rules revision b0b5ce95f738d35e520c20d1b0bd253f152a677f
# Makefile
# $Id$
# Author: (c) Klaus Luettich, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2009
# This Makefile will compile the hets system and provides also
# targets for test programs during implementation phases.
# !!! Note: This makefile is written for GNU make !!!
# (gmake on solaris)
all: hets
# deprecated since haddock 2
SOURCE_PATHS = . utils/itcor \
Syntax Static GUI HasCASL Haskell Modal CoCASL COL ConstraintCASL \
CspCASL ATC Proofs Comorphisms Isabelle Driver Modifications \
Taxonomy CASL_DL SoftFOL OWL OMDoc PGIP Propositional RelationalScheme \
VSE Interfaces Temporal CspCASLProver DFOL CMDL
# the 'replacing spaces' example was taken from the (GNU) Make info manual
empty =
space = $(empty) $(empty)
DRIFT_ENV = DERIVEPATH=$(subst $(space),:,$(PFE_PATHS))
DRIFT_deps = utils/DrIFT-src/*hs
GENERATERULES_deps = utils/GenerateRules/*hs $(DRIFT_deps)
GENITCORRECTIONS_deps = utils/itcor/GenItCorrections.hs
INLINEAXIOMS_deps = utils/InlineAxioms/InlineAxioms.hs \
PERL = perl
HAPPY = happy -sga
GENRULES = utils/genRules
GENRULECALL = $(GENRULES) -r Typeable -r ShATermConvertible \
-i Data.Typeable -i ATerm.Lib
GENRULECALL2 = $(GENRULES) -r Typeable -r ShATermLG \
DRIFT = utils/DrIFT
INLINEAXIOMS = utils/outlineAxioms
HADDOCK = haddock
HADDOCKVERSION = $(shell $(HADDOCK) --version)
OSBYUNAME = $(shell uname)
ifneq ($(findstring SunOS, $(OSBYUNAME)),)
TAR = gtar
PATCH = gpatch
TAR = tar
PATCH = patch
ARCH = $(subst $(space),,$(shell uname -m))
SETUP = utils/Setup
SETUPPREFIX = --prefix=$(HOME)/.ghc/$(ARCH)-$(OSBYUNAME)-hets-packages
SETUPPACKAGE = ../$(SETUP) clean; \
../$(SETUP) configure -O -p $(SETUPPREFIX) --user; \
../$(SETUP) build; ../$(SETUP) haddock; ../$(SETUP) install --user
# list glade files
GTK_GLADE_FILES = $(wildcard GUI/Glade/*.glade)
GTK_GLADE_HSFILES = $(subst .glade,.hs,$(GTK_GLADE_FILES))
derived_sources += $(GTK_GLADE_HSFILES)
# the list of logics that need ShATermConvertible instances
logics = CASL HasCASL Isabelle Modal Temporal CoCASL COL CspCASL CASL_DL \
SoftFOL ConstraintCASL Propositional OWL RelationalScheme VSE OMDoc DFOL \
### list of directories to run checks in
TESTDIRS += Common CASL HasCASL test
hs_clean_files = Haskell/TiATC.hs Haskell/TiDecorateATC.hs \
PFE_TOOLDIR = $(wildcard ../programatica/tools)
ifneq ($(strip $(PFE_TOOLDIR)),)
base/transforms base/transforms/Deriving property \
PFE_PATHS = $(addprefix $(PFE_TOOLDIR)/, $(PFE_DIRS))
pfe_sources = $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*hs, $(PFE_PATHS)))
PFE_PATH = $(addprefix -i, $(PFE_PATHS))
happy_files += $(PFE_TOOLDIR)/property/parse2/Parser/PropParser.hs
LEX_DIR = $(PFE_TOOLDIR)/base/parse2/Lexer
programatica_pkg: $(PFE_TOOLDIR)/property/parse2/Parser/PropParser.hs \
$(LEX_DIR)/HsLex.hs $(SETUP)
@if $(HCPKG) field programatica version; then \
echo "of programatica package found"; else \
($(PATCH) -usNlp0 -d $(PFE_TOOLDIR) \
-i `pwd`/Haskell/Programatica.patch || exit 0); \
cp -f utils/programatica.cabal ../programatica/tools; \
cp -f $(SETUP) ../programatica/tools; \
(cd ../programatica/tools; \
