hets.bib revision 89118fd658073a87eddf4ead4bb63c6adb30550d
author = {L. Schr\"oder and T. Mossakowski and C. Maeder},
title = {{\HasCASL} -- {I}ntegrated functional specification and programming. {L}anguage Summary},
note = {Available at \verb?http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/agbkb/forschung/formal_methods/? \verb?CoFI/HasCASL?}},
year = {2003},
editor = {S. Peyton-Jones},
title = {{Haskell} 98 Language and Libraries ---
The Revised Report},
publisher = {Cambridge},
year = {2003},
note = {also: J.\ Funct.\ Programming {{\bf 13}} (2003)}
author = {Lutz Schr{\"o}der},
title = {The {HasCASL} Prologue - Categorical Syntax and Semantics of the Partial {$\lambda$}-calculus},
year = {2006},
journal = {Theoret. Comput. Sci.},
volume = {353},
pages = {1-25},
keywords = {partial lambda-calculus partial cartesian closed category Henkin model HasCASL CASL},
pdfurl = {http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~lschrode/hascasl/prologue.pdf},
psurl = {http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~lschrode/hascasl/prologue.ps},
abstract = {We develop the semantic foundations of the specification language HasCASL, which combines algebraic specification and functional programming on the basis of Moggi's partial {$\lambda$}-calculus. Generalizing Lambek's classical equivalence between the simply typed {$\lambda$}-calculus and cartesian closed categories, we establish an equivalence between partial cartesian closed categories (pccc's) and partial {$\lambda$}-theories. Building on these results, we define (set-theoretic) notions of intensional Henkin model and syntactic {$\lambda$}-algebra for Moggi's partial {$\lambda$}-calculus. These models are shown to be equivalent to the originally described categorical models in pccc's via the global element construction. The semantics of HasCASL is defined in terms of syntactic {$\lambda$}-algebras. Correlations between logics and classes of categories facilitate reasoning both on the logical and on the categorical side; as an application, we pinpoint unique choice as the distinctive feature of topos logic (in comparison to intuitionistic higher-order logic of partial functions, which by our results is the logic of pccc's with
equality). Finally, we give some applications of the model-theoretic equivalence result to the semantics of HasCASL and its relation to first-order CASL.
status = {Reviewed}
author = {Lutz Schr�der},
title = {Higher order and reactive algebraic specification and development},
school = {University of Bremen},
year = {2005},
note = {summary of papers constituting a cumulative habilitation thesis; available under \url{http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~lschrode/papers/Summary.pdf}},
author = {T. Mossakowski},
title = {Modal{CASL} - Specification with Multi-Modal Logics. Language Summary},
year = {2004},
keywords = {modal logic CASL},
pdfurl = {http://www.tzi.de/~till/papers/Modal-Summary.pdf},
psurl = {http://www.tzi.de/~till/papers/Modal-Summary.ps},
abstract = {ModalCASL extends CASL by modal operators. Syntax for ordinary
modalities, multi-modal logics as well as term-modal
logic (also covering dynamic logic) is provided.
Specific modal logics can be obtained via restrictions to
This document provides a detailed definition of the ModalCASL syntax
and an informal description of the semantics, building on the existing
CASL Summary.},
status = {Other}