hs2isa.tex revision 984e73d7bd9693bb0f113d956969b7d1483f5925
% File: kri0.tex
% Author: Paolo Torrini <paolot@helios.dai.ed.ac.uk>
% Created: Mon Feb 15 1999
% Use \includegraphics{*.eps} for pictures
% Enlarge printing area a bit:
\title{Translating Haskell programs to Isabelle by shallow embedding}
\author{Paolo Torrini, Till Mossakowski, Christian Maeder}
% \\ Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Universitaet Bremen}
\abstract{\small We present a tool for the translation of simple
Haskell programs to Isabelle HOLCF and, under strong semantical
restrictions, to Isabelle HOL, based on a shallow embdedding
approach, implemented as part of the Hets system, on top of the
static analysis
carried out by Programatica.}\\
% The translation of monads uses the AWE extension of Isabelle.}\\
\noindent It has been suggested that, owing to their relative
semantical simplicity, programs written in functional languages are a
natural target for verification \cite{Thompson95}. Haskell is indeed a
strongly typed, purely functional language with lazy evaluation, based
on a type system of polymorphic types with type and type constructor
classes, where side effects are modelled using monads (introduced as a
type costructor class), and allowing for a pseudo-imperative
programming style (do notation) \cite{Hudak}.
% In
% other words, we need to represent the program in a mechanised logic in
% which the requirements can be expressed, as well.
% The representation can take different forms. It is possible to
% associate the state-machine behavioural description to models in a
% logic. Another possibility is to represent the program in terms of a
% computational logic based on the operational semantics of the
% language.
% In both cases however, a significant part of the work has to
% be carried out before the actual verification may take place.
In order to verify a program, we need to associate its code to a
logical representation that allows for requirements to be expressed
and for proofs to be carried out. There are different ways to do this.
The way we carry this out here is to embed Haskell into an expressive
higher-order logic, together with providing an implementation of the
embedding that allows for an automated translation of Haskell. From
the theoretical point of view, the correctness of the embdedding
depends on the denotational semantics of the language. From the
practical point of view, once the program code can be translated
automatically to the logic, all the burden of the verification can
rest on the theorem proving.
Depending on the expressiveness of the logic, the translation of the
progrmaming language may be carried out at different levels of depth.
In general, the deeper is the embedding, the less it relies on
meta-level features of the target language. This may be a plus from
the point of view of semantic clarity. Taking advantage of meta-level
feaures, on the other hand, may be useful in order to make the theorem
proving less tedious.
Isabelle is a generic theorem-prover written in SML that allows for
the formalisation of a variety of logics \cite{Paulson94isa}.
Isabelle-HOL is the implementation of classical higher-order logic
based on simply typed lambda calculus, extended with axiomatic type
classes. Isabelle-HOLCF \cite{holcf} is HOL extended with a
formalisation of the theory of computable functions (LCF) based on
axiomatic type classes.
Hets \cite{Hets} is a parsing, static analysis and proof management
tool designed to interface with various language specific tools, in
order to support heterogeneous specification. In particular, for the
parsing and static analysis of Haskell programs Hets relies on
Programatica \cite{PTeam}, a tool that has its own proof management,
including a translation of Haskell to Isabelle-HOLCF.
In the following, we present translations of Haskell into some of the
Isabelle logics. These translations are implemented as part of Hets,
and are based on a shallow embedding approach quite different from
that used in Programatica. In our translations Haskell types are
mapped to Isabelle types. We are assuming that the type systems of HOL
and HOLCF are similar enough to the type system of Haskell, in order
to guarantee the semantical correctness of our translations. Moreover,
we rely on axiomatic classes to translate Haskell types classes.
A type class in Isabelle is conceptually quite different from one in
Haskell. The former is associated to a set of axioms, whereas the
latter is associated to a set of function declarations. Isabelle
classes may have at most a type parameter. Moreover, Isabelle does
not allow for type constructor classes. The last limitation is the
most serious of the three, since it makes quite hard to cope with
monads. We can get around this obstacle relying on a method for the
axiomatic encoding of monads in HOL that uses parametrisation.
