hs2isa.tex revision c60dd75d214d1b29462ee2262d4e0f468a962450
% File: kri0.tex
% Author: Paolo Torrini <paolot@helios.dai.ed.ac.uk>
% Created: Mon Feb 15 1999
% Use \includegraphics{*.eps} for pictures
\title{Translating Haskell into Isabelle}
\author{Paolo Torrini, Till Mossakowski, Christian Maeder}
\institute {Informatik, Universitaet Bremen}
\abstract{\scriptsize \bf Two partial translations of Haskell into Isabelle
higher-order logics have been implemented as functions of Hets, a
Haskell-based system for proof-management and program development that
allows for integration with other verification tools. Our application can
translate simple Haskell programs to HOLCF and, under stronger restrictions,
to HOL. Both translations use the static analysis of Programatica and are
based on a shallow embedding of denotations.}\\
% The translation of monads uses the AWE extension of Isabelle.}\\
Translations between programming and specification languages, as well as the
corresponding integration of compilers, analyzers and theorem-provers, can
provide useful support to the formal development and verification of programs.
This task involves translating programs to a logic in which requirements can
be expressed, in order to prove the corresponding correctness statements.
Program translation should rest on a formal semantics of the programming
language allowing for proofs that are as easy as possible. In fact, it has
long been argued that functional languages, based on notions closer to
general, mathematical ones, can make the task of proving assertions on them
easier, owing to the relative clarity and simplicity of their semantics
In the following we are presenting automated translations of Haskell programs
into Isabelle higher-order logics that can be justified in terms of
denotational semantics. Haskell is a strongly typed, purely functional
language with lazy evaluation, polymorphic types extended with type
constructor classes, and a syntax for side effects and pseudo-imperative code
based on monadic operators \cite{HaskellRep}. The translations are
implemented as functions of Hets \cite{Hets}, an Haskell-based application
designed to support heterogeneous specification and formal development of
programs. Hets supplies with parsing, static analysis and proof management, as
well as with interfaces to various language-specific tools. As far as
interactive proofs are concerned, it relies on an interface with Isabelle, a
generic theorem-prover written in SML that includes the formalization of
several useful logics \cite{Paulson94isa}. Moreover, Hets relies on
Programatica \cite{Prog04} for the parsing and the static analysis of Haskell
programs. Programatica (built at OGI) is another Haskell-specific system for
formal development and it has a proof management on its own, including a
specification logic and translations to different proof tools, notably to
Isabelle \cite{Huff}, albeit following a different approach from ours (see
Isabelle-HOL (hereafter HOL) is the implementation in Isabelle of classical
higher-order logic based on simply typed lambda calculus extended with
axiomatic type classes. It provides considerable support for reasoning about
programming functions, both in terms of rich libraries and efficient
automation. Since the late nineties, it has essentially superseded FOL
(classical first-order logic) in standard use. HOL has an implementation of
recursive functions based on Knaster-Tarski fixed-point theorem. All functions
are total; partiality may be dealt with by lifting types through the
\emph{option} type constructor.
On the other hand, HOLCF \cite{holcf} is HOL conservatively extended with the
logic of computable functions --- a formalization of domain theory. In HOL,
types --- elements of class \emph{type} --- are just sets; functions may not
be computable, and a recursive function may require discharging proof
obligations already at the stage of definition --- in fact, a specific measure
has to be given for the function to be proved monotonic. In contrast, HOLCF
has each type interpreted as an element of class \emph{pcpo} (pointed complete
partially ordered sets) i.e. as a set with a partial order which is closed
w.r.t. $\omega$-chains and has a bottom. In particular, the Isabelle
formalization of HOLCF is based on axiomatic type classes \cite{Wenzel},
making it possible to deal with complete partial orders in quite an abstract
Domain theory offers a good basis for the semantical analysis of programming
languages. All functions defined over domains, including partial ones, are
continuous, therefore computable. Recursion can be expressed in terms of
least fixed-point operator, and so, in contrast with HOL, function definition
does not depend on proofs. Nevertheless, proving theorems may turn out to be
comparatively hard. After being spared the need to discharge proof
obligations at the stage of giving definitions, one has to bear with
assumptions over the continuity of functions while actually carrying out the
proofs. A standard strategy to get the best out of the two systems, is to
define as much as possible in HOL, using HOLCF type constructors to lift types
only when this is necessary.
Translations can depend on the expressiveness of the target logic. As
examples, the translations into FOL of Miranda
\cite{Thompson95,Thompson89,Thompson95b} and Haskell \cite{Thompson92}, both
based on large-step operational semantics, appear to struggle with
higher-order features such as currying. The translation of Haskell to the Agda
implementation of Martin-Loef type theory in \cite{Abel} seems to struggle
with Haskell polymorphism. Higher-order logic may in fact quite help overcome
such obstacles. It also allows for higher-level approaches based on
denotational semantics, such as already proposed in \cite{Huff} for a
translation of Haskell into HOLCF, and in \cite{Pollack} for a translation of
ML into HOL. By using denotational semantics, one may hope to give
representations of programs that are closer to their specification, and to
give proofs that are relatively more abstract and general.
A shallow embedding into a logical language is one that relies heavily on its
extra-logical features, possibly taking advantage of built-in packages
provided with the implementation of that language, particularly with respect
to types and recursion. On the contrary, a deep embedding relies on the
logical definition of all the relevant notions. This may give a plus in
semantical clarity and possibly, provided the logic is expressive enough, in
generality as well. Taking advantage of built-in features, on the other hand,
may help make theorem proving less specific and tedious.
The translation of ML in \cite{Pollack} based on the definition of a class of
types with bottom elements in HOL gives an example of the deep sort. The
translation of Haskell to HOLCF proposed in \cite{Huff} relies on a generic
formalization of domain theory and particularly on the \emph{fixrec} package
for recursive functions, created to provide a friendly syntax covering also
mutually recursive definitions. However, in order to capture type constructor
classes --- an important feature of the Haskell type system --- a deep
embedding approach is used there, as well. Haskell types are translated to
terms, relying on a domain-theoretic modelling of the type system at the
object level. The practical drawback of this approach is that it leads to
plenty of the automation built into Isabelle type checking needing to be
In contrast with \cite{Huff}, both the translations of Haskell to HOLCF and
HOL presented here are based on a shallow embedding approach. In the case of
HOLCF we use as well the \emph{fixrec} package. Moreover, we tend to rely as
much as possible on similarities between type systems, translating Haskell
types to HOLCF types in a comparatively direct way. Haskell classes are
translated to Isabelle axiomatic classes. Since we are trying to keep things
as simple as possible, the modelling we rely on is not very deep either: our
claim is that the equivalence between Haskell programs and their translation
to HOLCF can be justified up to the level of typeable output. This translation
covers a significant part of the syntax used in the Prelude, however there are
several limitations related to built-in types, pattern-matching, local
definitions, import and export. In particular, it does not cover type
constructor classes yet, although we have plans for an extention that should
address this aspect.
The translation to HOL, similar in matter of shallow approach, is nevertheless
much more limited. First, it only covers primitive recursive functions. This
limitation appears relatively hard to overcome, given the way syntax for full
recursion is defined in HOL. Moreover, we have to restrict to total functions.
Operational equivalence for a larger fragment could be obtained using option
types, but this is not pursued here.
\section{Translations in Hets}
Information about Hets may be found in \cite{HetsUG} and \cite{HetsUG}. The
Haskell-to-Isabelle translation requires GHC, Isabelle 2006 and Programatica.
The command to run the application is
\emph{hets -v[1--5] -t Haskell2Isabelle[HOLCF | HOL] -o thy out in.hs}
\noindent where arguments set options for verbosity, the logic, extension and name of
the output file, the last one being the input --- a Haskell program given as a
GHC file (\emph{in.hs}). This gets analyzed and translated, the result of a
successful run being an Isabelle theory file (\emph{out.thy}) in the given
%The application requires essentially Haskell GHC and Programatica. It
%is run by the command \emph{hets -t ... [h|hc] file.hs} where the
%options stand for HOL and HOLCF, respectively.
The internal representation of Haskell in Hets (modules \emph{Logic\_Haskell}
and \emph{HatAna}) is the same as in Programatica, whereas the internal
representation of Isabelle (modules \emph{Logic\_Isabelle} and \emph{IsaSign})
is essentially a Haskell reworking of the ML definition of Isabelle's own base
logic, extended in order to allow for a straightforward representation of HOL
and HOLCF.
Haskell programs and Isabelle theories are internally represented as Hets
theories --- each of them formed by a signature and a set of sentences,
according to the theoretical framework described in \cite{MossaTh}. Each
translation, defined in module \emph{Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF} as composition of
a signature translation with a translation of all sentences, is essentially a
morphism from theories in the internal representation of the source language
to those in the representation of the target language. The module
\emph{IsaPrint} contains functions for the pretty-printing of Isabelle
Each translation relies on an Isabelle theory, respectively \emph{HsHOLCF},
extending HOLCF, and \emph{HsHOL}, extending HOL, which contain some useful
notions --- notably definitions of lifting functions and an axiomatisation for
Haskell equality.
\section{Naming conventions} \label{section:nam}
Names of types as well as of terms are translated by a renaming function that
preserves them, up to avoidance of clashes with Isabelle keywords. We also
need to reserve a few names, as follows.
1) Names for type variables, in the translation to HOL: \emph{'vX}; any string
terminating with \emph{'XXn} where $n$ is an integer.
2) Names for term constants, in the translation to HOL: strings obtained by
joining together names of defined functions, using \emph{\_X} as end sequence
and separator.
3) Names for term variables, in both translations: \emph{pXn}, \emph{qXn},
with $n$ integer.
4) Names for type destructors, in the translation to HOLCF: \emph{C\_n},
where \emph{C} is a data constructor name and $n$ is an integer.
%Correspondingly, the translation function is defined as the
%composition of signature translation with the translation of all
%, has the
%structure of a morphism from Hets theories written in the language of
%the source internal representation to those in the language
%representation of the target language. Internally, the information
%about types is collected into a signature, whereas datatype
%declarations and definitions are associated with sentences.
% For the sake of maintainance, \emph{Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.hs} is the
% module that contains the main translation function, carried out as
% composition of a signature morphism and a theory morphism.
