Prove.hs revision 920641c66390a85497e367ce5c7a10af445a93cc
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Interface to the VSE prover
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
call an adaption of VSE II to hets
module VSE.Prove where
import Logic.Prover
import VSE.As
import VSE.Ana
import VSE.ToSExpr
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.SExpr
import Common.Utils
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.Process
import System.IO
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.Directory
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
vseProverName :: String
vseProverName = "VSE"
mkVseProofStatus :: String -> [String] -> Proof_status ()
mkVseProofStatus n axs = (openProof_status n vseProverName ())
{ goalStatus = Proved Nothing
, usedAxioms = axs }
vse :: Prover VSESign Sentence VSEMor () ()
vse = mkProverTemplate vseProverName () prove
nameP :: String
linksP :: String
linksP = "IN-LINKS"
sigP :: String
sigP = "SIG"
lemsP :: String
prx :: String -> String
prx = ("(API::GET-" ++)
data MaybeChar = Wait | Stop | JustChar Char
vseErrFile :: String
vseErrFile = "hetsvse.out"
readUntilMatchParen :: ProcessHandle -> Handle -> String -> IO String
readUntilMatchParen = readUntilMatchParenAux 10000
readUntilMatchParenAux :: Int -> ProcessHandle -> Handle -> String -> IO String
readUntilMatchParenAux n cp h str =
let os = length $ filter (== '(') str
cs = length $ filter (== ')') str
in if n < 1 then do
appendFile vseErrFile $ "readUntilMatchParen failed after\n" ++ str ++ "\n"
return ""
else if os == cs && os > 0 then return str
else do
mc <- myGetChar cp h
case mc of
Wait -> do
appendFile vseErrFile "waiting for character ...\n"
readUntilMatchParenAux (n - 1) cp h str
Stop -> return str
JustChar c -> readUntilMatchParen cp h $ c : str
myGetChar :: ProcessHandle -> Handle -> IO MaybeChar
myGetChar cp h = catch (fmap JustChar $ hGetChar h) $ \ _ -> do
ms <- getProcessExitCode cp
return $ case ms of
Nothing -> Wait
Just _ -> Stop
readMyMsg :: ProcessHandle -> Handle -> String -> IO String
readMyMsg = readMyMsgAux 1000
readMyMsgAux :: Int -> ProcessHandle -> Handle -> String -> IO String
readMyMsgAux n cp h expect = if n < 1 then do
appendFile vseErrFile $ "gave up waiting for: " ++ expect ++ "\n"
return ""
else do
mc <- myGetChar cp h
case mc of
Wait -> do
appendFile vseErrFile "waiting for first character ...\n"
readMyMsgAux (n - 1) cp h expect
Stop -> return ""
JustChar c -> do
r <- readUntilMatchParen cp h [c]
let rr = reverse r
if isPrefixOf (prx expect) $ dropWhile (/= '(') rr
then return rr else do
appendFile vseErrFile $ "waiting for '" ++ expect ++ "' got:\n" ++ rr
++ "\ntrying again\n"
readMyMsgAux (n - 1) cp h expect -- try again
sendMyMsg :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
sendMyMsg cp str = catch (hPutStrLn cp str >> hFlush cp) $ \ _ -> return ()
readRest :: ProcessHandle -> Handle -> String -> IO String
readRest cp out str = do
mc <- myGetChar cp out
case mc of
Wait -> readRest cp out str
Stop -> return str
JustChar c -> readRest cp out $ c : str
parseSymbol :: Parser SExpr
parseSymbol = skipWhite
$ fmap SSymbol $ many1 $ satisfy $ \ c -> not (isSpace c || elem c "()")
parseList :: Parser SExpr
parseList = do
skipWhite $ char '('