./Setup configure $(SETUPPREFIX); \
./Setup build; ./Setup install --user) fi
$(LEX_DIR)/HsLex.hs: $(LEX_DIR)Gen/HsLexerGen
echo "{-# OPTIONS -w #-}" > $@
$< >> $@
$(LEX_DIR)Gen/HsLexerGen: $(LEX_DIR)Gen/*.hs $(LEX_DIR)Spec/*.hs \
$(HC) --make -fno-monomorphism-restriction -O \
-i$(PFE_TOOLDIR)/base/tests/HbcLibraries \
-i$(PFE_TOOLDIR)/base/lib \
-i$(LEX_DIR) -i$(LEX_DIR)Gen -i$(LEX_DIR)Spec \
$@.hs -o $@
logics += Haskell
derived_sources += Haskell/PreludeString.hs
APPENDPRELUDESTRING = utils/appendHaskellPreludeString \
## rule for appendHaskellPreludeString
$(RM) $@
chmod 444 $@
Ast_Haskell_files = HsDeclStruct HsExpStruct HsFieldsStruct \
HsGuardsStruct HsKindStruct HsPatStruct HsTypeStruct HsAssocStruct \
HsModule HsName HsLiteral HsIdent
#files in base/TI/
#Ti_Haskell_files = TiTypes TiKinds TiDecorate TiInstanceDB
#Ti_Prop_files = property/TI/TiPropDecorate property/syntax/PropSyntaxRec
Other_PFE_files = property/AST/HsPropStruct base/defs/PNT \
Haskell_files = $(addsuffix .hs, \
$(addprefix $(PFE_TOOLDIR)/base/AST/, $(Ast_Haskell_files)) \
$(addprefix $(PFE_TOOLDIR)/, $(Other_PFE_files)))
## rule for ATC generation
Haskell/ATC_Haskell.der.hs: $(Haskell_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i Haskell.BaseATC -o $@ $(Haskell_files)
hs_der_files += $(hs_clean_files)
TESTDIRS += ToHaskell
# unset this variable from because the programatica sources
# are needed to created our sources!
# end of programatica stuff
# remove -fno-warn-orphans for older ghcs and add -ifgl
HC_WARN = -Wall -fno-warn-orphans
HC_INCLUDE = $(addprefix -i, $(INCLUDE_PATH))
# uncomment HC_PROF for profiling (and comment out packages in
# call resulting binary with a final +RTS -p to get a file <binary>.prof
# HC_PROF = -prof -auto-all -osuf p_o +RTS -K100m -RTS
# -ddump-minimal-imports
# uncomment the above line to generate .imports files for displayDependencyGraph
## deprecated non-sources to be excluded for haddock-0.8
## deprecated hets sources for haddock-0.8
sources = hets.hs $(filter-out $(non_sources), \
$(wildcard $(addsuffix /[A-Z]*hs, $(SOURCE_PATHS))))
# files generated by DriFT
drifted_files = Common/AS_Annotation.hs \
# files to extract data types from to generate ShATermConvertible instances
atc_files = Common/AS_Annotation.der.hs Common/DefaultMorphism.hs \
# files generated by genRules as input for DriFT
atc_der_files = $(foreach file, $(atc_files), \
ATC/$(basename $(basename $(notdir $(file)))).der.hs)
# the rules to create ATC .der.hs file for DriFT
ATC/Id.der.hs: Common/Id.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -o $@ $<
ATC/Result.der.hs: Common/Result.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i ATC.Id -o $@ $<
ATC/OrderedMap.der.hs: Common/OrderedMap.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -o $@ $<
ATC/Graph.der.hs: Common/Lib/Graph.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -o $@ $<
ATC/ProofTree.der.hs: Common/ProofTree.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -o $@ $<
ATC/AS_Annotation.der.hs: Common/AS_Annotation.der.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i ATC.Id -i Common.ATerm.ConvInstances -o $@ $<
