TranslateAna.hs revision cdaff0507c1b7240e2660dbb311f9c4646a6d14a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Translation of the abstract syntax of HasCASL after the static analysis
to the abstract syntax of haskell.
todo: rename also vars when overloaded
module ToHaskell.TranslateAna (
-- * Translation of an environment
-- * Translation of a map of assumptions
, translateAssumps
, distinctOpIds
, translateTypeScheme
, translateType
, translateFunDef
-- ** Translation of terms
, translateTerm
-- ** Translation of pattern
, translatePattern
-- ** Translation of toplevel program equation
, translateProgEq
-- * Translation of a map of types
, translateTypeMap
, translateTypeInfo
, translateAltDefn
, translateDt
, translateSentence
, cleanSig
) where
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.AS_Annotation
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.Le
-- import HasCASL.OpDecl
import HasCASL.ProgEq
import Haskell.Hatchet.HsSyn
import ToHaskell.TranslateId
import ToHaskell.UniqueId
-- Translation of an HasCASL-Environement
-- | Converts an abstract syntax of HasCASL (after the static analysis)
-- to the top datatype of the abstract syntax of haskell.
-- Calls 'translateTypeMap' and 'translateAssumps'.
-- A True argument includes dummy types for data types.
translateSig :: Env -> [HsDecl]
translateSig env = translateTypeMap (typeMap env) ++
translateAssumps (assumps env)
-- Translation of types
-- | Converts all HasCASL types to data or type declarations in haskell.
-- Uses 'translateData'.
translateTypeMap :: TypeMap -> [HsDecl]
translateTypeMap m = concat $ map translateTypeInfo (Map.assocs m)
-- | Converts one type to a data or type declaration in haskell.
-- Uses 'translateIdWithType'. True includes a dummy type for data types.
translateTypeInfo :: (TypeId, TypeInfo) -> [HsDecl]
translateTypeInfo (tid,info) =
let hsname = (HsIdent (translateIdWithType UpperId tid))
ddecl = HsDataDecl nullLoc
[] -- empty HsContext
(kindToTypeArgs 1 $ typeKind info)
[(HsConDecl nullLoc hsname [])]
in case (typeDefn info) of
NoTypeDefn -> case superTypes info of
[] -> [ddecl]
[si] -> if isSameId tid si then [ddecl] else
[typeSynonym hsname si]
si : _ -> [typeSynonym hsname si]
Supertype _ ts _ ->
[HsTypeDecl nullLoc hsname (getAliasArgs ts) $ getAliasType ts]
AliasTypeDefn ts ->
[HsTypeDecl nullLoc hsname (getAliasArgs ts) $ getAliasType ts]
DatatypeDefn _ args alts ->
[HsDataDecl nullLoc [] hsname
(map getArg args) -- type arguments
(map translateAltDefn alts) []]
_ -> [] -- ignore others
isSameId :: TypeId -> Type -> Bool
isSameId tid (TypeName tid2 _ _) = tid == tid2
isSameId _tid _ty = False
typeSynonym :: HsName -> Type -> HsDecl
typeSynonym hsname ty =
HsTypeDecl nullLoc hsname [] (translateType ty)
kindToTypeArgs :: Int -> Kind -> [HsName]
kindToTypeArgs i k = case k of
Universe _ -> []
MissingKind -> []
ClassKind _ rk -> kindToTypeArgs i rk
Downset _ _ rk _ -> kindToTypeArgs i rk
FunKind _ kr _ -> HsIdent ("a" ++ show i) : kindToTypeArgs (i+1) kr
Intersection l _ -> if null l then error "kindToTypeArgs"
else kindToTypeArgs i $ head l
ExtKind ek _ _ -> kindToTypeArgs i ek
-- | Translation of an alternative constructor for a datatype definition.
-- Uses 'translateRecord'.
translateAltDefn :: AltDefn -> HsConDecl
translateAltDefn (Construct uid ts _ _) =
HsConDecl nullLoc
(HsIdent (translateIdWithType UpperId uid))
(map getType ts)
getType :: Type -> HsBangType
getType t = HsBangedTy (translateType t)
getAliasArgs :: TypeScheme -> [HsName]
getAliasArgs (TypeScheme arglist (_plist :=> _t) _poslist) =
map getArg arglist
getArg :: TypeArg -> HsName
getArg (TypeArg tid _ _ _) = (HsIdent (translateIdWithType LowerId tid))
-- ist UpperId oder LowerId hier richtig?
getAliasType :: TypeScheme -> HsType
getAliasType (TypeScheme _arglist (_plist :=> t) _poslist) = translateType t
-- Translation of functions
-- | Converts functions in HasCASL to the coresponding haskell declarations.
translateAssumps :: Assumps -> [HsDecl]
translateAssumps as =
let distList = distinctOpIds 0 $ Map.toList as
in concatMap translateAssump distList
-- | Converts one distinct named function in HasCASL to the corresponding
-- haskell declaration.
-- Generates a definition (Prelude.undefined) for functions that are not
-- defined in HasCASL.
translateAssump :: (Id, OpInfo) -> [HsDecl]
translateAssump (i, opinf) =
let fname = translateIdWithType LowerId i
res = HsTypeSig nullLoc
[(HsIdent fname)]
(translateTypeScheme (opType opinf))
in case (opDefn opinf) of
VarDefn -> []
ConstructData _ -> [] -- wrong case!
_ -> [res, (functionUndef fname)]
-- | Translation of the result type of a typescheme to a haskell type.
-- Uses 'translateType'.
translateTypeScheme :: TypeScheme -> HsQualType
translateTypeScheme (TypeScheme _arglist (_plist :=> t) _poslist) =
HsUnQualType (translateType t)
-- The context (in the _plist) is not yet used in HasCASL
-- arglist ??