l <- many parseSExpr
skipWhite $ char ')'
return $ SList l
parseSExpr :: Parser SExpr
parseSExpr = parseList <|> parseSymbol
skipWhite :: Parser a -> Parser a
skipWhite p = do
a <- p
return a
skipJunk :: Parser ()
skipJunk = skipMany $ satisfy (/= '(')
parseSExprs :: Parser [SExpr]
parseSExprs = do
sepEndBy parseSExpr skipJunk
findState :: SExpr -> Maybe (String, String)
findState sexpr = case sexpr of
SList (SSymbol "API::SET-SENTENCE" : SSymbol nodeStr :
SList (SSymbol "API::ASENTENCE" : SSymbol senStr :
SSymbol "API::OBLIGATION" : SSymbol "API::PROVED" : _) : _)
| isPrefixOf "API::" nodeStr && isPrefixOf "API::" senStr
-> Just (drop 5 nodeStr, drop 5 senStr)
_ -> Nothing
specDir :: String
specDir = "specifications"
allSpecFile :: String
allSpecFile = "all-specifications"
allSpecInDir :: String
allSpecInDir = specDir ++ "/" ++ allSpecFile
createVSETarFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
createVSETarFile tar = do
renameFile allSpecFile allSpecInDir
Tar.create (tar ++ ".tar") "" [specDir]
moveVSEFiles :: FilePath -> IO ()
moveVSEFiles str = do
let tarFile = str ++ ".tar"
hasTarFile <- doesFileExist tarFile
hasSpecDir <- doesDirectoryExist specDir
hasAllSpecFile <- doesFileExist allSpecFile
when (hasSpecDir && hasAllSpecFile) $ do
createVSETarFile (specDir ++ ".bak")
removeDirectoryRecursive specDir
when hasTarFile $ do
Tar.extract "" tarFile
renameFile allSpecInDir allSpecFile
prepareAndCallVSE :: IO (Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle)
prepareAndCallVSE = do
vseBin <- getEnvDef "HETS_VSE" "hetsvse"
(inp, out, _, cp) <-
runInteractiveProcess vseBin ["-std"] Nothing Nothing
readMyMsg cp out nameP
return (inp, out, cp)
readFinalVSEOutput :: ProcessHandle -> Handle
-> IO (Maybe (Map.Map String [String]))
readFinalVSEOutput cp out = do
ms <- getProcessExitCode cp
case ms of
Just _ -> do
appendFile vseErrFile "hetsvse unavailable\n"
return Nothing
Nothing -> do
revres <- readRest cp out ""
let res = reverse revres
case parse parseSExprs vseErrFile res of
Right l -> return $ Just $ readLemmas l
Left e -> do
print e
appendFile vseErrFile $ res ++ "\n"
return Nothing
readLemmas :: [SExpr] -> Map.Map String [String]
readLemmas =
foldr (\ (node, sen) -> Map.insertWith (++) node [sen]) Map.empty
. catMaybes . map findState
prove :: String -> Theory VSESign Sentence () -> a -> IO [Proof_status ()]
prove ostr (Theory sig thsens) _freedefs = do
let str = map (\ c -> if c == '/' then '-' else c) ostr
oSens = toNamedList thsens
(fsig, sens) = addUniformRestr sig oSens
(disAxs, disGoals) = partition isAxiom oSens
rMap = Map.fromList $ map (\ SenAttr { senAttr = n } ->
(map toUpper $ transString n, n)) disGoals
moveVSEFiles ostr
(inp, out, cp) <- prepareAndCallVSE
sendMyMsg inp $ "(" ++ str ++ ")"
readMyMsg cp out linksP
sendMyMsg inp "nil"
readMyMsg cp out sigP
sendMyMsg inp $ show $ prettySExpr $ vseSignToSExpr fsig
readMyMsg cp out lemsP
sendMyMsg inp $ show $ prettySExpr $ SList $ map (namedSenToSExpr fsig) sens
ms <- readFinalVSEOutput cp out
createVSETarFile ostr
case ms of
Nothing -> return []
Just lemMap -> return
$ foldr (\ s r -> case Map.lookup s rMap of
Nothing -> r
Just n -> mkVseProofStatus n (map senAttr disAxs) : r) []
$ Map.findWithDefault [] (map toUpper str) lemMap