cofibib.bib revision e31c49c9f2b85b768519a2e1ebc143e6a8484aec
CoFI Document Bibliography v2.0
BibTeX source
Last updated: 29 June 2001 by Peter D. Mosses, pdmosses(a)
- Mosses98WADT added
- Mosses-CAFE added
- Mosses-ASF+SDF-97 publisher corrected
Updated: 28 Jan 2001 by Peter D. Mosses, pdmosses(a)
- adjusted for hyperref and cofidoc-v2.0.
Updated: 28 Nov 1999 by Peter D. Mosses, pdmosses(a)
- authors CoFI-LD etc. now OK with all standard bib styles
- published papers now only with OPTnote showing CoFI archive copy
- format of published papers entries made uniform
The string CoFI may be used as the author field of documents:
@string(CoFI = "{CoFI}")
@string(CoFI-LD = "{CoFI Language Design Task Group}")
@string(CoFI-S = "{CoFI Methodology Task Group}")
@string(CoFI-R = "{CoFI Reactive Systems Task Group}")
@string(CoFI-S = "{CoFI Semantics Task Group}")
@string(CoFI-T = "{CoFI Tools Task Group}")
The `note' field is used for referring to electronically-available
documents, e.g. when the URL should always be displayed:
note = "\url{URL}"
or merely to generate a hypertext link without showing the URL:
note = "\href{URL}{TEXT}"
For CoFI documents, however, ALWAYS use one of the following commands
instead of explicit \url or \href commands:
\cofiNote{...}, \cofiDocument{...}, \cofiPublishedDocument{...}
The following commands are provided by the CoFIdoc package:
\CoFI, \CASL, \cofiWWW, \cofiFTP, \url{URL}, \href{URL}{TEXT}
and used in the bib entries below. The following preamble ensures
that they are available also when the bibliography is used in
documents without the CoFIdoc package. It also provides some
auxiliary commands which get redefined to provide links when
converting documents to HTML.
To avoid relying on the xspace package, ALWAYS follow the \CASL and
\CoFI commands by a non-space character in bib entries.
{\cofiWWWref{StudyNotes/#1.html}{Study Note~#1}}
{\cofiWWWref{StudyNotes/Lang/#1.html}{Language Design Study Note~#1}}
{\href{\cofiFTP/StudyNotes/Lang/}{Language Design Study Note~#1}}
ENTRY TEMPLATES for CoFI documents ****************************
CoFI Note:
author = "AUTHOR",
title = "TITLE",
month = MON,
year = "YEAR",
note = "\cofiNote{?-?}, in \cite{CoFI}")
The BibTeX key is always to be the same as the CoFI Note label.
ENTRIES for CoFI Documents ************************************
editor = {Peter D. Mosses},
title = {{\CASL} Reference Manual},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
year = 2004,
volume = {2960},
author = {Michel Bidoit and Peter D. Mosses},
title = {{\CASL} User Manual},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
year = 2004,
author = "CoFI",
title = "{The Common Framework Initiative}
for algebraic specification and development, Electronic Archives",
booktitle = "CoFI Archives",
howpublished = "Notes and Documents accessible from
author = CoFI-T,
title = "{The Common Framework Initiative}
for algebraic specification and development: Tools",
booktitle = "CoFI Tools",
howpublished = "\url{\~{}hkirchne/CoFI/Tools/}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language
(Tentative Design, version 0.95) -- Language Summary}",
month = dec,
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiTentativeDocument{LanguageSummary}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language --
Summary, version 0.97}",
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/Summary-v0.97}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI,
title = "{\CoFI\ -- The Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic
Specification and Development -- Rationale}",
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiDocument{Rationale}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language --
Design Proposal}",
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/Proposal}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language --
Notes of Dissent from the Design Proposal}",
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/Dissent}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-T,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language --
Intended Tools}",
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/Tools}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Bernd Krieg-Br{\"{u}}ckner",
title = "A Proposal for a Concrete Syntax for {\CASL}",
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "Revised version:
\footlink{Postscript}{\cofiWWW/Documents/CASL/SyntaxExamples/}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Fr\'ed\'eric Voisin and Michel Bidoit and Christine Choppy",
title = "A Concrete Syntax for {\CASL} (Tentative Proposal)",
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "Version 2: \footlink{Postscript}{\cofiWWW/Documents/CASL/SyntaxExamples/}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "{IFIP WG 1.3}",
title = "{Referee Report on \CASL}",
month = jun,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/RefereeReport}
(referring to \CASL version 0.97), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{Response to the Referee Report on \CASL}",
month = aug,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/RefereeResponse} (initial response,
referring to \CASL version 0.97), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{Response to the Referee Report on \CASL}",
month = mar,
year = "2000",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/RefereeResponse} (final response),
in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language --
