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\newcommand{\LargeCASL} {\LargeTEXTSC{C}{ASL}\xspace}
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\newcommand {\hugeCASL} {\hugeTEXTSC{C}{ASL}\xspace}
\newcommand {\HugeCASL} {\HugeTEXTSC{C}{ASL}\xspace}
%\newcommand {\CoFI}{CoFI\xspace}
\newcommand {\MAYA}{\normalTEXTSC{M}{AYA}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeMAYA} {\largeTEXTSC{M}{AYA}\xspace}
\newcommand {\Hets}{\normalTEXTSC{H}{ETS}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeHets} {\largeTEXTSC{H}{ETS}\xspace}
\newcommand{\LARGEHets} {\LARGETEXTSC{H}{ETS}\xspace}
\newcommand {\Cats}{\normalTEXTSC{C}{ATS}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeCats} {\largeTEXTSC{C}{ATS}\xspace}
\newcommand {\ELAN}{\normalTEXTSC{E}{LAN}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeELAN} {\largeTEXTSC{E}{LAN}\xspace}
\newcommand {\HOL}{\normalTEXTSC{H}{OL}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeHOL} {\largeTEXTSC{H}{OL}\xspace}
\newcommand {\Isabelle}{\normalTEXTSC{I}{SABELLE}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeIsabelle} {\largeTEXTSC{I}{SABELLE}\xspace}
\newcommand {\SPASS}{\normalTEXTSC{S}{PASS}\xspace}
\newcommand {\Horn}{\normalTEXTSC{H}{ORN}}
%%%%% Klaus macros
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%% Use \ELAN-\CASL, \HOL-\CASL, \Isabelle/\HOL
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\newcommand{\largeASFSDF} {\largeTEXTSC{A}{SF}+\largeTEXTSC{S}{DF}\xspace}
\newcommand {\HasCASL}{\normalTEXTSC{H}{AS}\normalTEXTSC{C}{ASL}\xspace}
\newcommand{\largeHasCASL} {\largeTEXTSC{H}{AS}\largeTEXTSC{C}{ASL}\xspace}
%% Do NOT use \ASF+\SDF (it gives a superfluous space in the middle)
\title{{\bf \protect{\LARGEHets} User Guide}\\
-- Version 0.96 --}
\author{Till Mossakowski, Christian Maeder,
Mihai Codescu, Dominik L\"{u}cke\\[1em]
DFKI Lab Bremen, Bremen, Germany.\\[1em]
Comments to: \\
(the latter needs subscription to the mailing list)
The central idea of the Heterogeneous Tool Set (\protect\Hets) is to
provide a general framework for formal methods integration and proof
management. One can think of \Hets acting like a motherboard where
different expansion cards can be plugged in, the expansion cards here
being individual logics (with their analysis and proof tools) as well
as logic translations. Individual logics and their analysis and proof
tools can be plugged into the \Hets motherboard using an
object-oriented interface based on institutions
\cite{GoguenBurstall92}. The \Hets motherboard already has plugged in
a number of expansion cards (e.g., the theorem provers Isabelle, SPASS
and more, as well as model finders). Hence, a variety of tools is
available, without the need to hard-wire each tool to the logic at
\caption{The \Hets motherboard and some expansion cards}
\Hets supports a number of input languages directly, such as \CASL,
Common Logic, OWL-DL, Haskell, and Maude. For heterogeneous
specification, \Hets offers language heterogeneous \CASL.
Heterogeneous \CASL (\HetCASL) generalises the structuring
constructs of
\CASL \cite{CASL-UM,CASL/RefManual} to arbitrary logics
(if they are formalised as institutions and plugged into
the \Hets motherboard), as well as to heterogeneous
combination of specification written in different logics.
Fig.~\ref{fig:lang} for a simple subset of the
\HetCASL syntax, where \emph{basic specifications} are unstructured
specifications or modules written in a specific logic. The graph of
currently supported logics and logic translations (the latter are also
called comorphisms) is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:LogicGraph}, and the
degree of support by \Hets in Fig.~\ref{fig:Languages}.
| SPEC then SPEC
| SPEC then %implies SPEC
| SPEC with logic ID
| spec ID = SPEC end
| view ID : SPEC to SPEC = SYMBOL-MAP end
| view ID : SPEC to SPEC = with logic ID end
\caption{Syntax of a simple subset of the heterogeneous
specification language.
\texttt{BASIC-SPEC} and \texttt{SYMBOL-MAP} have a logic
specific syntax, while \texttt{ID} stands for some form of
With \emph{heterogeneous structured specifications}, it is possible to
combine and rename specifications, hide parts thereof, and also
translate them to other logics. \emph{Architectural specifications}
prescribe the structure of implementations. \emph{Specification
libraries} are collections of named structured and architectural
\Hets consists of logic-specific tools for the parsing and static
analysis of the different involved logics, as well as a
logic-independent parsing and static analysis tool for structured and
architectural specifications and libraries. The latter of course needs
to call the logic-specific tools whenever a basic specification is
\Hets is based on the theory of institutions \cite{GoguenBurstall92},
which formalize the notion of a logic. The theory behind \Hets is laid
out in \cite{Habil}. A short overview of \Hets is given in
\section{Logics supported by Hets}
The following list of logics (formalized as so-called institutions
\cite{GoguenBurstall92}) is currently supported by \Hets:
\caption{Graph of logics currently supported by \Hets. The more an
ellipse is filled with green, the more stable is the implementation of the logic. Blue indicates a prover-supported logic.}
Language & Parser & Static Analysis & Prover \\\hline
\CASL & x & x & - \\\hline
\CoCASL & x & x & - \\\hline
\ModalCASL & x & x & - \\\hline
\HasCASL & x & x & - \\\hline
Haskell & (x) & x & - \\\hline
\CspCASL & x & x & - \\\hline
\CspCASL\_Trace & - & - & x \\\hline
\CspCASL\_Failure & - & - & - \\\hline
Constraint\CASL & x & (x) & - \\\hline
Temporal & x & (x) & - \\\hline
RelScheme & x & (x) & - \\\hline
DFOL & x & (x) & - \\\hline
ExtModal & x & (x) & - \\\hline
LF & x & (x) & - \\\hline
%Structured specifications & x & x & (x) \\\hline
%Architectural specifications & x & x & -\\\hline
\CASLDL & x & - & - \\\hline
DMU & x & - & - \\\hline
OWL DL & x & x & - \\\hline
Propositional & x & x & x \\\hline
SoftFOL & x & - & x \\\hline
Maude & x & x & - \\\hline
VSE & x & x & x \\\hline
\Isabelle & (x) & - & x \\\hline
Adl & x & x & - \\\hline
\caption{Current degree of \Hets support for the different languages.\label{fig:Languages}}
\item[CASL] extends many sorted first-order logic with partial
functions and subsorting. It also provides induction sentences,
expressing the (free) generation of datatypes.
%It is mainly designed and used for the
%specification of requirements for software systems. But it is also
%used for the specification of \Dolce (Descriptive Ontology for
%Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering), an Upper Ontology for knowledge
%representation. \cite{Gangemi:2002:SOD} Further it is now used to
%specify calculi for time and space.
For more details on \CASL see \cite{CASL/RefManual,CASL-UM}.
We have implemented the \CASL logic in such a way that much of the
implementation can be re-used for \CASL extensions as well; this
is achieved via ``holes'' (realized via polymorphic variables) in the
types for signatures, morphisms, abstract syntax etc. This eases
integration of \CASL extensions and keeps the effort of integrating
\CASL extensions quite moderate.
\item[CoCASL] \cite{MossakowskiEA04} is a coalgebraic extension of \CASL,
suited for the specification of process types and reactive systems.
The central proof method is coinduction.
\item[ModalCASL] \cite{ModalCASL}
is an extension of \CASL with multi-modalities and
term modalities. It allows the specification of modal systems with
Kripke's possible worlds semantics. It is also possible to express
certain forms of dynamic logic.
\item[HasCASL] is a higher order extension of \CASL allowing
polymorphic datatypes and functions. It is closely related to the
programming language Haskell and allows program constructs being
embedded in the specification.
An overview of \HasCASL is given in \cite{Schroeder:2002:HIS};
the language is summarized in \cite{HasCASL/Summary}, the semantics
in \cite{Schroder05b,Schroder-habil}.
\item[Haskell] is a modern, pure and strongly typed functional
programming language. It simultaneously is the implementation
language of \Hets, such that in the future, \Hets might be applied
to itself.