Parametrisation based on theory morphism has been implemented, as a
conservative extension of various Isabelle logics, in AWE, a tool
designed to support proof reuse \cite{AWE}.
The translation to HOLCF differs from that to HOL insofar as only the
first one relies on a denotational semantics for the full language,
keeping into account partiality and lazy evaluation, and associating
recursive functions to corresponding fixed points, using on the Fixrec
extension of HOLCF. The translation to HOL is more restrictive; it
does not keep into account any form of partiality, and it restricts
translation of recursive functions to the primitive recursive ones.
It would have been possible to give an account of partiality in HOL by
using option types. However, we chose to keep the HOL translation as
simple as possible for didactic purpose.
These translations are on the overall quite different from other ones
based on deep embeddings, particularly from the Programatica
translation of Haskell into HOLCF \cite{Huff}, where the type system
is modelled at the logical level, as well as from translations of
Miranda and Haskell into FOL (Isabelle classical first-order logic)
where higher-order features have to be dealt with less directly
\section*{The hs2thy tool}
(suggested change: from h2hf to hs2thy)
The tool is designed to support the translation of simple but
realistic Haskell programs to HOLCF and, with some restriction, to
HOL. Not all the syntactical features of Haskell are covered yet,
although most of those used in the Prelude are. The most noticeable
limitations are related to built-in types, pattern-matching and local
definitions. There are additional and more substantial restrictions
in the case of HOL, related to termination and to recursion.
The application can be installed as part of Hets. It requires Haskell
GHC and Programatica. It is run by the command \emph{h2hf
[h|hc|mh|mhc] file.hs} where the options stand, respectively, for
HOL, HOLCF, HOL extended with AWE and HOLCF extended with AWE.
For the sake of maintainance, \emph{Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.hs} is the
module that contains the main translation function, carried out as
theory translation after a preliminary step of signature translation,
and \emph{IsaSign.hs} contains the internal representation of Isabelle
\subsection*{Type signature}
Our general strategy for translating signatures is to map Haskell
types to Isabelle defined types. The translation to HOLCF keeps into
account the fact that Haskell expressions are evaluated lazily. The
translation to HOL does not, and moreover requires that all the
functions defined in the Haskell program are total ones...
All types have a sort in Isabelle, defined by the set of the classes
of which it is a member. In HOL, all types belong to the class type;
in HOLCF, they belong to class pcpo (pointed complete poset).
All Haskell function declarations are translated to Isabelle ones.
Type variables are assigned default sort type in HOL and pcpo in
HOLCF. Names get translated by a function that preserves them, up to
avoidance of clashes with Isabelle keywords.
The only built-in types that are properly covered are booleans,
unbounded integers and rationals. These get translated, in the case of
HOL, to Isabelle booleans, integers and rationals, respectively. Bound
integers and floating point numbers would require low-level modelling,
and have not been dealt with; anyway, bounded integers are accepted
and simply treated as unbounded by the application.
In the HOLCF translation, all built-in types get lifted to the
corresponding domains (pcpos), which by definion include the undefined
value, by using the lift HOLCF type constructor. In particular, type
boolean get translated to type tr (short for bool lift), and similarly
for types integer and rational.
Recursive data-types declarations can be translated to datatype
declarations in HOL. In HOLCF they can be translated to domain
declarations. The two structure are quite similar, except that in
domains, which are pcpo, all the parameters are required to be pcpos
as well. Morevover, Isabelle domain declarations require to introduce
names for destructors. Mutually recursive Haskell datatypes can be
translated to both logics, relying on the specific Isabelle syntax for
\subsection*{Function definitions}
Haskell function definitions are translated to corresponding Isabelle
ones. Non-recursive definitions are translated to ordinary definitions
(keyword \emph{defs}), whereas recursive ones require specific
keywords. The type of the function, inclusive of class annotation, is
included in each of its definitions in order to allow for overloading.
