cofi-ann.bib revision 30256573a343132354b122097b0ee1215dda1364
BibTeX data for publications on:
* CoFI: The Common Framework Initiative
for algebraic specification and development
* CASL: The Common Algebraic Specification Language
The companion file cofi-abbr.bib provides abbreviated output.
Maintained by Peter D. Mosses <pdmosses at>
Last updated: 11 Jan 2004
See <> for updates.
@String{acmcs = "ACM Computing Surveys"}
@String{acta = "Acta Informatica"}
@String{cacm = "Communications of the ACM"}
@String{cai = "Computing and Informatics"}
@String{eatcs = "Bulletin of the EATCS"}
@String{fac = "Formal Aspects of Computing"}
@String{ieeese = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"}
@String{ieeetc = "IEEE Transactions on Computers"}
@String{ipl = "Information Processing Letters"}
@String{jacm = "Journal of the ACM"}
@String{jcss = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences"}
@String{jlc = "Journal of Logic and Computation"}
@String{njc = "Nordic Journal of Computing"}
@String{scp = "Science of Computer Programming"}
@String{sicomp = "SIAM Journal on Computing"}
@String{tocs = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"}
@String{toplas = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
@String{tcs = "Theoretical Computer Science"}
@String{spe = "Software: Practice and Experience"}
SERIES, to be concatenated with the VOLUME NUMBER:
@String{amast = "AMAST Series in Computing Vol.~"}
@String{entcs = "ENTCS Vol.~"}
@String{facit = "FACIT (Formal Approaches to Computing and Information
@String{lncs = "LNCS Vol.~"}
E.g. series = lncs # "1234", and OMIT volume = ...
@String{chap = "Chapter"}
@String{tech-rep = "Technical Report"}
@String{pub-acm = "ACM Press"}
@String{pub-bcs = "British Computer Society"}
@String{pub-cup = "Cambridge University Press"}
@String{pub-elsevier = "Elsevier"}
@String{pub-ieee = "IEEE Press"}
@String{pub-ios = "IOS Press"}
@String{pub-kluwer = "Kluwer Academic Publishers Group"}
@String{pub-oxford = "Oxford University Press"}
@String{pub-prentice-hall = "Prentice-Hall"}
@String{pub-springer = "Springer"}
@String{pub-world-sci = "World Scientific"}
* The tag format is generally Author:YYYY:TTT, where:
* - Author is surname of first author
* - YYYY is the 4-digit year of PUBLICATION
* - TTT is usually the initial letters of
* the first 3 SIGNIFICANT words in the title
author = "Davide Ancona and Maura Cerioli and Elena Zucca",
title = "Extending \textsc{Casl} by Late Binding",
pages = "53--72",
crossref = "WADT-99",
URL = "",
abstract = "We define an extension of \textsc{Casl}, the standard
language for algebraic specification, with a late
binding mechanism. More precisely, we introduce a
special kind of functions called methods, for which,
differently to what happens for usual functions,
overloading resolution is delayed at evaluation time
and not required to be conservative. The extension
consists, at the semantic level, in the definition of
an institution LBInst supporting late binding which is
defined on top of the standard subsorted institution of
\textsc{Casl} and, at the linguistic level, in the
enrichment of the \textsc{Casl} language with
appropriate constructs for dealing with methods. In
addition to this, we propose a further enrichment of
the \textsc{Casl} language which is made possible by
introduction of late binding, that is a mechanism for
``inheriting'' axioms from a supersort with the
possibility of overriding them. The aim is to obtain
advantages in terms of reuse of specifications similar
to those obtained by inheritance in object-oriented
programming languages.",
annote = "Proposes an extension of \textsc{Casl} with methods,
which are special functions s.t.\ overloading
resolution for them is delayed to evaluation time and
is not required to be conservative.",
author = "David Aspinall and Donald Sannella",
title = "From Specifications to Code in \textsc{Casl}",
pages = "1--14",
crossref = "AMAST-2002",
URL = "",
abstract = "The status of the Common Framework Initiative
(\textsc{CoFI}) and the Common Algebraic Specification
Language (\textsc{Casl}) are briefly presented. One
important outstanding point concerns the relationship
between \textsc{Casl} and programming languages; making
a proper connection is obviously central to the use of
\textsc{Casl} specifications for software specification
and development. Some of the issues involved in making
this connection are discussed.",
annote = "Discusses the relationship between \textsc{Casl} and
programming languages.",
author = "Egidio Astesiano and Gianna Reggio",
title = "{UML} as Heterogeneous Multiview Notation: Strategies
for a Formal Foundation",
editor = "L. Andrade and A. Moreira and A. Deshpande and S.
booktitle = "Proceedings of the OOPSLA'98 Workshop on Formalizing
UML. Why? How?",
year = "1998",
publisher = pub-acm,
annote =
"The paper presents some initial ideas about the
formalization of the UML."
author = "Egidio Astesiano and Manfred Broy and Gianna Reggio",
title = "Algebraic Specification of Concurrent Systems",
chapter = "13",
type = chap,
crossref = "IFIP-AFS",
annote = "Presents a survey of the algebraic methods
for the specification of
concurrent systems, using a common
simple example,
and classifying them in four kinds."
author = "Egidio Astesiano and Maura Cerioli and Gianna Reggio",
title = "Plugging Data Constructs into Paradigm-Specific
Languages: Towards an Application to {UML}",
pages = "273--292",
crossref = "AMAST-2000",
URL = "",
abstract = "We are interested in the composition of languages, in
particular a data description language and a
paradigm-specific language, from a pragmatic point of
view. Roughly speaking our goal is the description of
languages in a component-based style, focussing on the
data definition component. The proposed approach is to
substitute the constructs dealing with data from the
``data'' language for the constructs describing data
that are not specific to the particular paradigm of the
``paradigm-specific'' language in a way that syntax,
semantics as well as methodologies of the two
components are preserved. We illustrate our proposal on
a toy example: using the algebraic specification
language \textsc{Casl}, as data language, and a
``pre-post'' condition logic � la Hoare, as the
paradigm specific one. A more interesting application
of our technique is fully worked out elsewhere and the
first step towards an application to UML, that is an
analysis of UML from the data viewpoint, following the
guidelines given here, is sketched at the end.",
annote = "Presents an approach for the composition of languages, in
particular a data description language and a
paradigm-specific language, exemplified by sketching how
to combine UML and a data language."
author = "Egidio Astesiano and Gianna Reggio",
title = "{Labelled Transition Logic}: An Outline",
journal = acta,
year = "2001",
volume = "37",
number = "11--12",
OPTpublisher = pub-springer,
abstract = "In the last ten years we have developed and
experimented in a series of projects, including
industry test cases, a method for the specification of
reactive/distributed/\ldots\ systems both at the
requirement and at the design level. We present here in
outline its main technical features, providing
appropriate references for more detailed presentations
of single aspects and applications. The overall main
feature of the method is its logical (algebraic)
character, because it extends to labelled transition
systems the logical/algebraic specification method of
abstract data types; moreover systems are viewed as
data within first-order structures called
LT-structures. Some advantages of the approach are the
full integration of the specification of static data
and of dynamic systems, which includes by free
higher-order concurrency, and the exploitation of
well-explored classical techniques in many respects,
including implementation and tools.",
annote = "Outlines a logical (algebraic) method for the
specification of reactive/distributed systems both at
the requirement and at the design level, providing
references for detailed presentations of single aspects
and applications.",
author = "Egidio Astesiano and Michel Bidoit and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne
Kirchner and Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Peter D.
Mosses and Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki",
title = "\textsc{Casl}: The {Common Algebraic Specification
journal = tcs,
year = "2002",
volume = "286",
number = "2",
pages = "153--196",
abstract = "The Common Algebraic Specification Language
(\textsc{Casl}) is an expressive language for the
formal specification of functional requirements and
modular design of software. It has been designed by
COFI, the international Common Framework Initiative for
algebraic specification and development. It is based on
a critical selection of features that have already been
explored in various contexts, including subsorts,
partial functions, first-order logic, and structured
and architectural specifications. \textsc{Casl} should
facilitate interoperability of many existing algebraic
prototyping and verification tools. This paper gives an
overview of the \textsc{Casl} design. The major issues
that had to be resolved in the design process are
indicated, and all the main concepts and constructs of
\textsc{Casl} are briefly explained and illustrated the
reader is referred to the \textsc{Casl} Language
Summary for further details. Some familiarity with the
fundamental concepts of algebraic specification would
be advantageous.",
annote = "Gives an overview of the \textsc{Casl} design,
indicating major issues, and explaining main concepts
and constructs. Compares \textsc{Casl} to some other
major algebraic specification languages.",
author = "Serge Autexier and Dieter Hutter and Heiko Mantel and
Axel Schairer",
title = "Towards an Evolutionary Formal Software-Development
Using \textsc{Casl}",
pages = "73--88",
crossref = "WADT-99",
annote = "Defines a translation of a subset of CASL into the
notion of development graphs, in order to maintain
evolving \textsc{Casl} specifications.",
author = "Serge Autexier and Dieter Hutter and Till Mossakowski
and Axel Schairer",
title = "The Development Graph Manager \textsc{Maya} (System
crossref = "AMAST-2002",
pages = "495--502",
annote = "Explains the \textsc{Maya} system, which maintains
structured specifications and their proofs with the
help of development graphs.",
author = "Serge Autexier and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Integrating \textsc{Hol-Casl} into the Development
Graph Manager \textsc{Maya}",
pages = "2--17",
crossref = "FROCOS-2002",
abstract = "For the recently developed specification language
\textsc{Casl}, there exist two different kinds of proof
support: while \textsc{Hol-Casl} has its strength in
proofs about specifications in-the-small, MAYA has been
designed for management of proofs in (\textsc{Casl})
specifications in-the-large, within an evolutionary
formal software development process involving changes
of specifications. In this work, we discuss our
integration of \textsc{Hol-Casl} and MAYA into a
powerful system providing tool support for
\textsc{Casl}, which will also serve as a basis for the
integration of further proof tools.",
annote = "\textsc{Maya} provides management of proofs for
structured specifications; \textsc{Hol-Casl} is a
prover for \textsc{Casl} basic specifications. Here,
these two are combined",
author = "Hubert Baumeister and Didier Bert",
title = "Algebraic Specification in \textsc{Casl}",
crossref = "FACIT-2000",
chapter = "12",
type = chap,
pages = "209--224",
URL = "",
annote = "Explains the basic features of \textsc{Casl}
specifications using the warehouse case study.",
author = "Hubert Baumeister",
title = "Relating Abstract Datatypes and {Z}-Schemata",
pages = "366--382",
crossref = "WADT-99",
URL = "",
abstract = "In this paper we investigate formally the relationship
between the notion of abstract datatypes in an
arbitrary institution, found in algebraic specification
languages like Clear, ASL and \textsc{Casl}; and the
notion of schemata from the model-oriented
specification language Z. To this end the institution S
of the logic underlying Z is defined and a translation
of Z-schemata to abstract datatypes over S is given.
The notion of a schema is internal to the logic of Z
and thus specification techniques of Z relying on the
notion of a schema can only be applied in the context
of Z. By translating Z-schemata to abstract datatypes
these specification techniques can be transformed to
specification techniques using abstract datatypes.
Since the notion of abstract datatypes is institution
independent, this results in a separation of these
specification techniques from the specification
language Z and allows them to be applied in the context
of other, e.g. algebraic, specification languages.",
annote = "Defines an institution for the logic underlying Z.