The definitive reference for Haskell is \cite{PeytonJones03},
see also \url{}.
\item[CspCASL] \cite{Roggenbach06} is a combination of \CASL
with the process algebra CSP.
\item[ConstraintCASL] is an experimental logic for the specification
of qualitative constraint calculi.
\item[OWL DL] is the Web Ontology Language (OWL) recommended by the
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C, \url{}). It is
used for knowledge representation and the Semantic Web
Hets calls an external OWL DL parser
written in JAVA to obtain the abstract syntax for an OWL file and its
imports. The JAVA parser is also doing a first analysis classifying
the OWL ontology into the sublanguages OWL Full, OWL DL and OWL
Hets only supports the last two, more restricted variants.
structuring of the OWL imports is displayed as Development Graph.
\item[CASL-DL] \cite{OWL-CASL-WADT2004}
is an extension of a restriction of \CASL, realizing
a strongly typed variant of OWL DL in \CASL syntax.
It extends
\CASL with cardinality restrictions for the description of sorts and
unary predicates. The restrictions are based on the equivalence
between \CASLDL, OWL~DL and \SHOIN. Compared to \CASL only unary
and binary predicates, predefined datatypes and concepts (subsorts
of the topsort Thing) are allowed. It is used to bring OWL DL and
\CASL closer together.
\item[Propositional] is classical propositional logic, with
the zChaff SAT solver \cite{Herbstritt03} connected to it.
\item[SoftFOL] \cite{LuettichEA06a} offers three automated theorem
proving (ATP) systems for first-order logic with equality: (1) \SPASS
\cite{WeidenbachEtAl02}; (2) Vampire \cite{RiazanovV02}; and (3)
MathServe Broker\footnote{which chooses an appropriate ATP upon a
classification of the FOL problem} \cite{ZimmerAutexier06}.
These together comprise some of the most advanced theorem provers
for first-order logic.
\item[\Isabelle] \cite{NipPauWen02} is an interactive theorem prover
for higher-order logic.
\item[VSE] is an interactive theorem prover, see \ref{subsec:VSE}.
\item[DMU] is a dummy logic to read output of ``Computer Aided
Three-dimensional Interactive Application'' (Catia).
\item[Maude] is a rewrite system \url{} for
first-order logic.
\item[Adl] is ``A Description Language'' based on relational algebra originally
designed for requirements engineering of business rules
Various logics are supported with proof tools. Proof support for the
other logics can be obtained by using logic translations to a
prover-supported logic.
An introduction to \CASL can be found in the \CASL User Manual
\cite{CASL-UM}; the detailed language reference is given in
the \CASL Reference Manual \cite{CASL/RefManual}. These documents
explain both the \CASL logic and language of basic specifications as
well as the logic-independent constructs for structured and
architectural specifications. The corresponding document explaining the
\HetCASL language constructs for \emph{heterogeneous} structured specifications
is the \HetCASL language summary \cite{Mossakowski04}; a formal
semantics as well as a user manual with more examples are in preparation.
Some of \HetCASL's heterogeneous constructs will be illustrated
in Sect.~\ref{sec:HetSpec} below.
\section{Logic translations supported
by Hets}
Logic translations (formalized as institution comorphisms
\cite{GoguenRosu02}) translate from a given source logic to a given
target logic. More precisely, one and the same logic translation
may have several source and target \emph{sub}logics: for
each source sublogic, the corresponding sublogic of the target
logic is indicated.
A graph of the most important logics and sublogics, together with their
comorphisms, is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:SublogicGraph}.
\caption{Graph of most important sublogics currently supported by \Hets,
together with their comorphisms.}
In more detail, the following list of logic translations is currently
supported by \Hets:
CASL2CoCASL & inclusion \\\hline
CASL2CspCASL & inclusion \\\hline
CASL2HasCASL & inclusion \\\hline
CASL2Isabelle & inclusion on sublogic CFOL=
(translation $(7)$ of \cite{Mossakowski02}) \\\hline
CASL2Modal & inclusion \\\hline
CASL2PCFOL & coding of subsorting (SubPCFOL=) by injections, see Chap.\ III:3.1 of the CASL Reference Manual \cite{CASL/RefManual} \\\hline
CASL2PCFOLTopSort & coding of subsorting (SulPeCFOL=) by a top sort and unary
predicates for the subsorts \\\hline
CASL2Propositional & translation of propositional FOL \\\hline
CASL2SoftFOL & coding of CASL.SuleCFOL=E to SoftFOL \cite{LuettichEA06a},
mapping types to soft types \\\hline
CASL2SoftFOLInduction & same as CASL2SoftFOL but with instances of induction
axioms for all proof goals \\\hline
CASL2SubCFOL & coding of partial functions by error elements
(translation $(4a')$ of \cite{Mossakowski02}, but extended to subsorting, i.e. sublogic SubPCFOL=) \\\hline
CASL2VSE & inclusion on sublogic CFOL= \\\hline
CASL2VSEImport & inclusion on sublogic CFOL= \\\hline
CASL2VSERefine & refining translation of CASL.CFOL= to VSE \\\hline
CASL\_DL2CASL & inclusion \\\hline
CoCASL2CoPCFOL & coding of subsorting by injections, similar to CASL2PCFOL \\\hline
CoCASL2CoSubCFOL & coding of partial functions by error supersorts, similar to CASL2SubCFOL \\\hline
CoCASL2Isabelle & extended translation similar to CASL2Isabelle \\\hline
CspCASL2CspCASL\_Failure & inclusion \\\hline
CspCASL2CspCASL\_Trace & inclusion \\\hline
CspCASL2Modal & translating the CASL data part to ModalCASL \\\hline
DFOL2CASL & translating dependent types \\\hline
DMU2OWL & interpreting Catia output as OWL \\\hline
HasCASL2HasCASLNoSubtypes & coding out subtypes \\\hline
HasCASL2HasCASLPrograms & coding of \HasCASL axiomatic recursive definitions
as \HasCASL recursive program definitions \\\hline
HasCASL2Haskell & translation of \HasCASL recursive program definitions to Haskell \\\hline
HasCASL2IsabelleOption & coding of HasCASL to Isabelle/HOL \cite{Groening05} \\\hline
Haskell2Isabelle & coding of Haskell to Isabelle/HOL \cite{TorriniEtAl07} \\\hline
Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF & coding of Haskell to Isabelle/HOLCF \cite{TorriniEtAl07} \\\hline
Maude2CASL & encoding of rewrites as predicates \\\hline
Modal2CASL & the standard translation of modal logic
to first-order logic \cite{blackburn_p-etal:2001a} \\\hline
OWL2CASL & inclusion \\\hline
Propositional2CASL & inclusion \\\hline
RelScheme2CASL & inclusion \\\hline
Adl2CASL & inclusion taking relations to CASL predicates \\\hline
\section{Getting started}
The latest \Hets version can be obtained from the
\Hets tools home page
Since \Hets is being
improved constantly, it is recommended always to use the latest version.
\Hets currently is available (on Intel architectures only) for Linux, Solaris
and Mac OS-X.
There are three possibilities to install \Hets:
The Java-based \Hets installer. Download a \texttt{.jar} file and
start it with
java -jar \texttt{file.jar}
Note that you need Sun Java 1.4.2 or later. On a Mac, you can just
double-click on the \texttt{.jar} file.
The installer will lead you through the installation with
a graphical interface. It will download and install further
software (if not already installed on your computer):
Hets-lib & specification library & \url{}\\\hline
uDraw(Graph) & graph drawing & \url{}\\\hline
Tcl/Tk & graphics widget system & (version 8.4 or 8.5 must be installed before)\\\hline
\SPASS & theorem prover & \url{}\\\hline
Darwin & theorem prover & should be installed manually from \url{}\\\hline
\Isabelle & theorem prover & \url{}\\\hline
(X)Emacs & editor (for Isabelle) & (must be installed manually)\\\hline
If you do not have Sun Java, you can just download the hets binary.
You have to unpack it with \texttt{bunzip2} and then put it at
some place coverd by your \texttt{PATH}. You also have to
install the above mentioned software and set
several environment variables, as explained on the installation page.
You may compile \Hets from the sources, please follow the
link ``Hets: source code and information for developers''
on the \Hets web page, download the sources (as tarball or from
svn), and follow the
instructions in the \texttt{INSTALL} file, but be prepared to take some time.
