TopHybridSign.hs revision 1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03a
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Description :
Signature for an hybridized logic. Its constituted by
the declaration of nominals and modalities, and the signature
of the logic below
module TopHybrid.TopHybridSign where
import TopHybrid.AS_TopHybrid
import Logic.Logic
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Data.Data
import Data.Set
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Control.Monad (liftM)
{- Prototype; a datatype that wraps the signature and the base logic
so that we can know which is the underlying logic, by only looking
to the signature
We have a total different constructor to represent the empty signagture;
we can't compute the an empty signature, without knowing the logic below,
hence we use the different constructor for that, which doesn't have the lid. -}
data Sgn_Wrap = forall l sub bs f s sm sign mo sy rw pf .
(Logic l sub bs f s sm sign mo sy rw pf) =>
Sgn_Wrap l (THybridSign sign)
| EmptySign
deriving Typeable
instance Show Sgn_Wrap where
show c = case c of
Sgn_Wrap l s -> "Sgn_Wrap " ++ show l ++ " (" ++ show s ++ ")"
EmptySign -> "EmptySign"
data THybridSign s = THybridSign
modies :: Set MODALITY
, nomies :: Set NOMINAL
, extended :: s
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
emptyHybridSign :: Sgn_Wrap
emptyHybridSign = EmptySign
{- Unfortunately, the typechecker can't know that if (l == l') then
the extended signatures are the same. Thus, we will have to use unsafe
functions here. Also unfortunately the datatype Lids can't be directly compared
so we have to use their string representation, which is bijective, hence we can
compare in this way. -}
isSubTHybSgn :: Sgn_Wrap -> Sgn_Wrap -> Bool
isSubTHybSgn (Sgn_Wrap l s) (Sgn_Wrap l' s') = final
resExt = (show l == show l') &&
is_subsig l (extended s) (unsafeCoerce $ extended s')
final = isSubsetOf (modies s) (modies s') &&
isSubsetOf (nomies s) (nomies s') &&
-- An empty set is always contained in any other set
isSubTHybSgn EmptySign _ = True
-- A non empty set is never contained in an empty set
isSubTHybSgn _ EmptySign = False
{- Computes the difference between two signatures. If they belong to
different logics then throw an error -}
sgnDiff :: Sgn_Wrap -> Sgn_Wrap -> Result Sgn_Wrap
-- The difference between an emptySign and any other Sig results in an emptySig
sgnDiff EmptySign _ = return EmptySign
-- The difference between any sig and a empty sig results in the original sig
sgnDiff s EmptySign = return s
sgnDiff (Sgn_Wrap l s) (Sgn_Wrap l' s') =
if show l /= show l'
then Result [Diag Error "signatures belong to different logics"
nullRange] Nothing
else liftM (Sgn_Wrap l) ds
dn = difference (nomies s) $ nomies s'
dm = difference (modies s) $ modies s'
ds = liftM (THybridSign dm dn) $ signatureDiff l
(extended s) (unsafeCoerce $ extended s')
-- --- instances needed
instance Eq Sgn_Wrap where
(==) a b = isSubTHybSgn a b && isSubTHybSgn b a
instance Ord Sgn_Wrap where
compare a b = if a == b then EQ else GT