Shows a translation of Z-schemata to abstract datatypes
over that institution.",
author = "Hubert Baumeister and Alexandre V. Zamulin",
title = "State-Based Extension of \textsc{Casl}",
pages = "3--24",
crossref = "IFM-2000",
URL = "",
abstract = "A state-based extension of the algebraic specification
language \textsc{Casl} is presented. It permits the
specification of the static part of a complex dynamic
system by means of \textsc{Casl} and the dynamic part
by means of the facilities described in the paper. The
dynamic system is defined as possessing a number of
states and a number of operations (procedures) for
transforming one state into another. Each state
possesses one and the same static part specified by
\textsc{Casl} and a varying part specified by
additional tools. The varying part includes dynamic
sorts/functions/predicates and dependent
functions/predicates. The dependent
functions/predicates are specified by formulae using
the names of the dynamic functions/predicates so that
each time one of the last ones is updated the
corresponding former ones are also updated. The updates
of the dynamic entities are produced by procedures
which are specified by means of preconditions,
postconditions and dynamic equations.",
annote = "Presents an extension of \textsc{Casl} for writing
model-oriented specifications. The extension is based
on the state-as-algebra approach.",
author = "Hubert Baumeister and Maura Cerioli and Anne
Haxthausen and Till Mossakowski and Peter D. Mosses and
Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki",
title = "\textsc{Casl} Semantics",
chapter = "III",
type = "Part",
note = "Edited by D. Sannella and A. Tarlecki",
crossref = "CASL-RM",
annote = "Presents the complete semantics of \textsc{Casl} in
natural semantics style.",
author = "Didier Bert and S. {Lo Presti}",
title = "Algebraic Specification of Operator-based Multimedia
pages = "383--400",
crossref = "WADT-99",
annote = "Presents a set of algebraic operators in CASL to
create complex scenarios. Provides a semantics in a
temporal model and shows how to derive some properties
of the scenarios.",
author = "Michel Bidoit and Donald Sannella and Andrzej
title = "Architectural Specifications in \textsc{Casl}",
pages = "341--357",
crossref = "AMAST-98",
note = "An extended and improved version is
annote = "Motivates and presents \textsc{Casl} architectural
author = "Michel Bidoit and Donald Sannella and Andrzej
title = "Architectural Specifications in \textsc{Casl}",
journal = fac,
year = "2002",
volume = "13",
pages = "252--273",
URL = "",
abstract = "One of the most novel features of \textsc{Casl}, the
Common Algebraic Specification Language, is the
provision of so-called architectural specifications for
describing the modular structure of software systems. A
brief discussion of refinement of \textsc{Casl}
specifications provides the setting for a presentation
of the rationale behind architectural specifications.
This is followed by some details of the features
provided in \textsc{Casl} for architectural
specifications, hints concerning their semantics, and
simple results justifying their usefulness in the
development process.",
annote = "Gives an informal motivation for and presentation of
\textsc{Casl} architectural specifications, with hints
on their semantics and use in the development
author = "Michel Bidoit and Donald Sannella and Andrzej
title = "Global Development via Local Observational
Construction Steps",
pages = "1--24",
crossref = "MFCS-2002",
abstract = "The way that refinement of individual ``local''
components of a specification relates to development of
a ``global'' system from a specification of
requirements is explored. Observational interpretation
of specifications and refinements add expressive power
and flexibility while bringing in some subtle problems.
The results are instantiated in the context of
\textsc{Casl} architectural specifications.",
annote = "Studies development steps that apply local
constructions in a global context, and gives the
semantics of a version of \textsc{Casl} architectural
specifications, including their observational
author = "Michel Bidoit and Peter D. Mosses",
title = "\textsc{Casl} User Manual",
publisher = pub-springer,
year = "2004",
series = lncs # "2900 (IFIP Series)",
note = "With chapters by Till Mossakowski, Donald Sannella,
and Andrzej Tarlecki",
annote = "Illustrates and discusses how to write \textsc{Casl}
specifications, with additional chapters on
foundations, tools, and libraries, a realistic case
study, and a quick-reference overview of
note = {Free online version available at \url{}},
author = "Michel Bidoit and Donald Sannella and Andrzej
title = "Toward Component-Oriented Formal Software Development:
An Algebraic Approach",
booktitle = "Radical Innovations of Software and Systems
Engineering in the Future, Proc. 9th Monterey Software
Engineering Workshop, Venice, Italy, Sep. 2002",
editor = "M. Wirsing and A. Knapp and S. Balsamo",
missingpages = "not known yet",
series = lncs # "2941",
year = "2004",
publisher = pub-springer,
URL = "",
abstract = "Component based design and development of software is
one of the most challenging issues in software
engineering. In this paper, we adopt a somewhat
simplified view of software components and discuss how
they can be conveniently modeled in a framework that
provides a modular approach to formal software
development by means of stepwise refinements. In
particular we take into account an observational
interpretation of requirements specifications and study
its impact on the definition of the semantics of
specifications of (parametrized) components. Our study
is carried out in the context of \textsc{Casl}
architectural specifications.",
annote = "Provides a light-weight introduction to
\citeann{ann-Bidoit:2002:GDL}, with an illustrative example.",
author = "Tomasz Borzyszkowski",
title = "Generalized Interpolation in \textsc{Casl}",
journal = ipl,
year = "2000",
volume = "76",
pages = "19--24",
URL = "",
abstract = "In this paper we consider the partial many-sorted
first-order logic and its extension to the subsorted
partial many-sorted first-order logic
that underly the \textsc{Casl} specification formalism.
First we present counterexamples showing that
the generalization of the Craig Interpolation Property
does not hold for these logics in general
(i.e., with respect to arbitrary signature morphisms).
Then we formulate conditions under which
the generalization of the Craig Interpolation Property
holds for the first logic.",
annote = "Gives a proof of the Craig Interpolation Property for
the partial many-sorted first-order logic, underlying \textsc{Casl}.
This property is crucial for results presented
author = "Tomasz Borzyszkowski",
title = "Higher-Order Logic and Theorem Proving for Structured
pages = "401--418",
crossref = "WADT-99",
URL = "",
abstract = "In this paper we present the higher-order
logic used in theorem-provers like
the HOL system or Isabelle HOL logic
as an institution. Then we show that for maps
of institutions into HOL that satisfy certain
technical conditions we can reuse the proof
system of the higher-order logic to reason
about structured specifications built over
the institutions mapped into HOL.
We also show some maps of institutions
underlying the \textsc{Casl} specification formalism
into HOL that satisfy conditions needed for
reusing proof systems.",
annote = "Formulates conditions under which we can reuse
the HOL logic to reason about structured specifications
built over institutions mapped into HOL. It works also for
the \emph{structured part} of \textsc{Casl}.",
author = "Tomasz Borzyszkowski",
title = "Logical systems for structured specifications",
journal = tcs,
year = "2002",
volume = "286",
pages = "197--245",
URL = "",
abstract = "We study proof systems for reasoning about
logical consequences and refinement of structured
specifications, based on similar
systems proposed earlier in the literature.
Following Goguen and Burstall, the notion of
an underlying logical system over which we build
specifications is formalized as an institution and
extended to a more general notion, called
We show that under simple assumptions
(essentially: amalgamation and interpolation)
the proposed proof systems are sound and complete.
The completeness proofs are inspired by proofs due
to M.~V.~Cengarle for specifications in first-order
logic and the logical systems for reasoning about them.
We then propose a methodology for reusing proof systems
built over institutions rich enough to satisfy
the properties required for the completeness results
for specifications built over poorer institutions
where these properties need not hold.",
annote = "Presents completeness results for proof
systems for structured specifications.
Also introduces a methodology for reusing complete proof systems
for systems that are not complete.",
author = "Mark G. J. {\iffalse{brandscheerder}\fi}{van den}
Brand and Jeroen Scheerder",
author-alpha = "Mark G. J. {\iffalse{bs}\fi}{van den} Brand and Jeroen
title = "Development of Parsing Tools for \textsc{Casl} using
Generic Language Technology",
pages = "89--105",
crossref = "WADT-99",
abstract = "An environment for the Common Algebraic Specification
Language CASL consists of several independent tools. A
number of CASL tools have been built using the
algebraic specification formalism {\sc Asf+Sdf} and the
{\sc Asf+Sdf} Meta-Environment. CASL supports
user-defined syntax which non-trivial to process: {\sc
Asf+Sdf} offers a powerful parsing technology
(Generalized LR). Its interactive development
environment facilitates rapid prototyping complemented
bt early detection and correction of errors. A number
of core technologies developed for the {\sc Asf+Sdf}
Meta-Environment can be reused in the context of CASL.
Furthermore, an instantiaion of a generic format
developed for the representation of {\sc Asf+Sdf}
specifications and terms provides a CASL-specific
exchange format.",
annote = "Describes the architecture of a \textsc{Casl} parser
based on the SGLR parsing technology developed for
\textsc{Asf+Sdf}, and discusses the mapping to abstract
syntax trees represented as ATerms.",
author = "Mark G. J. {\iffalse{brandjongklintolivier}\fi}{van
den} Brand and Hayco A. {\iffalse{}\fi}{de} Jong and
Paul Klint and Pieter A. Olivier",
author-alpha = "Mark G. J. {\iffalse{bjko}\fi}{van den} Brand and
Hayco A. {\iffalse{}\fi}{de} Jong and Paul Klint and
Pieter A. Olivier",
title = "Efficient Annotated Terms",
journal = spe,
year = "2000",
volume = "30",
number = "3",
pages = "259--291",
abstract =
"How do distributed applications exchange tree-like data structures? We
introduce the abstract data type of \emph{Annotated Terms}
(\emph{ATerms}) and discuss their design, implementation and
application. A comprehensive procedural interface enables
creation and manipulation of ATerms in C or Java.
The ATerm implementation is based on maximal subterm
sharing and automatic garbage collection.
A binary exchange format for the
concise representation of ATerms (sharing preserved) allows the
fast exchange of ATerms between applications. In a typical
application---parse trees which contain considerable redundant
information---less than 2 \emph{bytes} are needed to represent
a node in memory,
and less than 2 \emph{bits} are needed to represent it in binary format.
The implementation of ATerms scales up to the manipulation
of ATerms in the giga-byte range.",
annote = "Describes an efficient and generic representation of
tree-like data structures, and reports on several case studies,
including the abstract syntax of \textsc{Casl}.",
editor = "Maura Cerioli and Martin Gogolla and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne
Kirchner and Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Zhenyu Qian
and Markus Wolf",
title = "Algebraic System Specification and Development: Survey
and Annotated Bibliography",
publisher = "Shaker",
year = "1998",
series = "BISS Monographs",
edition = "2nd",
annote = "Provides an overview of the state of the art in algebraic
specification at the end of the 90's, with a comprehensive bibliography.
Discusses semantics, structuring constructs, specific algebraic
paradigms, methodology issues, and existing tools.",
author = "Maura Cerioli and Anne Haxthausen and Bernd
Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Permissive Subsorted Partial Logic in \textsc{Casl}",
pages = "91--107",
crossref = "AMAST-97",
abstract = "This paper presents a permissive subsorted partial
logic used in the CoFI Algebraic Specification
Language. In contrast to other order-sorted logics,
subsorting is not modeled by set inclusions, but by
injective embeddings allowing for more general models
in which subtypes can have different data type
representations. Furthermore, there are no restrictions
like monotonicity, regularity or local filtration on
signatures at all. Instead, the use of overloaded
functions and predicates in formulae is required to be
sufficiently disambiguated, such that all parses have
the same semantics. An overload resolution algorithm is
annote = "Presents the permissive subsorted partial logic used
in the \textsc{Casl} semantics.",
author = "Maura Cerioli and Till Mossakowski and Horst Reichel",
title = "From Total Equational to Partial First-Order Logic",
chapter = "3",
crossref = "IFIP-AFS",
abstract = "The focus of this chapter is the incremental
presentation of partial first-order logic, seen as a
powerful framework where the specification of most data
types can be directly represented in the most natural
way. Both model theory and logical deduction are fully
described. Alternatives to partiality, like (variants
of) error algebras and order-sortedness, are also
discussed, emphasizing their uses and limitations.
