newmacros.tex revision 9fc726ee81f01ddb1a25cfc6eac7f2f88ef28e58
% == Definitions of frequently used symbolic terms
% short env.s
%\newcommand{\sprop}{\noindent\refstepcounter{ShortProp}\textbf{Proposition\the%ShortProp}. \ }
\newcommand{\sprop}{\noindent\refstepcounter{ShortProp}\textbf{Lemma\theShortProp}. \ }
\newcommand{\propref}[1]{\noindent Lemma \ref{#1}}
\newcommand{\sdef}{\noindent\refstepcounter{ShortDef}\textbf{Definition\theShortDef}. \ }
\newcommand{\defref}[1]{\noindent Definition \ref{#1}}
\newcommand{\intax}{\noindent\refstepcounter{IntAx}\textbf{A\theIntAx}. \ }
\newcommand{\clax}{\noindent\refstepcounter{ClAx}\textbf{A'\theClAx}. \ }
%\newcommand{\Jax}{\noindent\refstepcounter{JAx}\textbf{J\theJAx}. \ }
\newcommand{\Jax}{\noindent\refstepcounter{JAx}\textbf{A\theJAx}. \ }
%end short env.s
\thedefinition] \mbox{ }}%
\thetheorem] \mbox{ }}%
\thelemma] \mbox{ }}%
\item[\textbf{pf: }]}%
\item[\thedee \ \textbf{D}]}%
\item[\text{#1} \ ]}%
\item[\textbf{#1} \theproposition]}%
\newcommand{\escmathcom}[3]{ \newcommand{#1}[#2]{\mbox{#3}}}
% Set theory
%\escmathcom{\eq}{0}{$\ \equiv \ $}
\escmathcom{\eq}{0}{$ \ = \ $}
\escmathcom{\tset}{1}{$\mathcal{#1}$} % short version
\escmathcom{\powerset}{1}{$\wp (#1)$}
% Models and Structures
% Lattice theory
%\escmathcom{\specord}{0}{$\sqsubset_{\mbox{\tiny $\Opens$}}$}
%\escmathcom{\specord}{0}{$\prec_{\mbox{\tiny $\Opens$}}$}
\escmathcom{\rspecord}{0}{$\prec_{\mbox{\tiny $\Regions$}}$}
\escmathcom{\smeet}{0}{$ \ \sqcap \ $}
\escmathcom{\sjoin}{0}{$ \ \sqcup \ $}
\escmathcom{\upclosedA}{1}{$\{ \wt{#1} \upharpoonright \}$}
\escmathcom{\upclosed}{1}{$\{ \wt{#1} \uparrow \}$}
\escmathcom{\pointset}{1}{$ \wt{#1} \uparrow_{\mbox{\tiny $\Regions$}}$}
% Logical symbols
% Spatial IPL2 (heyt13)
% Spatial IPL2 (ARW2001)
% Spatial intuitive relations (ARW2001 slides, fig.)
