Parse_AS.hs revision 81f49ee02aaa3bc870401f8883bf52742eb3ea7a
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Description :
Parser for an hybridized arbitrary logic
module TopHybrid.Parse_AS where
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Token
import Data.Maybe
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Logic.Logic
import TopHybrid.AS_TopHybrid
-- the top parser; parses an entire specification
thBasic :: (String -> AnyLogic) -> AParser st Spc_Wrap
thBasic getLogic =
asKey "baselogic"
logicName <- simpleId
thSpec $ getLogic $ show logicName
-- Parses the specification after knowing
--the underlying logic
thSpec :: AnyLogic -> AParser st Spc_Wrap
thSpec (Logic l) =
asKey "Basic_Spec"
asKey "{"
s <- callParser $ parse_basic_spec l
asKey "}"
i <- many itemParser
fs <- sepBy (annoFormParser l s) anSemiOrComma
return $ Spc_Wrap l (Bspec i s) fs
-- Calls the underlying logic parser, only if exists. Otherwise
-- will throw out an error
callParser :: Maybe x -> x
callParser = fromMaybe (error "Failed! No parser for this logic")
-- Parses the declaration of nominals and modalities
itemParser :: AParser st TH_BASIC_ITEM
itemParser =
asKey "modalities"
ms <- ids
return $ Simple_mod_decl ms
asKey "nominals"
ns <- ids
return $ Simple_nom_decl ns
where ids = sepBy simpleId anSemiOrComma
-- Formula parser with annotations
annoFormParser :: (Logic l sub bs f s sm si mo sy rw pf) =>
l -> bs -> AParser st (Annoted Frm_Wrap)
annoFormParser l b = allAnnoParser $ formParser l b
-- Just parses the formula, and wraps it in Frm_Wrap
formParser :: (Logic l sub bs f s sm si mo sy rw pf) =>
l -> bs -> AParser st Frm_Wrap
formParser l bs = topParser l bs >>= return . (Frm_Wrap l)
-- Parser of hybridization of hybridization of sentences
formParser' :: Spc_Wrap -> AParser st Frm_Wrap
formParser' (Spc_Wrap l b _) =
topParser l (und b) >>= return . (Frm_Wrap l)
-- Parser of sentences
-- The precendence order is left associative and when the priority
-- is defined is as follows : () > (not,@,[],<>) > /\ > \/ > (->,<->)
topParser :: (Logic l sub bs f s sm si mo sy rw pf) =>
l -> bs -> AParser st (TH_FORMULA f)
topParser l bs = chainl1 fp1 impAndBiP >>= return
where fp1 = (chainl1 fp2 disjP >>= return)
fp2 = (chainl1 (fParser l bs) conjP >>= return)
-- BinaryOps parsers, the reason to separate them, is that so we can get a
-- precedence order
conjP :: AParser st ((TH_FORMULA f) -> (TH_FORMULA f) -> (TH_FORMULA f))
conjP = asKey "/\\" >> return Conjunction
disjP :: AParser st ((TH_FORMULA f) -> (TH_FORMULA f) -> (TH_FORMULA f))
disjP = asKey "\\/" >> return Disjunction
impAndBiP :: AParser st ((TH_FORMULA f) -> (TH_FORMULA f) -> (TH_FORMULA f))
impAndBiP = (asKey "=>" >> return Implication) <|> (asKey "<=>" >> return BiImplication)
-- Parser of sentences without the binary operators
fParser :: (Logic l sub bs f s sm si mo sy rw pf) =>
l -> bs -> AParser st (TH_FORMULA f)
fParser l bs =
asKey "("
f <- (topParser l bs)
asKey ")"
return $ Par f
asKey "not"
f <- (fParser l bs <|> topParser l bs)
return $ Neg f
asKey "@"
n <- simpleId
f <- (fParser l bs <|> topParser l bs)
return $ At n f
asKey "!"
n <- simpleId
f <- fParser l bs
return $ Uni n f
asKey "?"
n <- simpleId
f <- fParser l bs
return $ Exist n f
asKey "["
m <- simpleId
asKey "]"
f <- (fParser l bs <|> topParser l bs )
return $ Box m f
try (do
asKey "<"
m <- simpleId
asKey ">\""
f <- (fParser l bs <|> topParser l bs)
return $ Par $ Conjunction (Dia m f) (Box m f))
asKey "<"
m <- simpleId
asKey ">"
f <- ( fParser l bs <|> topParser l bs)
return $ Dia m f
asKey "true"
return TrueA
asKey "false"
return FalseA
n <- simpleId
return $ Here n
asKey "{"
f <- callParser (parse_basic_sen l) bs
asKey "}"
return $ UnderLogic f