ATC/LibName.der.hs: Common/LibName.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i ATC.Id -i Common.ATerm.ConvInstances -o $@ $<
ATC/ExtSign.der.hs: Common/ExtSign.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i Common.ATerm.ConvInstances -o $@ $<
ATC/DefaultMorphism.der.hs: Common/DefaultMorphism.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -o $@ $<
ATC/AS_Structured.der.hs: Syntax/AS_Structured.der.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL2) -o $@ $<
ATC/AS_Architecture.der.hs: Syntax/AS_Architecture.der.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL2) -i ATC.AS_Structured -o $@ $<
ATC/AS_Library.der.hs: Syntax/AS_Library.der.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL2) -i ATC.AS_Architecture -i ATC.LibName -o $@ $<
ATC/GlobalAnnotations.der.hs: Common/GlobalAnnotations.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i ATC.AS_Annotation -i ATC.Result -o $@ $<
ATC/Prover.der.hs: Logic/Prover.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -x Logic.Prover.ProverTemplate \
-i ATC.AS_Annotation -i ATC.OrderedMap -o $@ $<
ATC/DevGraph.der.hs: Static/DevGraph.hs $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL2) -i ATC.LibName -o $@ $<
# ATC files for every logic
Isabelle_files = Isabelle/IsaSign.hs
Propositional_files = Propositional/Sign.hs Propositional/Morphism.hs \
RS_files = RelationalScheme/AS.hs RelationalScheme/Sign.hs
Modal_files = Modal/AS_Modal.hs Modal/ModalSign.hs
Temporal_files = Temporal/AS_BASIC_Temporal.hs Temporal/Sign.hs \
ConstraintCASL_files = ConstraintCASL/AS_ConstraintCASL.hs
COL_files = COL/AS_COL.hs COL/COLSign.hs
CspCASL_files = CspCASL/AS_CspCASL.hs CspCASL/AS_CspCASL_Process.hs \
SoftFOL_files = SoftFOL/Sign.hs
VSE_files = VSE/As.hs
OMDoc_files = OMDoc/OMDocInterface.hs
# ATC DrIFT-rule generation for logics
CASL/ATC_CASL.der.hs: $(CASL_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i ATC.GlobalAnnotations -o $@ $(CASL_files)
RelationalScheme/ATC_RelationalScheme.der.hs: $(RS_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i ATC.GlobalAnnotations -o $@ $(RS_files)
Propositional/ATC_Propositional.der.hs: $(Propositional_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i ATC.AS_Annotation -o $@ $(Propositional_files)
HasCASL/ATC_HasCASL.der.hs: $(HasCASL_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i ATC.GlobalAnnotations -o $@ $(HasCASL_files)
Isabelle/ATC_Isabelle.der.hs: $(Isabelle_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -o $@ $(Isabelle_files)
Modal/ATC_Modal.der.hs: $(Modal_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i CASL.ATC_CASL -o $@ $(Modal_files)
Temporal/ATC_Temporal.der.hs: $(Temporal_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i CASL.ATC_CASL -o $@ $(Temporal_files)
ConstraintCASL/ATC_ConstraintCASL.der.hs: $(ConstraintCASL_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i CASL.ATC_CASL -o $@ $(ConstraintCASL_files)
CoCASL/ATC_CoCASL.der.hs: $(CoCASL_files) $(GENRULES)
COL/ATC_COL.der.hs: $(COL_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i CASL.ATC_CASL -o $@ $(COL_files)