Depending on your application further tools are supported and may be
installed in addition:
zChaff & SAT solver & \url{} \\\hline
minisat & SAT solver & \url{} \\\hline
Pellet & OWL reasoner & \url{} \\\hline
E-KRHyper & theorem prover
& \url{} \\\hline
Reduce & computer algebra system
& \url{} \\\hline
Maude & rewrite system & \url{} \\\hline
VSE & theorem prover & (non-public) \\\hline
Twelf & & \url{} \\\hline
\section{Analysis of Specifications}
Consider the following \CASL
\I\SPEC \NAME{Strict\_Partial\_Order} =
%%PDM\I{} \COMMENTENDLINE{Let's start with a simple example !}
\I\SORT \( Elem \)
\I\PRED \( \_\_<\_\_ : Elem \* Elem \)
% \COMMENTENDLINE{\PRED abbreviates predicate}
\(\[ \FORALL x,y,z : Elem \\
\. \NOT(x < x) \RIGHT{\LABEL{strict}} \\
\. x < y \IMPLIES \NOT(y < x) \RIGHT{\LABEL{asymmetric}} \\
\. x < y \A y < z \IMPLIES x < z \RIGHT{\LABEL{transitive}} \\
Note that there may exist \(x, y\) such that\\
neither \(x < y\) nor \(y < x\).
\Hets can be used for parsing and
checking static well-formedness of specifications.
\index{analysis, static}%
Let us assume that the example is in a file named
\texttt{Order.casl} (actually, this file is provided
with the \Hets distribution as \texttt{Hets-lib/UserManual/Chapter3.casl}).
Then you can check the well-formedness of the
specification by typing (into some shell):
\texttt{hets Order.casl}
\Hets checks both the correctness of this specification
with respect to the \CASL syntax, as
well as its correctness with respect to the static semantics (e.g.\
whether all identifiers have been declared before they are used,
whether operators are applied to arguments of the correct sorts,
whether the use of overloaded symbols is unambiguous, and so on).
The following flags are available in this context:
\item[\texttt{-p}, \texttt{--just-parse}] Just do the parsing
-- the static analysis is skipped and no development is created.
\item[\texttt{-s}, \texttt{--just-structured}] Do the parsing and the
static analysis of (heterogeneous) structured specifications, but
leave out the analysis of basic specifications. This can be used
for prototyping issues, namely to quickly produce a development graph
showing the dependencies among the specifications (cf.
Sect.~\ref{sec:DevGraph}) even if the individual specifications are
not correct yet.
\item[\texttt{-L DIR}, \texttt{--hets-libdir=DIR}]
Use \texttt{DIR} as a colon separated list of directories for specification libraries (equivalently, you can set the variable \texttt{HETS\_LIB} before
calling \Hets).
\item[\texttt{-a ANALYSIS}, \texttt{--casl-amalg=ANALYSIS}]
For the analysis of architectural specification (a quite advanced
feature of \CASL), the \texttt{ANALYSIS} argument specifies the options for
amalgamability checking
algorithm for \CASL logic; it is a comma-separated list of zero or
more of the following options:
\item[\texttt{sharing}] perform sharing analysis for sorts,
operations and predicates.
\item[\texttt{cell}] perform cell condition check; implies
\texttt{sharing}. With this option on, the subsort embeddings are
\item[\texttt{colimit-thinness}] perform colimit thinness check;
implies \texttt{sharing}. The colimit thinness check is less
complete and usually takes longer than the full cell condition
check (\texttt{cell} option), but may prove more efficient in case
of certain specifications.
If \texttt{ANALYSIS} is empty then amalgamability analysis for
\CASL is skipped.
The default value for \texttt{--casl-amalg} is
\section{Heterogeneous Specification} \label{sec:HetSpec}
\Hets accepts plain text input files with the following endings:
Ending & default logic & structuring language\\\hline
\texttt{.casl} & \CASL & \CASL \\\hline
\texttt{.het} & \CASL & \CASL \\\hline
\texttt{.hs} & Haskell & Haskell\\\hline
\texttt{.owl} & OWL DL, OWL Lite & OWL\\\hline
\texttt{.elf} & LF & Twelf \\\hline
\texttt{.maude} & Maude & Maude \\\hline
Furthermore, \texttt{.xml} files are accepted as Catia output if the default
logic is set to DMU before a library import or by the ``\texttt{-l DMU}''
command line option of \Hets.
Although the endings \texttt{.casl} and \texttt{.het} are
interchangeable, the former should be used for libraries of
homogeneous \CASL specifications and the latter for \HetCASL libraries
of heterogeneous specifications (that use the \CASL structuring
constructs). Within a \HetCASL library, the current logic can be changed e.g.\
to \HasCASL in the following way:
logic HasCASL
The subsequent specifications are then parsed and analysed as
\HasCASL specifications. Within such specifications,
it is possible to use references to named \CASL specifications;
these are then automatically translated along the default
embedding of \CASL into \HasCASL (cf.\ Fig.~\ref{fig:LogicGraph}).
(There are also heterogeneous constructs
for explicit translations between logics, see \cite{Mossakowski04}.)
A \CspCASL specification consists of a \CASL specification
for the data part and a \Csp process built over this data part.
Therefore, \HetCASL provides a heterogeneous language construct
\texttt{data} as follows:
library Buffer
logic CASL
spec List =
free type List[Elem] ::= nil | cons(Elem; List[Elem])
ops last: List -> ? Elem;
rest: List -> ? List
logic CspCASL
spec Buffer =
data List
channel read, write : Elem
process Buf(List): read, write, List;
EmptyBuffer : read,write, List;
Buf(l)= read? x :: Elem -> Buf(cons(x,nil)) []
(if l=nil then STOP else
write!last(l) -> Buf(rest(l)))
EmptyBuffer = Buf(nil)
Here, the construct \texttt{data List} refers to the \CASL specification
\texttt{List}, which is implicitly embedded into \CspCASL.
The ending \texttt{.hs} is available for directly reading in
Haskell programs % and HasSLe specifications,
and hence supports the Haskell module system.
By contrast, in \HetCASL libraries (ending with \texttt{.het}),
the logic Haskell has to be chosen explicitly, and the \CASL structuring
syntax needs to be used:
library Factorial
logic Haskell
spec Factorial =
fac :: Int -> Int
fac n = foldl (*) 1 [1..n]
Note that according to the Haskell syntax, Haskell function
declarations and definitions need to start with the first column of
the text.
\section{Development Graphs}\label{sec:DevGraph}
Development graphs are a simple kernel formalism for (heterogeneous)
structured theorem proving and proof management.
A development graph consists of a set of nodes (corresponding to whole
structured specifications or parts thereof), and a set of arrows
called \emph{definition links}, indicating the dependency of each
involved structured specification on its subparts. Each node is
associated with a signature and some set of local axioms. The axioms
of other nodes are inherited via definition links. Definition links
are usually drawn as black solid arrows, denoting an import of another
Complementary to definition links, which \emph{define} the theories of
related nodes, \emph{theorem links} serve for \emph{postulating}
relations between different theories. Theorem links are the central
data structure to represent proof obligations arising in formal
Theorem links can be \emph{global} (drawn as solid arrows) or
\emph{local} (drawn as dashed arrows): a global theorem link
postulates that all axioms of the source node (including the inherited
ones) hold in the target node, while a local theorem link only postulates
that the local axioms of the source node hold in the target node.
Both definition and theorem links can be \emph{homogeneous},
i.e. stay within the same logic, or \emph{heterogeneous}, i.e.\ %% such that
the logic changes along the arrow. Technically, this is the case
for Grothendieck signature morphisms $(\rho,\sigma)$ where
$\rho\not=id$. This case is indicated with double arrows.
Theorem links are initially displayed in red.
The \emph{proof
calculus} for development graphs
\cite{MossakowskiEtAl05,Habil} is given by rules
that allow for proving global theorem links by decomposing them
into simpler (local and global) ones. Theorem links that have been
proved with this calculus are drawn in green. Local theorem links can
be proved by turning them into \emph{local proof goals}. The latter
can be discharged using a logic-specific calculus as given by an
entailment system for a specific institution. Open local
proof goals are indicated by marking the corresponding node in the
development graph as red; if all local implications are proved, the
node is turned into green. This implementation ultimately is based
on a theorem \cite{Habil} stating soundness and relative completeness
of the proof calculus for heterogeneous development graphs.
Details can be found in the \CASL Reference Manual \cite[IV:4]{CASL/RefManual}
and in \cite{Habil,MossakowskiEtAl05,MossakowskiEtAl07b}.