Moreover, both the total and the partial (positive)
conditional fragments are investigated in detail, and
in particular the existence of initial (free) models
for such restricted logical paradigms is proved.
Finally some more powerful algebraic frameworks are
annote = "Presents partial first-order logic, both model theory
and logical deduction. Compares partial specifications
to error algebras and order-sortedness.",
author = "Christine Choppy and Gianna Reggio",
title = "Using \textsc{Casl} to Specify the Requirements and
the Design: {A} Problem Specific Approach -- Complete
institution = "Univ. of Genova",
year = "1999",
type = tech-rep,
number = "DISI-TR-99-33",
URL = "",
note = "This is an extended version of \citeann{ann-Choppy:2000:UCS},
including complete case studies.",
annote = "Shows how formal specification skeletons may be
associated with the structuring concepts provided by M.
Jackson's Problem Frames, used to provide a first gross
structure and characterization of the system under
author = "Christine Choppy and Gianna Reggio",
title = "Using \textsc{Casl} to Specify the Requirements and
the Design: {A} Problem Specific Approach",
pages = "104--123",
crossref = "WADT-99",
URL = "",
abstract = "In his 1995 book, M. Jackson introduces the concept of
\textit{problem frame} to describe specific classes of
problems, to help in the specification and design of
systems, and also to provide a framework for
reusability. He thus identifies some particular frames,
such as the translation frame (e.g., a compiler), the
information system frame, the control frame (or
reactive system frame), \ldots . Each frame is
described along three viewpoints that are application
domains, requirements, and design. Our aim is to use
\textsc{Casl} (or possibly a sublanguage or an
extension of \textsc{Casl} if and when appropriate) to
formally specify the requirements and the design of
particular classes of problems (``problem frames'').
This goal is related to methodology issues for
\textsc{Casl}, that are here addressed in a more
specific way, having in mind some particular problem
frame, i.e., a class of systems. It is hoped that this
will provide both a help in using, in a really
effective way, \textsc{Casl} for system specifications,
a link with approaches that are currently used in the
industry, and a framework for the reusability. This
approach is illustrated with some case studies, e.g.,
the information system frame is illustrated with the
invoice system.",
note = "An extended version is provided in
annote = "Shows how formal specification skeletons may be
associated with the structuring concepts provided by M.
Jackson's Problem Frames, used to provide a first gross
structure and characterization of the system under
author = "Christine Choppy and Gianna Reggio",
title = "Towards a Formally Grounded Software Development
year = "2003",
institution = "Univ. of Genova",
type = tech-rep,
number = "DISI-TR-03-35",
URL = "",
url-ps = "",
month = aug,
abstract = "One of the goals of software engineering is to provide
what is necessary to write relevant, legible, useful
descriptions of the systems to be developed, which will
be the basis of successful developments. This goal was
addressed both from informal approaches (providing in
particular visual languages) and formal ones (providing
a formal sound semantic basis). Informal approaches are
often driven by a software development method, and
while formal approaches sometimes provide a user
method, it is usually aimed at helping to use the
proposed formalism/language when writing a
specification. Our goal here is to provide a companion
method that helps the user to understand the system to
be developed, and to write the corresponding formal
specifications. We also aim at supporting visual
presentations of formal specifications, so as to ``make
the best of both formal and informal worlds''. We
developed this method for the (logical-algebraic)
specification languages \textsc{Casl} (Common Algebraic
Specification Language, developed within the joint
initiative CoFI) and for an extension for dynamic
systems \textsc{Cas-Ltl}, and we believe it is general
enough to be adapted to other paradigms. Another
challenge is that a method that is too general does not
encompass the different kinds of systems to be studied,
while too many different specialized methods and
paradigms result in partial views that may be difficult
to integrate in a single global one. We deal with this
issue by providing a limited number of instances of our
method, fitted for three different kinds of software
items and two specification approaches, while keeping a
common ``meta''-structure and way of thinking. More
precisely, we consider here that a software item may be
a simple dynamic system, a structured dynamic system,
or a data structure. We also support both
property-oriented (axiomatic) and model-oriented
(constructive) specifications. We are thus providing
support for the ``building-bricks'' tasks of
specifying/modelling software artifacts that in our
experience are needed for the development process. Our
approach is illustrated with a lift case study, it was
also used with other large case studies, and when used
on projects by students yielded homogeneous results.
Let us note that it may be used either as itself, e.g.,
for requirements specification, or in combination with
structuring concepts such as the Jackson's problem
annote = "Presents guidelines for writing (and meanwhile
understanding) descriptions/specifications, both in
property-oriented and model-oriented styles. Provides
visual descriptions, and formal specifications in
author = "Christine Choppy and Gianna Reggio",
title = "Improving Use Case Based Requirements Using Formally
Grounded Specifications (Complete Version)",
year = "2003",
institution = "Univ. of Genova",
type = tech-rep,
number = "DISI-TR-03-45",
URL = "",
url-ps = "",
month = oct,
note = "A short version is to appear in Proc. FASE 2004",
abstract = "Our approach aims at helping to produce adequate
requirements, both clear and precise enough so as to
provide a sound basis to the overall development. Our
idea here is to find a way to combine both advantages
of use cases and of formal specifications. We present a
technique for improving use case based requirements,
using the formally grounded development of the
requirements specification, and that results both in an
improved requirements capture, and in a requirement
validation. The formally grounded requirements
specification is written in a ``visual'' notation,
using both diagrams and text, with a formal counterpart
(written in the Casl and Casl-Ltl languages). Being
formally grounded, our method is systematic, and it
yields further questions on the system that will be
reflected in the improved use case descriptions. The
resulting use case descriptions are of high quality,
more systematic, more precise, and its corresponding
formally grounded specification is available. We
illustrate our approach on part of the Auction System
case study.",
annote = "Presents a technique for improving use case based
requirements, using the formally grounded development
of the requirements specification (in \textsc{Casl} and
author = "{CoFI (The Common Framework Initiative)}",
title = "\textsc{Casl} Reference Manual",
year = "2004",
publisher = pub-springer,
series = lncs # "2960 (IFIP Series)",
annote = "Gives full details of the design of \textsc{Casl}: an
informal language summary, concrete and abstract
syntax, well-formedness and model-class semantics, and
proof rules. Includes the libraries of basic
note = {Free online version available at \url{}},
author = "{CoFI Language Design Group}",
title = "\textsc{Casl} Summary",
chapter = "I",
type = "Part",
note = "Edited by B.~Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and P.~D.~Mosses",
crossref = "CASL-RM",
annote = "Gives an informal summary of the \textsc{Casl}
constructs for basic, structured, architectural, and
library specifications. Defines sublanguages and lists
proposed extensions of \textsc{Casl}.",
author = "{CoFI Language Design Group}",
title = "\textsc{Casl} Syntax",
chapter = "II",
type = "Part",
note = "Edited by B.~Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and P.~D.Mosses",
crossref = "CASL-RM",
annote = "Defines the lexical, concrete, and abstract syntax of
author = "Eva Coscia and Gianna Reggio",
title = "{JTN}: {A} {Java}-Targeted Graphic Formal Notation for
Reactive and Concurrent Systems",
pages = "77--97",
crossref = "FASE-99",
annote =
"JTN is a formal graphic notation for Java-targeted
design specifications
(i.e., of systems that will be
implemented using Java).",
author = "Gerardo Costa and Gianna Reggio",
title = "Specification of Abstract Dynamic DataTypes: {A}
Temporal Logic Approach",
journal = tcs,
year = "1997",
volume = "173",
number = "2",
pages = "513--554",
annote = "Proposes a logic which combines
many-sorted first-order logic with branching-time
combinators for the
specification of dynamic-data types.",
author = "Magne Haveraaen and Helmer Andr{\'e} Friis and Tor
Arne Johansen",
title = "Formal Software Engineering for Computational
journal = njc,
year = "1999",
volume = "6",
number = "3",
pages = "241--270",
OPTnote = "Preliminary tech. report available at
annote = "Descripes the development of a software family for
seismic simulations. Algebraic methods are used for
domain and software architecture engineering.
Quantitative estimates of the benefits are made.",
abstract = "Software itself may be considered a formal structure
and may be subject to mathematical analysis. This leads
to a discipline of formal software engineering (which
is not necessarily the same as the use of formal
methods in software engineering), where a formal
understanding of what software components are and how
they may interact is used to engineer both the
components themselves and their organisation. A
strategy is using the concepts that are suited for
organising the problem domain itself to organise the
software as well. In this paper we apply this idea in
the development of computational modeling software, in
particular in the development of a family of related
programs for simulation of elastic wave propagation in
earth materials. We also discuss some data on the
technique's effectiveness.",
author = "Magne Haveraaen",
title = "A 2-Tiered Software Process Model for Utilizing
institution = "Dept. of Informatics, Univ. of Bergen",
year = "2000",
number = "208",
month = oct,
URL = "",
annote = "Describes a software process model where \textsc{Casl}
is used for domain engineering.",
abstract = "The broader adoption of \textsc{Casl} will depend on
its use being perceived as beneficial in the software
development process. Traditionally the algebraic
specifications community has focused on the use of
algebraic methods for development of correct software
within the standard \emph{waterfall software process
model} (and derivatives) for the implementation of
software. Here we suggest a two-tiered softare process
model, in which the first tier focuses on problem
domain investigation and software architecture
development, while the second tier is the
implementation of software. Our experience has shown
that algebraic methodology may play a significant role
in the first tier, with significant improvements in
software productivity as a result.",
author = "Magne Haveraaen",
title = "Case Study on Algebraic Software Methodologies for
Scientific Computing",
journal = "Scientific Programming",
year = "2000",
volume = "8",
number = "4",
pages = "261--273",
URL = "",
annote = "Presents the notion of algebraic software
methodologies and their use for domain engineering and
software architecture design.",
abstract = "The use of domain specific languages and appropriate
software architectures are currently seen as the way to
enhance reusability and improve software productivity.
Here we outline a use of algebraic software
methodologies and advanced program constructors to
improve the abstraction level of software for
scientific computing. This led us to the language of
coordinate free numerics as an alternative to the
traditional coordinate dependent array notation. We
also sketch how the coordinate free language may be
realised on a computer.",
author = "Piotr Hoffman",
title = "Semantics of Architectural Specifications",
school = "Warsaw Univ.",
year = "2000",
note = "In Polish",
annote = "Defines and discusses static and model semantics of
architectural specifications, as well as a semantics
for programs and a verification semantics, which makes
use of so-called sharing maps.",
author = "Piotr Hoffman",
title = "Verifying Architectural Specifications",
pages = "152--175",
crossref = "WADT-2001",
URL = "",
abstract = "In this paper we develop methods for verifying the
correctness of architectural specifications, a
mechanism introduced in the \textsc{Casl} specification
language. This mechanism offers a formal way to express
implementation steps in program development. Each such
step states that to implement the unit of interest, one
may implement some other units and then assemble them
in the prescribed manner. In this paper we define a
formal institution-independent semantics of
architectural specifications, as well as sound and
complete methods for proving them correct, applicable
in the case of many institutions, in particular
first-order logic.",
annote = "Develops techniques for verifying architectural
specifications w.r.t.\ a non-generative semantics for
institutions with logical amalgamation, obtaining full
verification for first-order logic.",
author = "Piotr Hoffman",
title = "Verifying Generative \textsc{Casl} Architectural
pages = "233--252",
crossref = "WADT-2002",
abstract = "We present a proof-calculus for architectural
specifications, complete w.r.t.~their generative
semantics. Architectural specifications, introduced in
the \textsc{Casl} specification language, are a formal
mechanism for expressing implementation steps in
program development. They state that to implement a
needed unit, one may implement some other units and
then assemble them in the prescribed manner; thus they
capture modular design steps in the development
process. We focus on developing verification techniques
applicable to full \textsc{Casl} architectural
specifications, which involves, inter alia, getting
around the lack of amalgamation in the \textsc{Casl}
annote = "Presents an institution-independent proof-calculus for
architectural specifications, complete w.r.t.\ a
generative semantics, and applies it to the full
\textsc{Casl} institution.",
author = "Kathrin Hoffmann and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Algebraic Higher Order Nets: Graphs and {Petri} Nets
as Tokens",
abtract = "Petri nets and Algebraic High-Level Nets are
well-known to model parallel and concurrent systems. In
this paper, we introduce the concept of Algebraic
Higher-Order Nets, which allow to have dynamical tokens
like graphs or (ordinary low-level) Petri nets. For
this purpose, we specify graphs and Petri nets in the
higher-order algebraic specification language
\textsc{HasCASL} such that graphs and Petri nets become
first-class citizens, i.e.\ members of algebras (rather
than algebras themselves). As an example, we model
hospital therapeutic processes by a single higher-order
net. Individual care plans for each patient are tokens
modeled by low-level nets.",
URL = "",
pages = "253--267",
crossref = "WADT-2002",
annote = "Case study in \textsc{HasCasl}. Graphs and Petri nets
become first-class citizens and can be used as tokens
in Petri nets.",
author = "Heinrich Hussmann and Maura Cerioli and Gianna Reggio
and Fran{\c{c}}oise Tort",
title = "Abstract Data Types and {UML} Models",
institution = "Univ. of Genova",
year = "1999",
type = tech-rep,
number = "DISI-TR-99-15",
abstract = "Object-oriented modelling, using for instance the
Unified Modeling Language (UML), is based on the
principles of data abstraction and data encapsulation.
