Logic_VSE.hs revision 55cf6e01272ec475edea32aa9b7923de2d36cb42
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances
, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : the incomplete Logic instance for VSE
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (via Logic.Logic)
morphisms and symbols need to be extended, too
module VSE.Logic_VSE where
import Common.DocUtils
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.MapSentence
import CASL.SymbolMapAnalysis
import CASL.Parse_AS_Basic
import CASL.Qualify
import CASL.SymbolParser
import CASL.SimplifySen
import CASL.ToDoc
import CASL.Logic_CASL () -- instance Category VSESign VSEMor
import CASL.ColimSign
import VSE.As
import VSE.Parse
import VSE.Ana
import VSE.ATC_VSE ()
import VSE.Prove (vse)
import Logic.Logic
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data VSE = VSE deriving Show
instance Language VSE where
description _ =
"VSE extends CASL by modal operators and programs."
instance SignExtension Procs where
isSubSignExtension = isSubProcsMap
instance Syntax VSE VSEBasicSpec SYMB_ITEMS SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
parse_basic_spec VSE = Just $ basicSpec reservedWords
parse_symb_items VSE = Just $ symbItems reservedWords
parse_symb_map_items VSE = Just $ symbMapItems reservedWords
instance Sentences VSE Sentence VSESign VSEMor Symbol where
map_sen VSE m = return . mapSen mapDlformula m
sym_of VSE = symOf
symmap_of VSE = morphismToSymbMap
sym_name VSE = symName
simplify_sen VSE = simplifySen minExpForm simpDlformula
print_named VSE = printTheoryFormula
print_sign VSE sig = let e = extendedInfo sig in
pretty sig { opMap = diffOpMapSet (opMap sig) $ procsToOpMap e
, predMap = diffMapSet (predMap sig) $ procsToPredMap e }
interSigM :: Monad m => (e -> e -> m e) -> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> m (Sign f e)
interSigM f a b = do
e <- f (extendedInfo a) $ extendedInfo b
return $ interSig (const $ const e) a b
instance StaticAnalysis VSE VSEBasicSpec Sentence
Symbol RawSymbol where
basic_analysis VSE = Just basicAna
stat_symb_map_items VSE = statSymbMapItems
stat_symb_items VSE = statSymbItems
signature_colimit VSE diag =
let (sig, mmor) = signColimit diag extVSEColimit
in return (correctSign sig, Map.map correctTarget mmor)
qualify VSE = qualifySigExt inducedExt emptyMorExt
symbol_to_raw VSE = symbolToRaw
id_to_raw VSE = idToRaw
matches VSE = CASL.Morphism.matches
empty_signature VSE = emptySign emptyProcs
signature_union VSE = addSigM unionProcs
intersection VSE = interSigM interProcs
morphism_union VSE = morphismUnionM retExtMap unionProcs
final_union VSE = addSigM unionProcs
is_subsig VSE = isSubSig isSubProcsMap
subsig_inclusion VSE = sigInclusion emptyMorExt
cogenerated_sign VSE s = fmap correctTarget
. cogeneratedSign emptyMorExt s
generated_sign VSE s = fmap correctTarget
. generatedSign emptyMorExt s
induced_from_morphism VSE rm = fmap correctTarget
. inducedFromMorphismExt inducedExt (constMorphExt emptyMorExt) rm
induced_from_to_morphism VSE rm s1 = fmap correctTarget
. inducedFromToMorphismExt inducedExt (constMorphExt emptyMorExt)
(\ _ _ -> return emptyMorExt) isSubProcsMap diffProcs rm s1
instance Logic VSE ()
Symbol RawSymbol () where
stability VSE = Unstable
provers VSE = [vse]