The following options let \Hets show the development graph of
a specification library:
\item[\texttt{-g}, \texttt{--gui}] Shows the development graph in a GUI window
\item[\texttt{-u}, \texttt{--uncolored}] no colors in shown graphs
The following additional options also apply typical rules from the development
graph calculus to the final graph and save applying these rule via the GUI.
\item[\texttt{-A}, \texttt{--apply-automatic-rule}] apply the automatic
strategy to the development graph. This is what you usual want in order to
get goals within nodes for proving.
\item[\texttt{-N}, \texttt{--normal-form}] compute all normal forms for nodes
with incoming hiding links. (This may take long and may not be implemented
for all logics.)
Let us extend the above library \texttt{Order.casl}. One use of the
library might be to express the fact that the natural numbers form a
strict partial order as a view, as follows:
\I\SPEC \NAMEREF{Natural} = ~\FREE \TYPE \(Nat ::= 0 \| suc(Nat)\)~\END
\I\SPEC \NAMEDEFN{Natural\_Order\_2} =
\I\PRED \( \_\_<\_\_ : Nat \* Nat\)
\(\[ \FORALL x,y:Nat \\
\. 0 < suc(x) \\
\. \neg x < 0 \\
\. suc(x) < suc(y) \IFF x < y
\I\VIEW \NAMEDEFN{v1} ~:~ \NAMEREF{Strict\_Partial\_Order} \TO
\NAMEREF{Natural\_Order\_2} =
\I{} \( Elem \MAPSTO Nat\)
Again, these specifications can be checked with \Hets. However, this
only checks syntactic and static semantic well-formedness -- it is
\emph{not} checked whether the predicate `$\_\_<\_\_$' introduced in
\NAMEREF{Natural\_Order\_2} actually is constrained to be interpreted
by a strict partial ordering relation. Checking this requires theorem
proving, which will be discussed below.
However, before coming to theorem proving, let us first inspect the
proof obligations arising from a specification. This can be done with:
\texttt{hets -g Order.casl}
(assuming that the above two specifications and the view
have been added to the file
\Hets now displays a so-called development graph
(which is just an overview graph showing the overall structure
of the specifications in the library), see Fig.~\ref{fig:dg0}.
\caption{Sample development graph.\label{fig:dg0}}
Nodes in a development graph correspond to \CASL specifications.
Arrows show how specifications are related by the structuring
The black arrow denotes an ordinary import of
specifications (generated by the extension), while the red arrow
denotes a proof obligation (corresponding to the view).
This proof obligation needs to be discharged in order to
show that the view is well-formed (then its color turns into green).
As a more complex example, consider the following loose specification
of a sorting function, taken from the \CASL User Manual
\cite{CASL-UM}, Chap.~6:
\I\SPEC \NAMEREF{List\_Order\_Sorted}
\\{} [\,\NAMEREF{Total\_Order} \WITH \SORT \(Elem\), \PRED \(\_\_<\_\_\)\,] =
\IEXT{\NAMEREF{List\_Selectors} [\,\SORT \(Elem\)\,]} \THEN
\I\PRED \( \_\_is\_sorted : List \)
\(\[ \FORALL e,e': Elem; L : List \\
\. empty~is\_sorted \\
\. cons(e,empty)~is\_sorted \\
\. cons(e,cons(e',L))~is\_sorted \IFF
\\\M (cons(e',L)~is\_sorted \A \NOT(e'<e)) \]\)
\I\OP \( order : List \TOTAL List \)
\( \FORALL L:List\. \[ order(L)~is\_sorted \]\)
The following specification of sorting by insertion also is taken from
the \CASL User Manual \cite{CASL-UM}, Chap.~6:
\I\SPEC \NAMEREF{List\_Order}
[\,\NAMEREF{Total\_Order} \WITH \SORT \(Elem\), \PRED \(\_\_<\_\_\)\,] =
\IEXT{\NAMEREF{List\_Selectors} [\,\SORT \(Elem\)\,]} \THEN
\I\OP \( insert : Elem \* List \TOTAL List \)
\(\[ \FORALL e,e':Elem; L:List \\
\. insert(e, empty) = cons(e, empty) \\
\. insert(e, cons(e',L)) = \[ cons(e', insert(e,L)) \WHEN e' < e\\
\ELSE cons(e, cons(e',L)) \] \\
\I\OP \( order : List \TOTAL List \)
\(\[ \FORALL e:Elem; L:List \\
\. order(empty) = empty \\
\. order(cons(e,L)) = insert(e, order(L)) \]\)
Both specifications are related. To see this, we first inspect
their signatures. This is possible with:
\texttt{hets -g Sorting.casl}
assuming that \texttt{Sorting.casl} contains the above specifications.
\Hets now displays a more complex development graph, see Fig.~\ref{fig:dg1}.
\caption{Development graph for the two sorting specifications.\label{fig:dg1}}
In the above-mentioned development graph, we have two types of nodes.
The named ones correspond to named specifications, but there
are also unnamed nodes corresponding to anonymous basic
specifications like the declaration of the $insert$ operation in
\NAMEREF{List\_Order} above. Basically, there is an
unnamed node for each structured specification that is not named.
Again, the black arrows denote an ordinary import of specifications
(corresponding to the extensions and unions in the
specifications), while the blue arrows denote hiding (corresponding to
the local specification).
By clicking on the nodes, one can inspect their signatures.
In this way, we can see that both \NAMEREF{List\_Order\_Sorted} and
\NAMEREF{List\_Order} have the same signature. Hence, it
is legal to add a view:
\I\VIEW \NAMEDEFN{v2}[\NAMEREF{Total\_Order}] ~:~ \NAMEREF{List\_Order\_Sorted}[\NAMEREF{Total\_Order}] \TO
We have already added this view to \texttt{Sorting.casl}.
The corresponding
proof obligation between \NAMEREF{List\_Order\_Sorted} and
\NAMEREF{List\_Order} is displayed in Fig.~\ref{fig:dg1}
as a red arrow.
Here is a summary of the types of nodes and links occurring in
development graphs:
\item[Named nodes] correspond to a named specification.
\item[Unnamed nodes] correspond to an anonymous specification.
\item[Elliptic nodes] correspond to a specification in the current library.
\item[Rectangular nodes] are external nodes corresponding to a specification
downloaded from another library.
\item[Red nodes] have open proof obligations.
\item[Yellow nodes] have an open conservativity proof obligations.
\item[Green nodes] have all proof obligations resolved.
\item[Black links] correspond to reference to other specifications (definition
links in the sense of \cite[IV:4]{CASL/RefManual}).
\item[Red links] correspond to open proof obligations (theorem links).
\item[Green links] correspond to proven theorem links.
\item[Yellow links] correspond to proven theorem links with open
conservativity or to open hiding theorem links.
\item[Blue links] correspond to hiding, free, or cofree definition links.
\item[Violett links] correspond to a mixture of links becoming visible after
``expand'' or ``Show unnamed nodes with open proofs''.
\item[Solid links] correspond to global (definition or theorem)
links in the sense of \cite[IV:4]{CASL/RefManual}.
\item[Dashed links] correspond to local (theorem) links in the sense of
\cite[IV:4]{CASL/RefManual}. These are usually created after
``Global-Decomposition'' or only be visible after ``Show newly added proven
\item[Single line links] have homogeneous signature morphisms (staying within
one and the same logic).
\item[Double line links] have heterogeneous signature morphisms (moving
between logics).
We now explain the menus of the development graph window.
Most of the pull-down menus of the window are uDraw(Graph)-specific
layout menus;
their function can be looked up in the uDraw(Graph) documentation\footnote{see
The exception is the Edit menu. Moreover, the nodes and links
of the graph have attached pop-up menus, which appear when
clicking with the right mouse button.
\item[Edit] This menu has the following submenus:
\item[Undo] Undo the last development graph proof step (see under Proofs)
\item[Redo] Restore the last undone development graph proof step (see
under Proofs)
\item[Hide/show names/nodes/edges]
The ``Hide/show names/nodes/edges'' menu is a toggle:
you can switch on or off the display of node names, unnamed nodes or
proven theorem links.
With the ``Hide/show internal node names'' option, the nodes that
are initially unnamed get derived names.
With the ``Hide/show unnamed nodes without open proofs'' option, it is possible
to reveal the unnamed nodes which do not have open proof goals.
Initially, the complexity of the graph is reduced by hiding all these nodes;
only nodes corresponding to named specifications are displayed.
Paths between named nodes going through unnamed nodes
are displayed as edges; these paths are then expanded when showing the
unnamed nodes.