In this paper, we closely examine the relationship
between object-oriented models (using UML) and the
classical algebraic approach to data abstraction (using
the Common Algebraic Specification Language
\textsc{Casl}). Technically, possible alternatives for
a translation from UML to \textsc{Casl} are studied,
and analysed for their principal consequences. It is
shown that object-oriented approaches and algebraic
approaches differ in their view of data abstraction.
Moreover, it is explained how specification methodology
derived from the algebraic world can be used to achieve
highquality in object-oriented models.",
OPTnote = "Presented at WADT'99, Bonas",
annote = "Examines the relationship between object-oriented
models (using {UML}) and the classical algebraic
approach to data abstraction (using \textsc{Casl}).",
author = "Heinrich Hussmann and Maura Cerioli and Hubert
title = "From {UML} to \textsc{Casl} (Static Part)",
institution = "Univ. of Genova",
year = "2000",
type = tech-rep,
number = "DISI-TR-00-06",
abstract = "Based on a few concrete cases, we present a
translation of {UML} class diagrams into \textsc{Casl}.
The major difference w{.}r{.}t{.} other ``algebraic''
approaches is that this translation is intended to be
integrated with translations of the other types of
{UML} diagrams to \textsc{Casl}. The idea is that,
while each kind of diagram has its own independent
semantics, their semantics can be integrated to get an
overall system description. In particular, the
integration of the semantics of statecharts with class
diagrams leads to a translation of operations in class
diagrams to predicates instead of functions.",
annote = "Introduces step by step a semantic translation of
{UML} class diagrams into \textsc{Casl} specifications
in a way that the result may be integrated with the
semantics of other kinds of diagrams.",
editor = "Egidio Astesiano and Hans-J{\"org} Kreowski and Bernd
title = "Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specification",
year = "1999",
publisher = pub-springer,
series = "IFIP State-of-the-Art Reports",
warning = "Use this entry only for citing the whole book. For
crossrefs to chapters, use IFIP-AFS",
annote = "Presents state-of-the art surveys of the major research
topics in the area of algebraic specifications, written
by leading experts in the field.",
author = "Bartek Klin",
title = "An Implementation of Static Semantics for
Architectural Specifications in \textsc{Casl}",
school = "Warsaw Univ.",
year = "2000",
note = "In Polish",
annote = "Describes algorithmic aspects of static analysis of \textsc{Casl},
including the cell calculus for architectural specifications.",
author = "Bartek Klin and Piotr Hoffman and Andrzej Tarlecki and
Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Checking Amalgamability Conditions for \textsc{Casl}
Architectural Specifications",
pages = "451--463",
crossref = "MFCS-2001",
abstract = "\textsc{Casl}, a specification formalism developed
recently by the CoFI group, offers architectural
specifications as a way to describe how simpler modules
can be used to construct more complex ones. The
semantics for \textsc{Casl} architectural
specifications formulates static {\em amalgamation
conditions} as a prerequisite for such constructions to
be well-formed. These are non-trivial in the presence
of subsorts due to the failure of the amalgamation
property for the \textsc{Casl} institution. We show
that indeed the static amalgamation conditions for
\textsc{Casl} are undecidable in general. However, we
identify a number of practically relevant special cases
where the problem becomes decidable and analyze its
complexity there. In cases where the result turns out
to be $\PSPACE$-hard, we discuss further restrictions
under which polynomial algorithms become available. All
this underlies the static analysis as implemented in
the \textsc{Casl} tool set.",
URL = "",
annote = "Provides static analysis for \textsc{Casl}
architectural specifications with cell calculus.",
author = "Franck Ledoux and Jean-Marc Mota and Agn{\`e}s Arnould
and Catherine Dubois and Pascale {\iffalse{Gall}\fi}{Le
Gall} and Yves Bertrand",
title = "Formal Specification for a Mathematics-Based
Application Domain: Geometric Modeling",
institution = "LaMI, Universit\'e d'Evry-Val d'Essonne, Evry",
year = "2000",
type = tech-rep,
number = "51",
URL = "",
abstract = "In this paper, we discuss the use of formal methods in
the domain of geometric modeling. More precisely, the
purpose of our work is to provide a formal
specification language convenient for geometric
modeling with tools. To do it, we are interested in a
high-level operation, the chamfering with is already
mathematically defined. Then we propose two
specifications of it, using the two langages B and
\textsc{Casl}, respectively representative of
model-oriented approch and property-oriented approch.
In order to as well as possible take advantage of the B
and \textsc{Casl} characteristcs, we explicitly specify
the chamfering in B and implicitly in \textsc{Casl}. In
both cases, we succeded in providing a specification
easily understandable by the experts of the application
annote = "Gives a first comparison of using \textsc{Casl} and
the B method on the chamfering operation in
topology-based modeling.",
author = "Franck Ledoux and Agn{\`e}s Arnould and Pascale
{\iffalse{Gall}\fi}{Le Gall} and Yves Bertrand",
title = "A High-Level Operation in 3{D} Modeling: {A}
\textsc{Casl} Case Study",
institution = "Lami, Universit\'e d'Evry-Val d'Essonne, Evry",
year = "2000",
type = tech-rep,
number = "52",
URL = "",
abstract = "This paper describes a case study to demonstrate the
feasibility of successfully applying \textsc{Casl} to
dedesing 3D geometric modeling softwares. Then it
presents an abstract specification of a 3D geometric
model, its basic constructive primitives and a
hight-level operation: the chanfering one. We highlight
the different useful \textsc{Casl} features for
geometric modeling like free types or structured
specifications. The resulting specification presents
the advantages of being both abstract and helpful to
easily write code.",
annote = "Provides a \textsc{Casl} case study in geometric
modeling and presents the different useful
\textsc{Casl} features for geometric modeling.",
author = "Franck Ledoux and Agn{\`e}s Arnould and Pascale
{\iffalse{Gall}\fi}{Le Gall} and Yves Bertrand",
title = "Geometric Modeling with \textsc{Casl}",
pages = "176--200",
crossref = "WADT-2001",
abstract = "This paper presents an experiment that demonstrates
the feasibility of successfully applying \textsc{Casl}
to design 3D geometric modelling software. It presents
an abstract specification of a 3D geometric model, its
basic constructive primitives together with the
definition of the rounding high-level operation. A
novel methodology for abstractly specifying geometric
operations is also highlighted. It allows one to
faithfully specify the requirements of this specific
area and reveals new mathematical definitions of
geometric operations. The key point is to introduce an
inclusion notion between geometric objects, in such a
way that the result of an operation is defined as the
smallest or largest object satisfying some pertinent
criteria. This work has been made easier by using
different useful \textsc{Casl} features, like
first-order logic, free types or structured
specifications. Some assets of this specification are
to be abstract, readable by researchers in geometric
modelling and simplify the programming process.",
annote = "Gives a specification methodology dedicated to
topology-based modeling. This methodology is commented
and illustrated with several examples.",
author = "Franck Ledoux and Jean-Marc Mota and Agn{\`e}s Arnould
and Catherine Dubois and Pascale {\iffalse{Gall}\fi}{Le
Gall} and Yves Bertrand",
title = "Sp{\'e}cifications Formelles du Chanfreinage",
booktitle = "Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au
D{\'e}veloppement de Logiciels (AFADL), Nancy, France",
year = "2001",
month = jun,
publisher = "ADER/LORIA",
URL = "",
abstract = "La repr\'esentation math\'ematique des objets
g\'eom\'etriques, la complexit\'e et le nombre
d'algorithmes n\'ecessaire \`a leur manipulation, sont
des indices forts pour une utilisation ais\'ee et
b\'en\'efique des m\'ethodes formelles. Nous
pr\'esentons dans cet article une \'etude de la
sp\'ecification formelle d'une op\'eration complexe et
importante en mod\'elisation g\'eom\'etrique. Il s'agit
de l'op\'eration de chanfreinage consistant \`a
arrondir les angles vifs des objets 3D. Cette \'etude
est men\'ee dans le cadre de deux m\'ethodes formelles,
B (orient\'ee mod\`eles) et \textsc{Casl} (orient\'e
propri\'et\'es) dans l'objectif de privil\'egier la
lisibilit\'e par les experts du domaine. De plus, la
formalisation et la r\'etro-ing\'enierie que nous avons
r\'ealis\'ees, nous permettent de jeter les bases d'une
m\'ethodologie d\'edi\'ee.",
annote = "Gives a complete case study of using \textsc{Casl} and
the B method in topology-based modeling. Includes
foundations of dedicated methodology.",
author = "Franck Ledoux and Jean-Marc Mota and Agn{\`e}s Arnould
and Catherine Dubois and Pascale {\iffalse{Gall}\fi}{Le
Gall} and Yves Bertrand",
title = "Sp{\'e}cifications Formelles du Chanfreinage",
journal = "Technique et Science Informatiques",
year = "2002",
volume = "21",
number = "8",
pages = "1--26",
OPTabstract = "La repr\'esentation math\'ematique des objets
g\'eom\'etriques, la complexit\'e et le nombre
d'algorithmes n\'ecessaire \`a leur manipulation, sont
des indices forts pour une utilisation b\'en\'efique
des m\'ethodes formelles. Nous pr\'esentons une \'etude
de la sp\'ecification formelle de deux op\'erations
importantes : la premi\`ere permet de coller deux
objets ensembles et la seconde, plus complexe
chamfreine les angles vifs des objets 3D. Cette \'etude
est men\'ee dans le cadre de deux m\'ethodes formelles,
B (orient\'ee mod\`eles) et \textsc{Casl} (orient\'e
propri\'et\'es) avec pour objectif de privil\'egier la
lisibilit\'e par les experts du domaine. De plus, la
formalisation et la r\'etro-ing\'enierie que nous avons
r\'ealis\'ees, nous permettent de jeter les bases d'une
m\'ethodologie d\'edi\'ee.",
abstract = "The mathematical representation of geometric objects,
the complexity and the number of algorithms necessary
to handle them, make us believe that formal methodes
are well suited to this field. In this article, we
study the formal specification of tow important
operations for geometric modelling: sewing and
chanfering. Sewing consists in building a new object
from two objects by joining them and chamfering is to
flatten 3D objects' angles. We have used two formal
methods, the B method (model oriented) and
\textsc{Casl} (property oriented) in order to make it
readable by the think-tank of the concerned field.
