kl.bib revision 30256573a343132354b122097b0ee1215dda1364
Author = {{F}ree {S}oftware {F}oundation},
Title = {Emacs},
Note = {Available at \texttt{http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html}, },
author = {\texttt{http://www.xemacs.org/People/index.html}},
title = {{XE}macs},
note = {Available at \texttt{http://www.xemacs.org/}}
author = {D. Aspinal and S. Berghofer and P. Callaghan and
P. Courtieu and C. Rafalli and M. Wenzel},
title = {{E}macs {P}roof {G}eneral},
note = {Available at \texttt{http://proofgeneral.inf.ed.ac.uk/}}
author = "C. Weidenbach and U. Brahm and T.
Hillenbrand and E. Keen and C. Theobalt and
D. Topic",
title = "{SPASS} Version 2.0",
type = "system description",
editor = "Andrei Voronkov",
booktitle = "Automated Deduction -- {CADE-18}",
year = "2002",
month = jul # " 27-30",
series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
volume = "2392",
publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
ISBN = "3-540-43931-5",
ISSN = "0302-9743",
pages = "275--279",
abstract = "SPASS is an automated theorem prover for full
first-order logic with equality. This system
description provides an overview of recent developments
in SPASS~2.0, including among others an implementation
of contextual rewriting, refinements of the clause
normal form transformation, and enhancements of the
inference engine.",
author = "T. Nipkow and L. C. Paulson and M.
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
title = "Isabelle/{HOL} --- {A} Proof Assistant for
Higher-Order Logic",
year = "2002",
URL = "http://www.link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/tocs/t2283.htm",
crindex = "Fichier",
author = {David Aspinall},
title = {Proof General: A Generic Tool for Proof Development.},
booktitle = {TACAS},
year = {2000},
pages = {38-42},
ee = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/1785/17850038.htm},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/tacas/2000},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
editor = {Susanne Graf and
Michael I. Schwartzbach},
title = {Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems,
6th International Conference, TACAS 2000, Held as Part of
the European Joint Conferences on the Theory and Practice
of Software, ETAPS 2000, Berlin, Germany, March 25 - April
2, 2000, Proceedings},
booktitle = {TACAS},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1785},
year = {2000},
isbn = {3-540-67282-6},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
author = {A. Gangemi and N. Guarino and C. Masolo and A. Oltramari and L. Schneider},
title = {Sweetening {O}ntologies with {\Dolce}},
pages = {166-181},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/ekaw/2002}
editor = {A. G{\'o}mez-P{\'e}rez and
V. R. Benjamins},
title = {Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Ontologies and
the Semantic Web, 13th International Conference, EKAW 2002, Siguenza,
Spain, October 1-4, 2002, Proceedings},
booktitle = {EKAW},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {LNCS},
volume = {2473},
year = {2002},
isbn = {3-540-44268-5},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
author = {K. L{\"u}ttich and T. Mossakowski and B. Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner},
title = {Ontologies for the {S}emantic {W}eb in {CASL}},
year = {2005},
editor = {Jos{\'e} Fiadeiro},
booktitle = {Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 17th International Workshop (WADT 2004)},
publisher = {Springer; Berlin; http://www.springer.de},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {3423},
pages = {106-125},
keywords = {CASL OWL Semantic Web SHOIN(D)},
pdfurl = {http://www.tzi.de/~luettich/papers/owl-casl-dl.pdf},
abstract = {This paper describes a sublanguage of CASL, called CASL-DL, that corresponds to the Web Ontology Language (OWL) being used for the semantic web. OWL can thus benefit from CASL's strong typing discipline and powerful structuring concepts. Vice versa, the automatic decision procedures available for OWL DL (or more precisely, the underlying description logic SHOIN(D)) become available for a sublanguage of CASL. This is achieved via translations between CASL-DL and SHOIN(D), formalized as so-called institution comorphisms.