When applying the development graph calculus rules, theorem links that have
been proven are removed from the graph. With the ``Hide/Show newly added
proven edges'' option, it is possible to re-display these links; they are marked
as proven in the link info (see \emph{Pop-up menu for links}, below).
\item[Focus node]
This menu is particularly useful when navigating in a large development graph,
which does not fit on a single screen. The list of all nodes is displayed:
the nodes are identified by the internal node number and the internal node name.
Once a node is selected, the view centers on it.
\item[Select Linktypes]
This menu allows to select the type of links that are displayed in the
development graph. A selection window appears, where links are grouped into
three categories: definition links, proven theorem links and unproven
theorem links. It is possible to select/deselect all links or to invert the
current selection.
\item[Consistency checker]
Checks whether the theories of the nodes of the graph are consistent
i.e. have a model. The model finders currently interfaced are
Isabelle-refute, darwin and E-KRHyper.
\item[Proofs] This menu allows to apply some of the deduction rules
for development graphs, see Sect. IV:4.4 of the \CASL Reference
Manual \cite{CASL/RefManual} or one of
\cite{Habil,MossakowskiEtAl05,MossakowskiEtAl07b}. While support for
local and global (definition or theorem) links is stable, support
for hiding links and checking conservativity is still experimental.
In most cases, it is advisable to use ``Automatic'', which
automatically applies the rules in the correct order. As a result,
the open theorem links (marked in red) will be reduced to local
proof goals, that is, they become green, and instead, some target nodes
may get red, indicating open local proof goals.
Besides the deduction rules, the menu contains entries for computing
a colimit approximation for the development graph and for
computing normal forms of all nodes (needed when dealing with hiding).
Also, a \CASL-specific normalisation of free links has been
\item[Dump Development Graph] This option is available only for
debugging purposes; it outputs a textual representation
of the development graph.
\item[Show Library Graph] This menu displays the library graph, in a separate
window, if the library graph window has been closed after \Hets has been
\item[Save Graph for uDrawGraph] Saves the development graph in a .udg file
which can be later read by uDrawGraph.
\item[Save proof-script] This menu saves the proof rules that have been applied
to the current development graph in a .hpf file which can be later read by
\Hets and thus the action performed on the graph are saved.
\item[Pop-up menu for nodes]
Here, the number of submenus depends on the type of the node:
\item[Show node info] Shows the local informations of the node: the internal
node name and node number, the xpath that denotes the location of the node
within an XML representation, information about consistency of the node,
origin of the node and the local theory i.e. axioms declared locally.
\item[Show theory] Shows the theory of the node (including axioms
imported from other nodes). Notice that axioms imported via hiding links
are not part of the theory; they can be made visible only by re-adding
the hidden symbols, using the normal form of the node, by calling
\emph{Proofs/Compute Normal Form}. For such nodes, a warning is displayed.
\item[Translate theory] Translates the theory of a node to another logic.
A menu with the possible translation paths will be displayed.
\item[Taxonomy graphs] (Only available for some logics) Shows the subsort graph
of the signature of the node.
\item[Show proof status] Show open and proven local proof goals.
\item[Prove] Try to prove the local proof goals. See Section~\ref{sec:Proofs}
for details.
\item[Prove VSE structured] Allows to send a development graph below the
current node to the interactive \texttt{hetsvse} prover if that binary is
available, see \ref{subsec:VSE}.
\item[Check conservativity] Checks conservativity of the inclusion
morphism from the empty theory to the theory of the node (see
{\bf Check conervativity} for edges).
For the nodes which are references to specifications from an external library,
the pop-up menu options are reduced to {\bf Show node info, Show theory,
Show proof status} and {\bf Prove} and moroever, the option {\bf Show
referenced library} is added: on selection, it displays in a new window
the development graph of the external library from which the specification has
been downloaded.
\item[Pop-up menu for links]
Again, the number of submenus depends on the type of the link:
\item[Show info] Shows informations about the edge: internal number and
internal nodes it links, the link type and origin and the
signature morphism of the link. The latter consists
of two components: a logic translation and a signature morphism in the
target logic of the logic translation.
In the (most frequent) case
of an intra-logic signature morphism, the logic translation component is
just the identity.
\item[Check conservativity] (Experimental) Check whether the
theory of the target node of the link
is a conservative extension of the theory of the source node.
\item[Expand]This menu is available only for paths going through unnamed
nodes which are not displayed and it expands the path to the links forming it.
Besides development graphs there are library graph windows displaying the
library hierarchy. The Edit menu has the following submenus:
\item[Edit] This menu for library graphs has the following submenus:
\item[Reload Library] Reloads all \HetCASL sources in order to avoid closing
and restarting the application after sources have changed. However, all
previous proof steps will be lost, therefore you have to confirm this
action. (A change management tool to keep proofs is in preparation.)
\item[Translate Library] Translates a library along a comorphism to be chosen.
This only works for a homogeneous library hierarchy. A finer grained
alternative is to use ``Translate theory'' for individual nodes. The
original state and proof steps will be lost, therefore you have to confirm
this action.
\item[Show Logic Graph] Shows the graph of logics and logic comorphisms
currently supported by \Hets. The Edit menu of a logic graph window has the
following submenu:
\item[Show detailed logic graph] Shows the important sublogics and comorphims
between them, i.e. translation (blue links) and inclusion (black links).
\section{Reading, Writing and Formatting}
\Hets provides several options controlling the types of files
that are read and written.
\item[\texttt{-i ITYPE}, \texttt{--input-type=ITYPE}] Specify \texttt{ITYPE}
as explicit type of the input file. By default \texttt{env}, \texttt{casl},
or \texttt{het} extensions are tried in this order. An \texttt{env} file
contains a shared ATerm of a development graph, whereas \texttt{casl} or
\texttt{het} files contain plain \HetCASL text. An \texttt{env} file will
always be read if it exists and is consistent (aka newer) than the
corresponding \HetCASL file.
\texttt{exp} files contain a development graph in a new experimental omdoc
format. \texttt{prf} files contain additional development steps (as shared
ATerms) to be applied on top of an underlying development graph created from
a corresponding \texttt{env}, \texttt{casl}, or \texttt{het}
file. \texttt{hpf} files are plain text files representing heterogeneous
proof scripts. The contents of a \texttt{hpf} file must be valid input for
\Hets in interactive mode. (\texttt{gen\_trm} formats are currently not
The possible input types are:
\item[\texttt{-O DIR}, \texttt{--output-dir=DIR}]
Specify \texttt{DIR} as destination directory for output files.
\item[\texttt{-o OTYPES}, \texttt{--output-types=OTYPES}]
\texttt{OTYPES} is a comma separated list of output types:
| env
| owl
| omdoc
| xml
| exp
| hs
| thy
| comptable.xml
| (sig|th)[.delta]
| pp.(het|tex|xml)
| graph.(|dot)
| dfg[.c]
| tptp[.c]
The \texttt{env} and \texttt{prf} formats are for subsequent reading,
avoiding the need to re-analyse downloaded libraries. \texttt{prf} files
can also be stored or loaded via the GUI's File menu.
The \texttt{owl} option \cite{books/sp/Kohlhase06} will produce OWL files in
Manchester Syntax for each specification of a structured OWL library.
The \texttt{omdoc} format \cite{books/sp/Kohlhase06} is an XML-based
markup format and data model for Open Mathematical Documents. It
serves as semantics-oriented representation format and ontology
language for mathematical knowledge. Currently, \CASL specifications
can be output in this format; support for further logics is planned.
The \texttt{xml} option will produce an XML-version of the development graph
for our change management broker.
The \texttt{exp} format is the new experimental omdoc format.
The \texttt{hs} format is used for Haskell modules. Executable \CASL or
\HasCASL specifications can be translated to Haskell.
When the \texttt{thy} format is selected, \Hets will try to translate
each specification in the library to \Isabelle, and write one \Isabelle
\texttt{.thy} file per specification.
When the \texttt{comptable.xml} format is selected, \Hets will extract
the composition and inverse table of a Tarskian relation algebra from
specification(s) (selected with the \texttt{-n} or \texttt{--spec}
option). It is assumed that the relation algebra is
generated by basic relations, and that the specification is written
in the \CASL logic. A sample specification of a relation
algebra can be found in the \Hets library \texttt{Calculi/Space/RCC8.het},
available from \texttt{}.
The output format is XML, the URL of the DTD is included in the
XML file.
The \texttt{sig} or \texttt{th} option will create \HetCASL signature or
theory files for each development graph node. (The \texttt{.delta} extension
is not supported, yet.)
