Sorting.hascasl.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
2509N/A{- |
0N/AModule : $EmptyHeader$
0N/ADescription : <optional short description entry>
0N/ACopyright : (c) <Authors or Affiliations>
0N/ALicense : GPLv2 or higher
0N/AMaintainer : <email>
0N/AStability : unstable | experimental | provisional | stable | frozen
0N/APortability : portable | non-portable (<reason>)
0N/A<optional description>
0N/AList_FNat_J :: (*, data)
0N/ANat :: (*, data)
2362N/Aa___2_L_E_2 :: (Nat, Nat) -> Bool
1178N/Ainsert :: (Nat, List_FNat_J) -> List_FNat_J
2509N/Ainsert_1sort :: List_FNat_J -> List_FNat_J
0N/Ais_1ordered :: List_FNat_J -> Bool
0N/Apermutation :: (List_FNat_J, List_FNat_J) -> Bool
1178N/Aprec :: Nat -> Nat
0N/Asorter :: List_FNat_J -> List_FNat_J
0N/AA__0 :: Nat
1178N/ACons :: (Nat, List_FNat_J) -> List_FNat_J
0N/ANil :: List_FNat_J
0N/ASucc :: Nat -> Nat
0N/APrelude.A__0 |-> Prelude.A__0, con of Nat
1178N/APrelude.Cons |-> Prelude.Cons, con of List_FNat_J
0N/APrelude.List_FNat_J |-> Prelude.List_FNat_J, Type [Cons,
0N/A Nil] []
0N/APrelude.Nat |-> Prelude.Nat, Type [A__0, Succ] []
0N/APrelude.Nil |-> Prelude.Nil, con of List_FNat_J
0N/APrelude.Succ |-> Prelude.Succ, con of Nat
0N/APrelude.a___2_L_E_2 |-> Prelude.a___2_L_E_2, Value
0N/APrelude.insert |-> Prelude.insert, Value
0N/APrelude.insert_1sort |-> Prelude.insert_1sort, Value
0N/APrelude.is_1ordered |-> Prelude.is_1ordered, Value
0N/APrelude.permutation |-> Prelude.permutation, Value
0N/APrelude.prec |-> Prelude.prec, Value
0N/APrelude.sorter |-> Prelude.sorter, Value
0N/AA__0 |-> Prelude.A__0, con of Nat
0N/ACons |-> Prelude.Cons, con of List_FNat_J
0N/AList_FNat_J |-> Prelude.List_FNat_J, Type [Cons,
1178N/A Nil] []
0N/ANat |-> Prelude.Nat, Type [A__0, Succ] []
0N/ANil |-> Prelude.Nil, con of List_FNat_J
0N/ASucc |-> Prelude.Succ, con of Nat
0N/Aa___2_L_E_2 |-> Prelude.a___2_L_E_2, Value
0N/Ainsert |-> Prelude.insert, Value
0N/Ainsert_1sort |-> Prelude.insert_1sort, Value
0N/Ais_1ordered |-> Prelude.is_1ordered, Value
0N/Apermutation |-> Prelude.permutation, Value
0N/Aprec |-> Prelude.prec, Value
1178N/Asorter |-> Prelude.sorter, Value
0N/Amodule Dummy where
0N/Aa___2_L_E_2 :: (Nat, Nat) -> Bool
0N/Ainsert :: (Nat, List_FNat_J) -> List_FNat_J
0N/Ainsert_1sort :: List_FNat_J -> List_FNat_J
0N/Ais_1ordered :: List_FNat_J -> Bool
0N/Apermutation :: (List_FNat_J, List_FNat_J) -> Bool
0N/A =
0N/A error{-((List_FNat_J, List_FNat_J) -> Bool)-}
0N/A "permutation"
0N/Aprec :: Nat -> Nat
0N/Asorter :: List_FNat_J -> List_FNat_J
0N/A = error{-(List_FNat_J -> List_FNat_J)-} "sorter"
0N/Aprec (Succ x_11) = x_11
0N/Adata Nat = A__0 | Succ !Nat
1178N/Aa___2_L_E_2 (A__0, x) = True
0N/Aa___2_L_E_2 ((Succ x), A__0) = False
0N/Aa___2_L_E_2 ((Succ x), (Succ y)) = a___2_L_E_2 (x, y)
0N/Aa___2_L_E_2 (x, y)
0N/A =
0N/A (\ (a, b, c) -> if b then a else c)
0N/A (True,
0N/A error{-(((,) Nat Nat) -> Bool)-}
0N/A "equality at Sorting.hascasl:14,7"
0N/A (x, y),
0N/A error{-Bool-} "bottom at __unknown__:0,0")
0N/Adata List_FNat_J = Cons !(Nat, List_FNat_J) | Nil
0N/Ais_1ordered Nil = True
0N/Ais_1ordered (Cons (x, Nil)) = True
0N/Ais_1ordered (Cons (x, (Cons (y, a__L))))
0N/A =
0N/A uncurry{-Bool Bool Bool-} (&&)
0N/A (a___2_L_E_2 (x, y), is_1ordered (Cons (y, a__L)))
0N/Ainsert (x, Nil) = Cons (x, Nil)
0N/Ainsert (x, (Cons (y, a__L)))
0N/A =
0N/A (\ (a, b, c) -> if b then a else c)
0N/A (Cons (x, insert (y, a__L)), a___2_L_E_2 (x, y),
0N/A Cons (y, insert (x, a__L)))
0N/Ainsert_1sort Nil = Nil
0N/Ainsert_1sort (Cons (x, a__L))
0N/A = insert (x, insert_1sort a__L)