status = {Reviewed}
author = {T. Berners-Lee and J. Hendler and O. Lassila},
title = {The {S}emantic {W}eb},
journal = {Scientific American},
year = {2001},
month = {May}
editor = {Hartmut Ehrig and
Werner Damm and
J{\"o}rg Desel and
Martin Gro{\ss}e-Rhode and
Wolfgang Reif and
Eckehard Schnieder and
Engelbert Westk{\"a}mper},
title = {Integration of Software Specification Techniques for Applications
in Engineering, Priority Program SoftSpez of the German Research
Foundation (DFG), Final Report},
booktitle = {SoftSpez Final Report},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {3147},
year = {2004},
isbn = {3-540-23135-8},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
editor = {Keijiro Araki and
Andy Galloway and
Kenji Taguchi},
title = {Integrated Formal Methods, Proceedings of the 1st International
Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, IFM 99, York, UK,
28-29 June 1999},
booktitle = {IFM},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {1999},
isbn = {1-85233-107-0},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
editor = {Wolfgang Grieskamp and
Thomas Santen and
Bill Stoddart},
title = {Integrated Formal Methods, Second International Conference,
IFM 2000, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, November 1-3, 2000,
booktitle = {IFM},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1945},
year = {2000},
isbn = {3-540-41196-8},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
editor = {Michael J. Butler and
Luigia Petre and
Kaisa Sere},
title = {Integrated Formal Methods, Third International Conference,
IFM 2002, Turku, Finland, May 15-18, 2002, Proceedings},
booktitle = {IFM},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {2335},
year = {2002},
isbn = {3-540-43703-7},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
editor = {Eerke A. Boiten and
John Derrick and
Graeme Smith},
title = {Integrated Formal Methods, 4th International Conference,
IFM 2004, Canterbury, UK, April 4-7, 2004, Proceedings},
booktitle = {IFM},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {2999},
year = {2004},
isbn = {3-540-21377-5},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
author = {Louise A. Dennis and
Graham Collins and
Michael Norrish and
Richard J. Boulton and
Konrad Slind and
Thomas F. Melham},
title = {The PROSPER toolkit.},
journal = {STTT},
volume = {4},
number = {2},
year = {2003},
pages = {189-210},
ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s100090200076},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
editor = {Thomas Baar and
Alfred Strohmeier and
Ana M. D. Moreira and
Stephen J. Mellor},
title = {UML 2004 - The Unified Modelling Language: Modelling
Languages and Applications. 7th International Conference,
Lisbon, Portugal, October 11-15, 2004. Proceedings},
booktitle = {UML},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {3273},
year = {2004},
isbn = {3-540-23307-5},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
author = {Michael Kohlhase},
title = {{\sc OMDoc}: An Infrastructure for {\sc OpenMath} Content Dictionary
journal = {Bulletin of the ACM Special Interest Group on Symbolic and Automated Mathematics (SIGSAM)},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
pages = {43--48},
year = 2000}
author = {Allen, J. and Hayes, P.},
title = {A Common-Sense Theory of Time},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-85)},
pages = {528--531},
year = 1985,
address = {Los Angeles, CA, USA}
author = {Patrick J. Hayes and James F. Allen},
title = {Short time periods},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-87)},
year = 1987
author = {Ladkin, P.},
title = {Models of axioms for time intervals},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI-87},
pages = {234--239},
year = 1987
author = {Ladkin, Peter B.},
title = {The completeness of a natural system for reasoning
with time intervals},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IJCAI-87},
pages = {462--467},
year = 1987
title = {Process and Reality. An Essay in Cosmology},
publisher = {Macmillan},
year = {1929},
author = {Whitehead, A.~N.},
address = {New York},
author = {J{\"u}rgen Zimmer and
Michael Kohlhase},
editor = {Andrei Voronkov},
title = {System Description: The MathWeb Software Bus for Distributed
Mathematical Reasoning},
booktitle = {18th International Conference on Automated Deduction},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {2392},
year = {2002},
pages = {139-143},
ee = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2392/23920139.htm},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
title = {Modelware},
note = {\url{http://www.modelware-ist.org/}},
author = {Tiziana Margaria and
Ralf Nagel and
Bernhard Steffen},
editor = {Nicolas Halbwachs and
Lenore D. Zuck},
title = {jETI: A Tool for Remote Tool Integration.},
booktitle = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of
Systems, 11th International Conference, TACAS 2005, Held
as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and
Practice of Software, ETAPS 2005, Edinburgh, UK, April 4-8,
2005, Proceedings},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {3440},
year = {2005},
pages = {557-562},
ee = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=article{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3440{\&}spage=557},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
editor = {S. Peyton-Jones},
title = {{Haskell} 98 Language and Libraries ---
The Revised Report},
publisher = {Cambridge},
year = {2003},
note = {also: J.\ Funct.\ Programming {{\bf 13}} (2003)}
author = {Till Mossakowski and Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Markus Roggenbach and Horst Reichel},
title = {Algebraic-co-algebraic specification in {CoCASL}},
journal = {Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming},
keywords = {Algebraic specification coalgebra process algebra CASL CCS CSP.},
pdfurl = {http://www.tzi.de/~lschrode/papers/cocasl.pdf},
psurl = {http://www.tzi.de/~lschrode/papers/cocasl.ps},
abstract = {We introduce CoCASL as a light-weight but expressive coalgebraic extension of the algebraic specification language CASL. CoCASL allows the nested combination of algebraic datatypes and coalgebraic process types. Moreover, it provides syntactic sugar for an observer-indexed modal logic that allows e.g. expressing fairness properties. This logic includes a generic definition of modal operators for observers with structured equational result types. We prove existence of final models for specifications in a format that allows the use of certain initial datatypes, as well as modal axioms. The use of CoCASL is illustrated by specifications of the process algebras CSP and CCS.},
note = {To appear},
status = {Reviewed}
author = "M. Bidoit and P. D. Mosses",
title = "\textsc{Casl} User Manual",
publisher = "Springer",
year = "2004",
series = "LNCS",
volume = "2900",
note = {Free online version available at \url{http://www.cofi.info}},
author = "Markus Roggenbach",
title = "{CSP}-\textsc{Casl} -- {A} New Integration of Process
Algebra and Algebraic Specification",
editor = "A. Nijholt and G. Scollo",
booktitle = "AMiLP-3 -- Third AMAST Workshop on Algebraic Methods
in Language Processing",
year = "2003",
publisher = "TWLT series, University of Twente",
note = "Long version to appear in Theoretical Computer Science",