Moreover, as realized formalisation and reengeneering
we are able to lay foundations of dedicated
annote = "An extended version of \citeann{ann-Ledoux:2001:SFC}. Gives a
complete case study of using CASL and the B method in
topology-based modeling. Includes foundations of
dedicated methodology.",
author = "Patricia D. L. Machado and Donald Sannella",
title = "Unit Testing for \textsc{Casl} Architectural
pages = "506--518",
crossref = "MFCS-2002",
URL = "",
abstract = "The problem of testing modular systems against
algebraic specifications is discussed. We focus on
systems where the decomposition into parts is specified
by a \textsc{Casl}-style architectural specification
and the parts (\emph{units}) are developed separately,
perhaps by an independent supplier. We consider how to
test such units without reference to their context of
use. This problem is most acute for generic units where
the particular instantiation cannot be predicted.",
annote = "Studies the problem of testing modular systems against
\textsc{Casl} architectural specifications, focussing
on unit testing.",
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Colimits of Order-Sorted Specifications",
pages = "316--332",
crossref = "WADT-97",
abstract = "We prove cocompleteness of the category of
\textsc{Casl} signatures, of monotone signatures, of
strongly regular signatures, and of strongly locally
filtered signatures. This shows that using these
signature categories is compatible with a pushout or
colimit based module system.",
URL = "",
annote = "Proves cocompleteness of the \textsc{Casl} signature
category and explains the relation to order-sorted
author = "Till Mossakowski and Kolyang and Bernd
title = "Static Semantic Analysis and Theorem Proving for
pages = "333--348",
crossref = "WADT-97",
abstract = "This paper presents a static semantic analysis for
\textsc{Casl}, the Common Algebraic Specification
Language. Abstract syntax trees are generated including
subsorts and overloaded functions and predicates. The
static semantic analysis, through the implementation of
an overload resolution algorithm, checks and qualifies
these abstract syntax trees. The result is a fully
qualified \textsc{Casl} abstract syntax tree where the
overloading has been resolved. This abstract syntax
tree corresponds to a theory in the institution
underlying \textsc{Casl}, subsorted partial first-order
logic (SubPFOL). Two ways of embedding SubPFOL in
higher-order logic (HOL) of the logical framework
Isabelle are discussed: the first one from SubPFOL to
HOL via PFOL (partial first-order logic) first drops
subsorting and then partiality, and the second one is
the counterpart via SubFOL (subsorted first-order
logic). Finally, we sketch an integration of the
embedding of \textsc{Casl} into the UniForM
URL = "",
annote = "Describes the \textsc{Casl} tool set, including the
overload resolution algorithm and encodings to
higher-order logic.",
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Translating {OBJ3} to \textsc{Casl}: The Institution
pages = "198--215",
crossref = "WADT-98",
abstract = "We translate OBJ3 to \textsc{Casl}. At the level of
basic specifications, we set up several institution
representations between the underlying institutions.
They correspond to different methodological views of
OBJ3. The translations can be the basis for automated
tools translating OBJ3 to \textsc{Casl}.",
URL = "",
annote = "Presents different translations of OBJ3 to
\textsc{Casl}, using different treatments of OBJ3's
total retracts.",
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "\textsc{Casl}: From Semantics to Tools",
pages = "93--108",
crossref = "TACAS-2000",
abstract = "\textsc{Casl}, the common algebraic specification
language, has been developed as a language that
subsumes many previous algebraic specification
frameworks and also provides tool interoperability.
\textsc{Casl} is a complex language with a complete
formal semantics. It is therefore a challenge to build
good tools for \textsc{Casl}. In this work, we present
and discuss the Bremen \textsc{Hol-Casl} system, which
provides parsing, static checking, conversion to LaTeX
and theorem proving for \textsc{Casl} specifications.
To make tool construction manageable, we have followed
some guidelines: re-use of existing tools,
interoperability of tools developed at different sites,
and construction of generic tools that can be used for
several languages. We describe the structure of and the
experiences with our tool and discuss how the
guidelines work in practice.",
URL = "",
annote = "Gives a description of the \textsc{Casl} tool set and
the \textsc{Hol-Casl} theorem prover.",
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Specification in an Arbitrary Institution with
pages = "252--270",
crossref = "WADT-99",
abstract = "We develop a notion of institution with symbols and a
kernel language for writing structured specifications
in \textsc{Casl}. This kernel language has a semantics
in an arbitrary but fixed institution with symbols.
Compared with other institution-independent kernel
languages, the advantage is that translations, hidings
etc.\ can be written in a symbol-oriented way (rather
than being based on signature morphisms as primitive
notion), while still being institution-independent. The
semantics of the kernel language has been used as the
basis for the semantics of structured specifications in
URL = "",
annote = "Adds symbols to institutions, needed for \textsc{Casl}
symbol maps.",
author = "Till Mossakowski and Anne Haxthausen and Bernd
title = "Subsorted Partial Higher-Order Logic as an Extension
of \textsc{Casl}",
pages = "126--145",
crossref = "WADT-99",
abstract = "\textsc{Casl} is a specification language combining
first-order logic, partiality and subsorting. This
paper generalizes the \textsc{Casl} logic to also
include higher-order functions and predicates. The
logic is presented in a modular step-by-step reduction:
the logic is defined in terms of a generalized
subsorted partial logic which in turn is defined in
terms of many-sorted partial first-order logic. A new
notion of homomorphism is introduced to meet the need
to get a faithful embedding of first-order
\textsc{Casl} into higher-order \textsc{Casl}. Finally,
it is discussed how a proof calculus for the proposed
logic can be developed.",
URL = "",
annote = "This was the first proposal for a higher-order
extension of \textsc{Casl}, superseded by
\textsc{HasCasl} \citeann{ann-Schroeder:2002:HIS}.",
author = "Till Mossakowski and Serge Autexier and Dieter
title = "Extending Development Graphs with Hiding",
pages = "269--283",
crossref = "FASE-2001",
abstract = "Development graphs are a tool for dealing with
structured specifications in a way easing management of
change and reusing proofs. In this work, we extend
development graphs with hiding. Hiding is a
particularly difficult to realize operation, since it
does not admit such a good decomposition of the
involved specifications as other structuring operations
do. We develop both a semantics and proof rules for
development graphs with hiding. The rules are proven to
be sound, and also complete relative to an oracle for
conservative extensions. We also show that an absolute
complete set of rules cannot exist. The whole framework
is developed in a way independent of the underlying
logical system.",
URL = "",
url-extended = "",
annote = "Presents the kernel formalism for structured theorem
proving that is used in the \textsc{Casl} proof
author = "Till Mossakowski and Bartek Klin",
title = "Institution-Independent Static Analysis for
pages = "221--237",
crossref = "WADT-2001",
abstract = "We describe a way to make the static analysis for the
in-the-large part of the Common Algebraic Specification
Language (\textsc{Casl}) independent of the underlying
logic that is used for specification in-the-small. The
logic here is formalized as an institution with some
extra components. Following the institution independent
semantics of \textsc{Casl} in-the-large, we thus get an
institution independent static analysis for
\textsc{Casl} in-the-large. With this, it is possible
to re-use the \textsc{Casl} static analysis for
extensions of \textsc{Casl}, or even completely
different logics. One only has to provide a static
analysis for specifications in-the-small for the given
logic. This then can be plugged into the generic static
analysis for \textsc{Casl} in-the-large.",
URL = "",
annote = "Makes the \textsc{Casl} tool set as much institution
independent as possible.",
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Relating \textsc{Casl} with Other Specification
Languages: The Institution Level",
journal = tcs,
year = "2002",
volume = "286",
pages = "367--475",
abstract = "In this work, we investigate various specification
languages and their relation to \textsc{Casl}, the
recently developed Common Algebraic Specification
Language. In particular, we consider the languages
Larch, OBJ3 and functional CafeOBJ, ACT ONE, ASF, and
HEP-theories, as well as various sublanguages of
\textsc{Casl}. All these languages are translated to an
appropriate sublanguage of \textsc{Casl}. The
translation mainly concerns the level of specification
in-the-small: the logics underlying the languages are
formalized as institutions, and representations among
the institutions are developed. However, it is also
considered how these translations interact with
specification in-the-large. Thus, we obtain on the one
hand translations of any of the abovementioned
specification languages to an appropriate sublanguage
of \textsc{Casl}. This allows us to take libraries and
case studies that have been developed for other
languages and re-use them in \textsc{Casl}. On the
other hand, we set up institution representations going
from the \textsc{Casl} institution (and some of its
subinstitutions) to simpler subinstitutions. Given a
theorem proving tool for such a simpler subinstitution,
with the help of a representation, it can also be used
for a more complex institution. Thus, first-order
theorem provers and conditional term rewriting tools
become usable for \textsc{Casl}.",
URL = "",
annote = "Provides translations from other specification
languages to \textsc{Casl}, as well as translations
among sublanguages, including those needed for the
\textsc{Casl} tool set.",
author = "Till Mossakowski and Horst Reichel and Markus
Roggenbach and Lutz Schr{\"o}der",
title = "Algebraic-Coalgebraic Specification in
pages = "376--392",
note = "Extended version submitted for publication",
crossref = "WADT-2002",
abstract = "We introduce Co\textsc{Casl} as a simple coalgebraic
extension of the algebraic specification language
\textsc{Casl}. Co\textsc{Casl} allows the nested
combination of algebraic datatypes and coalgebraic
process types. We show that the well-known coalgebraic
modal logic and even the modal mu-calculus can be
expressed in Co\textsc{Casl}. We present sufficient
criteria for the existence of cofree models, also for
several variants of nested cofree and free
specifications. Moreover, we describe an extension of
the existing proof support for \textsc{Casl} (in the
shape of an encoding into higher-order logic) to
URL = "",
url-extended = "",
annote = "Proposes a coalgebraic extension of \textsc{Casl},
including cogenerated, simple and structured cofree and
modal logic.",
author = "Till Mossakowski and Markus Roggenbach and Lutz
title = "\textsc{CoCasl} at Work -- Modelling Process Algebra",
crossref = "CMCS-2003",
abstract = "Co\textsc{Casl}, a recently defined coalgebraic
extension of the algebraic specification language
\textsc{Casl}, allows for modelling systems in terms of
inductive datatypes as well as of co-inductive process
types. Here, we demonstrate how to specify process
algebras, namely CCS and CSP, within such an
algebraic-coalgebraic framework. It turns out that
Co\textsc{Casl} can deal with the fundamental concepts
of process algebra in a natural way: The type system of
communications, the syntax of processes and their
structured operational semantics fit well in the
algebraic world of \textsc{Casl}, while the additional
coalgebraic constructs of Co\textsc{Casl} cover the
various process equivalences (bisimulation, weak
bisimulation, observational congruence, and trace
equivalence) and provide fully abstract semantic
URL = "",
annote = "Presents a case study in \textsc{CoCasl}, specifying
CCS and CSP coalgebraically.",
author = "Till Mossakowski",
title = "Foundations of Heterogeneous Specification",
pages = "359--375",
crossref = "WADT-2002",
abstract = "We provide a semantic basis for heterogeneous
specifications that not only involve different logics,
but also different kinds of translations between these.
