UserGuide.tex revision 5277e290ad70afdf97f359019afd8fb5816f4102
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\newcommand{\LargeCASL} {\LargeTEXTSC{C}{ASL}\xspace}
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\newcommand {\hugeCASL} {\hugeTEXTSC{C}{ASL}\xspace}
\newcommand {\HugeCASL} {\HugeTEXTSC{C}{ASL}\xspace}
\newcommand {\CoFI}{CoFI\xspace}
\newcommand {\MAYA}{\normalTEXTSC{M}{AYA}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeMAYA} {\largeTEXTSC{M}{AYA}\xspace}
\newcommand {\Hets}{\normalTEXTSC{H}{ETS}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeHets} {\largeTEXTSC{H}{ETS}\xspace}
\newcommand {\Cats}{\normalTEXTSC{C}{ATS}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeCats} {\largeTEXTSC{C}{ATS}\xspace}
\newcommand {\ELAN}{\normalTEXTSC{E}{LAN}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeELAN} {\largeTEXTSC{E}{LAN}\xspace}
\newcommand {\HOL}{\normalTEXTSC{H}{OL}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeHOL} {\largeTEXTSC{H}{OL}\xspace}
\newcommand {\Isabelle}{\normalTEXTSC{I}{SABELLE}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeIsabelle} {\largeTEXTSC{I}{SABELLE}\xspace}
\newcommand {\Horn}{\normalTEXTSC{H}{ORN}}
%% Use \ELAN-\CASL, \HOL-\CASL, \Isabelle/\HOL
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\newcommand{\largeHasCASL} {\largeTEXTSC{H}{AS}\largeTEXTSC{C}{ASL}\xspace}
%% Do NOT use \ASF+\SDF (it gives a superflous space in the middle)
\title{{\bf \Hets User Guide}\\
-- Version 0.3 --}
\author{Till Mossakowski\\[1em]
Department of Computer Science\\ and Bremen
Institute for Safe Systems,\\ University of Bremen, Germany.\\[1em]
Comments to:
The Heterogeneous Tool Set (\protect\Hets) is the main analysis tool
for the specification language heterogeneous \CASL. Heterogeneous
\CASL combines the specification langauage \CASL with \CASL extensions
and sublanguages, as well as comletely different logics and even
programming languages such as Haskell. Heterogeneous \CASL
extends the strucruting mechanisms of \CASL:
\emph{Basic specifications} are
unstructured specifications or modules written in a specific logic.
(The graph of currently supported logics is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:LogicGraph}.)
With \emph{heterogeneous structured specifications}, it is possible to
combine and rename specifications, hide parts thereof, and also
translate them to other logics. \emph{Architectural specifications}
precsribe the structure of implementations.
\emph{Specification libraries} are collections of named structured
and architectural specifications.
\Hets consists of logic-specific tools for the parsing and static
analysis of the different involved logics, as well as a
logic-independent parsing and static analysis tool for structured and
architectural specifications and libraries. The latter of course needs
to call the logic-specific tools whenever a basic specification is
\Text{\CspCASL} \\
\CASL \ar[u]
\caption{Graph of logics currently supported by \Hets.\label{fig:LogicGraph}}
\section{Getting started}
The latest \Hets version can be obtained from the
\CoFI tools home page \cite{CoFITools}. Since \Hets is being
improved constantly, it is recommended always to use the latest version.
\Hets currently is available for Linux, Solaris and
Mac OS-X.
This README belongs to a Hets release (and does not apply to
sources directly obtained via cvs).
The aim of this release is a binary "hets" that is able to analyse
heterogeneous and in particular CASL specifications.
The output of hets, if the input is successfully accepted, can be
displayed by "daVinci".
daVinci is maintained by b-novative and b-novative holds all rights.
This release may be accompanied with free binary releases of daVinci
Version 2.1, but daVinci 2.1 is no longer supported or maintained!
However, you are encouraged to obtain the latest version of daVinci
Presenter (currently 3.0.5) from that is
free for academic purposes.
