As.hs revision 1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03a
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : abstract syntax of VSE programs and dynamic logic
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CASL extention to VSE programs and dynamic logic
as described on page 4-7 (Sec 2.3.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.4, 2.6) of
Bruno Langenstein's API description
module VSE.As where
import Data.Char
import Data.Data
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Result
import Common.LibName
import Common.Utils (number)
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.ToDoc
-- | input or output procedure parameter kind
data Paramkind = In | Out deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
-- | a procedure parameter
data Procparam = Procparam Paramkind SORT
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
-- | procedure or function declaration
data Profile = Profile [Procparam] (Maybe SORT)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
-- | further VSE signature entries
data Sigentry = Procedure Id Profile Range
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
data Procdecls = Procdecls [Annoted Sigentry] Range
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
instance GetRange Procdecls where
getRange (Procdecls _ r) = r
-- | wrapper for positions
data Ranged a = Ranged { unRanged :: a, range :: Range }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
-- | attach a nullRange
mkRanged :: a -> Ranged a
mkRanged a = Ranged a nullRange
-- | programs with ranges
type Program = Ranged PlainProgram
-- | programs based on restricted terms and formulas
data PlainProgram =
| Skip
| Assign VAR (TERM ())
| Call (FORMULA ()) -- ^ a procedure call as predication
| Return (TERM ())
| Block [VAR_DECL] Program
| Seq Program Program
| If (FORMULA ()) Program Program
| While (FORMULA ()) Program
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
-- | alternative variable declaration
data VarDecl = VarDecl VAR SORT (Maybe (TERM ())) Range
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
toVarDecl :: [VAR_DECL] -> [VarDecl]
toVarDecl = concatMap
(\ (Var_decl vs s r) -> map (\ v -> VarDecl v s Nothing r) vs)
addInits :: [VarDecl] -> Program -> ([VarDecl], Program)
addInits vs p = case vs of
vd@(VarDecl v s Nothing z) : r -> case unRanged p of
Seq (Ranged (Assign av t) _) p2 | v == av
-> let (rs, q) = addInits r p2
in (VarDecl v s (Just t) z : rs, q)
_ -> let (rs, q) = addInits r p
in (vd : rs, q)
_ -> (vs, p)
-- | extend CASL formulas by box or diamond formulas and defprocs
data VSEforms =
Dlformula BoxOrDiamond Program Sentence
| Defprocs [Defproc]
| RestrictedConstraint [Constraint] (Map.Map SORT Id) Bool
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
type Dlformula = Ranged VSEforms
type Sentence = FORMULA Dlformula
-- | box or diamond indicator
data BoxOrDiamond = Box | Diamond deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
data ProcKind = Proc | Func deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
-- | procedure definitions as basic items becoming sentences
data Defproc = Defproc ProcKind Id [VAR] Program Range
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
data Procs = Procs { procsMap :: Map.Map Id Profile }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
emptyProcs :: Procs
emptyProcs = Procs Map.empty
unionProcs :: Procs -> Procs -> Result Procs
unionProcs (Procs m1) (Procs m2) = fmap Procs $
foldM (\ m (k, v) -> case Map.lookup k m1 of
Nothing -> return $ Map.insert k v m
Just w -> if w == v then return m else
mkError "different union profiles for" k)
m1 $ Map.toList m2
interProcs :: Procs -> Procs -> Result Procs
interProcs (Procs m1) (Procs m2) = fmap Procs $
foldM (\ m (k, v) -> case Map.lookup k m1 of
Nothing -> return m
Just w -> if w == v then return $ Map.insert k v m else
mkError "different intersection profiles for" k)