We show that Grothendieck institutions based on spans
of (co)morphisms can serve as a unifying framework
providing a simple but powerful semantics for
heterogeneous specification.",
annote = "Provides a semantics for heterogeneous specifications
involving both different institutions and institution
translations of different kinds.",
URL = "",
author = "Till Mossakowski and Anne Haxthausen and Donald
Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki",
title = "\textsc{Casl}, the {Common Algebraic Specification
Language}: Semantics and Proof Theory",
journal = cai,
year = "2003",
volume = "22",
pages = "285--321",
abstract = "\textsc{Casl} is an expressive specification language
that has been designed to supersede many existing
algebraic specification languages and provide a
standard. \textsc{Casl} consists of several layers,
including basic (unstructured) specifications,
structured specifications and architectural
specifications (the latter are used to prescribe the
structure of implementations). We describe an
simplified version of the \textsc{Casl} syntax,
semantics and proof calculus at each of these three
layers and state the corresponding soundness and
completeness theorems. The layers are orthogonal in the
sense that the semantics of a given layer uses that of
the previous layer as a ``black box'', and similarly
for the proof calculi. In particular, this means that
\textsc{Casl} can easily be adapted to other logical
URL = "",
annote = "Gives an overview of a simplified version of the
\textsc{Casl} syntax, semantics and proof calculus, for
basic, structured and architectural specifications.",
author = "Till Mossakowski and Piotr Hoffman and Serge Autexier
and Dieter Hutter",
title = "\textsc{Casl} Logic",
chapter = "IV",
type = "Part",
note = "Edited by T. Mossakowski",
crossref = "CASL-RM",
annote = "Presents proof calculi that support reasoning about
\textsc{Casl} specifications; proves soundness and discusses
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "{CoFI}: The {Common Framework Initiative} for
Algebraic Specification",
journal = eatcs,
year = "1996",
volume = "59",
pages = "127--132",
month = jun,
note = "An updated version is \citeann{ann-Mosses:2001:CoFI}",
annote = "Presents CoFI, describing the aims and goals.",
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "\textsc{Casl} for \textsc{Asf+Sdf} Users",
crossref = "ASF+SDF-97",
annote = "Gives an overview of \textsc{Casl}, comparing it to
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "{CoFI}: The {Common Framework Initiative} for
Algebraic Specification and Development",
pages = "115--137",
crossref = "TAPSOFT-97",
annote = "Describes a tentative design for \textsc{Casl},
motivating some of the design choices.",
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "\textsc{Casl}: {A} Guided Tour of its Design",
pages = "216--240",
crossref = "WADT-98",
annote = "Indicates the major issues in the \textsc{Casl}
design, explains and illustrates the main concepts and
constructs. Based on a $\frac{1}{2}$-day tutorial.",
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "\textsc{Casl} and {Action Semantics}",
pages = "62--78",
URL = "",
crossref = "AS-2000",
annote = "Gives an overview of \textsc{Casl}, and considers pros
and cons of using it as meta-notation in action
semantic descriptions of programming languages.",
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "\textsc{Casl} for {CafeOBJ} Users",
chapter = "6",
type = chap,
pages = "121--144",
crossref = "CAFE-2000",
annote = "Gives an overview of \textsc{Casl}, comparing it to
author = "Peter D. Mosses",
title = "{CoFI}: The Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic
Specification and Development",
pages = "153--163",
crossref = "EATCS-2001",
annote = "Describes the aims, goals, and initial achievements of
CoFI, extending and updating \citeann{ann-Mosses:1996:CoFI}.",
author = "Gianna Reggio and Egidio Astesiano and Christine
title = "\textsc{Casl-Ltl}: {A} \textsc{Casl} Extension for
Dynamic Reactive Systems -- Summary",
type = tech-rep,
number = "DISI-TR-99-34",
institution = "Univ. of Genova",
year = "1999",
note = "Revised August 2003, see \citeann{ann-Reggio:2003:CLC}",
annote = "Describes the \textsc{Casl-Ltl} extension language
proposed for dynamic systems specification, with
dynamic sorts and temporal formulas.",
author = "Gianna Reggio and Egidio Astesiano and Christine
Choppy and Heinrich Hussmann",
title = "A \textsc{Casl} Formal Definition of {UML} Active
Classes and Associated State Machines",
institution = "Univ. of Genova",
year = "1999",
type = tech-rep,
number = "DISI-TR-99-16",
URL = "",
abstract = "We consider the problem of precisely defining UML
active classes with an associated state chart. We are
convinced that the first step to make UML precise is to
find an underlying formal model for the systems
modelled by UML. We argue that labelled transition
systems are a sensible choice; indeed they have worked
quite successfully for languages as Ada and Java.
Moreover, we think that this modelization will help to
understand the UML constructs and to improve their use
in practice. Here we present the labelled transition
system associated with an active class using the
algebraic specification language CASL. The task of
making precise this fragment of UML raises many
questions about both the ``precise'' meaning of some
constructs and the soundness of some allowed
combination of constructs.",
note = "A short version is published in
annote = "Presents the labelled transition system associated
with an active class using \textsc{Casl}.",
author = "Gianna Reggio and Egidio Astesiano and Christine
Choppy and Heinrich Hussmann",
title = "Making Precise {UML} Active Classes Modeled by State
institution = "Univ. of Genova",
year = "1999",
type = tech-rep,
number = "DISI-TR-99-14",
annote = "Presents the labelled transition system associated
with an active class using \textsc{Casl}.",
author = "Gianna Reggio and Maura Cerioli and Egidio Astesiano",
title = "An Algebraic Semantics of {UML} Supporting its
Multiview Approach",
crossref = "AMILP-2000",
URL = "",
annote = "Using \textsc{Casl} as a metalanguage, proposes a
semantics for class diagrams, state machines and
overall systems described using the {UML}.",
author = "Gianna Reggio and Egidio Astesiano and Christine
Choppy and Heinrich Hussmann",
title = "Analysing {UML} Active Classes and Associated State
Machines -- {A} Lightweight Approach",
pages = "127--146",
crossref = "FASE-2000",
URL = "",
abstract = "We consider the problem of precisely defining UML
active classes with an associated state chart. We are
convinced that the first step to make UML precise is to
find an underlying formal model for the systems
modelled by UML. We argue that labelled transition
systems are a sensible choice; indeed they have worked
quite successfully for languages as Ada and Java.
Moreover, we think that this modelization will help to
understand the UML constructs and to improve their use
in practice. Here we present the labelled transition
system associated with an active class using the
algebraic specification language CASL. The task of
making precise this fragment of UML raises many
questions about both the ``precise'' meaning of some
constructs and the soundness of some allowed
combination of constructs",
note = "An extended version is provided in
annote = "Presents the labelled transition system associated
with an active class using \textsc{Casl}.",
author = "Gianna Reggio and Lorenzo Repetto",
title = "\textsc{Casl}-\textsc{Chart}: {A} Combination of
Statecharts and of the Algebraic Specification Language
pages = "243--257",
crossref = "AMAST-2000",
URL = "",
annote = "Presents a combination of statecharts and \textsc{Casl}.",
author = "Gianna Reggio and Lorenzo Repetto",
title = "\textsc{Casl}-\textsc{Chart}: Syntax and Semantics",
institution = "Univ. of Genova",
year = "2000",
type = tech-rep,
number = "DISI-TR-00-1",
URL = "",
annote = "Presents the complete syntax and semantics
of a combination of statecharts and \textsc{Casl}.",
author = "Gianna Reggio and Maura Cerioli and Egidio Astesiano",
title = "Towards a Rigorous Semantics of {UML} Supporting its
Multiview Approach",
pages = "171--186",
crossref = "FASE-2001",
abstract = "We discuss the nature of the semantics of the {UML}.
Contrary to the case of most languages, this task is
far from trivial. Indeed, not only the {UML} notation
is complex and its informal description is incomplete
and ambiguous, but we also have the {UML}
\emph{multiview} aspect to take into account. We
propose a general schema of the semantics of the {UML},
where the different kinds of diagrams within a {UML}
model are given individual semantics and then such
semantics are composed to get the semantics on the
overall model. Moreover, we fill part of such a schema,
by using the algebraic language \textsc{Casl} as a
metalanguage to describe the semantics of class
diagrams, state machines and the complete {UML} formal
annote = "Using \textsc{Casl} as a metalanguage, proposes a
semantics for class diagrams, state machines and
overall systems described using the {UML}.",
author = "Gianna Reggio and Egidio Astesiano and Christine
title = "\textsc{Casl-Ltl}: {A} \textsc{Casl} Extension for
Dynamic Reactive Systems -- Version 1.0 -- Summary",
type = tech-rep,
number = "DISI-TR-03-36",
institution = "Univ. of Genova",
year = "2003",
URL = "",
url-ps = "",
note = "A revision of \citeann{ann-Reggio:1999:CLC}",
abstract = "\textsc{Casl} the basic language developed within
CoFI, the Common Framework Initiative for algebraic
specification and development, cannot be used for
specifying the requirements and the design of dynamic
software systems. \textsc{Casl-Ltl} is an extension to
overcome this limit, allowing to specify dynamic system
by modelling them by means of labelled transition
systems and by expressing their properties with
temporal formulae. It is based on \textsf{LTL}, the
Labelled Transition Logic, that is a logic-algebraic
formalism for the specification of dynamic systems,
mainly developed by E. Astesiano and G. Reggio (see
\citeann{Astesiano:2001:LTL} and
\citeann{Costa:1997:SAD}). This document gives a
detailed summary of the syntax and intended semantics
of \textsc{Casl-Ltl}. It is intended for readers who
are already familiar with
\textsc{Casl}\citeann{Bidoit:2003:CASL-UM}. Four short
examples are given in the appendix, and extended case
studies using \textsc{Casl-Ltl} are given in
\citeann{Choppy:1999:UCS,Choppy:2003:TFG}. An extensive
companion user method is given in
\citeann{Choppy:2003:TFG} (while
\citeann{Choppy:2000:UCS} gives a first attempt to rely
on structuring concepts). \textsc{Casl-Ltl} was also
used to present the semantics of some parts of UML in
annote = "Describes the \textsc{Casl-Ltl} extension language
proposed for dynamic systems specification, with
dynamic sorts and temporal formulae.",
author = "Markus Roggenbach and Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Till
title = "Specifying Real Numbers in \textsc{Casl}",
pages = "146--161",
crossref = "WADT-99",
abstract = "We present a weak theory BasicReal of the real numbers
in the first order specification language
\textsc{Casl}. The aim is to provide a datatype for
practical purposes, including the central notions and
results of basic analysis. BasicReal captures for
instance e and pi as well as the trigonometric and
other standard functions. Concepts such as continuity,
differentiation and integration are shown to be
definable and tractable in this setting; Newton's
Method is presented as an example of a numerical
application. Finally, we provide a proper connection
between the specified datatype BasicReal and
specifications of the real numbers in higher order
logic and various set theories.",
URL = "",
annote = "Presents a weak first-order theory of real numbers in
author = "Markus Roggenbach and Lutz Schr{\"o}der",
title = "Towards Trustworthy Specifications {I}: Consistency
pages = "305--327",
crossref = "WADT-2001",
annote = "Introduces a calculus for proving consistency of
\textsc{Casl} specifications; the syntax-driven
approach exploits in particular the \textsc{Casl}
structuring operations",
author = "Markus Roggenbach",
title = "{CSP}-\textsc{Casl} -- {A} New Integration of Process
Algebra and Algebraic Specification",
pages = "229--243",
crossref = "AMILP-2003",
annote = "Describes the integration of the process algebra CSP
and the algebraic specification language \textsc{Casl}
into one language, with denotational semantics in the
process part and loose semantics for the datatypes.",
author = "Markus Roggenbach and Till Mossakowski and Lutz
title = "\textsc{Casl} Libraries",
chapter = "V",
type = "Part",
crossref = "CASL-RM",
annote = "Provides libraries of basic datatypes in
\textsc{Casl}, including order-theoretic and basic
algebraic concepts, simple and structured datatypes,
and graphs.",
author = "Gwen Sala{\"u}n and Michel Allemand and Christian
year = "2002",
title = "Specification of an Access Control System with a
Formalism Combining {CCS} and \textsc{Casl}",
crossref = "FMPPTA-2002",
URL = "",
annote = "Advocates a formalism which combines the CCS process
algebra with the \textsc{Casl} algebraic specification
language, presents formal foundations of this
combination, and illustrates it with a real size case
study: an access control system to a set of
author = "Donald Sannella",
title = "Algebraic Specification and Program Development by
Stepwise Refinement",
pages = "1--9",
crossref = "LOPSTR-99",
URL = "",
abstract = "Various formalizations of the concept of ``refinement
step'' as used in the formal development of programs
from algebraic specifications are presented and
annote = "Provides an overview of formal algebraic notions of
refinement step.",
author = "Donald Sannella",
title = "The Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic
Specification and Development of Software",
pages = "1--9",
crossref = "PSI-99",
URL = "",
abstract = "The Common Framework Initiative (CoFI) is an open
international collaboration which aims to provide a
common framework for algebraic specification and
development of software. The central element of the
Common Framework is a specification language called
\textsc{Casl} for formal specification of functional
requirements and modular software design which subsumes
many previous algebraic specification languages. This
paper is a brief summary of past and present work on
annote = "Gives an overview of CoFI, with emphasis on the
features of \textsc{Casl}.",
author = "Donald Sannella",
title = "The Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic
Specification and Development of Software: Recent
URL = "",
crossref = "WADT-2001",
pages = "328--343",
annote = "Reports on progress with CoFI during 1998-2001.",
author = "Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Till Mossakowski and Andrzej
title = "Amalgamation in \textsc{Casl} via Enriched
pages = "993--1004",
crossref = "ICALP-2001",
abstract = "We construct a representation of the institution of
the algebraic specification language \textsc{Casl} in
an institution called enriched \textsc{Casl}. Enriched
\textsc{Casl} satisfies the amalgamation property,
which fails in the \textsc{Casl} institution, as well
as its converse. Thus, the previously suggested
institution-independent semantics of architectural
specifications is actually applicable to \textsc{Casl}.