% \emph{IsaSign.hs} contains the Hets representation of the Isabelle
% base logic and extensions.
% The general design of the translation functions, and particularly
% the two-layered recursion adopted for them, is similar to that used
% for the translation Haskell to Agda in Programatica.
Our type translation are shallow and based on relative similarity of type
systems. Isabelle, as well as Haskell, is based on simple types with
polymorphism (which means, essentially, type variables, function and product
types). They both have built-in types for Boolean values and integers, and a
type constructor for lists. Both allows for sums, recursive and mutually
recursive types in the form of datatype declarations. Finally, they both have
a class mechanism --- although not quite the same.
The translation to HOLCF keeps into account partiality, i.e. the fact that a
function might be undefined for certain values, either because definition is
missing, or because the program does not terminate. It also keeps into
account laziness, i. e. the fact that by default function values in Haskell
are passed by name and evaluated only when needed. However, the idea that
underlies the translation is rather a simplifying one: although raising an
exception is different from running forever, and both are different from
stopping short of evaluation, still, from the point of view of the printable
output of ground types, these behaviours are similar and can be treated
semantically as such, i.e. using one and the same bottom element. So,
essentially, we are following the main lines of the ``crude'' denotational
semantics for lazy evaluation in \cite{winskel}, pp. 216--217.
% In order to ease the translation of some notions, the Isabelle
% theory \emph{HsHOLCF.thy}, that extends HOLCF has been defined and
% included in the Hets distribution.
% It is often convenient to define in Isabelle notions that match the
% translation of some itmes.
% Haskell datatype and function declarations are translated to
% declarations in HOLCF. Names are translated by a function that
% preserves them, up to avoidance of clashes with HOLCF keywords.
Haskell type variables are translated to HOLCF ones, of class \emph{pcpo}.
Each type in Isabelle has a sort, defined by the set of the classes of which
it is a member. Each built-in type is translated to the lifting of its
corresponding HOL type. The translation covers properly only Haskell Booleans
and unbounded integers, respectively associated to HOL Booleans and integers.
Bound integers and floating point numbers would require low-level modelling,
and have not been covered. Bounded integers are simply treated as unbounded.
The HOLCF type constructor \emph{lift} is used to lift HOL types to flat
domains. In the case of Booleans, HOLCF provides with type \emph{tr}, defined
as $bool \ lift$. In the case of integers, we define \emph{dInt} as $int \
lift$ in \emph{HsHOLCF}. The types of Haskell functions and product are
translated, respectively, to HOLCF function spaces and lazy product --- i.e.
such that $\bot = (\bot * \bot) \neq (\bot*'a) \neq ('a * \bot)$, consistently
with lazy evaluation. Type constructors are translated to corresponding HOLCF
ones (notably, parameters precede type constructors in Isabelle syntax). In
particular, lists are translated to the domain \emph{llist} defined in
% H%Rationals need to be
%imported in order to be used in Haskell, so they are not covered by
%the translation at the present stage (import has not been dealt with
%and rationals.
Type translation to HOLCF, apart from mutual dependencies, may be summed up as
follows (where $t$ is a renaming function):
% Haskell datatype and function declarations are translated to
% declarations in HOLCF.
\lceil a \rceil & = & 'a_{t}::pcpo \\
\lceil Bool \rceil & = & tr \\
\lceil Integer \rceil & = & dInt \\
\lceil a \to b \rceil & = & \lceil a \rceil \to \lceil b \rceil \\
\lceil (a,b) \rceil & = & \lceil a \rceil * \lceil b \rceil \\
\lceil [a] \rceil & = & \lceil a \rceil \ llist \\
\lceil TyCons \ a_{1} \ldots a_{n} \rceil & = & \lceil a_{1} \rceil \ldots \lceil a_{n} \rceil \ TyCons_{t}
The translation to HOL is more crude. It takes into account neither partiality
nor laziness; therefore, we need to require that all functions in the program
are total ones. An account of partiality could be obtained, but here it is
not, using the \emph{option} type constructor to lift types, along lines
similar to those followed in HOLCF with \emph{lift}.
Haskell types are mapped into corresponding, unlifted HOL ones --- thus so for
Booleans and integers. All variables are of class \emph{type}. HOL function
type, product and list are used to translate the corresponding Haskell
constructors. Type translation to HOL, apart from mutual dependencies, may be
summed up as follows.
\lceil a \rceil & = & 'a_{t}::type \\
\lceil Bool \rceil & = & bool \\
\lceil Integer \rceil & = & int \\
\lceil a \to b \rceil & = & \lceil a \rceil \Rightarrow \lceil b \rceil \\
\lceil (a,b) \rceil & = & \lceil a \rceil * \lceil b \rceil \\
\lceil [a] \rceil & = & \lceil a \rceil \ list \\
\lceil TyCons \ a_{1} \ldots a_{n} \rceil & = & \lceil a_{1} \rceil \ldots \lceil a_{n} \rceil \ TyCons_{t}
\noindent Under each translation, function declarations
are associated, by using the keyword \emph{consts}, to the corresponding ones
in HOLCF and HOL, respectively. Datatype declarations are associated to the
corresponding ones, as well, but this involve some difference in the two
cases. In HOLCF datatype declarations define types of class \emph{pcpo} by the
keyword \emph{domain} (hence we may call them \emph{domain declarations}). In
HOL they define types of class \emph{type} by the keyword \emph{datatype}.
Notably, in contrast with Haskell and HOL, HOLCF datatype declarations require
an explicit introduction of destructors; these are provided automatically
according to the naming pattern in Section~\ref{section:nam}, point 4. Apart
from this aspect, the meta-level features of the the two type translations are
essentially similar.
Translation of mutually recursive datatypes, as the one shown in the following
example, relies on specific Isabelle syntax (using the keyword \emph{and}).\\
$data \ AType \ a \ b \ = \ ABase \ a \ | \ AStep \ (AType \ a \ b) \ (BType \ a \ b) $
$data \ BType \ a \ b \ = \ BBase \ b \ | \ BStep \ (BType \ a \ b) \ (AType \ a \ b) $\\
\noindent Translation to HOLCF gives the following.
$$\begin{array}{rr} domain & \ ('a::pcpo, 'b::pcpo) \ BType \ = \ BBase \ (BBase\_1::'b) \ | \\
& BStep \ (BStep\_1::('a, 'b) \ BType) \ (BStep\_2::('a, 'b) \ AType) \\
and & \ ('a::pcpo, 'b::pcpo) \ AType \ = \ ABase \ (ABase\_1::'a) \ | \\
& AStep \ (AStep\_1::('a, 'b) \ AType) \ (AStep\_2::('a, 'b) \ BType) \\
\noindent Translation to HOL gives the following.
$$\begin{array}{rll} datatype & \ ('a, 'b) \ BType & = \ BBase \ 'b \ | \\
& & BStep \ (('a, 'b) \ BType) \ (('a, 'b) \ AType) \\
and & \ ('a, 'b) \ AType & = \ ABase \ 'a \ | \\
& & AStep \ (('a, 'b) \ AType) \ (('a, 'b) \ BType) \\
\noindent In contrast with
Haskell, order of declarations matters in Isabelle, where they should always
be listed according to their dependency. Both translations take care of this
aspect automatically.
\subsection{HOLCF: Sentences}
Essentially, each function definition is translated to a corresponding ones.
Non-recursive definitions are translated to standard Isabelle definitions
(introduced by the keyword \emph{defs}), whereas the translation of recursive
definitions relies on the \emph{fixrec} package. Lambda abstraction is
translated as continuous abstraction (\emph{LAM}), function application as
continuous application (the \emph{dot} operator). These notions coincide with
the corresponding ones in HOL, i.e. with lambda abstraction (\emph{\%}) and
standard function application, whenever all arguments are continuous.
% As to the translation of terms containing either values or operators
% of built-in type, it is often the case that we translate them to
% lifted HOL operators. The lifting function is \emph{Def}; $\bot$ is
% used for the undefined case.
Terms of built-in type (Boolean and integer) are translated to lifted HOL
values, using the HOLCF-defined lifting function \emph{Def}. The bottom
element $\bot$ is used for all the undefined terms. We use the following
operator, defined in \emph{HsHOLCF}, to map binary arithmetic functions to
lifted functions over lifted integers.\\
$fliftbin :: ('a \Rightarrow \ 'b \Rightarrow \ 'c)
\Rightarrow ('a \ lift \to \ 'b \ lift \to \ 'c \ lift) $
$fliftbin \ f \ == \ LAM \ y x. \ (flift1 \ (\%u. \ flift2 \ (\%v. \ f \ v \ u))) \cdot x \ \cdot y $\\
\noindent Boolean values are translated to values of \emph{tr} --- i.e.
\emph{TT}, \emph{FF} and $\bot$. Boolean connectives are translated to the
corresponding HOLCF lifted operators. HOLCF-defined \emph{If then else fi} and
\emph{case} syntax are used to translate conditional and case expressions,
respectively. There are some restrictions, however, on the latter, due to
limitations in the translation of patterns (see Section~\ref{sec:Patterns});
in particular, the case term should always be a variable, and no nested
patterns are allowed.
The translation of lists relies on the following domain, defined in \emph{HsHOLCF}.\\
$domain \ 'a\ llist \ = \ lNil \ | \ lCons \ (lHd :: \ 'a) \ (lTl :: \ 'a \ llist) $\\
\noindent Under the given interpretation, an infinite list as well as
an undefined one evaluate to $\bot$. However, the value of finite prefixes,
and particularly the printable output associated to them, will be the expected
one, since the model of evaluation is lazy.