Map.empty $ Map.toList m2
diffProcs :: Procs -> Procs -> Procs
diffProcs (Procs m1) (Procs m2) = Procs $ Map.difference m1 m2
isSubProcsMap :: Procs -> Procs -> Bool
isSubProcsMap (Procs m1) (Procs m2) = Map.isSubmapOfBy (==) m1 m2
-- * Pretty instances
instance Pretty Profile where
pretty (Profile ps ores) = fsep
[ ppWithCommas ps
, case ores of
Nothing -> empty
Just s -> funArrow <+> idDoc s]
instance Pretty Sigentry where
pretty (Procedure i p _) = fsep [idDoc i, colon <+> pretty p]
instance Pretty Procdecls where
pretty (Procdecls l _) = if null l then empty else fsep
[ text $ "PROCEDURE" ++ case l of
[_] -> ""
_ -> "S"
, semiAnnos pretty l ]
instance Pretty Procparam where
pretty (Procparam m s) = text (map toUpper $ show m) <+> idDoc s
block :: Doc -> Doc
block d = sep [text "BEGIN", d, text "END"]
prettyProcKind :: ProcKind -> Doc
prettyProcKind k = text $ case k of
Func -> "FUNCTION"
assign :: Doc
assign = text ":="
instance Pretty Defproc where
pretty (Defproc pk p ps pr _) = vcat
[ prettyProcKind pk <+> idDoc p <> parens (ppWithCommas ps)
, pretty pr ]
instance Pretty a => Pretty (Ranged a) where
pretty (Ranged a _) = pretty a
instance GetRange (Ranged a) where
getRange (Ranged _ r) = r
instance FormExtension a => FormExtension (Ranged a) where
isQuantifierLike (Ranged a _) = isQuantifierLike a
instance Pretty VarDecl where
pretty (VarDecl v s mt _) =
sidDoc v <+> colon <+> idDoc s <+> case mt of
Nothing -> empty
Just t -> assign <+> pretty t
instance Pretty PlainProgram where
pretty prg = case prg of
Abort -> text "ABORT"
Skip -> text "SKIP"
Assign v t -> pretty v <+> assign <+> pretty t
Call f -> pretty f
Return t -> text "RETURN" <+> pretty t
Block vs p -> if null vs then block $ pretty p else
let (vds, q) = addInits (toVarDecl vs) p
in sep [ text "DECLARE"
, ppWithCommas vds <> semi
, pretty q ]
Seq p1 p2 -> vcat [pretty p1 <> semi, pretty p2]
If f t e -> sep
[ text "IF" <+> pretty f
, text "THEN" <+> pretty t
, case e of
Ranged Skip _ -> empty
_ -> text "ELSE" <+> pretty e
, text "FI" ]
While f p -> sep
[ text "WHILE" <+> pretty f
, text "DO" <+> pretty p
, text "OD" ]
instance FormExtension VSEforms
instance GetRange VSEforms
instance Pretty VSEforms where
pretty v = case v of
Dlformula b p f -> let d = pretty p in sep
[ case b of
Box -> text "[:" <> d <> text ":]"
Diamond -> text "<:" <> d <> text ":>"
, pretty f ]
Defprocs ps -> prettyProcdefs ps
RestrictedConstraint constrs restr _b ->
let l = recoverType constrs
in fsep [ text "true %[generated type"
, semiAnnos (printRestrTypedecl restr) l
, text "]%"]
genSortName :: String -> SORT -> Id
genSortName str s@(Id ts cs ps) = case cs of
[] -> genName $ str ++ show s
i : r | isQualName s -> Id ts (genSortName str i : r) ps
_ -> Id [genToken $ str ++ show (Id ts [] ps)] cs ps
{- since such names are generated out of sentences, the qualification
of the sort may be misleading -}
gnUniformName :: SORT -> Id
gnUniformName = genSortName "uniform_" . unQualName
gnRestrName :: SORT -> Id
gnRestrName = genSortName "restr_"
gnEqName :: SORT -> Id
gnEqName = genSortName "eq_"
genVars :: [SORT] -> [(Token, SORT)]
genVars = map (\ (t, n) -> (genNumVar "x" n, t)) . number
xVar :: Token
xVar = genToken "x"
yVar :: Token
yVar = genToken "y"
printRestrTypedecl :: Map.Map SORT Id -> DATATYPE_DECL -> Doc
printRestrTypedecl restr (Datatype_decl s a r) =
let pa = printAnnoted printALTERNATIVE in case a of
[] -> printRestrTypedecl restr
(Datatype_decl s [emptyAnno $ Subsorts [s] r] r)
h : t -> sep [idLabelDoc s, colon <> colon <> sep
((equals <+> pa h) :
map ((bar <+>) . pa) t), text "restricted by",
pretty $ Map.findWithDefault (gnRestrName s) s restr]
prettyProcdefs :: [Defproc] -> Doc
prettyProcdefs ps = vcat
[ text "DEFPROCS"
, vsep . punctuate semi $ map pretty ps
, text "DEFPROCSEND" ]
instance Pretty Procs where
pretty (Procs m) =
pretty $ Procdecls
(map (\ (i, p) -> emptyAnno $ Procedure i p nullRange) $ Map.toList m)