In the translation to HOLCF, when the Haskell value is of built-in
type, the translated value has the lifted corresponding type --- this
is either the case of a lifted value (where \emph{Def} is the lifting
function) or the case of the undefined value (\emph{UU}).
As to local definitions, they can be introduced in Haskell by let and
where expressions. Let expressions are translated to Isabelle let
expressions, whereas where expressions are not covered.
\subsection*{Recursive definitions}
Recursive defitions is the topic that really sets HOL and HOLCF apart.
In HOLCF, where every type is a domain and every function is
continuous, all recursive functions can be defined by fixpoint
operator. This is essentially a function that, given as argument the
function definition body abstracted of the recursive call name,
returns the corresponding recursive function. Coding this directly
would be rather cumbersome, particularly in the case of mutually
recursive functions, where tuples of definition bodies and tupled
abstraction are needed. We can instead rely on the \emph{recdef}
package, which allows to handle fixpoint definitions like ordinary
recursive ones, offering nice syntax to deal with mutual recursion as
The case of HOL is more compplex. There a distinction must be drawn
between primitive recursive functions and generic recursive ones. In
the formers, termination is guaranteed by the fact that recursive
definitions are strictly associated with the datatype structure of a
parameter. In the latters, termination needs to be proved. This can be
done, in a \emph{recdef} definition, by providing a measure for the
function parameter that can be proved to be strictly decreasing for
each occurrence of a recursive call in the definition. This requires a
generally unbounded amount of ingenuity and cannot be carried out by a
simple translation.
For this reason, the translation of recursive functions to HOL is
restricted to primitive recursive ones. Mutually recursive functions
are allowed under additional restrictions. These are: all the
functions should be recursive in the first argument, this should be of
the same type for each of them, the constructors should be listed in
the same order in each of the case expressions, and also the variable
names in the case patterns are expected to be maintained.
The translation of mutually recursive functions $a \rightarrow b, \ldots a
\rightarrow d$ introduces a new function $a \rightarrow (b * \ldots * d)$
defined, for each case pattern, as the product of the values
correspondingly taken by the original functions.
\subsection*{Pattern matching}
Support of pattern-matching in Isabelle is more restricted than in
Haskell. Nested patterns are disallowed; case expressions are
sensitive to the order of the constructors, which should be the same
as in the datatype declaration. In particular, the case variable si
required to be a variable. Translation of pattern-matching is
potentially laborious. For this reason guarded expressions, list
comprehension and nested pattern-matching have been left out; they can
be replaced without loss, anyway, using conditional expressions and
map functions.
Function definition by top level pattern matching is not allowed in
Isabelle with ordinary definitions, but it is with those that are
explicitly declared to be recursive ones. However, particularly in HOL
primitive recursive definitions patterns are allowed in one parameter
only. In order to translate function definitions with patterns in more
than one parameter, without resorting to using tuples and more complex
definitions (\emph{recdef} instead of \emph{primrec}), our
translations turn a multiple definition by top level pattern matching
into a definition by case construct.
Haskell classes and instances are translated to Isabelle,
respectively, as classes with empty axiomatisation and as instances
with trivial instantiation proof. The translation supports only
single-parameter classes --- in principle, more than one parameter
could be handled using tuples.
Built-in classes --- Eq and Ord in particular --- are translated to
newly defined classes in Isabelle; the corresponding axiomatisation
however here is not provided.
Functions declarations associated to classes are translated to
Isabelle as independent function declarations with appropriate class
annotation. Function definitions associated to instances are
translated as overloaded function definitions, relying on class
annotation of typed variables.