Haskell allows for local definitions by means of \emph{let} and \emph{where}
expressions. Those \emph{let} expressions in which the left-hand side is a
variable are translated to similar Isabelle ones; neither other \emph{let}
expressions (i.e. those containing patterns on the left hand-side) nor
\emph{where} expressions are covered. The translation of terms (minus mutual
recursion) may be summed up, essentially, as follows:
\lceil x::a \rceil & = & x_{t}::\lceil a \rceil \\
\lceil c \rceil & = & c_{t} \\
\lceil \backslash x \ \to \ f \rceil & = & LAM \ x_{t}. \ \lceil f \rceil \\
\lceil (a,b) \rceil & = & (\lceil a \rceil, \lceil b \rceil) \\
\lceil f \ a_{1} \ldots a_{n} \rceil & = & FIX \ f_{t}. \ f_{t} \ \cdot \
\lceil a \rceil \ldots \cdot \ \lceil a_{n} \rceil \\
& & \mbox{where } f::\tau, \ f_{t}::\lceil \tau \rceil \\
\lceil let \ x_{1} \ \dots \ x_{n} \ in \ exp \rceil & =
& let \ \lceil x_{1} \rceil \ \dots \ \lceil x_{n} \rceil \ in \ \lceil exp \rceil
% \lceil TyCons \ a_{1} \ldots a_{n} \rceil & = & \lceil a_{1} \rceil
% \ldots \lceil a_{n} \rceil \ TyCons_{t}
%In HOLCF, where every type is a domain and every function is
\noindent In HOLCF all recursive functions can be defined by fixpoint
operator --- a function that, given as argument the defining term abstracted
of the recursive call name, returns the corresponding recursive function.
Coding this directly turns out to be rather cumbersome, particularly in the
case of mutually recursive functions, where tuples of defining terms and
tupled abstraction would be needed. In contrast, the \emph{fixrec} package
allows us to handle fixpoint definitions in a way quite more similar to
ordinary Isabelle recursive definitions, providing also with friendly syntax
for mutual recursion. \\
\noindent $ fun1 \ :: \ (a \to c) \ \to \ (b \to d) \
\to \ AType \ a \ b \ \to \ AType \ c \ d $
fun1 & f \ g \ k & = \ case \ k \ of \\
& ABase \ x & \to \ ABase \ (f \ x) \\
& AStep \ x \ y & \to \ AStep \ (fun1 \ f \ g \ x) \ (fun2 \ f \ g \
\end{array} $$
$ fun2 \ :: \ (a \to c) \ \to \ (b \to d) \ \to \ BType \ a \ b \ \to \ BType \ c \ d $
fun2 & f \ g \ k & = \ case \ k \ of \\
& BBase \ x & \to \ BBase \ (g \ x) \\
& BStep \ x \ y & \to \ BStep \ (fun2 \ f \ g \ x) \ (fun1 \ f \ g \ y)
\end{array} $$
\noindent As an example, the above code translates to HOLCF as follows.\\
\noindent $consts $
\begin{array}{ll} fun1 \ :: & ('a::pcpo \to 'c::pcpo) \ \to \ ('b::pcpo \to 'd::pcpo) \ \to \\
& ('a::pcpo, 'b::pcpo) \ AType \ \to \ ('c::pcpo, 'd::pcpo) \ AType \\
fun2 \ :: & ('a::pcpo \to 'c::pcpo) \ \to \ ('b::pcpo \to
'd::pcpo) \ \to \\
& ('a::pcpo, 'b::pcpo) \ BType \ \to \ ('c::pcpo, 'd::pcpo) \ BType
fixrec & fun1 & = & (LAM f. \ LAM g. \ LAM k. \ case \ k \ of \\
& & & ABase \cdot pX1 \ => \ ABase \cdot (f \cdot pX1) \ | \\
& & & AStep \cdot pX1 \cdot pX2 \ => \\
& & & \ AStep \cdot (fun1 \cdot f \cdot g \cdot pX1) \cdot (fun2 \cdot f \cdot g \cdot pX2)) \\
and & fun2 & = & (LAM f. \ LAM g. \ LAM k. \ case \ k \ of \\
& & & BBase \cdot pX1 \ => \ BBase \cdot (g \cdot pX1) \ | \\
& & & BStep \cdot pX1 \cdot pX2 \ => \\
& & & \ BStep \cdot (fun2 \cdot f \cdot g \cdot pX1) \cdot (fun1 \cdot f \cdot g \cdot pX2)) \end{array}$$
\noindent The translation take care automatically of the fact that,
in contrast with Haskell, Isabelle requires patterns in case expressions to
follow the order of datatype declarations.
\subsection{HOL: Sentences}
Non-recursive definitions are treated in an analogous way as in the
translation to HOLCF. Standard lambda-abstraction ($\%$) and function
application are used here, instead of continuous ones. Partial functions, and
particularly case expressions with incomplete patterns, are not allowed. The
translation of terms (minus recursion and case expressions) may be summed up
as follows.
\lceil x::a \rceil & = & x_{t}::\lceil a \rceil \\
\lceil c \rceil & = & c_{t} \\
\lceil \backslash x \ \to \ f \rceil & = & \% \ x_{t}. \ \lceil f \rceil \\
\lceil (a,b) \rceil & = & (\lceil a \rceil, \lceil b \rceil) \\
\lceil f \ a_{1} \ldots a_{n} \rceil & = & f_{t} \ \lceil a \rceil \ldots \ \lceil a_{n} \rceil \\
& & \mbox{where } f::\tau, \ f_{t}::\lceil \tau \rceil \\
\lceil let \ x_{1} \ \dots \ x_{n} \ in \ exp \rceil & =
& let \ \lceil x_{1} \rceil \ \dots \ \lceil x_{n} \rceil \ in \ \lceil exp \rceil
% \lceil TyCons \ a_{1} \ldots a_{n} \rceil & = & \lceil a_{1} \rceil
% \ldots \lceil a_{n} \rceil \ TyCons_{t}
\noindent Recursive definitions set HOL and HOLCF apart. In HOL one has to
pay attention to the distinction between primitive recursive functions
(introduced by the keyword \emph{primrec}) and generic recursive ones (keyword
\emph{recdef}). Termination is guaranteed for each of the former, by the fact
that recursion is based on the datatype structure of one of the parameters. In
contrast, termination is not a trivial matter for the latter. A strictly
decreasing measure needs to be provided, in association with the parameters of
the defined function. This requires a degree of ingenuity that cannot be
easily dealt with automatically. For this reason, the translation to HOL is
restricted to primitive recursive functions. Mutual recursion is allowed for
under some additional restrictions --- more precisely:
1) all the functions involved are recursive in the first argument;
2) recursive arguments are of the same type in each function.
As an example, the translation of mutually recursive functions of type $a
\rightarrow b, \ldots a \rightarrow d$, respectively, introduces a new
function of type $a \rightarrow (b * \ldots * d)$ which is recursively
defined, for each case pattern, as the product of the values correspondingly
taken by the original ones. The following is a concrete example.
\noindent $ fun3 \ :: \ AType \ a \ b \to (a \to a) \to AType \ a \ b $
fun3 \ k \ f & = \ case \ k \ of \\
& ABase \ a \to ABase \ (f \ a) \\
& AStep \ a \ b \to AStep \ (fun4 \ a) \ b \\
\noindent $ fun4 \ :: \ AType \ a \ b \to AType \ a \ b $
fun4 \ k & = \ case \ k \ of \\
& AStep \ x \ y \to AStep \ (fun3 \ x \ (\backslash z \to z)) \ y \\
& ABase \ x \to ABase \ x \\
\noindent The translation to HOL of these two functions gives the following.\\
\noindent $consts$
fun3 \ :: & ('a::type, 'b::type) \ AType \Rightarrow ('a \Rightarrow
'a) \Rightarrow \\
& ('a, 'b) \ AType \\
fun4 \ :: & ('a::type, 'b::type) \ AType \Rightarrow ('a \Rightarrow
'a) \Rightarrow\\
& ('a, 'b) \ AType \\
fun3\_Xfun4\_X :: & ('a::type, 'b::type) \ AType \Rightarrow \\
& (('aXX1::type \Rightarrow 'aXX1::type) \Rightarrow \\
& ('aXX1, 'bXX1) \ AType) * \\
& (('aXX2::type \Rightarrow 'aXX2::type) \Rightarrow \\
& ('aXX2, 'bXX2) \ AType) \\
\noindent $defs$
fun3\_def : & fun3 \ == \ \% k \ f. \ fst \ (( fun3\_Xfun4\_X :: \\
& \ ('a::type, 'b::type) \ AType \Rightarrow (('a \Rightarrow 'a) \\
& \Rightarrow ('a, 'b) \ AType) * ((unit \Rightarrow unit) \Rightarrow \\
& (unit, unit) \ AType) ) \ k) \ f \\
fun4\_def : & fun4 \ == \ \% k \ f. \ snd \ (( fun3\_Xfun4\_X :: \\
& ('a::type, 'b::type) \ AType \Rightarrow \\
& ((unit \Rightarrow unit) \Rightarrow (unit, unit) \ AType) * \\
& (('a \Rightarrow 'a) \Rightarrow ('a, 'b) \ AType) ) \ k) \ f \\
\noindent $primrec$
fun3\_Xfun4\_X & (ABase \ pX1) \ = & (\% f. \ ABase \ (f \ pX1), \\
& & \% f. \ ABase \ pX1) \\
fun3\_Xfun4\_X & (AStep \ pX1 \ pX2) & = \\
& (\% f. \ AStep \ (snd & (fun3\_Xfun4\_X \ pX1) \ f) \ pX2, \\
& \% f. \ AStep \ (fst & (fun3\_Xfun4\_X \ pX1) \ f) \ pX2) \\
\noindent One may note that the type of the recursive function,
for each of its call in the body of non-recursive definitions, is given by
instantiations where the Isabelle unit type is replaced for each type variable
which is not occurring on the right hand-side, i.e. for each variable which is
not constrained by the type of the defined function. This is required by
Isabelle, in order to avoid definitions from which inconsistencies could be
derivable. Other meta-level features are essentially common to both
% not allowed in Isabelle with ordinary definitions (keyword
% \emph{Defs}), but it is allowed with the syntax for recursive ones.
Multiple function definitions using top level pattern matching are translated
as definitions based on a single case expression. This syntactical choice has
more to do with HOL than with HOLCF. In fact, multiple definitions in Isabelle
are only allowed with the syntax of recursive ones. In primitive recursive
definitions, HOL allows for patterns only in one parameter. Therefore, in
order to translate definitions having patterns in more than one, before
resorting to a more complex syntax (with tuples and \emph{recdef} instead of
\emph{primrec}), it turns out comparatively easier to internally deal with
multiple definitions as with case expressions. An example follows.