Linux: the linux binary release of daVinci 2.1 relies on the old
shlibs5 that must be installed on your system (if ./daVinci cannot be
found/executed, then shlibs5 are missing)
Solaris: the solaris binary release of daVinci 2.1 should work without
Macintosh (Darwin): there is no release of daVinci for Macintosh, but
b-novative may have one in the mean time
For best quality, get the latest version of daVinci from b-novative.
For hets to find daVinci, the environment variables DAVINCIHOME and
UNIDAVINCI must be set to the installation directory of daVinci and to
the actual executable, respectively.
export DAVINCIHOME=<path>/daVinci_V2.1
export UNIDAVINCI=<path>/daVinci_V2.1/daVinci
A typical call of hets is then: <path>/hets -g Basic/Numbers.casl
\section{Analysis of Specifications}
Consider the first example in this book:
\I\SPEC \NAMEREF{Strict\_Partial\_Order} =
%%PDM\I{} \COMMENTENDLINE{Let's start with a simple example !}
\I\SORT \( Elem \)
\I\PRED \( \_\_<\_\_ : Elem \* Elem \)
% \COMMENTENDLINE{\PRED abbreviates predicate}
\(\[ \FORALL x,y,z : Elem \\
\. \NOT(x < x) \RIGHT{\LABEL{strict}} \\
\. x < y \IMPLIES \NOT(y < x) \RIGHT{\LABEL{asymmetric}} \\
\. x < y \A y < z \IMPLIES x < z \RIGHT{\LABEL{transitive}} \\
Note that there may exist \(x, y\) such that\\
neither \(x < y\) nor \(y < x\).
\POINT{\protect\Hets can be used for parsing and
checking static well-formedness of specifications.}
\index{analysis, static}%
Let us assume that the example is in a file named
\texttt{Order.casl} (actually, this file is provided on the web
and on the CD-ROM coming with this volume).
Then you can check the well-formedness of the
specification by typing (into some shell):
\texttt{hets Order.casl}
\Hets checks both the correctness of this specification
with respect to the \CASL syntax, as
well as its correctness with respect to the static semantics (e.g.\
whether all identifiers have been declared before they are used,
whether operators are applied to arguments of the correct sorts,
whether the use of overloaded symbols is unambiguous, and so on).
-p --just-parse skip static analysis - just parse
-s --just-structured skip basic analysis - just do structured analysis
-L DIR --casl-libdir=DIR CASL library directory
\section{Heterogeneous Specification}
It is also possible to generate a pretty printed \LaTeX\ version
of \texttt{Order.casl} by typing:
\texttt{hets -o pp.tex Order.casl}
-r RAW --raw=RAW raw options passed to the pretty-printer
RAW is (ascii|text|(la)?tex)=STRING where STRING is passed to the appropiate pretty-printer
\section{Development Graphs}
-g --gui show graphical output in a GUI window
-G --only-gui show graphical output in a GUI window - don't write Output to file
One use of \texttt{Order.casl} might be to express the fact that
the natural numbers form a strict partial order as a view, as follows:
\I\SPEC \NAMEREF{Natural} = ~\FREE \TYPE \(Nat ::= 0 \| suc(Nat)\)~\END
\I\SPEC \NAMEDEFN{Natural\_Order\_2} =
\I\PRED \( \_\_<\_\_ : Nat \* Nat\)
\(\[ \FORALL x,y:Nat \\
\. 0 < suc(x) \\
\. \neg x < 0 \\
\. suc(x) < suc(y) \IFF x < y
\I\VIEW \NAMEDEFN{v1} ~:~ \NAMEREF{Strict\_Partial\_Order} \TO
\NAMEREF{Natural\_Order\_2} =
\I{} \( Elem \MAPSTO Nat\)
Again, these specifications can be checked with \Hets. However, this
only checks syntactic and static semantic well-formedness -- it is
\emph{not} checked whether the predicate `$\_\_<\_\_$' introduced in
\NAMEREF{Natural\_Order\_2} actually is constrained to be interpreted
by a strict partial ordering relation. Checking this requires theorem
proving, which will be discussed below.