% Topology
\escmathcom{\Base}{1}{$\phi (\wt{#1})$}
\escmathcom{\sseq}{0}{$ \ \subseteq \ $}
\escmathcom{\nsseq}{0}{$ \ \nsubseteq \ $}
\escmathcom{\qsseq}{0}{$ \ \sqsubseteq \ $}
\escmathcom{\nqsseq}{0}{$ \ \not\sqsubseteq \ $}
\escmathcom{\qsset}{0}{$ \ \sqsubset \ $}
% Names of Logical Systems
% Sets of Expressions
% Semantical Symbolism
\escmathcom{\zIVal}{2}{$\Vert #1 \Vert_{#2}$}
\escmathcom{\zVal}{1}{$\Vert #1 \Vert$}
\escmathcom{\kVal}{1}{$\lceil #1 \rceil$}
\escmathcom{\tModel}{0}{$\vDash \ $}
\escmathcom{\ntModel}{0}{$\nvDash \ $}
\escmathcom{\tpModel}{0}{$\vDash_{+} \ $}
\escmathcom{\intt}{1}{$\Vert #1 \Vert$}
\escmathcom{\eqASSG}{1}{$\sigma' =_{#1} \sigma$}
\escmathcom{\INTa}{2}{$\vert #1 \vert_{#2}$}
\escmathcom{\INTt}{3}{$\Vert #2 \Vert_{#3}^{#1}$}
\escmathcom{\INTk}{3}{$\lceil #2 \rceil_{#3}^{#1}$}
\escmathcom{\TSETR}{2}{$\Vert #1 \Vert_{#2}$}
\escmathcom{\KSETR}{2}{$\lceil #1 \rceil_{#2}$}
% Other symbols
\escmathcom{\FOR}{0}{\textnormal{for all}}
\newcommand{\mathcom}[3]{ \newcommand{#1}[#2]{\mbox{$#3$}}}
\newcommand{\remathcom}[3]{ \renewcommand{#1}[#2]{\mbox{$#3$}}}
\newcommand{\mdef}[2]{ \newcommand{#1}{\mbox{$#2$}} }
\mathcom{\y}{0}{\ \vdash\ } % yeilds
\mathcom{\ys}{0}{\vdash_{\cal S}} % yeilds sub S
\mathcom{\yt}{0}{\vdash_{\theta}} % yeilds sub theta
\mathcom{\absurd}{0}{\mathbf{f}} % absurdity
\mathcom{\imp}{0}{\ \rightarrow\ } % implication arrow
\mathcom{\con}{0}{\ \wedge\ } % conjunction
\mathcom{\dis}{0}{\ \vee\ } % disjunction
\mathcom{\n}{0}{\neg} % negation
\mathcom{\dimp}{0}{\ \leftrightarrow\ } % mat equiv
\mathcom{\corresponds}{0}{\ \Lleftarrow\! \! \Rrightarrow\ }
%%\mathcom{\th}{0}{\theta} % theta
\mathcom{\A}{0}{\forall} % universal quantifier
\mathcom{\E}{0}{\exists} % existential quant
\mathcom{\Dec}{1}{{\cal D}(#1)} % D(#1)
\mathcom{\tuple}{1}{\langle #1 \rangle}
% \mathcom{\equivdef}{0}{\equiv_{\mbox{\em \tiny def}}}
% \mathcom{\eqdef}{0}{=_{\mbox{\em \tiny def}}}
\def\equivdef{\mathrel{\ \equiv_{\mbox{\em \tiny
def}}\ }}
\def\eqdef{\mathrel{\ =_{\mbox{\em \tiny def}}\ }}
% Redeclaration of symbols for intuitionistic logic
% see Diller p.126
% new symbols from amssymb
%Definitions for RCC inserts
\newcommand{\notch}{\Longrightarrow\kern-16pt{/}\ \ \ }
\newcommand{\pr}[1]{\mbox{\sf #1}}
% RCC relations