\noindent $ctl \ :: \ Bool \to Bool \to Bool \to Bool$ \\
$ctl \ False \ a \ False \ = \ a $\\
$ctl \ True \ a \ False \ = \ False $\\
$ctl \ False \ a \ True = \ True $\\
$ctl \ True \ a \ True \ = \ a $\\
\noindent Translation to HOL gives the following.\\
\noindent $consts \ ctl :: \ bool \Rightarrow bool \Rightarrow bool \Rightarrow bool$\\
\noindent $defs$
ctl\_def : & ctl \ == & \% qX1 \ qX2 \ qX3. & case \ qX1 \ of \\
& & False \Rightarrow case \ qX3 & of \\
& & & False \Rightarrow qX2 \\
& & & | \ True \Rightarrow True \\
& & | \ True \Rightarrow case \ qX3 & of \\
& & & | \ False \Rightarrow False \\
& & & True \Rightarrow qX2 \\
\noindent This example cannot be handled by the translation to
HOLCF, owing to the mapping of Boolean values to type \emph{tr}, which is not
a recursive datatype. The following, where a defined datatype is used instead
of Boolean, gives the closest alternative that can be dealt with.\\
\noindent $data \ TV \ = F \ | \ T $\\
\noindent $ctlx :: \ TV \to TV \to TV \to TV $ \\
$ctlx \ F \ a \ F \ = \ a $ \\
$ctlx \ T \ a \ F \ = \ F $ \\
$ctlx \ F \ a \ T \ = \ T $ \\
$ctlx \ T \ a \ T \ = \ a $\\
\noindent This translates to HOLCF as follows.\\
\noindent $domain \ TV \ = \ F \ | \ T $
\noindent $consts \ ctlx :: \ TV \to TV \to TV \to TV $\\
\noindent $defs$
ctlx\_def : & ctlx \ == & LAM \ qX1 \ qX2 & qX3. \ case \ qX1 \ of \\
& & F \Rightarrow case \ qX3 & of \\
& & & F \Rightarrow qX2 \\
& & & | \ T \Rightarrow T \\
& & | \ T \Rightarrow case \ qX3 & of \\
& & & F \Rightarrow F \\
& & & | \ T \Rightarrow qX2 \\
Support of patterns in definitions and case expressions is more restricted in
Isabelle than in Haskell. Nested patterns are overall disallowed. In case
expressions, the case term is required to be a variable. Both of these
restrictions apply to our translations. A further Isabelle limitation ---
sensitiveness to the order of patterns in case expressions --- is dealt with
automatically. Similarly, wildcards, not available in Isabelle, are dealt
with and may be used, in case expressions as well as in function definition,
though not in nested position. The translation to HOLCF can also handle
incomplete patters, also not allowed by Isabelle, in function definitions as
well as in case expressions, by using $\bot$ as default value. As nested
patterns are not covered, guarded expressions and list comprehension are
neither; anyway these can be avoided easily enough, using conditional
expressions and \emph{map} instead.
Conceptually, type classes in Isabelle are quite different from those in
Haskell. The former are associated with sets of axioms, whereas the latter
come with sets of function declarations. Moreover, Isabelle allows only for
classes with a single type parameter. Most importantly, Isabelle does not
allow for type constructor classes. The last limitation is rather serious,
since it makes hard to cope with essential Haskell features such as monads and
the \emph{do} notation. In alternative to the method proposed in \cite{Huff},
we would like to get around the obstacle by relying on an extension of
Isabelle based on theory morphism (see section~ \ref{sec:Monads}). The AWE
system \cite{AWE} is in fact an implementation of such an extension.
Defined classes are translated to Isabelle as classes with empty
axiomatization. Every class is declared as a subclass of \emph{type} --- also
in the case of HOLCF, in order to allow for instantiation with lifted built-in
types, as well. The translations stay simple and cover only classes with no
more than one type parameter --- one could probably do something more using
tuples, but this would surely involve considerable complication dealing with
conditional instantiations.
Instance declarations are translated to corresponding ones in Isabelle.
Isabelle instances in general require proofs that class axioms are satisfied
by the types, but as long as there are no axioms the proofs are trivial and
carried out automatically. Method declarations are translated to independent
function declarations with appropriate class annotation on type variables.
Method definitions associated with instance declarations are translated to
overloaded function definitions, using type annotation. An example follows.
\noindent $class \ ClassA \ a \ where$
$abase :: \ a \to Bool $
$ astep :: \ a \to Bool $\\
\noindent $instance \ (ClassA \ a, \ ClassA \ b) \Rightarrow ClassA \ (AType \ a \ b) \ where $
abase \ x \ = & case \ x \ of \\
& ABase \ u \ \to \ True \\
& \_ \ \to \ False \\
\noindent The translation of this code to HOLCF gives the following.\\
\noindent $axclass \ ClassA < type$
\noindent $instance \ AType::(\{pcpo, ClassA\}, \{pcpo, ClassA\}) \ ClassA$
$by \ intro\_classes$\\
\noindent $consts$
abase :: & 'a::\{ClassA, pcpo\} \to tr \\
astep :: & 'a::\{ClassA, pcpo\} \to tr \\
default\_abase :: & 'a::\{ClassA, pcpo\} \to tr \\
default\_astep :: & 'a::\{ClassA, pcpo\} \to tr \\
\noindent $defs$
AType\_abase\_def : \ abase :: & \\
('a::\{ClassA, pcpo\}, & 'b::\{ClassA, pcpo\}) \ AType \to tr \\
== & LAM x. \ case \ x \ of \\
& ABase \cdot pX1 \Rightarrow TT \ | \\
& AStep \cdot pX2 \cdot pX1 \Rightarrow FF \\
AType\_astep\_def : \ astep :: & \\
('a::\{ClassA, pcpo\}, & 'b::\{ClassA, pcpo\}) \ AType \to tr \\
& == default\_astep \\
\noindent Translation to HOL, on the other hand, gives the following.\\
\noindent $axclass \ ClassA < type$\\
\noindent $instance \ AType::(\{type, ClassA\}, \{type, ClassA\}) \ ClassA$
$by \ intro\_classes$\\
\noindent $consts$
abase :: & 'a::\{ClassA, type\} \Rightarrow bool\\
astep :: & 'a::\{ClassA, type\} \Rightarrow bool\\
default\_abase :: & 'a::\{ClassA, type\} \Rightarrow bool\\
default\_astep :: & 'a::\{ClassA, type\} \Rightarrow bool\\
\noindent $defs$
AType\_abase\_def : \ abase :: & \\
('a::\{ClassA, type\}, & 'b::\{ClassA, type\}) \ AType \Rightarrow bool \\
== & \% x. \ case \ x \ of \\
& ABase \ pX1 \Rightarrow True \\
& | \ AStep \ pX2 \ pX1 \Rightarrow False \\
AType\_astep\_def : \ astep :: & \\
('a::\{ClassA, type\}, & 'b::\{ClassA, type\}) \ AType \Rightarrow bool \\
== & default\_astep\\
The additional functions declared for default use in method definition are
close mirrors of an internal feature of the Programatica representation.
In the Programatica internal representation of Haskell, for each function,
information about the class of type parameters is encoded by including in the
internal representation of the function some extra arguments (\emph{dictionary
parameters}) on top of the original ones. This is particularly useful in the
case of overloaded definitions. On the other hand, class information in
Isabelle can be represented by direct annotation on the arguments. Therefore,
the translation eliminates dictionary parameters and gives function
definitions based on their external representation instead. However, for each
definition, our translations gives a function explicitly annotated with its
type, inclusive of class annotation, in order to allow for overloading (just
for the sake of formatting, this type annotation has been delated in some of
the examples shown).
Equality is the only built-in class which is covered by the two translations.
Axiomatizations for the associated methods are provided in the base theories
--- \emph{HsHOLCF} and \emph{HsHOL}, respectively. Both axiomatizations are
based on the abstract definition of equality and inequality given in
\noindent $consts$
$$ \begin{array}{ll}
hEq :: & ('a::Eq) \ lift \ \to \ 'a \ lift \ \to \ tr \\
hNEq :: & ('a::Eq) \ lift \ \to \ 'a \ lift \ \to \ tr\\
\noindent $axioms$
axEq: & ALL \ x. \ (hEq \cdot p \cdot q \ = \ Def \ x) \ = \\
& (hNEq \cdot p \cdot q \ = \ Def \ (\sim x)) \\
The definition of Boolean equality in \emph{HsHOLCF} is obtained by lifting
HOL equality, so that $\bot$ is returned whenever one of the argument is
\noindent $tr\_hEq\_def: \ hEq \ == \ fliftbin \ (\% (a::bool) \ b. \ a \ = \ b)$\\
%ax1: & hEq \cdot p \cdot p \ == \ Def \ true \\
%ax2: & [| \ hEq \cdot q \cdot r \ = \ Def \ true; \ hEq \cdot p \cdot q \ = \ Def \ true \ |] \\
% & ==> \ hEq \cdot p \cdot r \ = \ Def \ true \\
All built-in methods for built-in types are defined in a similar way.
In \emph{HsHOL} equality is axiomatized under the implicit assumption of
restricting to terminating programs.
\noindent $consts$
hEq :: & ('a::Eq) \ \Rightarrow \ 'a \ \Rightarrow \ bool \\
hNEq :: & ('a::Eq) \ \Rightarrow \ 'a \ \Rightarrow \ bool \\
\noindent $axioms$
axEq: & hEq \ p \ q \ == \ \sim hNEq \ p \ q \\
\noindent Under that assumption, equality for built-in types can be
identified with HOL equality.
% ax1: & hEq \ p \ p \\
% ax2: & [| \ hEq \ q \ r; \ hEq \ p \ q \ |] ==> hEq \ p \ r \\
Isabelle does not allow for classes of type constructors --- hence the problem
in representing monads. We could deal with this problem relying on an
axiomatization of monads that allows for the representation of monadic types
as an axiomatic class, as presented in \cite{Lueth}. Monadic types should be
translated to newly defined types that satisfy monadic axioms. This would
involve defining a theory morphism, as an instantiation of type variables in
the theory of monads. We are planning to rely on AWE \cite{AWE}, an
implementation of theory morphism on top of Isabelle base logic that may be
used to extend HOL as well.
The following is a list of features that are covered by our
\item predefined types: Boolean, Integer.
\item predefined type constructors: function, Cartesian product, list.