Summary, version 0.98}",
month = sep,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/Summary-v0.98}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Michel Bidoit and Christine Choppy and
Bernd Krieg-Br{\"{u}}ckner and Peter D. Mosses and
Fr\'ed\'eric Voisin",
title = "Concrete Syntax for {\CASL}",
month = feb,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/SyntaxIssues}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Michel Bidoit and Christine Choppy and
Bernd Krieg-Br{\"{u}}ckner and Peter D. Mosses and
Fr\'ed\'eric Voisin",
title = "Concrete Syntax for {\CASL} --
Examples of Structured Specifications",
month = feb,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/SyntaxExamples} (obsolete), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "Abstract Syntax for {\CASL}",
month = feb,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/AbstractSyntax}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language --
Summary, version 0.99}",
month = apr,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/Summary-v0.99}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language --
Summary, version 1.0}",
month = oct,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/Summary-v1.0}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language --
Summary, version 1.0.1}",
month = mar,
year = "2001",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/v1.0.1/Summary}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language --
month = mar,
year = "2001",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/Summary}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-LD,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The Common Algebraic Specification Language --
Summary: List of Changes}",
month = mar,
year = "1999",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/v1.0.1/Summary-Changes}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "{\CASL: A Guided Tour of its Design}",
month = jul,
year = "1999",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/GuidedTour}, in \cite{CoFI}; also
available as slides:
{Presentations/GuidedTour} and
{Presentations/Overview}, in \cite{CoFI}"
author = CoFI-S,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language
-- Semantics}",
month = jul,
year = "1999",
note = "\cofiDocument{CASL/Semantics} (version 0.96), in \cite{CoFI}")
COORDINATION Notes C-? *****************************************
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "The \texttt{CoFIdoc} package",
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "\href{\cofiFTP/Formatting/CoFIdoc/}{Formatting/CoFIdoc},
in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "Formatting {\CoFI} documents using {\LaTeX}",
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{C-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "Formatting {\CASL} specifications using {\LaTeX}",
month = jun,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiNote{C-2}, in \cite{CoFI}")
LANGUAGE DESIGN Notes L-? **************************************
CoFI Language Design Study Notes (1995-96) are listed at the end.
Future notes about language design will appear as CoFI Notes L-?.
author = "Don Sannella",
title = "Variables in Basic Specifications: Overloading and Overriding",
month = mar,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{L-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Anne Haxthausen and Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Extending {\CASL} with Higher-order Functions",
month = apr,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{L-2} (superceded by \cofiNote{L-10}), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Maura Cerioli and Gianna Reggio",
title = "Generic Specifications in {\CASL}: An Alternative Proposal",
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiDissentNote{L-3}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Anne Haxthausen and Maura Cerioli",
title = "The Role of Subsorts in Subsort Declarations and Datatype
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiDissentNote{L-4}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Hubert Baumeister",
title = "On the Definedness of Instantiation of Generics",
month = may,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiDissentNote{L-5}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Didier Bert",
title = "Introduction of Morphisms as First Class Citizens in {\CASL}",
month = jul,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{L-6}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Sublanguages of {\CASL}",
month = dec,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{L-7}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Anne Haxthausen and Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Extending {\CASL} with Higher-order Functions --- Design Proposal",
month = jan,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiNote{L-8} (see also \cofiNote{L-10}), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Two ``Functional Programming'' Sublanguages of {\CASL}",
month = mar,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiNote{L-9}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Anne Haxthausen and Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Subsorted Partial Higher-order Logic as an Extension of {\CASL}",
month = oct,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiNote{L-10}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Markus Roggenbach and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Proposal of Some Annotations and Literal Syntax in {\CASL}",
