TopHybridSign.hs revision 81f49ee02aaa3bc870401f8883bf52742eb3ea7a
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Description :
Signature for an hybridized logic. Its constituted by
the declaration of nominals and modalities, and the signature
of the logic below
module TopHybrid.TopHybridSign where
import TopHybrid.AS_TopHybrid
import Logic.Logic
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Set
import Unsafe.Coerce
-- Prototype; a datatype that wraps the signature and the base logic
-- so that we can know which is the underlying logic, by only looking
-- to the signature
-- We have a total different constructor to represent the empty signagture;
-- we can't compute the an empty signature, without knowing the logic below,
-- hence we use the different constructor for that, which doesn't have the lid.
data Sgn_Wrap = forall l sub bs f s sm sign mo sy rw pf.
(Logic l sub bs f s sm sign mo sy rw pf) =>
Sgn_Wrap l (THybridSign sign)
| EmptySign
data THybridSign s = THybridSign
modies :: Set MODALITY
, nomies :: Set NOMINAL
, extended :: s
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
emptyHybridSign :: Sgn_Wrap
emptyHybridSign = EmptySign
-- Unfortunately, the typechecker can't know that if (l == l') then
-- the extended signatures are the same. Thus, we will have to use unsafe
-- functions here. Also unfortunately the datatype Lids can't be directly compared
-- so we have to use their string representation, which is bijective, hence we can
-- compare in this way.
isSubTHybSgn :: Sgn_Wrap -> Sgn_Wrap -> Bool
isSubTHybSgn (Sgn_Wrap l s) (Sgn_Wrap l' s') = final
resExt = if (show l == (show l'))
then is_subsig l (extended s) (unsafeCoerce $ extended s')
else False
final = (isSubsetOf (modies s) (modies s')) &&
(isSubsetOf (nomies s) (nomies s')) &&
-- An empty set is always contained in any other set
isSubTHybSgn EmptySign _ = True
-- A non empty set is never contained in an empty set
isSubTHybSgn _ EmptySign = False
-- Computes the difference between two signatures. If they belong to
-- different logics then throw an error
sgnDiff :: Sgn_Wrap -> Sgn_Wrap -> Result Sgn_Wrap
-- The difference between an emptySign and any other Sig results in an emptySig
sgnDiff EmptySign _ = return EmptySign
-- The difference between any sig and a empty sig results in the original sig
sgnDiff s EmptySign = return s
sgnDiff (Sgn_Wrap l s) (Sgn_Wrap l' s') =
if (show l) /= (show l')
then Result [Diag Error "signatures belong to different logics" nullRange] Nothing
else ds >>= (return . (Sgn_Wrap l))
dn = difference (nomies s) $ nomies s'
dm = difference (modies s) $ modies s'
ds = (signatureDiff l (extended s) $ unsafeCoerce $ extended s') >>= (return . (THybridSign dm dn))
----- instances needed
deriving instance Show Sgn_Wrap
deriving instance Typeable Sgn_Wrap
instance Eq Sgn_Wrap where
(==) a b = (isSubTHybSgn a b) && (isSubTHybSgn b a)
instance Ord Sgn_Wrap where
compare a b = if a == b then EQ else GT