CspCASL/ATC_CspCASL.der.hs: $(CspCASL_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i CASL.ATC_CASL -o $@ $(CspCASL_files)
SoftFOL/ATC_SoftFOL.der.hs: $(SoftFOL_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i ATC.AS_Annotation -o $@ $(SoftFOL_files)
OWL/ATC_OWL.der.hs: $(OWL_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i OWL.ReadWrite -o $@ $(OWL_files)
VSE/ATC_VSE.der.hs: $(VSE_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -x VSE.As.FoldRec -i CASL.ATC_CASL -o $@ $(VSE_files)
OMDoc/ATC_OMDoc.der.hs: $(OMDoc_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i OMDoc.ATerm -o $@ $(OMDoc_files)
DFOL/ATC_DFOL.der.hs: $(DFOL_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i ATC.AS_Annotation -o $@ $(DFOL_files)
Maude/ATC_Maude.der.hs: $(Maude_files) $(GENRULES)
$(GENRULECALL) -i ATC.AS_Annotation -o $@ $(Maude_files)
# all ATC .der.hs files for all logics
atc_logic_files = $(foreach logic, $(logics), $(logic)/ATC_$(logic).der.hs)
generated_rule_files = $(atc_der_files) $(atc_logic_files)
# a rule to create all .der.hs files
genRules: $(generated_rule_files)
# the final ATC target files created by DriFT
gendrifted_files = $(patsubst %.der.hs, %.hs, $(generated_rule_files))
# files to be processed by utils/InlineAxioms
inline_axiom_files = Comorphisms/CASL2PCFOL.hs \
gen_inline_axiom_files = $(patsubst %.hs,%.inline.hs, $(inline_axiom_files))
# all sources that need to be created before ghc can be called
derived_sources += $(drifted_files) Driver/Version.hs $(happy_files) \
$(inline_axiom_files) Modal/ModalSystems.hs $(hs_der_files)
# sources that have {-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
cpp_sources = hets.hs $(happy_files) \
# further sources that should be excluded from haddock-0.8
nondoc_sources = $(wildcard utils/DrIFT-src/*.hs) \
$(wildcard utils/DrIFT-src/*.lhs) \
$(wildcard utils/GenerateRules/*.hs) \
$(wildcard utils/InlineAxioms/*.hs) \
$(wildcard utils/itcor/*.hs) \
$(cpp_sources) $(pfe_sources) $(gen_inline_axiom_files) \
$(generated_rule_files) \
$(PFE_TOOLDIR)/property/parse2/Parser/PropParser.hspp \
$(patsubst %.hs, %.der.hs, $(drifted_files))
hspp_sources = $(patsubst %.hs, %.hspp, $(cpp_sources))
# this variable holds the modules that should be documented
doc_sources = $(filter-out $(nondoc_sources), $(sources) $(hspp_sources))
### targets
.PHONY : all hets-opt hets-optimized clean o_clean clean_pretty \
real_clean bin_clean package_clean distclean packages \
programatica_pkg aterm_pkg maintainer-clean annos \
check capa hacapa h2h h2hf showKP clean_genRules genRules \
count doc fromKif derivedSources release cgi ghci
.SECONDARY : %.hs %.d $(generated_rule_files) $(gen_inline_axiom_files)
$(SETUP): utils/Setup.hs
$(HC) --make -O -o $@ $<
packages: aterm_pkg programatica_pkg
aterm_sources = $(wildcard atermlib/src/ATerm/*.hs)
aterm_pkg: $(aterm_sources) $(SETUP)
@if $(HCPKG) field aterm version; then \
echo "of aterm package found"; else \
cp -f LICENSE.txt atermlib; \
cp -f LIZENZ.txt atermlib; \
cp -f utils/Setup.hs atermlib; \
cp -f $(SETUP) atermlib; \
(cd atermlib; $(SETUPPACKAGE)) fi
$(MAKE) distclean
$(MAKE) derivedSources
$(MAKE) clean
$(MAKE) hets-optimized
hets-optimized: $(derived_sources)