month = mar,
year = "1999",
note = "\cofiNote{L-11}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Markus Roggenbach and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Basic Datatypes in {\CASL}",
month = may,
year = "2000",
note = "\cofiNote{L-12}, version 0.4.1, in \cite{CoFI}")
METHODOLOGY Notes M-? ******************************************
author = "Hubert Baumeister",
title = "Methodological Considerations on the Use of Extension and Union",
month = sep,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{M-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Christine Choppy",
title = "Note on Data Type Declaration",
month = jan,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiNote{M-2}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Maura Cerioli",
title = "Different Kinds of Subsorting in {\CASL}",
month = jan,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiNote{M-3}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Michel Bidoit and Don Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki",
title = "Architectural Specifications in {\CASL}",
month = nov,
year = "2000",
note = "\cofiNote{M-4} (submitted for publication), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Version Control and Registration for {\CASL} Libraries",
month = sep,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiNote{M-5}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Markus Roggenbach and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Methodological Guidelines",
month = jun,
year = "2002",
note = "\cofiNote{M-6}, in \cite{CoFI} (see also
\cofiNote{L-12} on \emph{Basic Datatypes in {\CASL}}, in
which an earlier version of Note~M-6 was originally
author = "Till Mossakowski and Markus Roggenbach",
title = "The Datatypes {REAL} and {COMPLEX} in {\CASL}",
month = apr,
year = "1999",
note = "\cofiNote{M-7}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "How to Write Consistent {\CASL} Design Specifications",
month = mar,
year = "2000",
note = "\cofiNote{M-8}, in \cite{CoFI}")
REACTIVE SYSTEMS Notes R-? *************************************
SEMANTICS Notes S-? ********************************************
author = CoFI-S,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language
(Tentative Design, version 0.95) -- Language Summary,
with annotations concerning questions and doubts}",
month = apr,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{S-1} (revised), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Michel Bidoit and Andrzej Tarlecki",
title = "Signature Morphisms with Compound Identifiers in {\CASL}",
month = feb,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{S-2}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Subsorting and Structured Specification",
month = mar,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{S-3}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-S,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language
(Tentative Design, version 0.95) -- Language Summary,
with annotations concerning the semantics of constructs}",
month = apr,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{S-4}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Maura Cerioli and Anne Haxthausen and
Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Permissive Subsorted Partial Logic in {CASL}",
month = sep,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{S-5} (to appear in Proc.\ AMAST'97), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-S,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language
(version 0.97) -- Semantics}",
month = jul,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{S-6}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Cocompleteness of the {\CASL} Signature Category",
month = feb,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiNote{S-7}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Institution-Independent Semantics for {\CASL}-in-the-large",
month = oct,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiNote{S-8} (revised), superseded by \cofiNote{S-10}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = CoFI-S,
title = "{\CASL\ -- The \CoFI\ Algebraic Specification Language
-- Semantics}",
month = jul,
year = "1999",
note = "\cofiNote{S-9} (\cofiDocument{CASL/Semantics}, version 0.96),
in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Specifications in an Arbitrary Institution with Symbols",
month = nov,
year = "1999",
note = "\cofiNote{S-10} (supersedes \cofiNote{S-8}), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Till Mossakowski and Andrzej
Tarlecki and Bartek Klin and Piotr Hoffman",
title = "Semantics of Architectural Specifications in {\CASL}",
month = nov,
year = "2000",
note = "\cofiNote{S-11}, in \cite{CoFI}"
author = "Till Mossakowski and Serge Autexier and Dieter Hutter",
title = "Extending Development Graphs with Hiding",
month = nov,
year = "2000",
note = "\cofiNote{S-12}, in \cite{CoFI}"
TOOLS Notes T-? ************************************************
author = "Magne Haveraaen",
title = "Some Thoughts on {\CASL} Concrete Syntax",
month = apr,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{T-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
crossref = "MossakowskiKolyangKrieg-Brueckner97WADT",
note = "\cofiNote{T-2}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Mark van den Brand and Paul Klint and Pieter Olivier",