The \texttt{pp} format is for pretty printing, either as plain text
(\texttt{het}), \LaTeX input (\texttt{tex}) or XML (\texttt{xml}).
For example, it is possible to generate a pretty
printed \LaTeX\ version of \texttt{Order.casl} by typing:
\texttt{hets -v2 -o pp.tex Order.casl}
This will generate a file \texttt{Order.pp.tex}. It can be included
into \LaTeX\ documents, provided that the style \texttt{hetcasl.sty}
coming with the \Hets distribution (\texttt{LaTeX/hetcasl.sty}) is used.
The format \texttt{pp.xml} represents a library in XML for our change
management broker.
Formats with \texttt{graph} are for future usage.
The \texttt{dfg} format is used by the \SPASS theorem prover
The \texttt{tptp} format (\url{}) is a standard
format for first-order theorem provers.
Appending \texttt{.c} to \texttt{dfg} or \texttt{tptp} will create files for
consistency checks by SPASS or Darwin respectively.
For all output formats it is recommended to increase the verbosity to at least
level 2 (by using the option \texttt{-v2}) to get feedback which files are
actually written. (\texttt{-v2} also shows which files are read.)
\item[\texttt{-t TRANS}, \texttt{--translation=TRANS}]
chooses a translation option. \texttt{TRANS} is a colon-separated list
without blanks of one or more comorphism names (see Sect.~\ref{comorphisms}).
\item[\texttt{-n SPECS}, \texttt{--spec=SPECS}]
chooses a list of named specifications for processing
\item[\texttt{-R}, \texttt{--recursive}] output also imported libraries.
\item[\texttt{-I}, \texttt{--interactive}] run \Hets in interactive mode
\item[\texttt{-x}, \texttt{--xml}] use xml-pgip packets to communicate with
\Hets in interactive mode
\item[\texttt{-S PORT}, \texttt{--listen=PORT}] communicate
with \Hets in interactive mode vy listining to the port \texttt{PORT}
\item[\texttt{-c HOSTNAME:PORT}, \texttt{--connect=HOSTNAME:PORT}] communicate
with \Hets in interactive mode via connecting to the port on host
\item[\texttt{-d STRING}, \texttt{--dump=STRING}] produces implementation
dependent output for debugging purposes only
\section{Miscellaneous Options}
\item[\texttt{-v[Int]}, \texttt{--verbose[=Int]}]
Set the verbosity level according to \texttt{Int}. Default is 1.
\item[\texttt{-q}, \texttt{--quiet}]
Be quiet -- no diagnostic output at all. Overrides -v.
\item[\texttt{-V}, \texttt{--version}] Print version number and exit.
\item[\texttt{-h}, \texttt{--help}, \texttt{--usage}]
Print usage information and exit.
\item[\texttt{+RTS -KIntM -RTS}] Increase the stack size to
\texttt{Int} megabytes (needed in case of a stack overflow).
This must be the first option.
\item[\texttt{-l LOGIC}, \texttt{--logic=LOGIC}] chooses the initial logic, which is used for processing the specifications before the first \textbf{logic L}
declaration. The default is \CASL.
\item[\texttt{-m FILE}, \texttt{--modelSparQ=FILE}] model check a qualitative calculus given in SparQ lisp notation \cite{SparQ06} against a \CASL specification
\section{Proofs with \Hets}\label{sec:Proofs}
The proof calculus for development graphs (Sect.~\ref{sec:DevGraph}) reduces
global theorem links to local proof goals. Local proof goals (indicated by red
nodes in the development graph) can be eventually discharged using a theorem
prover, i.e. by using the ``Prove'' menu of a red node.
The graphical user interface (GUI) for calling a prover is shown in
Fig. \ref{fig:proof_window} --- we call it ``Proof Management GUI''.
(This GUI looks slightly different, if hets was not build with GTK support as
for example under solaris.)
The top list on the left shows all goal names prefixed with the proof
status in square brackets. A proved goal is indicated by a `+', a `-'
indicates a disproved goal, a space denotes an open goal, and a
`$\times$' denotes an inconsistent specification (aka a fallen `+';
see below for details).
\caption{Hets Goal and Prover Interface\label{fig:proof_window}}
If you open this GUI when processing the goals of one node for the
first time, it will show all goals as open. Within this list you can
select those goals that should be inspected or proved. The GUI elements are the following:
\item The top-right button `Disprove' is supposed to prove the negation of a
selected goal, but this functionality is not implemented yet.
\item The button `Display' shows the selected goals in the ASCII syntax of
this theory's logic in a separate window.
\item By pressing the `Proof details' button a window is opened where for each
proved goal the used axioms, its proof script, and its proof are shown ---
the level of detail depends on the used theorem prover.
\item With the `Prove' button the actual prover is launched. This is described
in more detail in the paragraphs below.
\item The list `Pick Theorem Prover:' lets you choose one of the connected
provers (among them \Isabelle, MathServe Broker, \SPASS, Vampire, and
zChaff, described below). By pressing `Prove' the selected prover is
launched and the theory along with the selected goals is translated via the
shortest possible path of comorphisms into the provers logic.
\item The pop-up choice box below `Selected comorphism path:' lets you pick a
(composed) comorphism to be used for the chosen prover.
\item Since the amount and kind of sentences sent to an ATP system is a major
factor for the performance of the ATP system, it is possible to select in
the bottom lists the axioms and proven theorems that will comprise the
theory of the next proof attempt. Based on this selection the sublogic may
vary and also the available provers and comorphisms to provers. Former
theorems that are imported from other specifications are marked with the
prefix `(Th)'. Since former theorems do not add additional logical content,
they may be safely removed from the theory.
\item If you press the bottom-right `Close' button the window is closed and
the status of the goals' list is integrated into the development graph. If
all goals have been proved, the selected node turns from red into green.
\item All other buttons control selecting list entries
\subsection{Consistency Checker}
Since proofs are void if specifications are inconsistent, the consistency
should be checked (if possible for the given logic) by the ``Consistency
checker'' shown in Fig. \ref{fig:cons_window}. This GUI is invoked from
the `Edit' menu as it operates on all nodes. (Without GTK support this GUI is
missing, though.)
The list on the left shows all node names prefixed with a consistency status
in square brackets that is initially empty. A consistent node is indicated by
a `+', a `-' indicates an inconsistent node, a `t' denotes a timeout of the last
checking attempt.
\caption{Hets Consistency Checker Interface\label{fig:cons_window}}
For some selection of nodes (of a common logic) a model finder should be
selectable from the `Pick Model finder:' list. Currently only for ``darwin''
some \CASL models can be re-constructed. When pressing `Check', possibly after
`Select comorphism path:', all selected nodes will be checked, spending at
most the number of seconds given under `Timeout:' on each node. Pressing
`Stop' allows to terminate this process if too many nodes have been chosen.
Either by `View results' or automatically the `Results of consistency check'
(Fig. \ref{fig:cons_res}) will pop up and allow you to inspect the models for
nodes, if they could be constructed.
\caption{Consistency Checker Results\label{fig:cons_res}}
\subsection[Automated Theorem Proving Systems]
{Automated Theorem Proving Systems\\(Logic SoftFOL)}
\caption{Interface of the \SPASS prover\label{fig:SPASS_GUI}}
All ATPs integrated into \Hets share the same GUI, with only a slight
modification for the MathServe Broker: the input field for extra options is
inactive. Figure~\ref{fig:SPASS_GUI} shows the instantiation for \SPASS, where
in the top right part of the window the batch mode can be controlled. The
left side shows the list of goals (with status indicators). If goals are
timed out (indicated by `t') is may help to activate the check box `Include
preceeding proven theorems in next proof attempt' and pressing `Prove all'
On the bottom right the result of the last proof
attempt is displayed. The `Status:' indicates `Open', `Proved', `Disproved',
`Open (Time is up!)', or `Proved (Theory inconsistent!)'. The list of `Used
Axioms:' is filled by \SPASS. The button `Show Details' shows the whole output
of the ATP system. The `Save' buttons allow you to save the input and
configuration of each proof for documentation. By `Close' the results for all
goals are transferred back to the Proof Management GUI.
The MathServe system \cite{ZimmerAutexier06} developed by J\"{u}rgen
Zimmer provides a unified interface to a range of different ATP
systems; the most important systems are listed in
Table~\ref{tab:MathServe}, along with their capabilities. These
capabilities are derived from the \emph{Specialist Problem Classes}
(SPCs) defined upon the basis of logical, language and syntactical
properties by Sutcliffe and Suttner \cite{SutcliffeEA:2001:EvalATP}.
