UniqueId.hs revision 4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cd
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Creating and searching unique identifier.
module ToHaskell.UniqueId (
-- * Creating unique identifiers
, newName
-- * Searching for an identifier
, findUniqueId
, canUnify
, findSimilarId
, isSimilarId
, areSimilarTokens
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Unify
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map hiding (map)
-- | Generates distinct names for overloaded function identifiers.
distinctOpIds :: Int -> [(Id, OpInfos)] -> [(Id, OpInfo)]
distinctOpIds _ [] = []
distinctOpIds n ((i,OpInfos info) : idInfoList) =
case info of
[] -> distinctOpIds 0 idInfoList
[hd] -> (i, hd) : distinctOpIds 0 idInfoList
hd : tl -> (newName i n, hd) :
distinctOpIds (n + 1) ((i, OpInfos tl) : idInfoList)
-- | Adds a number to the name of an identifier.
newName :: Id -> Int -> Id
newName (Id tlist idlist poslist) len =
let newTok = (Token (show len) nullPos)
in (Id (tlist ++ [newTok]) idlist poslist)
-- | Searches for the new name of a renamed identifier.
-- Uses 'canUnify' and 'findSimilarId'.
findUniqueId :: UninstOpId -> TypeScheme -> TypeMap -> Assumps -> Maybe Id
findUniqueId uid ts tm as =
let fittingAs = Map.filter (canUnify tm ts) as
in if Map.size fittingAs == 1 then
-- gut, eine Uebereinstimmung
Just $ head $ Map.keys $ fittingAs
if Map.size fittingAs > 1 then
--falls mehr als ein passendes TypeScheme gefunden wurde
--kann auf "�hnlichkeit" mit der Id getestet werden
Just $ findSimilarId uid (Map.keys fittingAs)
else Nothing
-- | Searches in the list of identifier for an entry that differs only in
-- the last token of the token list.
-- Uses 'isSimilarId'.
findSimilarId :: Id -> [Id] -> Id
findSimilarId i ilist = let l = filter (isSimilarId i) ilist in
if null l then error "findSimilarId" else head l
-- | Two identifiers are similar if the second is maximum one token longer
-- and if they match in all other respects.
isSimilarId :: Id -> Id -> Bool
isSimilarId (Id tlist1 idlist1 _) (Id tlist2 idlist2 _) =
idlist1 == idlist2 && areSimilarTokens tlist1 tlist2
-- | Two lists of token are similar if the second one is maximum one entry
-- longer and if they match in all other respects.
areSimilarTokens :: [Token] -> [Token] -> Bool
areSimilarTokens l1 l2 = case l1 of
[] -> case l2 of
[] -> True
[_] -> True
_ -> False
t1 : ts1 -> case l2 of
[] -> False
t2 : ts2 -> t1 == t2 && areSimilarTokens ts1 ts2
-- | Tests wether a typescheme can be unified with any other typescheme
-- of the TypeMap.
-- Uses 'HasCASL.Unify.isUnifiable'.
canUnify :: TypeMap -> TypeScheme -> OpInfos -> Bool
canUnify tm ts (OpInfos infos) =
or $ map (isUnifiable tm 0 ts) (map opType infos)