\POINT{\protect\Hets also displays and manages
proof obligations, using development graphs.}
\index{development graph}%
However, before coming to theorem proving, let us first inspect the
proof obligations arising from a specification. This can be done with:
\texttt{hets -g Order.casl}
(assuming that the above two specifications and the view
have been added to the file
\Hets now displays a so-called development graph
(which is just an overview graph showing the overall structure
of the specifications in the library), see Fig.~\ref{fig:dg0}.
\caption{Sample development graph.\label{fig:dg0}}
\POINT{Nodes in a development graph correspond to \CASL specifications.
Arrows show how specifications are related by the structuring
The solid arrow denotes an ordinary import of
specifications (generated by the extension), while the dashed\FOOTNOTE
{Actually, the dashed arrow will be displayed as solid and in red by \Hets;
we do not have colors available here.} arrow
denotes a proof obligation (corresponding to the view).
This proof obligation needs to be discharged in order to
show that the view is well-formed.
As a more complex example, consider the following loose specification
of a sorting function, taken from Chap.~\ref{UM--structuring}:
\I\SPEC \NAMEREF{List\_Order\_Sorted}
\\{} [\,\NAMEREF{Total\_Order} \WITH \SORT \(Elem\), \PRED \(\_\_<\_\_\)\,] =
\IEXT{\NAMEREF{List\_Selectors} [\,\SORT \(Elem\)\,]} \THEN
\I\PRED \( \_\_is\_sorted : List \)
\(\[ \FORALL e,e': Elem; L : List \\
\. empty~is\_sorted \\
\. cons(e,empty)~is\_sorted \\
\. cons(e,cons(e',L))~is\_sorted \IFF
\\\M (cons(e',L)~is\_sorted \A \NOT(e'<e)) \]\)
\I\OP \( order : List \TOTAL List \)
\( \FORALL L:List\. \[ order(L)~is\_sorted \]\)
The following specification of sorting by insertion also is taken from
\I\SPEC \NAMEREF{List\_Order}
[\,\NAMEREF{Total\_Order} \WITH \SORT \(Elem\), \PRED \(\_\_<\_\_\)\,] =
\IEXT{\NAMEREF{List\_Selectors} [\,\SORT \(Elem\)\,]} \THEN
\I\OP \( insert : Elem \* List \TOTAL List \)
\(\[ \FORALL e,e':Elem; L:List \\
\. insert(e, empty) = cons(e, empty) \\
\. insert(e, cons(e',L)) = \[ cons(e', insert(e,L)) \WHEN e' < e\\
\ELSE cons(e, cons(e',L)) \] \\
\I\OP \( order : List \TOTAL List \)
\(\[ \FORALL e:Elem; L:List \\
\. order(empty) = empty \\
\. order(cons(e,L)) = insert(e, order(L)) \]\)
Both specifications are related. To see this, we first inspect
their signatures. This is possible with:
\texttt{hets -g Sorting.casl}
assuming that \texttt{Sorting.casl} contains the above specifications.
\Hets now displays a more complex development graph, see Fig.~\ref{fig:dg1}.
\caption{Development graph for the two sorting specifications.\label{fig:dg1}}
\POINT{Internal nodes in a development graph correspond
to unnamed parts of a structured specification.}
In the above-mentioned development graph, we have two types of nodes.
The named ones correspond to named specifications, but there
are also unnamed nodes corresponding to anonymous basic
specifications like the declaration of the $insert$ operation in
\NAMEREF{List\_Order} above. Basically, there is an
internal node for each structured specification that is not named.
Again, the simple solid arrows denote an ordinary import of specifications
(corresponding to the extensions and unions in the
specifications), while the double arrows denote hiding (corresponding to
the local specification).
By clicking on the nodes, one can inspect their signatures.
In this way, we can see that both \NAMEREF{List\_Order\_Sorted} and
\NAMEREF{List\_Order} have the same signature. Hence, it
is legal to add a view:
\I\VIEW \NAMEDEFN{v2}[\NAMEREF{Total\_Order}] ~:~ \NAMEREF{List\_Order\_Sorted}[\NAMEREF{Total\_Order}] \TO
We have already added this view to \texttt{Sorting.casl}.
