ToSExpr.hs revision f99c9fca932e8e6e8111049fd93164ed81e1b0ab
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : translate VSE to S-Expressions
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
translation of VSE to S-Expressions
module VSE.ToSExpr where
import VSE.As
import VSE.Ana
import VSE.Fold
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.ToSExpr
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.LibName
import Common.ProofUtils
import Common.SExpr
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
addUniformRestr :: Sign f Procs -> [Named Sentence] ->
(Sign f Procs, [Named Sentence])
addUniformRestr sig nsens = let
namedConstr = filter (\ ns -> case sentence ns of
(RestrictedConstraint _ _ _)
_) -> True
_ -> False ) nsens
restrConstr = map sentence namedConstr
restrToSExpr (procs, tSens)
(Ranged (RestrictedConstraint constrs restr _flag) _r)) =
(genSorts, genOps, _maps) = recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs
genUniform sorts ops s = let
hasResSort sn ~(Qual_op_name _ opType _) = res_OP_TYPE opType == sn
argLength ~(Qual_op_name _ (Op_type _ args _ _) _) = length args
ctors = sortBy (comparing argLength) $ filter (hasResSort s) ops
genCodeForCtor ~(Qual_op_name ctor (Op_type _ args sn _) _) prg = let
decls = genVars args
vs = map (\ (i, a) -> Var_decl [i] a nullRange) decls
recCalls = map (\ (i, x) ->
Ranged (Call (Predication
(gnUniformName s)
(Pred_type [x] nullRange) nullRange)
[Qual_var i x nullRange] nullRange
)) nullRange) $
filter (flip elem sorts . snd) decls
recCallsSeq = if null recCalls then Ranged Skip nullRange else
foldr1 (\ p1 p2 -> Ranged (Seq p1 p2) nullRange) recCalls
in case recCalls of
[] -> Ranged (
Block (Var_decl [yVar] s nullRange : vs)
(Ranged (Seq
(Assign yVar (Qual_var xVar sn nullRange)
) nullRange)
(Ranged (Seq (Ranged
(Op_type Partial args sn nullRange)
(map toQualVar vs)
(Ranged (If (Strong_equation
(gnEqName s)
(Op_type Partial [s, s]
uBoolean nullRange)
) [Qual_var
s nullRange,
s nullRange
] nullRange)
aTrue nullRange)
(Ranged Skip nullRange)
prg) nullRange))
nullRange )) nullRange) ) nullRange
_ -> Ranged (
Block (Var_decl [yVar] s nullRange : vs)
(Ranged (Seq (Ranged (Assign yVar
(Qual_var xVar sn nullRange)
) nullRange)
(Seq recCallsSeq
(Ranged (Seq
(Op_type Partial args sn nullRange)
(map toQualVar vs)
(Ranged (If (Strong_equation
( Application
( Qual_op_name
(gnEqName s)
(Op_type Partial [s, s]
uBoolean nullRange)
) [Qual_var
s nullRange,
s nullRange
] nullRange)
aTrue nullRange)
(Ranged Skip nullRange) prg) nullRange))
nullRange )) nullRange)) nullRange) ) nullRange
[makeNamed "" $ ExtFORMULA $
Ranged (Defprocs [
Defproc Proc (gnUniformName s) [xVar]
(Ranged (
Block [] ( foldr genCodeForCtor (Ranged Abort nullRange)
) nullRange
(makeNamed "" $
Quantification Universal [Var_decl [xVar] s nullRange]
( ExtFORMULA $ Ranged
(Dlformula Diamond ( Ranged
(Call $ Predication
(Map.findWithDefault (gnRestrName s) s restr)
(Pred_type [s] nullRange) nullRange)
[Qual_var xVar s nullRange] nullRange) nullRange)
(True_atom nullRange))
( ExtFORMULA $ Ranged
(Dlformula Diamond (Ranged
(Call $ Predication
(Qual_pred_name (gnUniformName s)
(Pred_type [s] nullRange) nullRange)
[Qual_var xVar s nullRange] nullRange) nullRange)
(True_atom nullRange))
nullRange) True nullRange) nullRange) {isAxiom = False}]
procDefs = concatMap (genUniform genSorts genOps) genSorts
procs' = Map.fromList $
map (\ s -> (gnUniformName s,
Profile [Procparam In s] Nothing)) genSorts
(Map.union procs procs', tSens ++ procDefs)
restrToSExpr _ _ = error "should not be anything than restricted constraints"
(newProcs, trSens) = foldl restrToSExpr (Map.empty, []) restrConstr
(sig {
predMap = addMapSet (predMap sig) $ procsToPredMap $ Procs newProcs,
extendedInfo = Procs $ Map.union newProcs (procsMap $ extendedInfo sig)},
nameAndDisambiguate $
trSens ++ filter (not . flip elem namedConstr) nsens)
namedSenToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Named Sentence -> SExpr
namedSenToSExpr sig ns =
[ SSymbol "asentence"
, SSymbol $ transString $ senAttr ns
, SSymbol $ if isAxiom ns then "axiom" else "obligation"
, SSymbol $ if isAxiom ns then "proved" else "open"
, senToSExpr sig $ sentence ns ]
senToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Sentence -> SExpr
senToSExpr sig s = let ns = sentenceToSExpr sig s in case s of
ExtFORMULA (Ranged (Defprocs _) _) ->
SList [SSymbol "defprocs-sentence", ns]
Sort_gen_ax _ _ ->
SList [SSymbol "generatedness-sentence", ns]
_ -> SList [SSymbol "formula-sentence", ns]
sentenceToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Sentence -> SExpr
sentenceToSExpr sign = let sig = addSig const sign boolSig in
foldFormula $ sRec sig $ dlFormulaToSExpr sig
dlFormulaToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Dlformula -> SExpr
dlFormulaToSExpr sig = vseFormsToSExpr sig . unRanged
vseFormsToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> VSEforms -> SExpr
vseFormsToSExpr sig vf = case vf of
Dlformula b p s ->
SList [SSymbol $ case b of
Box -> "box"
Diamond -> "diamond", progToSExpr sig p, sentenceToSExpr sig s]
Defprocs ds ->
SList $ SSymbol "defprocs" : map (defprocToSExpr sig) ds
RestrictedConstraint _ _ _ ->
error "restricted constraints should be handled separately"
vDeclToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> VarDecl -> SExpr
vDeclToSExpr sig (VarDecl v s m _) =
let vd@(SList [_, w, ty]) = varDeclToSExpr (v, s) in
case m of
Nothing -> vd
Just trm -> SList [ SSymbol "vardecl", w, ty
, foldTerm (sRec sig $ error "vDeclToSExpr") trm ]
procIdToSSymbol :: Sign f Procs -> Id -> SExpr
procIdToSSymbol sig n = case lookupProc n sig of
Nothing -> error "procIdToSSymbol"
Just pr -> case profileToOpType pr of
Just ot -> opIdToSSymbol sig n ot
_ -> predIdToSSymbol sig n $ profileToPredType pr
progToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Program -> SExpr
progToSExpr sig = let
pRec = sRec sig (error "progToSExpr")
termToSExpr = foldTerm pRec
formToSExpr = foldFormula pRec
in foldProg FoldRec
{ foldAbort = const $ SSymbol "abort"
, foldSkip = const $ SSymbol "skip"
, foldAssign = \ _ v t ->
SList [SSymbol "assign", varToSSymbol v, termToSExpr t]
, foldCall = \ (Ranged _ r) f ->
case f of
Predication (Qual_pred_name i _ _) ts _ ->
SList $ SSymbol "call" : procIdToSSymbol sig i : map termToSExpr ts
_ -> sfail "Call" r
, foldReturn = \ _ t -> SList [SSymbol "return", termToSExpr t]
, foldBlock = \ ~(Ranged (Block vs p) _) _ _ ->
let (vds, q) = addInits (toVarDecl vs) p
ps = progToSExpr sig q
nvs = map (vDeclToSExpr sig) vds
in if null nvs then ps else SList [SSymbol "vblock", SList nvs, ps]
, foldSeq = \ _ s1 s2 -> SList [SSymbol "seq", s1, s2]
, foldIf = \ _ c s1 s2 -> SList [SSymbol "if", formToSExpr c, s1, s2]
, foldWhile = \ _ c s -> SList [SSymbol "while", formToSExpr c, s] }
defprocToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Defproc -> SExpr
defprocToSExpr sig (Defproc k n vs p _) = SList
[ SSymbol $ case k of
Proc -> "defproc"
Func -> "deffuncproc"
, procIdToSSymbol sig n
, SList $ map varToSSymbol vs
, progToSExpr sig p ]
paramToSExpr :: Procparam -> SExpr
paramToSExpr (Procparam k s) = SList
[ SSymbol $ map toLower $ show k
, sortToSSymbol s ]
procsToSExprs :: (Id -> Bool) -> Sign f Procs -> [SExpr]
procsToSExprs f sig =
map (\ (n, pr@(Profile as _)) -> case profileToOpType pr of
Nothing -> SList
[ SSymbol "procedure"
, predIdToSSymbol sig n $ profileToPredType pr
, SList $ map paramToSExpr as ]
Just ot -> SList
[ SSymbol "funcprocedure"
, opIdToSSymbol sig n ot
, SList $ map sortToSSymbol $ opArgs ot
, sortToSSymbol $ opRes ot ])
$ Map.toList $ Map.filterWithKey (\ i _ -> f i)
$ procsMap $ extendedInfo sig
vseSignToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> SExpr
vseSignToSExpr sig =
let e = extendedInfo sig in
SList $ SSymbol "signature" : sortSignToSExprs sig
: predMapToSExprs sig (diffMapSet (predMap sig) $ procsToPredMap e)
++ opMapToSExprs sig (diffOpMapSet (opMap sig) $ procsToOpMap e)
++ procsToSExprs (const True) sig
qualVseSignToSExpr :: SIMPLE_ID -> LibId -> Sign f Procs -> SExpr
qualVseSignToSExpr nodeId libId sig =
let e = extendedInfo sig in
SList $ SSymbol "signature" : sortSignToSExprs sig
{ sortSet = Set.filter (isQualNameFrom nodeId libId)
$ sortSet sig }
: predMapToSExprs sig
(Map.filterWithKey (\ i _ -> isQualNameFrom nodeId libId i)
$ diffMapSet (predMap sig) $ procsToPredMap e)
++ opMapToSExprs sig
(Map.filterWithKey (\ i _ -> isQualNameFrom nodeId libId i)
$ diffOpMapSet (opMap sig) $ procsToOpMap e)
++ procsToSExprs (isQualNameFrom nodeId libId) sig