$(HC) --make -O -o hets hets.hs $(HC_OPTS)
$(MAKE) distclean
$(MAKE) derivedSources
$(MAKE) clean
$(MAKE) hets.cgi
hets.cgi: $(sources) GUI/hets_cgi.hs
ghc --make GUI/hets_cgi.hs -o $@ $(HC_OPTS) -O
hets_maintainers.txt: $(sources)
@echo 'File : Maintainer' > $@
@echo -n Generating $@ " "
@egrep -m 1 "Maintainer" $(sources) | \
sed -e 's/: *Maintainer *: */ : /' >> $@
@echo " done"
# count lines of code
count: $(sources)
wc -l $(sources)
# Documentation via haddock
doc: docs/index.html
ifneq ($(findstring 2.,$(HADDOCKVERSION)),)
HADDOCK_OPTS = $(addprefix --optghc=, $(HC_OPTS))
$(RM) -r docs
mkdir docs
$(HADDOCK) -o docs -h -v -s ../%F \
-t 'Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set' \
-p Hets-Haddock-Prologue.txt $(HADDOCK_OPTS) \
Syntax/ADoc.hs $(filter-out Test.hs, $(wildcard *.hs))
# generate haddock documentation with links to sources
# the interface treatment is stolen from uni/mk/
docs/index.html: $(doc_sources)
$(RM) -r docs
mkdir docs
HINTERFACES0=`find -L docs/www -name '*.haddock' \
-printf "--read-interface=www/%P,%p "` ; \
$(PERL) -pe 's+/[^/]*.haddock,+,+g'` ; \
$(HADDOCK) -o docs -h -v -s ../%F $$HINTERFACES \
-t 'Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set' \
-p Hets-Haddock-Prologue.txt $(doc_sources)
derivedSources: $(derived_sources) $(hspp_sources)
$(DRIFT): $(DRIFT_deps)
(cd utils/DrIFT-src; $(HC) --make DrIFT.hs -o ../DrIFT)
(cd utils/GenerateRules; \
$(HC) --make -i../DrIFT-src -i../.. $(HC_WARN) \
GenerateRules.hs -o ../genRules)
# "-package hssource" for ghc-5.04.2
$(HC) --make utils/InlineAxioms/InlineAxioms.hs $(HC_WARN) $(HC_PROF) \
-i../.. -o $(INLINEAXIOMS)
$(HC) --make -o $@ $<
# release management
REV = trunk
$(RM) -r Hets
svn co$(REV) Hets
$(RM) -r uni
if [ -d ../uni ] ; then ln -s ../uni uni ; fi
$(RM) -r programatica
if [ -d ../programatica ] ; then \
mkdir programatica; \
ln -s ../../programatica/tools programatica/tools ; fi
(cd Hets; $(MAKE) derivedSources; $(MAKE) clean; \
cp Makefile Makefile.orig; \
cp ReleaseMakefile Makefile; \
./; \
find . -name .svn -o -name \*.o -o -name \*.hi | xargs $(RM) -r; \
$(RM) clean.*; utils/
$(TAR) cvf Hets.tar Hets
# Common/LaTeX_maps.hs generation
utils/genItCorrections: $(GENITCORRECTIONS_deps)
$(HC) --make -o $@ $<
@echo -n "Generating pretty/LaTeX_maps.hs ... "
@(cd pretty >/dev/null; ../utils/genItCorrections \
gen_it_characters gen_it_words >> LaTeX_maps.hs)
@echo "ready"
@echo "please copy the file manually to Common"
### clean up
$(RM) $(generated_rule_files) $(gendrifted_files) $(hspp_sources) \
clean: bin_clean o_clean clean_pretty
$(HCPKG) unregister aterm
### removes all *.o, *.hi and *.p_o files in all subdirectories
find . -name \*.o -o -name \*.hi -o -name \*.p_o \
-o -name \*.exe -o -name \*.exe.manifest | xargs $(RM)
### remove binaries
$(RM) hets
$(RM) hets.cgi
$(RM) $(SETUP)
$(RM) pretty/*.c.* pretty/*.h.* pretty/gen_it_* \
### additionally removes the library files
real_clean: clean
### clean user packages
$(HCPKG) unregister HAIFA --user || exit 0
$(HCPKG) unregister programatica --user || exit 0
$(HCPKG) unregister syb-generics --user || exit 0
