ProofCommands.txt revision 1d49bdc3171a64621bc8e710c9f155a929425f61
Language for the Hets command line interface
-- commands for development graph mode
use PATH -- open a file with a HetCASL library
-- this will compute a development graph
-- and a list of open proof obligations
-- also all referenced libraries need to be loaded
-- (and this needs to be communicated to PGIP)
| dg DG-COMMAND GOAL* -- apply a proof step of the dg calculus
-- if no goal is specified, the first goals is tried
| dg-all DG-COMMAN -- same, but for all open goals
| show-dg-goals -- display list of open dg goals
-- commands for theory mode
| show-theory-goals -- display list of theory goals
| show-theory -- show current theory and proof goals
| node-info -- show info about current dg node (name, origin, sublogic)
| show-taxonomy -- show taxonomy graph
| show-concepts -- show conecpt graph
| translate COMORPHISM -- translate theory goals along comorphism
| prover PROVER -- select a prover
| proof-script FORMULA PROOF-SCRIPT end-script
-- process proof script for one goal
| cons-check PROVER -- check consistency
-- interactive commands for theory mode
-- insert initial proof script
-- insert only the specified formulas as goals (top goal if none is specified)
-- insert only the specified axioms (otherwise, insert all axioms)
| prove-all AXIOM-SELECTION?
-- same for all goals
with FORMULA+ -- include only specified axioms
| exlcuding FORMULA+ -- exlcude specified axioms
PROOF-SCRIPT -- can be anything (prover specific)
-- the end is recognized with "end-script"
DG-COMMAND ::= auto -- automatic tactic
| glob-subsume -- global subsumption
| glob-decomp -- global decomposition
| loc-infer -- local inference
| loc-decomp -- local decomposition
| comp -- composition
| comp-new -- composition with speculation of new egdes
| hide-thm -- Hide-Theorem-Shift
| thm-hide -- Theorem-Hide-Shift
| basic -- start proving at a particular node,
-- i.e. start local proving in a theory
GOAL ::= NODE -- select local goals at a node
| NODE -> NODE -- select all edges between two given nodes
| NODE - DIGIT* -> NODE -- select specific edge between two nodes
NODE ::= ID -- specify nodes with their names
COMORPHISM ::= ID ; ... ; ID -- composite of basic comorphisms
-- if jsut one logic name is given, the default is used
PROVER ::= ID -- name of prover
FORMULA ::= ID -- label of formula
PATH ::= -- path name (look at CASL syntax)
ID ::= -- identifier (look at CASL syntax)