Moreover, a variety of results for institutions with
amalgamation, such as computation of normal forms and
theorem proving for structured specifications, can now
be used for \textsc{Casl}.",
URL = "",
note = "Extended version to appear in " # tcs,
annote = "Presents definition of and results about enriched
\textsc{Casl}, which restores the lacking amalgamation
author = "Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Till Mossakowski and Andrzej
Tarlecki and Piotr Hoffman and Bartek Klin",
title = "Semantics of Architectural Specifications in
pages = "253--268",
note = "Extended version to appear in " # tcs,
crossref = "FASE-2001",
abstract = "We present a semantics for architectural
specifications in \textsc{Casl}, including an extended
static analysis compatible with model-theoretic
requirements. The main obstacle here is the lack of
amalgamation for \textsc{Casl} models. To circumvent
this problem, we extend the \textsc{Casl} logic by
introducing enriched signatures, where subsort
embeddings form a category rather than just a preorder.
The extended model functor has amalgamation, which
makes it possible to express the amalgamability
conditions in the semantic rules in static terms. Using
these concepts, we develop the semantics at various
levels in an institution-independent fashion.
Concretizing to the \textsc{Casl} institution, we
discuss a calculus for discharging the static
amalgamation conditions. These are in general
undecidable, but can be dealt with by approximative
algorithms in all practically relevant cases.",
URL = "",
url-extended = "",
annote = "Solves the problems of \textsc{Casl} architectural
specifications with subsorts by introducing enriched
\textsc{Casl} and a diagram static semantics.",
author = "Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Till Mossakowski",
title = "\textsc{HasCasl}: Towards Integrated Specification and
Development of {Haskell} Programs",
crossref = "AMAST-2002",
pages = "99--116",
abstract = "The specification of programs in modern functional
languages such as Haskell requires a specification
language that supports the type system of these
languages, in particular higher order types, type
constructors, and parametric polymorphism. We lay out
the design of Has\textsc{Casl}, a higher order
extension of the algebraic specification language
\textsc{Casl} that is geared towards precisely this
purpose. Its semantics is tuned to allow program
development by specification refinement, while at the
same time staying close to the set-theoretic semantics
of first order \textsc{Casl}. The number of primitive
concepts in the logic has been kept as small as
possible; we demonstrate how various extensions to the
logic can be formulated within the language itself.",
URL = "",
annote = "The central paper explaining Has\textsc{Casl}, a
higher-order extension of \textsc{Casl} including type
constructors, polymorphism and recursion.",
author = "Lutz Schr{\"o}der",
title = "Classifying Categories for Partial Equational Logic",
crossref = "CTCS-2002",
URL = "",
abstract = "Along the lines of classical categorical type theory
for total functions, we establish correspondence
results between certain classes of partial equational
theories on the one hand and suitable classes of
categories having certain finite limits on the other
hand. E.g., we show that finitary partial theories with
existentially conditioned equations are essentially the
same as cartesian categories with distinguished
domains, and that partial lambda-theories with internal
equality are equivalent to a suitable class of partial
cartesian closed categories.",
annote = "Establishes correspondence results between partial equational
theories, of which \textsc{Casl} signatures are a special case, and
categories with certain finite limits, in preparation for the semantics
of \textsc{HasCasl}.",
OPTannote = "Establishes correspondence results between certain
classes of partial equational theories and suitable
classes of categories with certain finite limits.",
author = "Lutz Schr{\"o}der",
title = "Henkin Models of the Partial {$\lambda$}-Calculus",
pages = "498--512",
crossref = "CSL-2003",
URL = "",
abstract = "We define (set-theoretic) notions of intensional
Henkin model and syntactic lambda-algebra for Moggi's
partial lambda-calculus. These models are shown to be
equivalent to the originally described categorical
models via the global element construction; the proof
makes use of a previously introduced construction of
classifying categories. The set-theoretic semantics
thus obtained is the foundation of the higher order
algebraic specification language Has\textsc{Casl},
which combines specification and functional
annote = "Shows that categorical models of the partial lambda-calculus
and intensional Henkin models, as used in the semantics of \textsc{HasCasl},
are equivalent",
OPTannote = "Shows that categorical models of the partial
lambda-calculus and intensional Henkin models are
author = "Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Monad-Independent Dynamic Logic in \textsc{HasCasl}",
pages = "425--441",
crossref = "WADT-2002",
note = "Extended version to appear in " # jlc,
abstract = "Monads have been recognized by Moggi as an elegant
device for dealing with stateful computation in
functional programming languages. In previous work, we
have introduced a Hoare calculus for partial
correctness of monadic programs. All this has been done
in an entirely monad-independent way. Here, we extend
this to a monad-independent dynamic logic (assuming a
moderate amount of additional infrastructure for the
monad). Dynamic logic is more expressive than the Hoare
calculus; in particular, it allows reasoning about
termination and total correctness. As the background
formalism for these concepts, we use the logic of
Has\textsc{Casl}, a higher-order language for
functional specification and programming.",
URL = "",
annote = "Monad-independent dynamic logic
in the framework of \textsc{HasCasl}; admits reasoning
about termination and total correctness.",
author = "Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Monad-Independent {Hoare} Logic in \textsc{HasCasl}",
pages = "261--277",
crossref = "FASE-2003",
abstract = "Monads have been recognized by Moggi as an elegant
device for dealing with stateful computation in
functional programming languages. It is thus natural to
develop a Hoare calculus for reasoning about
computational monads. While this has previously been
done only for the state monad, we here provide a
generic, monad-independent approach, which applies also
to further computational monads such as exceptions,
input/output, and non-determinism. All this is
formalized within the logic of Has\textsc{Casl}, a
higher-order language for functional specification and
programming. Combination of monadic features can be
obtained by combining their loose specifications. As an
application, we prove partial correctness of Dijkstra's
nondeterministic version of Euclid's algorithm in a
monad with nondeterministic dynamic references.",
URL = "",
annote = "Hoare logic for arbitrary monads (e.g., exceptions,
non-determinism, references, input/output)
in the framework of \textsc{HasCasl}.",
author = "Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Till Mossakowski and Andrzej
Tarlecki and Bartek Klin and Piotr Hoffman",
title = "Amalgamation in the Semantics of \textsc{Casl}",
journal = tcs,
note = "To appear; extends
abstract = "We present a semantics for architectural
specifications in \textsc{Casl}, including an extended
static analysis compatible with model-theoretic
requirements. The main obstacle here is the lack of
amalgamation for \textsc{Casl} models. To circumvent
this problem, we extend the \textsc{Casl} logic by
introducing enriched signatures, where subsort
embeddings form a category rather than just a preorder.