$(HCPKG) unregister aterm --user || exit 0
### additionally removes generated files not in the CVS tree
distclean: clean clean_genRules
$(RM) $(derived_sources)
$(RM) utils/DrIFT utils/genRules $(INLINEAXIOMS)
maintainer-clean: distclean package_clean
$(RM) -r $(HOME)/.ghc/$(ARCH)-$(OSBYUNAME)-hets-packages
### interactive
ghci: $(derived_sources)
ghci $(HC_OPTS)
### Kif parser
fromKif: CASL/fromKif
### Annos parser
annos: Common/annos
### CASL parser
capa: CASL/capa
### HasCASL parser
hacapa: HasCASL/hacapa
### Haskell analysis
hana: Haskell/hana
### Haskell to Isabelle-HOLCF translation
h2hf: Haskell/h2hf
Haskell/h2hf: Haskell/h2hf.hs Haskell/*.hs Isabelle/*.hs Common/*.hs \
Common/Lib/*.hs Comorphisms/*.hs
$(HC) -O --make -o $@ $< $(HC_OPTS)
### HasCASL to Haskell translation
h2h: Haskell/h2h
### test program to check the known provers
showKP: Comorphisms/test/showKP
### run tests in other directories
for i in $(TESTDIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$i check; done
## Preparing the version of Hets
Driver/Version.hs: Driver/ version_nr
$(RM) $@
LANG=C $(PERL) utils/ version_nr \
< Driver/ > $@
chmod 444 $@
## two hardcoded dependencies for a correct generation of Version.hs
## two dependencies for avoidence of circular prerequisites
$(CASL_DEPENDENT_BINARIES): $(sources) $(derived_sources)
## suffix rules
## rule for GHC
%: %.hs packages
$(HC) --make -o $@ $< $(HC_OPTS)
## rule for HAPPY
%.hs: %.y
$(HAPPY) -o $@.tmp $<
echo "{-# OPTIONS -w #-}" > $@
cat $@.tmp >> $@
$(RM) $@.tmp
## rule for DrIFT
%.hs: %.der.hs $(DRIFT)
$(RM) $@
($(DRIFT_ENV); export DERIVEPATH; $(DRIFT) $< > $@)
chmod 444 $@
## rule for inlineAxioms
%.hs: %.inline.hs $(INLINEAXIOMS)
$(RM) $@
chmod 444 $@
## rule for cpp and haddock
%.hspp: %.hs
$(HC) -E -cpp -D__HADDOCK__ \
## compiling rules for object and interface files
%.o %.hi: %.hs
$(HC) -c $< $(HC_OPTS)
%.o %.hi: %.lhs
$(HC) -c $< $(HC_OPTS)
## compiling rules for dependencies
%.d : %.hs
$(HC) -M $< $(HC_OPTS) -optdep-f -optdep$@
%.d : %.lhs
$(HC) -M $< $(HC_OPTS) -optdep-f -optdep$@
## Rule to generate hs files from glade files. Needed for GTK
%.hs: utils/appendHaskellPreludeString \
b=`basename $< .glade`; \
cat GUI/Glade/Template.append.hs | sed "s/\%s/$$b/" | \
utils/appendHaskellPreludeString $< > $@
## generate the inline file for the predefined CASL_DL sign
$(RM) $@
echo " )" >> $@
chmod 444 $@
# Warning: Don't change the order of the depencies!!
$(RM) $@
$(PERL) $+ > $@
chmod 444 $@
## rule for Modal/ModalSystems.hs needed for ModalLogic Translation
# uses intransparently utils/outlineAxioms
$(RM) $@
$(PERL) utils/ $< $@
chmod 444 $@
# directory for installers
INSTALLER_DIR = ../installers
ifeq ($(strip $(HETS_VERSION)),)
HETS_VERSION := `cat version_nr`
# or `date +%F`
# prepare installer creation
mkdir -p $(INSTALLER_DIR)
sed "s/^\(HETS_VERSION =\).*/\1$(HETS_VERSION)/" Makefile.installer \
> $(INSTALLER_DIR)/Makefile
@echo Please do
@echo " -> cd $(INSTALLER_DIR)"
@echo " -> make"
@echo and wait until it is finished
# check out java parts for OWL
svn co \
initialize_java: owl_java
ant -q init
ant -q java-libs
ant -q java-files
ant -q java-clean