Only two of the Web services provided by the MathServe system are used
by \Hets currently: Vampire and the brokering system. The ATP systems
are offered as Web Services using standardized protocols and formats
such as SOAP, HTTP and XML. Currently, the ATP system Vampire may be
accessed from \Hets via MathServe; the other systems are only reached
after brokering.
ATP System & Version & Suitable Problem Classes\tnote{a}\\
DCTP & 10.21p & effectively propositional \\\hline
EP & 0.91 & effectively propositional; real first-order, no
equality; real first-order, equality\\\hline
Otter & 3.3 & real first-order, no equality\\\hline
\SPASS & 2.2 & effectively propositional; real first-order, no
equality; real first-order, equality\\\hline
Vampire & 8.0 & effectively propositional; pure equality, equality
clauses contain non-unit equality clauses; real first-order, no
equality, non-Horn\\\hline
Waldmeister & 704 & pure equality, equality clauses are unit
equality clauses\\\lasthline
{The list of problem classes for each ATP system is not
exhaustive, but only the most appropriate problem classes are
named according to benchmark tests made with MathServe by
J\"urgen Zimmer.}
\caption{ATP systems provided as Web services by MathServe}
The ATP system \SPASS \cite{WeidenbachEtAl02} is a resolution-based
prover for first-order logic with equality. Furthermore, it provides a soft
typing mechanism with subsorting that treats sorts as unary
predicates. The ATP \SPASS should be installed locally and available
through your \verb,$PATH, environment variable.
The ATP system Vampire is the winner of the last 5 CADE ATP System
Competitions (CASC) (2002--2006) in the devisions \verb,FOF, and
\verb,CNF,. It is a resolution based ATP system supporting the calculi
of ordered binary resolution and superposition for handling equality.
for detailed information. The connection to Vampire is achieved by
using an Web service of the MathServe system.
\subsubsection*{MathServe Broker}
% The classes ``effectively propositional'' and ``real first-order''
% apply to first-order problems that are distinguished by the finiteness
% of the Herbrand universe; an effectively propositional problem has
% only constants (generated by finitely many terms) whereas a real
% first-order problem contains true functions with an infinite Herbrand
% universe.
The brokering service chooses the most appropriate ATP system
upon a classification based on the SPCs, and on a training with the
library Thousands of Problems for Theorem Provers (TPTP)
\cite{ZimmerAutexier06}. The TPTP format
has been introduced by Sutcliffe and Suttner for the annual
competition CASC \cite{Sutcliffe:2006:CASC} and provides a unified
syntax for untyped FOL with equality, but without any symbol
\Isabelle \cite{NipPauWen02} is an interactive theorem prover, which is
more powerful than ATP systems, but also requires more user interaction.
has a very small core guaranteeing correctness, and its provers,
like the simplifier or the tableaux prover, are built on top of this
core. Furthermore, there is over fifteen years of experience with it,
and several mathematical textbooks have been partially
verified with
\Isabelle is a tactic based theorem prover implemented in standard ML.
The main \Isabelle logic (called Pure) is some weak intuitionistic type
theory with polymorphism. The logic Pure is used to represent a
variety of logics within \Isabelle; one of them being \HOL (higher-order
logic). For example, logical implication in Pure (written
\texttt{==>}, also called meta-implication), is different from logical
implication in \HOL (written \texttt{-->}, also called object
It is essential to be aware of the fact that the \Isabelle/\HOL logic
is different from the logics that are encoded into it via comorphisms.
Therefore, the formulas appearing in subgoals of proofs with \Isabelle
will not conform to the syntax of the original input logic. They may
even use features of \Isabelle/\HOL such as higher-order functions
that are not present in an input logic like \CASL.
\Isabelle is started with ProofGeneral
\cite{DBLP:conf/tacas/Aspinall00,url:ProofGeneral} in a separate Emacs
The \Isabelle theory file conforms to the Isabelle/Isar syntax
\cite{NipPauWen02}. It starts with the theory (encoded along the selected
comorphism), followed by a list of theorems. Initially, all the
theorems have trivial proofs, using the `oops` command. However, if
you have saved earlier proof attempts, \Hets will patch these into
the generated \Isabelle theory file, ensuring that your previous work
is not lost. (But note that this patching can only be successful
if you do not rename specifications, or change their structure.) You
now can replace the 'oops' commands with real \Isabelle proofs, and
use Proof General to step through the proofs. You finish your session
by saving your file (using the Emacs file menu, or the Ctrl-x Ctrl-s
key sequence), and by exiting Emacs (Ctrl-x Ctrl-c).
The specification environment Verification Support Environment
(VSE) \cite{VSE00}, developed at
DFKI Saarbr\"ucken, provides an industrial-strength methodology
for specification and verification of imperative programs.
VSE provides an interactive prover, which supports a Gentzen style
natural deduction calculus for dynamic logic.
This logic is an extension of first-order logic with two additional
kinds of formulas
that allow for reasoning about programs. One of them is the
box formula $[\alpha]\varphi$, where $\alpha$ is a program written in an imperative
language, and $\varphi$ is a dynamic logic formula.
The meaning of $[\alpha]\varphi$ can be roughly put as
``After every terminating execution of $\alpha$, $\varphi$ holds.''.
The other new kind
of formulas is the diamond formula $\langle\alpha\rangle\varphi$, which is the dual counter part
of a box formula. The meaning of $\langle\alpha\rangle\varphi$
can be described as ``After some terminating execution of $\alpha$,
$\varphi$ holds''.
A VSE specification or something that can be translated to VSE (currently only
\CASL) can be sent to the VSE prover via the node menu of development graph
nodes in two different ways. You can either select VSE from the theorem prover
choice box shown after ``Prove'' or you can select ``Prove VSE Structured''.
The first choice will call VSE with a single flattened theory whereas a
structured call will translate all nodes with ingoing links to the current one
VSE pops up with a ``project'' window. In this window you can choose ``Work
on'' and ``specification''. Besides the builtin specification ``boolean''
there is at least one specification from your development graph that you
can select for proving. For a structured choice you'll have specifications
for all underlying nodes that you should work on in a bottom up fashion.
The state created by VSE will be stored in a \texttt{.tar} file (within the
current directory) that preserves proofs for replay later on as long as you
don't change library or node names.
zChaff is a solver for satisfiabily problems of boolean formulas
in CNF. It is connected as a prover for propositional logic to \Hets. The prover
\SPASS is used to transform arbitrary boolean formulas to CNF. zChaff
implements the \normalTEXTSC{C}{HAFF}\xspace algorithm. We are
using the property, that a conjecture under the assumption of a set of axioms is
true, if the variables of axioms together with the negation of the conjecture
have no satisfying assignment, to prove theorems with zChaff. That is why you see
the result \normalTEXTSC{U}{NSAT}\xspace in the proof details, if a theorem has been proved
to be true. zChaff uses the same ATP GUI as the provers for SoftFOL (ref. to section
\ref{sec:ATP}). zChaff does not accept any options apart from the time-limit. The
current integration of zChaff into \Hets has been tested with zChaff 2004.11.15.
This is a connection to the computer algebra system from
\url{}. Installation is possible as follows:
svn co
cd reduce-algebra/trunk
./configure --with-csl --with-psl
The binary \texttt{redcsl} will be searched in the \texttt{PATH} or is taken
from the \texttt{HETS\_REDUCE} environment variable.
Pellet is a popular open-source \DL-reasoner for \SROIQ, which is the logic
underlying OWL 2.0, written in Java. A Java Runtime Environment (in version $> 1.5$)
is needed to run Pellet. For the integration into \Hets the environment variable
\verb+PELLET_PATH+ has to be set to the root-directory of the Pellet installation.
Pellet uses the same ATP GUI as the provers for SoftFOL (ref. to section
Fact++ is a \DL-reasoner for \SROIQ, which is the logic underlying OWL 2.0, written in
C++. Fact++ is integrated into \Hets via the OWL-API, which is written in Java.
A Java Runtime Environment (in version $>= 1.5$) has to be installed. To use Fact++,
the environment variable \verb+HETS_OWL_TOOLS+ has to be set to the directory
containing the files
as well as
on a 32bits-Linux-system or
in a 64bits-Linux-system. Fact++ does not support options.
Fact++ uses the same ATP GUI as the provers for SoftFOL (ref. to section
is an extension of
KRHyper\footnote{\url{}} by
handling of equality. E-KRHyper is an automatic first order theorem
prover and model finder based on the Hyper Tableaux Calculus\cite{Baumgartner:1996}.