\mathcom{\Pin}{0}{\pr{Pi}} % \Pi is Greek letter
% Adaptations for new latex compatibility
% meta language in definitions etc
\mathcom{\ml}{1}{\;\;\;\; \mbox{#1} \;\;\;\;}
\mathcom{\Co}{0}{{\cal C}_{0} \ }
\mathcom{\CoX}{0}{{\cal C}_{0}}
\mathcom{\Cop}{0}{{\cal C}_{0}^+ \ }
\mathcom{\CopX}{0}{{\cal C}_{0}^+}
\mathcom{\Lop}{0}{{\cal L}_{0}^+ \ }
\mathcom{\LopX}{0}{{\cal L}_{0}^+}
\def\mlo{\models_{{\mathcal L}_0}}
\def\mlop{\models_{{\mathcal L}_0^+}}
\mathcom{\Ci}{0}{{\cal C}_{1} \ }
\mathcom{\CiX}{0}{{\cal C}_{1}}
\mathcom{\Io}{0}{{\cal I}_{0} \ }
\mathcom{\IoX}{0}{{\cal I}_{0}}
\mathcom{\Iop}{0}{{\cal I}_{0}^+ \ }
\mathcom{\IopX}{0}{{\cal I}_{0}^+}
%%\mathcom{\inter}{1}{\langle #1 \rangle}
\mathcom{\inter}{1}{i( #1 )}
\mathcom{\Maps}{2}{\, _{#1}\!\!\!\rightleftharpoons^{#2} \ }
\mathcom{\uni}{0}{\cal U \, }
\mathcom{\uniX}{0}{\cal U}
\mathcom{\U}{0}{\cal U}
\mathcom{\Lsse}{0}{{\cal L}_{sse}}
\mathcom{\Lssei}{0}{{\cal L}_{ssei}}
\mathcom{\Luse}{0}{{\cal L}_{use}}
\mathcom{\Lusei}{0}{{\cal L}_{usei}}
%% Miscelleneous
% Enclose arguments in square double brackets to
% refer to semantic value of an expression
\def\forces{\mathop{\setbox0=\hbox{$\vdash$}\ \rule{0.04em}{1\ht0}\mkern1.5mu\box0}}
\mathcom{\hence}{0}{\Longrightarrow \hspace{2em}}
\mbox{\raise0.45ex\hbox{\tiny\sf C}}
\mbox{\raise0.2ex\hbox{\small\sf #1}}
\ifdim 1\wd1<1\wd2 %
{ \rlap{\mbox{\kern0.5\wd2\kern-0.5\wd1 \box1}} \box2 }
\else { \rlap{\mbox{$#1$}}
\rlap{\mbox{\kern0.5\wd1\kern-0.5\wd2 \box2}}
\phantom{#1} }
\fi }}
%% Make a modal box with a symbol centred inside
\mbox{\raise0.45ex\hbox{\tiny\em i}}
\mbox{\raise0.4ex\hbox{\tiny\em c}}
\mbox{\raise0.45ex\hbox{\tiny 5}}
\mbox{\raise0.45ex\hbox{\tiny \bf F}}
\divide\dimen0 by 2%
\divide\dimen1 by 2%
\rlap{\vrule width\width height\thickness depth0pt}%
\rlap{\kern\dimen1 \kern-\dimen0%
\vrule width\thickness height\height depth0pt}%
\raise\height\hbox{\vrule width\width height\thickness depth0pt}%
\def\eqtag#1{\eqno ({\bf #1})}
\def\ifff{\qquad \hbox{if and only if} \qquad}
%% Force a math symbol to go into scriptsize
\def\mscriptsize#1{\hbox{\scriptsize $#1$}}
\def\mlarge#1{\hbox{\large $#1$}}
\centerline{\bf #1}
\noindent {\bf Proof of #1:}
\def\proofpar{\\ \hspace*{1.5em}}
%% specify my list parameters
%% These can be overridden by declarations within
%% a document.
