldsQ [atr "minOccurs",
atr "maxOccurs",
choice [elm "element",
elm "group",
elm "choice",
elm "sequence",
elm "any"]] tns
, elementNames = ["group"]
instance XMLNamespace AttrSet
instance XMLData AttrSet where
xmlDecode = do s <- get
case (particles s) of
(SLeaf (_, as):_) -> return $ AttrSet $ map (\t -> (qnameOf t, xshow $ getChildren t)) as
_ -> return $ AttrSet []
xmlEncode dm (AttrSet l) = [SNode (map (\(q,t) -> [SLeaf $ qattr q (txt t)]) l)]
instance XMLNamespace ElemSet
instance XMLData ElemSet where
xmlDecode = do s <- get
case (particles s) of
(SLeaf (es, _):_) -> return $ ElemSet $ map (\t -> (qnameOf t, xshow $ getChildren t)) es
_ -> return $ ElemSet []
xmlEncode dm (ElemSet l) = [SNode (map (\(q,t) -> [SLeaf $ qetag q += (txt t)]) l)]