E-KRHyper is optimized for being integrated into other systems. In the current
implementation we use a default tactics script, that can be influenced by the user.
The options of E-KRHyper are written in a Prolog-like syntax as in
the ``.'' at the end of each option is mandatory. To get an overview of
E-KRHyper's options, run the command
in a terminal. Then enter the command
at the prompt of E-KRHyper, to display its help information, which is basically
a long list of all available parameters. You can exit E-KRHyper by the command
E-KRHyper uses the same ATP GUI as the other provers for SoftFOL (ref. to section
Darwin is an automatic first order prover and model finder implementing the Model
Calculus\cite{Baumgartner:2003}. The integration of Darwin as a consistency checker
supports the display of models (if they can be constructed) in \CASL-syntax.
Eprover is needed to be in the system-path, if Darwin is used with \Hets, since
Darwin uses Eprover for clausification of first-order formulae.
Darwin supports a wide range of options, to get an overview of them run the command
darwin --help
in a terminal.
Darwin uses the same ATP GUI as the other provers for SoftFOL (ref. to section
\subsection{Truth tables}
\section{Limits of Hets}
\Hets is still intensively under development. In particular, the
following points are still missing:
\item There is no proof support for architectural specifications.
\item Distributed libraries are always downloaded from the local disk,
not from the Internet.
\item Version numbers of libraries are not considered properly.
\item The proof engine for development graphs provides only experimental
support for hiding links and for conservativity.
\section{Architecture of Hets}
The architecture of \Hets is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:hets}.
How is a single logic implemented in the Heterogeneous Tool Set?
This is depicted in the left column of Fig.~\ref{fig:hets}.
\Hets provides an abstract interface for
\index{independence, institution}%
institutions, so
that new logics can be integrated smoothly.
In order to do so, a parser,
a static checker and a prover for basic specifications in the logic have
to be provided.
class Logic lid sign morphism sentence basic_spec symbol_map
| lid -> sign morphism sentence basic_spec symbol_map where
identity :: lid -> sign -> morphism
compose :: lid -> morphism -> morphism -> morphism
dom, codom :: lid -> morphism -> sign
parse_basic_spec :: lid -> String -> basic_spec
parse_symbol_map :: lid -> String -> symbol_map
parse_sentence :: lid -> String -> sentence
empty_signature :: lid -> sign
basic_analysis :: lid -> sign -> basic_spec -> (sign, [sentence])
stat_symbol_map :: lid -> sign -> symbol_map -> morphism
map_sentence :: lid -> morphism -> sentence -> sentence
provers ::
lid -> [(sign, [sentence]) -> [sentence] -> Proof_status]
cons_checkers :: lid -> [(sign, [sentence]) -> Proof_status]
class Comorphism cid
lid1 sign1 morphism1 sentence1 basic_spec1 symbol_map1
lid2 sign2 morphism2 sentence2 basic_spec2 symbol_map2
| cid -> lid1 lid2 where
sourceLogic :: cid -> lid1 targetLogic :: cid -> lid2
map_theory :: cid -> (sign1, [sentence1]) -> (sign2, [sentence2])
map_morphism :: cid -> morphism1 -> morphism2
\caption{The basic ingredients of logics and logic comorphisms}
Each logic is realized in the programming language Haskell
\cite{PeytonJones03} by a set of types and functions, see
Fig.~\ref{fig:logic:all}, where we present a simplified, stripped down
version, where e.g.\ error handling is ignored. For technical reasons
a logic is \emph{tagged} with a unique identifier type (\texttt{lid}),
which is a singleton type the only purpose of which is to determine
all other type components of the given logic. In Haskell jargon, the
interface is called a multiparameter type class with functional
dependencies \cite{TypeClasses}. The Haskell interface for logic
translations is realised similarly.
The logic-independent modules in \Hets can be found in the right half
of Fig.~\ref{fig:hets}. These modules comprise roughly one third of
\Hets' 100.000 lines of Haskell code.
The heterogeneous parser transforms a string
conforming to the syntax in Fig.~\ref{fig:lang}
to an abstract syntax tree, using the \texttt{Parsec} combinator parser
\cite{Parsec}. Logic and translation names are looked up in the logic
graph --- this is necessary to be able to choose the correct parser
for basic specifications. Indeed, the parser has a state that carries
the current logic, and which is updated if an explicit specification
of the logic is given, or if a logic translation is encountered (in
the latter case, the state is set to the target logic of the
translation). With this, it is possible to parse basic specifications
by just using the logic-specific parser of the current logic as
obtained from the state.
The static analysis is based on the static analysis of basic
specifications, and transforms an abstract syntax tree to a
development graph (cf.\ Sect.~\ref{sec:DevGraph} above). Starting with a
node corresponding to the empty theory, it successively extends (using
the static analysis of basic specifications) and/or translates (along
the intra- and inter-logic translations) the theory, while
simultaneously adding nodes and links to the development graph.
Heterogeneous proof management is done using heterogeneous
development graphs, as described in Sect.~\ref{sec:DevGraph}.
For local proof goals, logic-specific provers are invoked,
see Sect.~\ref{sec:Proofs}.
\Hets can store development graphs, including their proofs.
Therefore, \Hets uses the so-called
ATerm format \cite{BJKO00}, which is used as interchange format
for interfacing with other tools.
More details can be found in \cite{Habil,MossakowskiEtAl07b}
and in the overview of modules provided in the developers section
of the \Hets home page at \url{}.
\caption{Architecture of the heterogeneous tool set.
\Hets is mainly maintained by
Christian Maeder ( and Till Mossakowski
( The mailing list is
the homepage is
You need to subscribe to the list before you can send a mail.
But note that subscription is very easy!
If your favourite logic is missing in \Hets, please tell us
( We will take your feedback into account
when deciding which logics and proof tools to integrate next into \Hets. Help
with integration of more logics and proof tools into \Hets is also welcome.
The heterogeneous tool set \Hets would not have possible
without cooperation with many people.
%Christian Maeder and Klaus L\"uttich.
Besides the authors, the following people have been involved
in the implementation of \Hets:
Katja Abu-Dib,
Michael Chan,
Codru\c ta G\^ arlea,
Dominik Dietrich,
Elena Digor,
Carsten Fischer,
Jorina Freya Gerken,
Andy Gimblett,
Rainer Grabbe,
Sonja Gr\"{o}ning,
Markus Groß,
Klaus Hartke,
Daniel Hausmann,
Wiebke Herding,
Hendrik Iben,
Cui ``Ken'' Jian,
Heng Jiang,
Stef Joosten,
Anton Kirilov,
Tina Krausser,
Martin K\"{u}hl,
Mingyi Liu,
Karl Luc,
Klaus L\"{u}ttich,
%Christian Maeder,
Maciek Makowski,
Florian Mossakowski,
Immanuel Normann,
Liam O'Reilly,
Razvan Pascanu,
Daniel Pratsch,
Felix Reckers,
Adri\'{a}n Riesco,
Markus Roggenbach,
Pascal Schmidt,
Ewaryst Schulz,
Kristina Sojakova,
Igor Stassiy,
Tilman Thiry,
Paolo Torrini,
Jonathan von Schroeder,
Ren\'{e} Wagner,
Jian Chun Wang,
Zicheng Wang, and
Thiemo Wiedemeyer.
\Hets has been built based on experiences with its
\Cats and
The \CASL Tool Set (\Cats)
provides parsing and static analysis for \CASL.
It has been developed by the first author with help
of Mark van den Brand, Kolyang, Bartek Klin, Pascal Schmidt and
Frederic Voisin.
\MAYA \cite{Autexier:2002:IHD,AutexierEtal02} is a proof management
tool based on development graphs. \MAYA only supports development
graphs without hiding and without logic translations. \MAYA has been
developed by Serge Autexier and Dieter Hutter.
We also want to thank Agn\`es Arnould, Thibaud Brunet, Pascale LeGall,
Kathrin Hoffmann, Bruno Langenstein, Katiane Lopes,
%Klaus L\"uttich, Christian Maeder,
Stefan Merz, Maria Martins Moreira, Christophe
Ringeissen, Markus Roggenbach, Dmitri Schamschurko, Lutz Schr\"oder,
Konstantin Tchekine and Stefan W\"olfl
for giving feedback about \Cats, HOL-CASL and \Hets. Finally,
special thanks to Christoph L\"uth and George Russell
for help with connecting \Hets to their UniForM workbench.
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