The corresponding
proof obligation between \NAMEREF{List\_Order\_Sorted} and
\NAMEREF{List\_Order} is displayed in Fig.~\ref{fig:dg1}
as a dotted arrow.
\NOPOINT{Proof obligations can be discharged in various ways.}
Trivial proof obligations can be discharged
by \Hets alone using the ``Proofs'' menu.
The proof obligation in Fig.~\ref{fig:dg1},
indicated by the lower dotted
arrow between \NAMEREF{List\_Order\_Sorted} and
\NAMEREF{List\_Order}, states that insertion sort,
as defined by the operation \(order\) in \NAMEREF{List\_Order},
actually has the properties of a sorting algorithm. Here, one has to
choose a theorem prover that
is to be used to discharge the proof
obligation, which is then done by using commands specific to the
theorem prover (cf. e.g.\ Section~\ref{sec:HOLCASL}). Alternatively,
one can state that one just conjectures the obligation to be true.
In order to be able to tackle proof
obligations occurring in (statically well-formed) specifications, \Hets
is interfaced with various logic-specific theorem proving, rewriting
and consistency checking tools. On top of this, there is a
logic-independent proof engine called \MAYA, which manages the proof
obligations. \MAYA uses so-called \emph{development graphs}, a
graphical representation of \CASL structured specifications.
\section{Input, Output}
-i ITYPE --input-type=ITYPE ITYPE of input file:
(tree.)?gen_trm(.baf)? | het(casl)? | casl | ast(.baf)?
-O DIR --output-dir=DIR destination directory for output files
-o OTYPES --output-types=OTYPES OTYPES of output files, a comma seperated list of OTYPE
OTYPE is (pp.(het|tex|html))
(default: dg.taf)
\section{Miscellaneous Options}
-v[Int] --verbose[=Int] chatty output to stderr
-q --quiet no output at all to stderr. overrides --verbose!
-V --version print version number and exit
-h --help, --usage print usage information and exit
\section{Architecture of \Hets}
\Hets is written in Haskell. Its parser uses combinator
The user-defined (also known as ``mixfix'') syntax of \CASL
calls for a two-pass approach. In the first pass, the skeleton of a
\CASL abstract syntax tree is derived, in order to extract user-defined
syntax rules. In a second pass, which is performed during
analysis, these syntax rules are used to parse
any expressions that
use mixfix notation. The output is stored in the so-called
ATerm format \cite{BJKO00}, which is used as interchange format
for interfacing with other tools.
\Hets provides an abstract interface for
\index{independence, institution}%
institutions, so
that new logics can be integrated smoothly.
In order to do so, a parser,
a static checker and a prover for basic specifications in the logic have
to be provided.
\caption{Architecture of the heterogeneous tool set.
The architecture of \Hets is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:hets}.
If your favourite logic is missing in \Hets, please tell us
(hets@tzide.). We will take account your feedback when deciding which
logics and proof tools to integrate next into \Hets. Help with
integration of more logics and proof tools into \Hets is also welcome.
\Hets< is mainly maintained by
Christian Maeder ( and Till Mossakowski
( The mailing list is
\section{Precursors of \Hets}
\Hets has been built based on experiences with its
\Cats and
The \CASL Tool Set (\Cats)
comes with roughly the same analysis tools as \Hets.
%but neither supports extensions nor does it identify
%sublanguages of \CASL (and the tools to be used with
%sublanguages only).
The management of development graphs is not integrated
in \Cats,
but is provided with a stand-alone version of the
tool \MAYA \cite{Autexier:2002:IHD,AutexierEtal02}.
%(which only supports part of \CASL's
%structuring constructs; in particular, hiding is not supported).
\Cats and \MAYA
%are mainly important in the current transition phase,
%since \Hets does not support full \CASL (e.g. architectural
%specifications) yet.
can be obtained from the \CoFI tools home page \cite{CoFITools}.
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