Isabelle does not allow for classes of type constructors, hence a
problem in representing monads. We can deal with this problem,
however, relying on an axiomatisation of monads that allows for the
presentation of monadic types as an axiomatic class, as provided in
\cite{}. Therefore, monadic types can be translated to newly defined
types that are constrained to satisfy the monadic axioms. This
constraining, carried out as an instantiation of type variables in the
theory of monads, takes the form of a theory morphism, and can be
carried out automatically by AWE, an implementation of parametrisation
and theory morphism on top of Isabelle basic logic, that may also be
used to extend HOL and HOLCF. The do notation can then be translated
by unpacking it into monadic operators. Attempting to translate
monadic notation without support AWE support will result in an error
The following is a list of constructs that are covered by all the
\item predefined types: boolean, integer.
\item predifed type constructors: funtion, cartesian product, list.
\item declaration of recursive datatype, including mutually recursive ones.
\item predefined functions: equality, booelan constructors,
connectives, list constructors, head and tail list functions,
arithmetic operations.
\item non-recursive functions, including conditional,
let and case expressions.
\item use of incomplete patterns (HOLCF) and of wildcards in case
\item total primitive recursive functions (HOL)
and partial recursive ones (HOLCF), including mutual ones (with
restrictions in the HOL case).
\item class and instance declarations.
\item monad declarations and do notation.
The shallow embedding approach used by our translations should allow
to take as much advantage as possible of the automation currently
available on Isabelle, particularly in HOL.
Further work should include extending the translation to cover the
whole of the Haskell Prelude. We hope that this will make it possible
to support the verification of functional robotics programs.
A further extension, in line with the work on Programtica, would be
the translation of P-logic. This translation, due to the character of
the P-logic typing system, could be more easily carried out relying on
some form of universal quantification on type variables, or else
further relying on parametrisation.
The Haskell classes Eq and Ord are translated to corresponding classes
declared, respectively, in HsHOL.thy and HsHOLCF.thy. These classes
for the moment are taken to be absolutely generic ones (with empty
Isabelle-HOL as an implementation of classical higher-order logic
supports the definition of datatypes and recursive functions.
However, it distinguishes between primitive recursion (keyword
emph{primrec}), in which termination is trivially guaranteed by
decrease in the complexity of a parameter, and recursion (keyword
emph{recdef}) for which an appropriate specific measure must be
provided in order to get the termination proof to go through.
Moreover, HOL does not have a notion of undefined suitable for
computations --- therefore all functions have to be total.
This translation of recursive functions is restricted to total
primitive recursive functions that are recursive in their first
datatype argument. The Haskell definition should be a case expression
in which all the constructors are considered in their datatype
declaration order, save for the use of a wildcard.
%Wildcards cannot be used for constructor arguments.
%Moreover, the
%case variable should not be used in the specific case expression (just
%replace it with the specific case pattern).
Mutually recursive functions are allowed under additional
restrictions. All the functions should be recursive in the same type,
the constructors should be listed in the same order in each of the
case expressions, and also the variable names in the case patterns are
expected to be maintained.
The translation of mutually recursive functions $a \rightarrow b, \ldots a
\rightarrow d$ introduces a new function $a \rightarrow (b * \ldots * d)$
defined, for each case pattern, as the product of the values
correspondingly taken by the original functions.
Isabelle-HOLCF is the implementation of the theory of computable
functions on top of higher-order logic, relying on axiomatic classes.
In comparison with HOL, the handling of partial functions is more
natural, and the presence of the fixpoint operator allows for a
general treatment of recursive functions. However, types in HOLCF can
be interpreted as pointed complete partial orders (pcpo), and this
requires all standard types to be lifted.
In the present translation, the type constructor \emph{lift} is used
to lift types, in association with the corresponding lifting function
\emph{Def} and with the undefined value \emph{UU}. Datatypes are
translated to domains --- complete with destructors from declaration.
The class \emph{pcpo} is added to the sort of each type variable.
Partial recursive functions (defined by case expressions), including
mutually recursive ones, are covered without any essential
restrictions, relying on the recdef package.