\item declaration of recursive datatype, including mutually recursive ones.
\item predefined functions: equality, Boolean operators, connectives, list
constructors, head and tail list functions, arithmetic operators.
\item non-recursive functions, including conditional, \emph{case} and
\emph{let} and expressions (with restriction related to use of
\item use of incomplete patterns (in HOLCF) and of wildcards in case
\item total primitive recursive functions (in HOL) and partial recursive ones
(in HOLCF), including mutually recursive ones (with restrictions in the HOL
\item single-parameter class and instance declarations.
% \item monad declarations and do notation.
The shallow embedding approach makes it possible to get most of the benefit
out of the automation currently available on Isabelle. Further work might
carry an extension to cover P-logic \cite{KiebPl}, a specification formalism
for Haskell programs that is included in the Programatica toolset.
%This translation, due to the character of the P-logic
%typing system, could be more easily carried out relying on some form
%of universal quantification on type variables, or else further relying
%on parametrisation.
In our example,
translation gives the
\noindent $consts$
$$ \begin{array}{ll}
fun1 & :: \ ('a::type \Rightarrow 'c::type) \ \Rightarrow \ ('b::type \Rightarrow 'd::type) \ \Rightarrow \\
& ('a::type, 'b::type) \ Prelude\_AType \ \Rightarrow \\ & ('c::type, 'd::type) \ Prelude\_AType \\
fun1\_Xfun2\_X & :: \ ('a::type \Rightarrow 'c::type) \ \Rightarrow \\
& (('bXX1::type \Rightarrow 'dXX1::type) \ \Rightarrow \\ & ('aXX1::type, 'bXX1::type) \ Prelude\_AType \ \Rightarrow \\ & ('cXX1::type, 'dXX1::type) \ Prelude\_AType) * \\
& (('bXX2::type \Rightarrow 'dXX2::type) \ \Rightarrow \\ & ('aXX2::type, 'bXX2::type) \ Prelude\_BType \ \Rightarrow \\ & ('cXX2::type, 'dXX2::type) \ Prelude\_BType) \\
fun2 & :: \ ('a::type \Rightarrow 'c::type) \ \Rightarrow \ ('b::type \Rightarrow 'd::type) \ \Rightarrow \\
& ('a::type, 'b::type) \ Prelude\_BType \ \Rightarrow \\ & ('c::type, 'd::type) \ Prelude\_BType \\
\noindent $defs$
$$ \begin{array}{ll}
fun1\_def : & fun1 \ == \ \% f. \% g. \% k. \ fst (fun1\_Xfun2\_X \ f) \ g \ k \\
fun2\_def : & fun2 \ == \ \% f. \% g. \% k. \ snd (fun1\_Xfun2\_X \ f) \ g \ k
\noindent $primrec$
$$ \begin{array}{ll}
fun1\_Xfun2\_X \ (ABase \ pX1) & = \ (\% g. \% k. \ ABase \ (f \ pX1)) \\
fun1\_Xfun2\_X \ (BBase \ pX1) & = \ (\% g. \% k. \ BBase \ (g \ pX1)) \\
fun1\_Xfun2\_X \ (AStep \ pX1 \ pX2) & = \ (\% g. \% k. \ AStep \\
& (fst \ (fun1\_Xfun2\_X \ f) \ g \ pX1) \\
& (snd \ (fun1\_Xfun2\_X \ f) \ g \ pX2)) \\
fun1\_Xfun2\_X \ (BStep \ pX1 \ pX2) & = \ (\% g. \% k. \ BStep \\
& (snd \ (fun1\_Xfun2\_X \ f) \ g \ pX1) \\
& (fst \ (fun1\_Xfun2\_X \ f) \ g \ pX2)) \\
\subsection{Equality: HOLCF}
\subsection{Equality: HOL}
Haskell classes and instances are translated to Isabelle,
respectively, as classes with empty axiomatisation and as instances
with trivial instantiation proof. The translation supports only
single-parameter classes --- in principle, more than one parameter
could be handled using tuples.
Built-in classes --- Eq and Ord in particular --- are translated to
newly defined classes in Isabelle; the corresponding axiomatisation
however here is not provided !!!
Functions declarations associated to classes are translated to
Isabelle as independent function declarations with appropriate class
annotation. Function definitions associated to instances are
translated as overloaded function definitions, relying on class
annotation of typed variables.
% ...xxx...!!! check out for stuff to include in Classes ---
Non-recursive definitions are translated to ordinary definitions (keyword
\emph{defs}), whereas recursive ones require specific keywords. The
type of the function, inclusive of class annotation, is included in
every definitions in order to allow for overloading.
%For values of
%built-in type, the lifting function is \emph{Def}; the undefined case
%collapses on $\bot$.
In HOLCF, where every type is a domain and every function is
continuous, all recursive functions can be defined by fixpoint
operator. This is essentially a function that, given as argument the
function definition body abstracted of the recursive call name,
returns the corresponding recursive function. Coding this directly
would be rather cumbersome, particularly in the case of mutually
recursive functions, where tuples of definition bodies and tupled
abstraction are needed. We can instead rely on the \emph{recdef}
package, which allows to handle fixpoint definitions like ordinary
recursive ones, offering nice syntax to deal with mutual recursion as
\subsection{HOL: Type signature}
The present translation to HOL is very basic, and does take into
account neither partiality nor laziness. Essentially, it left to the
Haskell programmer to check that all the functions are total ones.
An account of partiality -- although possibly not aof laziness ---
could be obtained using the option type constructor to lift types,
along a similar line to lift. Here however we are presenting just a
plain version, mapping Haskell types in the corresponding unlifted HOL
types. All variables belong to the class type. Recursive and mutually
recursive data-types declarations are translated to HOL datatype
\subsection{HOL: Function definitions}
Non-recursive definitions and let expressions are treated similarly as
in the translation to HOLCF. Recursive defitions is the topic that
really sets HOL and HOLCF apart. In HOL a distinction has to be drawn
between primitive recursive functions and generic recursive ones. In
the former, termination is guaranteed by the fact that recursive
definitions are strictly associated with the datatype structure of a
parameter. In the latter, termination needs to be proved. This must be
done, in a \emph{recdef} definition, by providing a measure for the
function parameter that can be proved to be strictly decreasing for
each occurrence of a recursive call in the definition. This requires a
degree of ingenuity that cannot be generally associated with an
automated translation.
For this reason, the translation of recursive functions to HOL is
restricted to primitive recursive ones. Mutually recursive functions
are allowed under additional restrictions. These are: all the
functions should be recursive in the first argument; this should be of
the same type for each of them; the constructors should be listed in
the same order in each of the case expressions; the variable names in
the case patterns are expected to be maintained.
The translation of mutually recursive functions $a \rightarrow b, \ldots a
\rightarrow d$ introduces a new function $a \rightarrow (b * \ldots * d)$
defined, for each case pattern, as the product of the values
correspondingly taken by the original functions.
\subsection{Pattern matching}
Support of pattern-matching in Isabelle is more restricted than in
Haskell. Nested patterns are disallowed; case expressions are
sensitive to the order of the constructors, which should be the same
as in the datatype declaration. In particular, the case variable si
required to be a variable. Translation of pattern-matching is
potentially laborious. For this reason guarded expressions, list
comprehension and nested pattern-matching have been left out; they
should be replaced by the programmer, using conditional expressions
and map functions.
Function definition by top level pattern matching is not allowed in
Isabelle with ordinary definitions, but it is with those that are
explicitly declared to be recursive ones. However, particularly in HOL
primitive recursive definitions patterns are allowed in one parameter
only. In order to translate function definitions with patterns in more
than one parameter, without resorting to using tuples and more complex
definitions (\emph{recdef} instead of \emph{primrec}), our
translations turn a multiple definition by top level pattern matching
into a definition by case construct.
Haskell classes and instances are translated to Isabelle,
respectively, as classes with empty axiomatisation and as instances
with trivial instantiation proof. The translation supports only
single-parameter classes --- in principle, more than one parameter
could be handled using tuples.
Built-in classes --- Eq and Ord in particular --- are translated to
newly defined classes in Isabelle; the corresponding axiomatisation
however here is not provided !!!
Functions declarations associated to classes are translated to
Isabelle as independent function declarations with appropriate class
annotation. Function definitions associated to instances are
translated as overloaded function definitions, relying on class
annotation of typed variables.
The tool is designed to support the translation of simple but
realistic Haskell programs to HOLCF and, with some restriction, to
HOL. Not all the syntactical features of Haskell are covered yet,
although most of those used in the Prelude are. The most noticeable
limitations are related to built-in types, pattern-matching and local
definitions. There are additional and more substantial restrictions
in the case of HOL, related to termination and to recursion.
The application can be installed as part of Hets. It requires Haskell
GHC and Programatica. It is run by the command \emph{hets -t ...
[h|hc] file.hs} where the options stand for HOL and HOLCF,
For the sake of maintainance, \emph{Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.hs} is the
module that contains the main translation function, carried out as
composition of a signature morphism and a theory morphism.
\emph{IsaSign.hs} contains the Hets representation of the Isabelle
base logic and extensions.
The general design of the translation functions, and particularly the
two-layered recursion adopted for them, is similar to that used for
the translation Haskell to Agda in Programatica.
Isabelle does not allow for classes of type constructors, hence a
problem in representing monads. We can deal with this problem,
however, relying on an axiomatisation of monads that allows for the
presentation of monadic types as an axiomatic class, as provided in
\cite{}. Therefore, monadic types can be translated to newly defined
types that are constrained to satisfy the monadic axioms. This
constraining, carried out as an instantiation of type variables in the
theory of monads, takes the form of a theory morphism, and can be
carried out automatically by AWE, an implementation of parametrisation
and theory morphism on top of Isabelle basic logic, that may also be
used to extend HOL and HOLCF. The do notation can then be translated
by unpacking it into monadic operators. Attempting to translate
monadic notation without support AWE support will result in an error
The following is a list of constructs that are covered by all the
\item predefined types: boolean, integer.
\item predifed type constructors: funtion, cartesian product, list.
\item declaration of recursive datatype, including mutually recursive ones.
\item predefined functions: equality, booelan constructors,
connectives, list constructors, head and tail list functions,
arithmetic operations.
\item non-recursive functions, including conditional,
let and case expressions.
\item use of incomplete patterns (HOLCF) and of wildcards in case
\item total primitive recursive functions (HOL)
and partial recursive ones (HOLCF), including mutual ones (with
restrictions in the HOL case).
\item class and instance declarations.
\item monad declarations and do notation.
The shallow embedding approach used by our translations should allow
to take as much advantage as possible of the automation currently
available on Isabelle, particularly in HOL.
Further work should include extending the translation to cover the
whole of the Haskell Prelude. We hope that this will make it possible
to support the verification of functional robotics programs.
A further extension, in line with the work on Programtica, would be
the translation of P-logic. This translation, due to the character of
the P-logic typing system, could be more easily carried out relying on
some form of universal quantification on type variables, or else
further relying on parametrisation.
The translation of types is
Our general strategy for translating signatures is to map Haskell
types to Isabelle defined types.
the fact that Haskell expressions are
evaluated lazily, however it does not preserve The translation to HOL
does not, and moreover requires that all the functions defined in the
Haskell program are total ones...
All types have a sort in Isabelle, defined by the set of the classes
of which it is a member. In HOL, all types belong to the class type;
in HOLCF, they belong to class pcpo (pointed complete poset).
All Haskell function declarations are translated to Isabelle ones.
Type variables are assigned default sort type in HOL and pcpo in
HOLCF. Names get translated by a function that preserves them, up to
avoidance of clashes with Isabelle keywords.
The only built-in types that are properly covered are booleans,
unbounded integers and rationals. These get translated, in the case of
HOL, to Isabelle booleans, integers and rationals, respectively. Bound
integers and floating point numbers would require low-level modelling,
and have not been dealt with; anyway, bounded integers are accepted
and simply treated as unbounded by the application.
In the HOLCF translation, all built-in types get lifted to the
corresponding domains (pcpos), which by definion include the undefined
value, by using the lift HOLCF type constructor. In particular, type
boolean get translated to type tr (short for bool lift), and similarly
for types integer and rational.
Recursive data-types declarations can be translated to datatype
declarations in HOL. In HOLCF they can be translated to domain
declarations. The two structure are quite similar, except that in
domains, which are pcpo, all the parameters are required to be pcpos
as well. Morevover, Isabelle domain declarations require to introduce
names for destructors. Mutually recursive Haskell datatypes can be
translated to both logics, relying on the specific Isabelle syntax for
A type class in Isabelle is conceptually quite different from one in
Haskell. The former is associated to a set of axioms, whereas the
latter is associated to a set of function declarations. Isabelle
classes may have at most a type parameter. Moreover, Isabelle does
not allow for type constructor classes. The last limitation is the
most serious of the three, since it makes quite hard to cope with
monads. We can get around this obstacle relying on a method for the
axiomatic encoding of monads in HOL that uses parametrisation.
Parametrisation based on theory morphism has been implemented, as a
conservative extension of various Isabelle logics, in AWE, a tool
designed to support proof reuse \cite{AWE}.
The \emph{lift} type constructor, in particular, lifts each HOL type
to a flat domain, by adding a bottom element to them. We are going to
use it to lift the basic types. For the product we are going to use
non-strict product.
formalisation on Isabele relies on axiomatic type classes \cite{},
with \emph{pcpo} (pointed complete partial order) as the default
class, in which the type of continuous functions can be represented as
function spaces, allowing for an elegant interpretation of recursion
by fixpoint operator. HOL types may be lifted to \emph{pcpo} by simply
adding a bottom element to them. This is what the type constructor
\emph{lift} does, thus providing also a way of handling partiality ---
undefined cases can be mapped to the bottom element. HOLCF has also a
type constructor \emph{u} that allows to deal with laziness, by
guaranteeing $\bot \neq \smath{up} \$ (\bot)$.
In the case of HOLCF, the logic provides a computational
interpretation of function types as domains. In HOL there is no such
facility, therefore either appropriate types for the translation are
introduced --- as in \cite{}, or considerable semantical restrictions
must be accepted --- this is also the case for one of the translation
to FOL proposed in \cite{}.
Depending on the expressiveness of the logic, the translation of the
programming language may be carried out at different levels of depth.
In general, the deeper is the embedding, the less it relies on
meta-level features of the target language. This may be a plus, either
from the point of view of semantic clarity, or from that of
expressiveness. Taking advantage of meta-level feaures, on the other
hand, may be useful in order to make the theorem proving less tedious,
by allowing more constant use of generic proof methods. It may also
ultimately affect positively the theorem prover economy, by
reinforcing the bias toward the development of proof methods that,
however specific, can be more easily integrated with generic ones.
% a point made in \cite{}. for example by allowing a straightforward
% operational interpretation ---
The translations of Haskell to HOLCF and HOL that we are presenting in
the following justify themselves in terms of denotational semantics.
The translation to HOLCF differs from that proposed in \cite{} in the
treatment of types. We translate Haskell types directly into HOLCF
ones, whereas they use HOLCF terms to embed Haskell types. We assume
that the HOLCF types are similar enough to the those of Haskell, in
order to guarantee the semantical correctness of our translations.
Moreover, we rely on axiomatic classes to translate Haskell types
Our approach has the advantage of giving a shallower embedding,
however it has the drawback of not bein complete --- notably, type
constructor classes are missing. We plan to handle in future this
problem (see section~\ref{sec:Monads}) by relying on an extension of
Isabelle based on morphism between theories. The translation into HOL
is essentialy only a first experiment, it handles types very
simplistically, relying on drastic semantical restrictions for
correcteness. Under those restrictions, however, it gives expressions
that are comparatively quite simple to work with.
A type class in Isabelle is conceptually quite different from one in
Haskell. The former is associated to a set of axioms, whereas the
latter is associated to a set of function declarations. Isabelle
classes may have at most a type parameter. Moreover, Isabelle does
not allow for type constructor classes. The last limitation is the
most serious of the three, since it makes quite hard to cope with
monads. We can get around this obstacle relying on a method for the
axiomatic encoding of monads in HOL that uses parametrisation.
Parametrisation based on theory morphism has been implemented, as a
conservative extension of various Isabelle logics, in AWE, a tool
designed to support proof reuse \cite{AWE}.
HOLCF allows has types for computable functions --- defined as sets of
continuous functions of a type (!! fixpoints!!). It has a type
constructor \emph{lift} that lifts HOL types to \emph{pcpo}s, thus
providing a way of handling partiality --- undefined cases can be
mapped to the bottom element. It has also a type constructor \emph{u}
that allows to deal with laziness, by guaranteeing $\bot \neq
that can be used to embed Haskell function types.
The translation to HOLCF differs from that to HOL insofar as only the
first one relies on a denotational semantics for the full language,
keeping into account partiality and lazy evaluation, and associating
recursive functions to corresponding fixed points, using on the Fixrec
extension of HOLCF. The translation to HOL is more restrictive; it
does not keep into account any form of partiality, and it restricts
translation of recursive functions to the primitive recursive ones.
It would have been possible to give an account of partiality in HOL by
using option types. However, we chose to keep the HOL translation as
simple as possible for didactic purpose.
The translations of Haskell that we are presenting in the following,
we present translations of Haskell into some of the Isabelle logics.
These translations are implemented as part of Hets, and are based on a
shallow embedding approach quite different from that used in
Programatica. In our translations Haskell types are mapped to Isabelle
types. We are assuming that the type systems of HOL and HOLCF are
similar enough to the type system of Haskell, in order to guarantee
the semantical correctness of our translations. Moreover, we rely on
axiomatic classes to translate Haskell types classes.
A type class in Isabelle is conceptually quite different from one in
Haskell. The former is associated to a set of axioms, whereas the
latter is associated to a set of function declarations. Isabelle
classes may have at most a type parameter. Moreover, Isabelle does
not allow for type constructor classes. The last limitation is the
most serious of the three, since it makes quite hard to cope with
monads. We can get around this obstacle relying on a method for the
axiomatic encoding of monads in HOL that uses parametrisation.
Parametrisation based on theory morphism has been implemented, as a
conservative extension of various Isabelle logics, in AWE, a tool
designed to support proof reuse \cite{AWE}.
The translation to HOLCF differs from that to HOL insofar as only the
first one relies on a denotational semantics for the full language,
keeping into account partiality and lazy evaluation, and associating
recursive functions to corresponding fixed points, using on the Fixrec
extension of HOLCF. The translation to HOL is more restrictive; it
does not keep into account any form of partiality, and it restricts
translation of recursive functions to the primitive recursive ones.
It would have been possible to give an account of partiality in HOL by
using option types. However, we chose to keep the HOL translation as
simple as possible for didactic purpose.
\subsection{Type signature}
Our general strategy for translating signatures is to map Haskell
types to Isabelle defined types. The translation to HOLCF keeps into
account the fact that Haskell expressions are evaluated lazily. The
translation to HOL does not, and moreover requires that all the
functions defined in the Haskell program are total ones...
All types have a sort in Isabelle, defined by the set of the classes
of which it is a member. In HOL, all types belong to the class type;
in HOLCF, they belong to class pcpo (pointed complete poset).
All Haskell function declarations are translated to Isabelle ones.
Type variables are assigned default sort type in HOL and pcpo in
HOLCF. Names get translated by a function that preserves them, up to
avoidance of clashes with Isabelle keywords.
The only built-in types that are properly covered are booleans,
unbounded integers and rationals. These get translated, in the case of
HOL, to Isabelle booleans, integers and rationals, respectively. Bound
integers and floating point numbers would require low-level modelling,
and have not been dealt with; anyway, bounded integers are accepted
and simply treated as unbounded by the application.
In the HOLCF translation, all built-in types get lifted to the
corresponding domains (pcpos), which by definion include the undefined
value, by using the lift HOLCF type constructor. In particular, type
boolean get translated to type tr (short for bool lift), and similarly
for types integer and rational.
Recursive data-types declarations can be translated to datatype
declarations in HOL. In HOLCF they can be translated to domain
declarations. The two structure are quite similar, except that in
domains, which are pcpo, all the parameters are required to be pcpos
as well. Morevover, Isabelle domain declarations require to introduce
names for destructors. Mutually recursive Haskell datatypes can be
translated to both logics, relying on the specific Isabelle syntax for
we present translations of Haskell into some of the Isabelle logics.
These translations are implemented as part of Hets, and are based on a
shallow embedding approach quite different from that used in
Programatica. In our translations Haskell types are mapped to Isabelle
types. We are assuming that the type systems of HOL and HOLCF are
similar enough to the type system of Haskell, in order to guarantee
the semantical correctness of our translations. Moreover, we rely on
axiomatic classes to translate Haskell types classes.
In the following, we present translations of Haskell into some of the
Isabelle logics. These translations are implemented as part of Hets,
and are based on a shallow embedding approach quite different from
that used in Programatica. In our translations Haskell types are
mapped to Isabelle types. We are assuming that the type systems of HOL
and HOLCF are similar enough to the type system of Haskell, in order
to guarantee the semantical correctness of our translations. Moreover,
we rely on axiomatic classes to translate Haskell types classes.
are those presented in \cite{}.
as well as in \cite{}
translation of Haskell
into FOL \cite{} and that into
In \cite{} Haskell is embedded in Martin-Loef
type theory, implemented on Agda.
is indeed a general difference between a lower level
approach based on operational semantics, followed in \cite{agda} and
\cite{miranda}, and a higher-level one, based essentially on
denotational semantics, followed in \cite{}
The correctness of such embeddings
always rests, ultimately, on the denotational semantics of Haskell,
and on the possibility to encode it in a logic under consideration.
\cite{Thompson95}. Indeed, Haskell --- a strongly typed, purely
functional language with lazy evaluation, based on a system of
polymorphic types extended with type constructor classes, where monads
allow for side effects and pseudo-imperative code \cite{Hudak} --- has
already been considered several times as a target for verification
All the above-mentioned works provide embeddings of Haskell, either
partial or total, into programming logic implemented on theorem
provers. The correctness of such embeddings always rests, ultimately,
on the denotational semantics of Haskell, and on the possibility to
encode it in a logic under consideration.
The tools, the logic and the ways in which the encoding can be done
may differ quite deeply. In \cite{} Haskell is embedded in Martin-Loef
type theory, implemented on Agda. All the other examples rely on
Isabelle, a generic theorem-prover written in SML that allows for the
formalisation of a variety of logics, including FOL, HOL and HOLCF
\cite{Paulson94isa}. The embedding in \cite{} rely on FOL, the
Isabelle implementation of classical first-order logic.
All the other examples \cite{...} rely on higher-order logic. HOL is
the implementation of classical higher-order logic based on simply
typed lambda calculus, extended with axiomatic type classes. HOLCF
\cite{holcf} is the extension of HOL with a formalisation of the
theory of computable functions (LCF) based on axiomatic type classes.
% In
% other words, we need to represent the program in a mechanised logic in
% which the requirements can be expressed, as well.
% The representation can take different forms. It is possible to
% associate the state-machine behavioural description to models in a
% logic. Another possibility is to represent the program in terms of a
% computational logic based on the operational semantics of the
% language.
% In both cases however, a significant part of the work has to
% be carried out before the actual verification may take place.
In order to verify a program, we need to associate its code to a
logical representation that allows for requirements to be expressed
and for proofs to be carried out. There are different ways to do this.
The way we carry this out here is to embed Haskell into an expressive
higher-order logic, together with providing an implementation of the
embedding that allows for an automated translation of Haskell. From
the theoretical point of view, the correctness of the embdedding
depends on the denotational semantics of the language. From the
practical point of view, once the program code can be translated
automatically to the logic, all the burden of the verification can
rest on the theorem proving.
Depending on the expressiveness of the logic, the translation of the
progrmaming language may be carried out at different levels of depth.
In general, the deeper is the embedding, the less it relies on
meta-level features of the target language. This may be a plus from
the point of view of semantic clarity. Taking advantage of meta-level
feaures, on the other hand, may be useful in order to make the theorem
proving less tedious.
Isabelle is a generic theorem-prover written in SML that allows for
the formalisation of a variety of logics \cite{Paulson94isa}.
Isabelle-HOL is the implementation of classical higher-order logic
based on simply typed lambda calculus, extended with axiomatic type
classes. Isabelle-HOLCF \cite{holcf} is the extension of HOL with a
formalisation of the theory of computable functions (LCF) based on
axiomatic type classes.
Hets \cite{Hets} is a parsing, static analysis and proof management
tool designed to interface with various language specific tools, in
order to support heterogeneous specification. In particular, for the
parsing and static analysis of Haskell programs Hets relies on
Programatica \cite{PTeam}, a tool that has its own proof management,
including a translation of Haskell to Isabelle-HOLCF.
The translations of Haskell that we are presenting in the following,
we present translations of Haskell into some of the Isabelle logics.
These translations are implemented as part of Hets, and are based on a
shallow embedding approach quite different from that used in
Programatica. In our translations Haskell types are mapped to Isabelle
types. We are assuming that the type systems of HOL and HOLCF are
similar enough to the type system of Haskell, in order to guarantee
the semantical correctness of our translations. Moreover, we rely on
axiomatic classes to translate Haskell types classes.
A type class in Isabelle is conceptually quite different from one in
Haskell. The former is associated to a set of axioms, whereas the
latter is associated to a set of function declarations. Isabelle
classes may have at most a type parameter. Moreover, Isabelle does
not allow for type constructor classes. The last limitation is the
most serious of the three, since it makes quite hard to cope with
monads. We can get around this obstacle relying on a method for the
axiomatic encoding of monads in HOL that uses parametrisation.
Parametrisation based on theory morphism has been implemented, as a
conservative extension of various Isabelle logics, in AWE, a tool
designed to support proof reuse \cite{AWE}.
The translation to HOLCF differs from that to HOL insofar as only the
first one relies on a denotational semantics for the full language,
keeping into account partiality and lazy evaluation, and associating
recursive functions to corresponding fixed points, using on the Fixrec
extension of HOLCF. The translation to HOL is more restrictive; it
does not keep into account any form of partiality, and it restricts
translation of recursive functions to the primitive recursive ones.
It would have been possible to give an account of partiality in HOL by
using option types. However, we chose to keep the HOL translation as
simple as possible for didactic purpose.
These translations are on the overall quite different from other ones
based on deep embeddings, particularly from the Programatica
translation of Haskell into HOLCF \cite{Huff}, where the type system
is modelled at the logical level, as well as from translations of
Miranda and Haskell into FOL (Isabelle classical first-order logic)
where higher-order features have to be dealt with less directly
\section*{The hs2thy tool}
(suggested change: from h2hf to hs2thy)
The tool is designed to support the translation of simple but
realistic Haskell programs to HOLCF and, with some restriction, to
HOL. Not all the syntactical features of Haskell are covered yet,
although most of those used in the Prelude are. The most noticeable
limitations are related to built-in types, pattern-matching and local
definitions. There are additional and more substantial restrictions
in the case of HOL, related to termination and to recursion.
The application can be installed as part of Hets. It requires Haskell
GHC and Programatica. It is run by the command \emph{h2hf
[h|hc|mh|mhc] file.hs} where the options stand, respectively, for
HOL, HOLCF, HOL extended with AWE and HOLCF extended with AWE.
For the sake of maintainance, \emph{Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.hs} is the
module that contains the main translation function, carried out as
theory translation after a preliminary step of signature translation,
and \emph{IsaSign.hs} contains the internal representation of Isabelle
\subsection{Type signature}
Our general strategy for translating signatures is to map Haskell
types to Isabelle defined types. The translation to HOLCF keeps into
account the fact that Haskell expressions are evaluated lazily. The
translation to HOL does not, and moreover requires that all the
functions defined in the Haskell program are total ones...
All types have a sort in Isabelle, defined by the set of the classes
of which it is a member. In HOL, all types belong to the class type;
in HOLCF, they belong to class pcpo (pointed complete poset).
All Haskell function declarations are translated to Isabelle ones.
Type variables are assigned default sort type in HOL and pcpo in
HOLCF. Names get translated by a function that preserves them, up to
avoidance of clashes with Isabelle keywords.
The only built-in types that are properly covered are booleans,
unbounded integers and rationals. These get translated, in the case of
HOL, to Isabelle booleans, integers and rationals, respectively. Bound
integers and floating point numbers would require low-level modelling,
and have not been dealt with; anyway, bounded integers are accepted
and simply treated as unbounded by the application.
In the HOLCF translation, all built-in types get lifted to the
corresponding domains (pcpos), which by definion include the undefined
value, by using the lift HOLCF type constructor. In particular, type
boolean get translated to type tr (short for bool lift), and similarly
for types integer and rational.
Recursive data-types declarations can be translated to datatype
declarations in HOL. In HOLCF they can be translated to domain
declarations. The two structure are quite similar, except that in
domains, which are pcpo, all the parameters are required to be pcpos
as well. Morevover, Isabelle domain declarations require to introduce
names for destructors. Mutually recursive Haskell datatypes can be
translated to both logics, relying on the specific Isabelle syntax for
\subsection{Function definitions}
Haskell function definitions are translated to corresponding Isabelle
ones. Non-recursive definitions are translated to ordinary definitions
(keyword \emph{defs}), whereas recursive ones require specific
keywords. The type of the function, inclusive of class annotation, is
included in each of its definitions in order to allow for overloading.
In the translation to HOLCF, when the Haskell value is of built-in
type, the translated value has the lifted corresponding type --- this
is either the case of a lifted value (where \emph{Def} is the lifting
function) or the case of the undefined value (\emph{UU}).
As to local definitions, they can be introduced in Haskell by let and
where expressions. Let expressions are translated to Isabelle let
expressions, whereas where expressions are not covered.
\subsection{Recursive definitions}
Recursive defitions is the topic that really sets HOL and HOLCF apart.
In HOLCF, where every type is a domain and every function is
continuous, all recursive functions can be defined by fixpoint
operator. This is essentially a function that, given as argument the
function definition body abstracted of the recursive call name,
returns the corresponding recursive function. Coding this directly
would be rather cumbersome, particularly in the case of mutually
recursive functions, where tuples of definition bodies and tupled
abstraction are needed. We can instead rely on the \emph{recdef}
package, which allows to handle fixpoint definitions like ordinary
recursive ones, offering nice syntax to deal with mutual recursion as
The case of HOL is more compplex. There a distinction must be drawn
between primitive recursive functions and generic recursive ones. In
the formers, termination is guaranteed by the fact that recursive
definitions are strictly associated with the datatype structure of a
parameter. In the latters, termination needs to be proved. This can be
done, in a \emph{recdef} definition, by providing a measure for the
function parameter that can be proved to be strictly decreasing for
each occurrence of a recursive call in the definition. This requires a
generally unbounded amount of ingenuity and cannot be carried out by a
simple translation.
For this reason, the translation of recursive functions to HOL is
restricted to primitive recursive ones. Mutually recursive functions
are allowed under additional restrictions. These are: all the
functions should be recursive in the first argument, this should be of
the same type for each of them, the constructors should be listed in
the same order in each of the case expressions, and also the variable
names in the case patterns are expected to be maintained.
The translation of mutually recursive functions $a \rightarrow b, \ldots a
\rightarrow d$ introduces a new function $a \rightarrow (b * \ldots * d)$
defined, for each case pattern, as the product of the values
correspondingly taken by the original functions.
\subsection{Pattern matching}
Support of pattern-matching in Isabelle is more restricted than in
Haskell. Nested patterns are disallowed; case expressions are
sensitive to the order of the constructors, which should be the same
as in the datatype declaration. In particular, the case variable si
required to be a variable. Translation of pattern-matching is
potentially laborious. For this reason guarded expressions, list
comprehension and nested pattern-matching have been left out; they can
be replaced without loss, anyway, using conditional expressions and
map functions.
Function definition by top level pattern matching is not allowed in
Isabelle with ordinary definitions, but it is with those that are
explicitly declared to be recursive ones. However, particularly in HOL
primitive recursive definitions patterns are allowed in one parameter
only. In order to translate function definitions with patterns in more
than one parameter, without resorting to using tuples and more complex
definitions (\emph{recdef} instead of \emph{primrec}), our
translations turn a multiple definition by top level pattern matching
into a definition by case construct.
Haskell classes and instances are translated to Isabelle,
respectively, as classes with empty axiomatisation and as instances
with trivial instantiation proof. The translation supports only
single-parameter classes --- in principle, more than one parameter
could be handled using tuples.
Built-in classes --- Eq and Ord in particular --- are translated to
newly defined classes in Isabelle; the corresponding axiomatisation
however here is not provided.
Functions declarations associated to classes are translated to
Isabelle as independent function declarations with appropriate class
annotation. Function definitions associated to instances are
translated as overloaded function definitions, relying on class
annotation of typed variables.
Isabelle does not allow for classes of type constructors, hence a
problem in representing monads. We can deal with this problem,
however, relying on an axiomatisation of monads that allows for the
presentation of monadic types as an axiomatic class, as provided in
\cite{}. Therefore, monadic types can be translated to newly defined
types that are constrained to satisfy the monadic axioms. This
constraining, carried out as an instantiation of type variables in the
theory of monads, takes the form of a theory morphism, and can be
carried out automatically by AWE, an implementation of parametrisation
and theory morphism on top of Isabelle basic logic, that may also be
used to extend HOL and HOLCF. The do notation can then be translated
by unpacking it into monadic operators. Attempting to translate
monadic notation without support AWE support will result in an error
The following is a list of constructs that are covered by all the
\item predefined types: boolean, integer.
\item predifed type constructors: funtion, cartesian product, list.
\item declaration of recursive datatype, including mutually recursive ones.
\item predefined functions: equality, booelan constructors,
connectives, list constructors, head and tail list functions,
arithmetic operations.
\item non-recursive functions, including conditional,
let and case expressions.
\item use of incomplete patterns (HOLCF) and of wildcards in case
\item total primitive recursive functions (HOL)
and partial recursive ones (HOLCF), including mutual ones (with
restrictions in the HOL case).
\item class and instance declarations.
\item monad declarations and do notation.
The shallow embedding approach used by our translations should allow
to take as much advantage as possible of the automation currently
available on Isabelle, particularly in HOL.
Further work should include extending the translation to cover the
whole of the Haskell Prelude. We hope that this will make it possible
to support the verification of functional robotics programs.
A further extension, in line with the work on Programtica, would be
the translation of P-logic. This translation, due to the character of
the P-logic typing system, could be more easily carried out relying on
some form of universal quantification on type variables, or else
further relying on parametrisation.
%Moreover, being such languages
%as Haskell, ML and Miranda closely modelled on typed lambda-calculus,
%their translations to specification formalisms, particularly to
%higher-order logics, turn out to be comparatively straighforward to be
%defined in the main lines --- although not so to be carried out in
%, due to the richness in syntax, the specific way evaluation is
%implemented, as well as to issues associated with classes (Haskell),
%overloading and side effects.
%All functions are total in HOL. Partiality may be dealt with by
%lifting types through the \emph{option} type constructor. HOL has an
%implementation of recursive functions based on Tarski fixed-point
%theorem. Defining a recursive function requires giving a specific
%measure and proving monotonicity about it.
% HOL has an implementation of recursive functions, based on Tarski
% fixed-point theorem. Their definition in general requires specific
% measure to be given each time, for monotonicity to be proved.
% Moreover, partial functions are needed to programs that might not
% terminate, but in HOL all functions are total. Partiality may be
% dealt with by lifting types through \emph{option}, a type
% constructor in HOL. This inevitably complicates case expressions.
%There are different general approaches depending on the style of the
%semantics. The expressiveness of the logical language may also make a
%big difference.
The Haskell classes Eq and Ord are translated to corresponding classes
declared, respectively, in HsHOL.thy and HsHOLCF.thy. These classes
for the moment are taken to be absolutely generic ones (with empty
Isabelle-HOL as an implementation of classical higher-order logic
supports the definition of datatypes and recursive functions.
However, it distinguishes between primitive recursion (keyword
emph{primrec}), in which termination is trivially guaranteed by
decrease in the complexity of a parameter, and recursion (keyword
emph{recdef}) for which an appropriate specific measure must be
provided in order to get the termination proof to go through.
Moreover, HOL does not have a notion of undefined suitable for
computations --- therefore all functions have to be total.
This translation of recursive functions is restricted to total
primitive recursive functions that are recursive in their first
datatype argument. The Haskell definition should be a case expression
in which all the constructors are considered in their datatype
declaration order, save for the use of a wildcard.
%Wildcards cannot be used for constructor arguments.
%Moreover, the
%case variable should not be used in the specific case expression (just
%replace it with the specific case pattern).
Mutually recursive functions are allowed under additional
restrictions. All the functions should be recursive in the same type,
the constructors should be listed in the same order in each of the
case expressions, and also the variable names in the case patterns are
expected to be maintained.
The translation of mutually recursive functions $a \rightarrow b, \ldots a
\rightarrow d$ introduces a new function $a \rightarrow (b * \ldots * d)$
defined, for each case pattern, as the product of the values
correspondingly taken by the original functions.
Isabelle-HOLCF is the implementation of the theory of computable
functions on top of higher-order logic, relying on axiomatic classes.
In comparison with HOL, the handling of partial functions is more
natural, and the presence of the fixpoint operator allows for a
general treatment of recursive functions. However, types in HOLCF can
be interpreted as pointed complete partial orders (pcpo), and this
requires all standard types to be lifted.
In the present translation, the type constructor \emph{lift} is used
to lift types, in association with the corresponding lifting function
\emph{Def} and with the undefined value \emph{UU}. Datatypes are
translated to domains --- complete with destructors from declaration.
The class \emph{pcpo} is added to the sort of each type variable.
Partial recursive functions (defined by case expressions), including
mutually recursive ones, are covered without any essential
restrictions, relying on the recdef package.
as well as an
operational, but is quite deep.
, insofar as
it builds into HOL a specific domain class for the interpretation of
Higher-level approaches relying on denotational
propose level
approaches based on large-step operational semantics, even if with
some complication when dealing with higher-order programming languages
such as those presented in \cite{} --- Miranda in FOL; \cite{} ---
Haskell in FOL; \cite{} --- Haskell in the Agda implementation of
Martin-Loef type theory. More expressiveness is usually required by
high-level approaches based on denotational semantics, such as those
presented in \cite{} --- Haskell in HOLCF and HOL; \cite{} --- ML in
The main one, is which Depending on the
expressiveness of the logic, the translation of the programming
language may be carried out at different levels of depth. In general,
the deeper is the embedding, the less it relies on meta-level features
of the target language. This may be a plus, either from the point of
view of semantic clarity, or from that of expressiveness. Taking
advantage of meta-level feaures, on the other hand, may be useful in
order to make the theorem proving less tedious, by allowing more
constant use of generic proof methods. It may also ultimately affect
positively the theorem prover economy, by reinforcing the bias toward
the development of proof methods that, however specific, can be more
easily integrated with generic ones.
Some significantly different examples of functional programming
languages embedded into the logic of a theorem prover can be found in
\cite{} (Miranda on Isabelle), \cite{} (ML on Isabelle), \cite{}
(Haskell on Isabelle), \cite{} (Haskell on Agda). Example of lower
level approaches are given in \cite{}, where Haskell is translated
into the Agda implementation of Martin-Loef theory based on
operational rules and relies on operational semantics for correctness,
is followed in \cite{}, where Haskell is embedded into the Agda
implementation of Martin-Loef theory, as well as in the embeddings of
Miranda \cite{} and Haskell \cite{} into FOL (classical first-order
logic, until the middle of the nineties still probably the best
supported logic on Isabelle). Higher-level approaches, such as
presented in \cite{} (embedding ML into HOL), and in \cite{}
(embedding Haskell into HOLCF and into HOL), rely ultimately on
denotational semantics for correctenss. This, together with the
expressiveness allowed by higher-order logic for the formulation of
requirements, gives the considerable advantage of enabling proofs that
are more abstract and closer to mathematical intuition.
method for the
axiomatic encoding of monads in HOL that uses parametrisation.
Parametrisation based on theory morphism has been implemented, as a
conservative extension of various Isabelle logics, in AWE, a tool
designed to support proof reuse \cite{AWE}.
it is not complete, and cannot be trivially completed ---
notably, type constructor classes have not been considered, since
Isabelle does not have them. However, we are expecting to deal with
this problem by relying on an extension of Isabelle based on theory
morphism (see section \ref{}) .