title = "ATerms: Exchanging Data between Heterogeneous Tools for {\CASL}",
month = mar,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiNote{T-3} (revised draft), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "Potential Use of {SGML} for the {\CASL} Interchange Format",
month = oct,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{T-4}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Einar W. Karlsen",
title = "Interoperability of {\CASL} Tools using {CORBA}",
month = oct,
year = "1997",
note = "\cofiNote{T-5}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Standard annotations for parsers and static semantic checkers
-- a proposal",
month = sep,
year = "1998",
note = "\cofiNote{T-6} (revised), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Axel Schairer",
title = "Using Standard Tools to Create Lexers and Parsers for {\CASL}",
month = apr,
year = "1999",
note = "\cofiNote{T-7}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Dieter Hutter",
title = "Some Remarks on the Annotation \%cons",
month = oct,
year = "1999",
note = "\cofiNote{T-8}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Christophe Ringeissen",
title = "Executing {\CASL} Equational Specifications with the
{ELAN} Rewrite Engine",
month = nov,
year = "2000",
note = "\cofiNote{T-9} (revised version), in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "{\CASL}: From Semantics to Tools",
month = dec,
year = "1999",
note = "\cofiNote{T-10}, in \cite{CoFI}")
Language Design Study Notes (1995-96) **************************
All CoFI Language Design Study Notes (1995-96) are listed below.
Future notes about language design will appear as CoFI Notes with
labels of the form L-?.
The following list is approximately in order of installation on
the CoFI FTP and WWW archives.
author = "Hubert Baumeister",
title = "How to Write {CFI Language Design Study Notes}",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiSN{CFIPatternsDoc}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Anne Haxthausen and Friederike Nickl",
title = "Parameterization and Subsorting",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{AH+FN-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Ole-Johan Dahl and Anne Haxthausen and Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner",
title = "Subsorting and Higher-order Functions",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{OJD+AH+BKB-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Anne Haxthausen",
title = "Overloading, Subtypes and Higher Order Functions",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{BKB+AH-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Don Sannella",
title = "Structuring Concepts In-The-Small",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{BKB+DTS-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Don Sannella ",
title = "Structuring Concepts",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{BKB+DTS-2}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner",
title = "Partiality",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{BKB-3}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner",
title = "Data Types and Constraints",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{BKB-4}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Olaf Owe",
title = "3-Valued Logic",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{OO-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Radu Grosu",
title = "Hiding",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{RG-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Egidio Astesiano and Anne Haxthausen and Gianna Reggio",
title = "Constraints",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{EA+AH+GR-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Gianna Reggio",
title = "Modules",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{GR-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Egidio Astesiano and Gianna Reggio",
title = "Entities for {CFI}",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSNnoWWW{EA+GR-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Egidio Astesiano and Gianna Reggio",
title = "Development Process Methodology",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{EA+GR-2}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Don Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki",
title = "Constructor implementations",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSNnoWWW{DTS+AT-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Don Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki",
title = "Specifying and developing parameterised programs",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSNnoWWW{DTS+AT-2}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Don Sannella and Radu Grosu",
title = "Types in specification languages",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSNnoWWW{DTS+RG-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Michel Bidoit and Don Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki",
title = "Behavioural Encapsulation",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSNnoWWW{MB+DTS+AT-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Didier Bert",
title = "Morphisms",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSNnoWWW{DB-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Martin Wirsing",
title = "Partiality",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{MW-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Olaf Owe and Ole-Johan Dahl",