% A compact list making environment
{ %\vspace{1ex}
{ \end{list}\addvspace{1ex}
% A compact list making environment
% with -- as the default item tag
{ %\vspace{1ex}
{ \end{list}\addvspace{1ex}
% compact list with wide labels for item tags
{ %\vspace{1ex}
{ \end{list}\addvspace{1ex}
{ %\vspace{1ex}
{ \end{list}\addvspace{1ex}
%% Labelled list environment
\begin{list}{{\bf #1\arabic{#1}})\hspace{1em}}{\usecounter{#1}}
%% Labelled list continued
%% (assumes counter already exists)
\begin{list}{{\bf #1\arabic{#1}})\hspace{1em}}{%
%%% compact versions of llist and llistcont
\begin{list}{{\bf #1\arabic{#1}})}
{ \usecounter{#1}
%% Labelled list continued
%% (assumes counter already exists)
\begin{list}{{\bf #1\arabic{#1}})}{%
%% Define a labelled list type
%% #1 name of control sequence for the list type
%% #2 prefix for numbering
\expandafter\def\csname #1list\endcsname##1{%
\expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname##1{%
\item[{\bf #1})]
{\begin{quotation}\small\noindent }{\end{quotation}}
% Split line displayed formulae
% (not actually an environment)
& #1 & #2 \nonumber \\
& & #3
% Displayed equation with tabbing
{ \begin{equation}
{ \begin{displaymath}
%%% Reinstate \eqalign macros removed by Lamport
\def\eqalign#1{\null \,\vcenter {\openup \jot \m@th
\ialign {\strut \hfil $\displaystyle{##}$&$\displaystyle {{}##}$\hfil
\crcr #1\crcr }}\,}
\def\eqalignno#1{\displ@y \tabskip \centering
\halign to\displaywidth {\hfil $\@lign \displaystyle{##}$\tabskip \z@skip
&$\@lign \displaystyle {{}##}$\hfil \tabskip \centering
&\llap {$\@lign ##$}\tabskip \z@skip \crcr
#1\crcr }}
\def\leqalignno#1{\displ@y \tabskip \centering
\halign to\displaywidth {\hfil $\@lign \displaystyle {##}$\tabskip \z@skip
&$\@lign \displaystyle {{}##}$\hfil \tabskip \centering
&\kern -\displaywidth \rlap {$\@lign ##$}\tabskip \displaywidth \crcr
%%% Define something like \bibliography but only records the
%%% bibfiles (does not input the bbl file)
%%% Define a separate command to input the bbl file.
%% Change indent space allocated by \thebibliography
%% use before \bibliography or \bibliographytext
\long\def\correction#1{\footnote{TO CORRECT: #1}}
\def\question#1{{\bf Question:} {\em #1} }
\long\def\todo#1{{\bf To Do:} {\em #1} }
%% Macro for URLs
%% puts them in tt format and breaks line after dot if needed.
\def\url#1{{\tt \urlsub#1\end}}
%\def\urldot{. \hspace{-1em}\urlsub}
\def\urldot{. \linebreak[1]\hspace\urlspace\urlsub}
\def\urlcolon{: \linebreak[1]\hspace\urlspace\hspace\urlspace\urlsub}
\def\urlslash{/ \linebreak[1]\hspace\urlspace\urlsub}
\def\urlsub#1{\ifx#1\end \let\next=\relax
\else \ifx#1.\let\next=\urldot
\else \ifx#1:\let\next=\urlcolon
\else \ifx#1/\let\next=\urlslash
\else \ifx#1~\let\next=\urltilde
% Input a file in verbatim mode (eg a program file)
%NB: usage: \verbinput{filename}\end{verbatim}
\begin{tabular}{|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline \end{tabular}
\vspace{1ex minus 1ex}
\large \begin{tabular}{c} #1 \end{tabular}
\vspace{1ex minus 1ex}
\large \begin{tabular}{c} #1 \end{tabular}
} }
\vspace{1ex minus 1ex}
\large\bf \begin{tabular}{c} #1 \end{tabular}
} }
\vspace{1ex minus 1ex}
\def\printlandscape{\special{landscape}} % Works with dvips.
\psfig{file=uol.eps,width=#1} %% May look wrong in xdvi
{\large\bf Brandon Bennett}
Division of AI \\
School of Computer Studies \\
University of Leeds\\
Leeds LS2 9JT, England \\
{\tt} \\
\psfig{file=uol.eps,width=0.7in} %% May look wrong in xdvi
\def\nlf{\\ \mbox{} \hfill}
%% special commands for spell checker
\def\dayth{\number\day\ifcase\day \or
st\or nd\or rd\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or
th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or
st\or nd\or rd\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or
\def\monthname{\ifcase\month \or
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi}
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End: