ToSExpr.hs revision e0f1794e365dd347e97b37d7d22b2fce27296fa1
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : translate VSE to S-Expressions
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
translation of VSE to S-Expressions
module VSE.ToSExpr where
import VSE.As
import VSE.Ana
import VSE.Fold
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.ToSExpr
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.LibName
import Common.ProofUtils
import Common.SExpr
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
addUniformRestr :: Sign f Procs -> [Named Sentence] ->
(Sign f Procs, [Named Sentence])
addUniformRestr sig nsens = let
namedConstr = filter (\ ns -> case sentence ns of
(RestrictedConstraint _ _ _)
_) -> True
_ -> False ) nsens
restrConstr = map sentence namedConstr
restrToSExpr (procs, tSens)
(Ranged (RestrictedConstraint constrs restr _flag) _r)) =
(genSorts, genOps, _maps) = recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs
genUniform sorts ops s = let
hasResSort sn ~(Qual_op_name _ opType _) = res_OP_TYPE opType == sn
argLength ~(Qual_op_name _ (Op_type _ args _ _) _) = length args
ctors = sortBy (comparing argLength) $ filter (hasResSort s) ops
genCodeForCtor ~(Qual_op_name ctor (Op_type _ args sn _) _) prg = let
decls = genVars args
vs = map (\ (i, a) -> Var_decl [i] a nullRange) decls
recCalls = map (\ (i, x) ->
Ranged (Call (Predication
(gnUniformName s)
(Pred_type [x] nullRange) nullRange)
[Qual_var i x nullRange] nullRange
)) nullRange) $
filter (flip elem sorts . snd) decls
recCallsSeq = if null recCalls then Ranged Skip nullRange else
foldr1 (\ p1 p2 -> Ranged (Seq p1 p2) nullRange) recCalls
in case recCalls of
[] -> Ranged (
Block (Var_decl [yVar] s nullRange : vs)
(Ranged (Seq
(Assign yVar (Qual_var xVar sn nullRange)
) nullRange)
(Ranged (Seq (Ranged
(Op_type Partial args sn nullRange)
(map toQualVar vs)
(Ranged (If (Strong_equation
(gnEqName s)
(Op_type Partial [s, s]
uBoolean nullRange)
) [Qual_var
s nullRange,
s nullRange
] nullRange)
aTrue nullRange)
(Ranged Skip nullRange)
prg) nullRange))
nullRange )) nullRange) ) nullRange
_ -> Ranged (
Block (Var_decl [yVar] s nullRange : vs)
(Ranged (Seq (Ranged (Assign yVar
(Qual_var xVar sn nullRange)
) nullRange)
(Seq recCallsSeq
(Ranged (Seq
(Op_type Partial args sn nullRange)
(map toQualVar vs)
(Ranged (If (Strong_equation
( Application
( Qual_op_name
(gnEqName s)
(Op_type Partial [s, s]
uBoolean nullRange)
) [Qual_var
s nullRange,
s nullRange
] nullRange)
aTrue nullRange)
(Ranged Skip nullRange) prg) nullRange))
nullRange )) nullRange)) nullRange) ) nullRange
[makeNamed "" $ ExtFORMULA $
Ranged (Defprocs [
Defproc Proc (gnUniformName s) [xVar]
(Ranged (
Block [] ( foldr genCodeForCtor (Ranged Abort nullRange)
) nullRange
(makeNamed "" $
Quantification Universal [Var_decl [xVar] s nullRange]
( ExtFORMULA $ Ranged
(Dlformula Diamond ( Ranged
(Call $ Predication
(Map.findWithDefault (gnRestrName s) s restr)
(Pred_type [s] nullRange) nullRange)
[Qual_var xVar s nullRange] nullRange) nullRange)
(True_atom nullRange))
( ExtFORMULA $ Ranged
(Dlformula Diamond (Ranged
(Call $ Predication
(Qual_pred_name (gnUniformName s)
(Pred_type [s] nullRange) nullRange)
[Qual_var xVar s nullRange] nullRange) nullRange)
(True_atom nullRange))
nullRange) True nullRange) nullRange) {isAxiom = False}]
procDefs = concatMap (genUniform genSorts genOps) genSorts
procs' = Map.fromList $
map (\ s -> (gnUniformName s,
Profile [Procparam In s] Nothing)) genSorts
(Map.union procs procs', tSens ++ procDefs)
restrToSExpr _ _ = error "should not be anything than restricted constraints"
(newProcs, trSens) = foldl restrToSExpr (Map.empty, []) restrConstr
(sig {
predMap = addMapSet (predMap sig) $ procsToPredMap $ Procs newProcs,
extendedInfo = Procs $ Map.union newProcs (procsMap $ extendedInfo sig)},
nameAndDisambiguate $
trSens ++ filter (not . flip elem namedConstr) nsens)
namedSenToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Named Sentence -> SExpr
namedSenToSExpr sig ns =
[ SSymbol "asentence"
, SSymbol $ transString $ senAttr ns
, SSymbol $ if isAxiom ns then "axiom" else "obligation"
, SSymbol $ if isAxiom ns then "proved" else "open"
, senToSExpr sig $ sentence ns ]
senToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Sentence -> SExpr
senToSExpr sig s = let ns = sentenceToSExpr sig s in case s of
ExtFORMULA (Ranged (Defprocs _) _) ->
SList [SSymbol "defprocs-sentence", ns]
Sort_gen_ax _ _ ->
SList [SSymbol "generatedness-sentence", ns]
_ -> SList [SSymbol "formula-sentence", ns]
sentenceToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Sentence -> SExpr
sentenceToSExpr sign = let sig = addSig const sign boolSig in
foldFormula $ sRec sig $ dlFormulaToSExpr sig
dlFormulaToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Dlformula -> SExpr
dlFormulaToSExpr sig = vseFormsToSExpr sig . unRanged
vseFormsToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> VSEforms -> SExpr
vseFormsToSExpr sig vf = case vf of
Dlformula b p s ->
SList [SSymbol $ case b of
Box -> "box"
Diamond -> "diamond", progToSExpr sig p, sentenceToSExpr sig s]
Defprocs ds ->
SList $ SSymbol "defprocs" : map (defprocToSExpr sig) ds
RestrictedConstraint _ _ _ ->
error "restricted constraints should be handled separately"
vDeclToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> VarDecl -> SExpr
vDeclToSExpr sig (VarDecl v s m _) =
let vd@(SList [_, w, ty]) = varDeclToSExpr (v, s) in
case m of
Nothing -> vd
Just trm -> SList [ SSymbol "vardecl", w, ty
, foldTerm (sRec sig $ error "vDeclToSExpr") trm ]
procIdToSSymbol :: Sign f Procs -> Id -> SExpr
procIdToSSymbol sig n = case lookupProc n sig of
Nothing -> error "procIdToSSymbol"
Just pr -> case profileToOpType pr of
Just ot -> opIdToSSymbol sig n ot
_ -> predIdToSSymbol sig n $ profileToPredType pr
progToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Program -> SExpr
progToSExpr sig = let
pRec = sRec sig (error "progToSExpr")
termToSExpr = foldTerm pRec
formToSExpr = foldFormula pRec
in foldProg FoldRec
{ foldAbort = const $ SSymbol "abort"
, foldSkip = const $ SSymbol "skip"
, foldAssign = \ _ v t ->
SList [SSymbol "assign", varToSSymbol v, termToSExpr t]
, foldCall = \ (Ranged _ r) f ->
case f of
Predication (Qual_pred_name i _ _) ts _ ->
SList $ SSymbol "call" : procIdToSSymbol sig i : map termToSExpr ts
_ -> sfail "Call" r
, foldReturn = \ _ t -> SList [SSymbol "return", termToSExpr t]
, foldBlock = \ ~(Ranged (Block vs p) _) _ _ ->
let (vds, q) = addInits (toVarDecl vs) p
ps = progToSExpr sig q
nvs = map (vDeclToSExpr sig) vds
in if null nvs then ps else SList [SSymbol "vblock", SList nvs, ps]
, foldSeq = \ _ s1 s2 -> SList [SSymbol "seq", s1, s2]
, foldIf = \ _ c s1 s2 -> SList [SSymbol "if", formToSExpr c, s1, s2]
, foldWhile = \ _ c s -> SList [SSymbol "while", formToSExpr c, s] }
defprocToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Defproc -> SExpr
defprocToSExpr sig (Defproc k n vs p _) = SList
[ SSymbol $ case k of
Proc -> "defproc"
Func -> "deffuncproc"
, procIdToSSymbol sig n
, SList $ map varToSSymbol vs
, progToSExpr sig p ]
paramToSExpr :: Procparam -> SExpr
paramToSExpr (Procparam k s) = SList
[ SSymbol $ map toLower $ show k
, sortToSSymbol s ]
procsToSExprs :: (Id -> Bool) -> Sign f Procs -> [SExpr]
procsToSExprs f sig =
map (\ (n, pr@(Profile as _)) -> case profileToOpType pr of
Nothing -> SList
[ SSymbol "procedure"
, predIdToSSymbol sig n $ profileToPredType pr
, SList $ map paramToSExpr as ]
Just ot -> SList
[ SSymbol "funcprocedure"
, opIdToSSymbol sig n ot
, SList $ map sortToSSymbol $ opArgs ot
, sortToSSymbol $ opRes ot ])
$ Map.toList $ Map.filterWithKey (\ i _ -> f i)
$ procsMap $ extendedInfo sig
vseSignToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> SExpr
vseSignToSExpr sig =
let e = extendedInfo sig in
SList $ SSymbol "signature" : sortSignToSExprs sig
: predMapToSExprs sig (diffMapSet (predMap sig) $ procsToPredMap e)
++ opMapToSExprs sig (diffOpMapSet (opMap sig) $ procsToOpMap e)
++ procsToSExprs (const True) sig
qualVseSignToSExpr :: SIMPLE_ID -> LibId -> Sign f Procs -> SExpr
qualVseSignToSExpr nodeId libId sig =
let e = extendedInfo sig in
SList $ SSymbol "signature" : sortSignToSExprs sig
{ sortRel = Rel.delSet
(Set.filter (not . isQualNameFrom nodeId libId) $ sortSet sig)
$ sortRel sig }
: predMapToSExprs sig
(MapSet.filterWithKey (\ i _ -> isQualNameFrom nodeId libId i)
. MapSet.difference (predMap sig) $ procsToPredMap e)
++ opMapToSExprs sig
(MapSet.filterWithKey (\ i _ -> isQualNameFrom nodeId libId i)
. diffOpMapSet (opMap sig) $ procsToOpMap e)
++ procsToSExprs (isQualNameFrom nodeId libId) sig