The extended model functor satisfies the amalgamation
property as well as its converse, which makes it
possible to express the amalgamability conditions in
the semantic rules in static terms. Using these
concepts, we develop the semantics at various levels in
an institution-independent fashion. Moreover,
amalgamation for enriched \textsc{Casl} means that a
variety of results for institutions with amalgamation,
such as computation of normal forms and theorem proving
for structured specifications, can now be used for
URL = "",
annote = "Solves the problems of \textsc{Casl} architectural
specifications with subsorts by introducing enriched
\textsc{Casl} and a diagram static semantics.",
author = "Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Till Mossakowski",
title = "Monad-Independent Dynamic Logic in \textsc{HasCasl}",
journal = jlc,
note = "To appear; extends \citeann{ann-Schroeder:2003:MID}",
abstract = "Monads have been recognized by Moggi as an elegant
device for dealing with stateful computation in
functional programming languages. In previous work, we
have introduced a Hoare calculus for partial
correctness of monadic programs. All this has been done
in an entirely monad-independent way. Here, we extend
this to a monad-independent dynamic logic (assuming a
moderate amount of additional infrastructure for the
monad). Dynamic logic is more expressive than the Hoare
calculus; in particular, it allows reasoning about
termination and total correctness. As the background
formalism for these concepts, we use the logic of
\textsc{HasCasl}, a higher-order language for
functional specification and programming. As an example
application, we develop a monad-independent Hoare
calulus for total correctness based on our dynamic
logic, and illustrate this calculus by a termination
proof for Dijkstra's non-deterministic implementation
of Euclid's algorithm.",
URL = "",
annote = "Monad-independent dynamic logic
in the framework of \textsc{HasCasl}; admits reasoning
about termination, partial and total correctness.",
author = "Andrzej Tarlecki",
title = "Abstract Specification Theory: An Overview",
editor = "M. Pizka and M. Broy",
booktitle = "Models, Algebras and Logic of Engineering Software",
year = "2003",
series = "NATO Science Series: Computer \& Systems Sciences
pages = "43--79",
publisher = pub-ios,
abstract = "This paper presents an overview of abstract
specification theory, as understood and viewed by the
author. We start with a brief outline of the basic
assumptions underlying work in this area in the
tradition of algebraic specification and with a sketch
of the algebraic and categorical foundations for this
work. Then, we discuss the issues of specification
construction and of systematic development of software
from formal requirements specification. Special
attention is paid to architectural design: formal
description of the modular structure of the system
under development, as captured by architectural
specifications in \texsc{Casl}. In particular, we
present a simplified but representative formalism of
architectural specifications with complete semantics
and verification rules. We conclude by adapting the
ideas, concepts and results presented to the
observational view of software systems and their
annote = "Provides an overall view of abstract specification and
software development theory, including a version of
\textsc{Casl} architectural specifications with an
example, semantics and verification rules.",
* The format is generally ACRO-YEAR, where:
* - ACRO is the acronym of the conference or organization
* - YEAR is YY for conferences HELD in 19YY
* - YEAR is 20YY for conferences HELD in 20YY
* The key and abbrev fields are for use in cofi-abbr.bib
key = "AMAST'97",
editor = "M. Johnson",
title = "Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 6th
International Conference, {AMAST}'97, Sydney,
Australia, Proceedings",
booktitle = "Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 6th
International Conference, {AMAST}'97, Sydney,
Australia, Proceedings",
year = "1997",
series = lncs # "1349",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "AMAST'98",
editor = "A. M. Haeberer",
title = "Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 7th
International Conference, {AMAST}'98, Amazonia, Brazil,
January 1999, Proceedings",
booktitle = "Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 7th
International Conference, {AMAST}'98, Amazonia, Brazil,
January 1999, Proceedings",
year = "1998",
series = lncs # "1548",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "AMAST~2000",
editor = "T. Rus",
title = "Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 8th
International Conference, {AMAST} 2000, Iowa City,
Iowa, {USA}, Proceedings",
booktitle = "Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 8th
International Conference, {AMAST} 2000, Iowa City,
Iowa, {USA}, Proceedings",
year = "2000",
series = lncs # "1816",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "AMAST~2002",
editor = "H. Kirchner and C. Ringeissen",
title = "Algebraic Methods and Software Technology, 9th
International Conference, {AMAST} 2002,
Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, Reunion Island, France,
booktitle = "Algebraic Methods and Software Technology, 9th
International Conference, {AMAST} 2002,
Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, Reunion Island, France,
year = "2002",
series = lncs # "2422",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "AMiLP~2000",
editor = "D. Heylen and A. Nijholt and G. Scollo",
title = "Algebraic Methods in Language Processing, {AMiLP}
booktitle = "Algebraic Methods in Language Processing, {AMiLP}
year = "2000",
series = "TWLT Vol.~16",
publisher = "Univ. of Twente",
key = "AMiLP~2003",
editor = "F. Spoto and G. Scollo and A. Nijholt",
title = "Algebraic Methods in Language Processing, {AMiLP}
booktitle = "Algebraic Methods in Language Processing, {AMiLP}
year = "2003",
series = "TWLT Vol.~21",
publisher = "Univ. of Twente",
key = "AS~2000",
editor = "P. D. Mosses and H. Moura",
title = "{AS} 2000, Third International Workshop on Action
Semantics, Recife, Brazil, Proceedings",
booktitle = "{AS} 2000, Third International Workshop on Action
Semantics, Recife, Brazil, Proceedings",
year = "2000",
series = "BRICS NS-00-6",
publisher = "Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Aarhus",
URL = "",
key = "ASF+SDF'97",
editor = "M. P. A. Sellink",
title = "{ASF+SDF}'97, Proc. 2nd Intl. Workshop on the Theory
and Practice of Algebraic Specifications",
booktitle = "{ASF+SDF}'97, Proc. 2nd Intl. Workshop on the Theory
and Practice of Algebraic Specifications",
year = "1997",
series = "Electronic Workshops in Computing",
volume = "ASFSDF-97",
publisher = pub-bcs,
URL = "",
key = "CAFE",
editor = "K. Futatsugi and A. T. Nakagawa and T. Tamai",
title = "{CAFE}: An Industrial-Strength Algebraic Formal
booktitle = "{CAFE}: An Industrial-Strength Algebraic Formal
publisher = pub-elsevier,
year = "2000",
key = "\textsc{Casl} Reference Manual",
author = "{CoFI (The Common Framework Initiative)}",
title = "\textsc{Casl} Reference Manual",
booktitle = "\textsc{Casl} Reference Manual",
year = "2004",
publisher = pub-springer,
series = lncs # "2960 (IFIP Series)",
warning = "Use CoFI:2004:CASL-RM to refer to the entire volume",
editor = "H. P. Gumm",
title = "Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, {CMCS}'03,
Warsaw, Poland, Proceedings",
booktitle = "Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, {CMCS}'03,
Warsaw, Poland, Proceedings",
series = entcs # "82.1",
publisher = pub-elsevier,
year = "2003",
key = "CSL~2003",
editor = "M. Baaz and J. M. Makowsky",
title = "Computer Science Logic, 17th International Workshop,
{CSL} 2003, 12th Annual Conference of the {EACSL}, and
8th Kurt {G}{\"o}del Colloquium, {KGC} 2003, Vienna,
Austria, Proceedings",
booktitle = "Computer Science Logic, 17th International Workshop,
{CSL} 2003, 12th Annual Conference of the {EACSL}, and
8th Kurt {G}{\"o}del Colloquium, {KGC} 2003, Vienna,
Austria, Proceedings",
year = "2003",
series = lncs # "2803",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "CTCS'02",
editor = "R. Blute and P. Selinger",
title = "Category Theory and Computer Science, {CTCS}'02",
booktitle = "Category Theory and Computer Science, {CTCS}'02",
year = "2003",
series = entcs # "69",
publisher = pub-elsevier,
key = "Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science",
editor = "G. P{\u{a}}un and G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa",
title = "Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science:
Entering the 21st Century",
booktitle = "Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science:
Entering the 21st Century",
year = "2001",
publisher = pub-world-sci,
key = "FACIT",
editor = "M. Frappier and H. Habrias",
title = "Software Specification Methods: An Overview Using a
Case Study",
booktitle = "Software Specification Methods: An Overview Using a
Case Study",
year = "2000",
series = facit,
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "FASE'99",
editor = "J.-P. Finance",
title = "Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, Second
International Conference, {FASE}'99, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, Proceedings",
booktitle = "Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, Second
International Conference, {FASE}'99, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, Proceedings",
year = "1999",
series = lncs # "1577",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "FASE~2000",
editor = "T. Maibaum",
title = "Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, Third
International Conference, {FASE} 2000, Berlin, Germany,
booktitle = "Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, Third
International Conference, {FASE} 2000, Berlin, Germany,
year = "2000",
series = lncs # "1783",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "FASE~2001",
editor = "H. Hussmann",
title = "Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 4th
International Conference, {FASE} 2001, Genova, Italy,
booktitle = "Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 4th
International Conference, {FASE} 2001, Genova, Italy,
year = "2001",
series = lncs # "2029",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "FASE~2003",
editor = "M. Pezz{\`e}",
title = "Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 6th
International Conference, {FASE} 2003, Warsaw, Poland,
booktitle = "Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 6th
International Conference, {FASE} 2003, Warsaw, Poland,
year = "2003",
series = lncs # "2621",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "FMPPTA'02",
OPTeditor = "???",
title = "Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Formal
Methods for Parallel Programming: Theory and
Applications, {FMPPTA}'02",
booktitle = "Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Formal
Methods for Parallel Programming: Theory and
Applications, {FMPPTA}'02",
year = "2002",
publisher = pub-ieee,
address = "USA",
key = "FRoCoS~2002",
editor = "A. Armando",
title = "Frontiers of Combining Systems, 4th International
Workshop, {FroCoS} 2002, Santa Margherita Ligure,
Italy, Proceedings",
booktitle = "Frontiers of Combining Systems, 4th International
Workshop, {FroCoS} 2002, Santa Margherita Ligure,
Italy, Proceedings",
year = "2002",
series = lncs # "2309",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "ICALP~2001",
editor = "F. Orejas and P. G. Spirakis and J. van Leeuwen",
title = "Automata, Languages and Programming, 28th
International Colloquium, {ICALP} 2001, Crete, Greece,
booktitle = "Automata, Languages and Programming, 28th
International Colloquium, {ICALP} 2001, Crete, Greece,
year = "2001",
series = lncs # "2076",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specification",
editor = "E. Astesiano and H.-J. Kreowski and B.
title = "Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specification",
booktitle = "Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specification",
year = "1999",
publisher = pub-springer,
series = "IFIP State-of-the-Art Reports",
warning = "Use IFIP:1999:AFS to refer to the entire book",
key = "IFM~2000",
editor = "W. Grieskamp and T. Santen and B. Stoddart",
title = "Integrated Formal Methods, Second International
Conference, {IFM} 2000, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany,
booktitle = "Integrated Formal Methods, Second International
Conference, {IFM} 2000, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany,
year = "2000",
series = lncs # "1945",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "LOPSTR'99",
editor = "A. Bossi",
title = "Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 9th
International Workshop, {LOPSTR}'99, Venice, Italy,
1999 Selected Papers",
booktitle = "Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 9th
International Workshop, {LOPSTR}'99, Venice, Italy,
1999 Selected Papers",
year = "2000",
series = lncs # "1817",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "MFCS~2001",
editor = "J. Sgall and A. Pultr and P. Kolman",
title = "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2001,
26th International Symposium, {MFCS} 2001, Marianske
Lazne, Czech Republic, Proceedings",
booktitle = "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2001,
26th International Symposium, {MFCS} 2001, Marianske
Lazne, Czech Republic, Proceedings",
year = "2001",
series = lncs # "2136",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "MFCS~2002",
editor = "K. Diks and W. Rytter",
title = "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2002,
27th International Symposium, {MFCS} 2002, Warsaw,
Poland, Proceedings",
booktitle = "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2002,
27th International Symposium, {MFCS} 2002, Warsaw,
Poland, Proceedings",
year = "2002",
series = lncs # "2420",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "PSI'99",
editor = "D. Bj{\o}rner and M. Broy and A. V. Zamulin",
title = "Perspectives of System Informatics, Third
International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference,
{PSI}'99, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia,
booktitle = "Perspectives of System Informatics, Third
International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference,
{PSI}'99, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia,
year = "2000",
series = lncs # "1755",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "TACAS~2000",
editor = "S. Graf and M. Schwartzbach",
title = "Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis
of Systems, 6th International Conference, {TACAS} 2000,
Berlin, Germany, Proceedings",
booktitle = "Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis
of Systems, 6th International Conference, {TACAS} 2000,
Berlin, Germany, Proceedings",
year = "2000",
series = lncs # "1785",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "TAPSOFT'97",
editor = "M. Bidoit and M. Dauchet",
title = "{TAPSOFT}'97: Theory and Practice of Software
Development, 7th International Joint Conference
{CAAP}/{FASE}, Lille, France, Proceedings",
booktitle = "TAPSOFT'97: Theory and Practice of Software
Development, 7th International Joint Conference
{CAAP}/{FASE}, Lille, France, Proceedings",
year = "1997",
series = lncs # "1214",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "WADT'97",
editor = "F. Parisi-Presicce",
title = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
12th International Workshop, {WADT}'97, Tarquinia,
Italy, 1997, Selected Papers",
booktitle = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
12th International Workshop, {WADT}'97, Tarquinia,
Italy, 1997, Selected Papers",
year = "1998",
series = lncs # "1376",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "WADT'98",
editor = "J. L. Fiadeiro",
title = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
13th International Workshop, {WADT}'98, Lisbon,
Portugal, 1998, Selected Papers",
booktitle = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
13th International Workshop, {WADT}'98, Lisbon,
Portugal, 1998, Selected Papers",
year = "1999",
series = lncs # "1589",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "WADT'99",
editor = "D. Bert and C. Choppy and P. D. Mosses",
title = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
14th International Workshop, {WADT}'99, Ch{\^a}teau de
Bonas, France, 1999, Selected Papers",
booktitle = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
14th International Workshop, {WADT}'99, Ch{\^a}teau de
Bonas, France, 1999, Selected Papers",
year = "2000",
series = lncs # "1827",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "WADT~2001",
editor = "M. Cerioli and G. Reggio",
title = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
15th International Workshop, {WADT} 2001, Joint with
the {CoFI} {WG} Meeting, Genova, Italy, 2001, Selected
booktitle = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
15th International Workshop, {WADT} 2001, Joint with
the {CoFI} {WG} Meeting, Genova, Italy, 2001, Selected
year = "2001",
series = lncs # "2267",
publisher = pub-springer,
key = "WADT~2002",
editor = "M. Wirsing and D. Pattinson and R. Hennicker",
title = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
16th International Workshop, {WADT} 2002,
Frauenchiemsee, Germany, 2002, Revised Selected
booktitle = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
16th International Workshop, {WADT} 2002,
Frauenchiemsee, Germany, 2002, Revised Selected
year = "2003",
series = lncs # "2755",
publisher = pub-springer,