title = "Consistency Requirements and Constructivity",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{OO+OJD-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "On Abstract Syntax",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{PDM-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "On Architectural Specifications",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{PDM-2}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Maura Cerioli and Peter D. Mosses",
title = "On Subsorting",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{MC+PDM-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Michel Bidoit",
title = "On Generic Specifications",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{MB-2}, in \cite{CoFI}")
author = "Maura Cerioli and Till Mossakowski and
Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Anne Haxthausen and
Peter D. Mosses and Olaf Owe",
title = "Subsorting in {CASL}",
year = "1996",
note = "\cofiLDSN{MC++-1}, in \cite{CoFI}")
PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS *****************************************
author = {Peter D. Mosses},
title = {{CoFI}: The {Common Framework Initiative} for
Algebraic Specification},
journal = {Bull. EATCS},
year = {1996},
number = {59},
month = jun,
pages = {127--132}
author = {Peter D. Mosses},
title = {{\CoFI: The Common Framework Initiative for
Algebraic Specification and Development}},
booktitle = {TAPSOFT '97, Proc. Intl. Symp. on Theory and
Practice of Software Development},
series = {LNCS},
volume = {1214},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
pages = {115--137},
year = {1997},
OPTnote = "\cofiTentativeDocument{Mosses97TAPSOFT}, in
author = {Peter D. Mosses},
title = {{\CASL} for {ASF+SDF} Users},
booktitle = {ASF+SDF '97, Proc. 2nd Intl. Workshop on the Theory and
Practice of Algebraic Specifications},
year = {1997},
publisher = {British Computer Society,
volume = {ASFSDF-97},
series = {Electronic Workshops in Computing}
author = {Peter D. Mosses},
title = {{\CASL}: A Guided Tour of its Design},
booktitle = {Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
Proc. 13th International Workshop, WADT '98, Lisbon,
1998, Selected Papers},
OPTeditor = {J. L. Fiadeiro},
series = {LNCS},
volume = {1589},
pages = {216--240},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1999},
author = {Peter D. Mosses},
editor = {K. Futatsugi and A. T. Nakagawa and T. Tamai},
title = {{\CASL} for {CafeOBJ} Users},
booktitle = {{CAFE}: An Industrial-Strength Algebraic Formal Method},
chapter = {6},
publisher = {Elsevier},
year = {2000},
pages = {121-144}}
author = {Till Mossakowski},
title = {Colimits of Order-Sorted Specifications},
booktitle = {Recent Trends in Algebraic Development
Techniques, Proc. 12th International Workshop,
WADT '97, Tarquinia, 1997, Selected Papers},
OPTeditor = {F. Parisi-Presicce},
series = {LNCS},
volume = {1376},
pages = {316--332},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1998}
author = {Till Mossakowski and Kolyang and Bernd
title = {Static Semantic Analysis and Theorem Proving for
booktitle = {Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
Proc. 12th International Workshop, WADT '97,
Tarquinia, 1997, Selected Papers},
OPTeditor = {F. Parisi-Presicce},
series = {LNCS},
volume = {1376},
pages = {333--348},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1998}
author = {Till Mossakowski},
title = {Translating {OBJ3} to {\CASL}: The Institution
booktitle = {Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
Proc. 13th International Workshop, WADT '98, Lisbon,
1998, Selected Papers},
OPTeditor = {J. L. Fiadeiro},
series = {LNCS},
volume = {1589},
pages = {198--214},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1999},
author = {Michel Bidoit and Donald Sannella and Andrzej
title = {Architectural Specifications in {\CASL}},
booktitle = {AMAST '98, Proc. 7th Intl. Conference on Algebraic
Methodology and Software Technology, Manaus},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
series = {LNCS},
volume = {1548},
pages = {341--357},
year = 1998
author = "Astesiano, Egidio and Bidoit, Michel and
Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner, Bernd and Mosses, Peter D.
and Sannella, Don and Tarlecki, Andrzej",
title = "{\CASL}: The Common Algebraic Specification
journal = tcs,
year = 2002,
volume = 286,
number = 2,
pages = "153--196",
month = "",
abstract = "The Common Algebraic Specification Language
(CASL) is an expressive language for the formal
specification of functional requirements and
modular design of software. It has been
designed by COFI, the international Common
Framework Initiative for algebraic
specification and development. It is based on a
critical selection of features that have
already been explored in various contexts,
including subsorts, partial functions,
first-order logic, and structured and
architectural specifications. CASL should
facilitate interoperability of many existing
algebraic prototyping and verification tools.
This paper gives an overview of the CASL
design. The major issues that had to be
resolved in the design process are indicated,
and all the main concepts and constructs of
CASL are briefly explained and illustrated the
reader is referred to the CASL Language Summary
for further details. Some familiarity with the
fundamental concepts of algebraic specification
would be advantageous."