-- | Translation of types (e.g. product type, type application ...).
translateType :: Type -> HsType
translateType t =
case t of
FunType t1 _arr t2 _poslist -> HsTyFun (translateType t1) (translateType t2)
ProductType tlist _poslist -> HsTyTuple (map translateType tlist)
LazyType lt _poslist -> translateType lt
KindedType kt _kind _poslist -> translateType kt
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> HsTyApp (translateType t1) (translateType t2)
TypeName tid _kind n ->
if n > 0 then
HsTyVar (HsIdent (translateIdWithType LowerId tid))
HsTyCon (UnQual (HsIdent (translateIdWithType UpperId tid)))
_ -> error ("translateType: unexpected type: " ++ show t)
-- | Generates a type signature and a definition of a function in haskell
-- from the corresponding information in HasCASL.
translateFunDef :: Assumps -> TypeMap -> Id -> TypeScheme -> Term -> [HsDecl]
translateFunDef as tm i ts term =
let fname = translateIdWithType LowerId i
in [HsTypeSig nullLoc
[(HsIdent fname)]
(translateTypeScheme ts)] ++
[HsFunBind [HsMatch nullLoc
(UnQual (HsIdent fname)) --HsName
(getPattern term) -- [HsPat]
(getRhs as tm term) -- HsRhs
[] -- {-where-} [HsDecl]
getPattern :: Term -> [HsPat]
getPattern _t = []
getRhs :: Assumps -> TypeMap -> Term -> HsRhs
getRhs as tm t = HsUnGuardedRhs (translateTerm as tm t)
isConstructId :: Id -> [(Id,OpInfos)] -> Bool
isConstructId _ [] = False
isConstructId i ((i1,info1):idInfoList) =
if i == i1 then
or $ map isConstructor $ opInfos info1
else isConstructId i idInfoList
-- | Converts a term in HasCASL to an expression in haskell
translateTerm :: Assumps -> TypeMap -> Term -> HsExp
translateTerm as tm t =
let undef = HsVar $ UnQual $ HsIdent "undefined" in
case t of
QualVar v _ty _pos -> HsVar $ UnQual $ HsIdent $
translateIdWithType LowerId v
QualOp _ (InstOpId uid _types _) ts _pos ->
-- The identifier 'uid' may have been renamed. To find its new name,
-- the typescheme 'ts' is tested for "Unifizierbarkeit" with the
-- typeschemes of the assumps. If an identifier is found, it is used
-- as HsVar or HsCon.
let oid = findUniqueId uid ts tm as
in case oid of
Just i ->
if isConstructId i $ Map.toList as then
(HsCon (UnQual (HsIdent (translateIdWithType UpperId i))))
else (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent (translateIdWithType LowerId i))))
_ -> error("translateTerm: non-unique id: " ++ show t)
ApplTerm t1 t2 _pos -> let at = translateTerm as tm t2 in
HsApp (translateTerm as tm t1) $ (case at of
HsTuple _ -> id
HsCon _ -> id
HsVar _ -> id
_ -> HsParen) at
TupleTerm ts _pos -> HsTuple (map (translateTerm as tm) ts)
TypedTerm t1 tqual _ty _pos -> -- check for global types later
let res = translateTerm as tm t1
in case tqual of
InType -> undef
_ -> res
QuantifiedTerm _quant _vars _t1 _pos -> undef
LambdaTerm pats _part t1 _pos ->
HsLambda nullLoc
(map (translatePattern as tm) pats)
(translateTerm as tm t1)
CaseTerm t1 progeqs _pos ->
HsCase (translateTerm as tm t1)
(map(translateCaseProgEq as tm)progeqs)
LetTerm _ progeqs t1 _pos ->
HsLet (map (translateLetProgEq as tm) progeqs)
(translateTerm as tm t1)
_ -> error ("translateTerm: unexpected term: " ++ show t)
-- | Conversion of patterns form HasCASL to haskell.
translatePattern :: Assumps -> TypeMap -> Pattern -> HsPat
translatePattern as tm pat = case pat of
QualVar v _ty _pos
-> HsPVar $ HsIdent $ translateIdWithType LowerId v
QualOp _ (InstOpId uid _t _p) ts _pos ->
let oid = findUniqueId uid ts tm as
in case oid of
Just i ->
HsPApp (UnQual $ HsIdent $ translateIdWithType UpperId i) []
_ -> error ("translatePattern: non-unique id: " ++ show pat)
ApplTerm p1 p2 _pos ->
let tp = translatePattern as tm p1
a = translatePattern as tm p2
in case tp of
HsPApp u os -> HsPParen $ HsPApp u (os ++ [a])
HsPParen (HsPApp u os) -> HsPParen $ HsPApp u (os ++ [a])
_ -> error ("problematic application pattern " ++ show pat)
TupleTerm pats _pos ->
HsPTuple $ map (translatePattern as tm) pats
TypedTerm p OfType _ty _pos -> translatePattern as tm p
--the type is implicit
--AsPattern pattern pattern pos -> HsPAsPat name pattern ??
AsPattern _p1 _p2 _pos -> error "AsPattern nyi"
_ -> error ("translatePattern: unexpected pattern: " ++ show pat)
-- | Translation of a program equation of a case term in HasCASL
translateCaseProgEq :: Assumps -> TypeMap -> ProgEq -> HsAlt
translateCaseProgEq as tm (ProgEq pat t _pos) =
HsAlt nullLoc
(translatePattern as tm pat)
(HsUnGuardedAlt (translateTerm as tm t))
-- | Translation of a program equation of a let term in HasCASL
translateLetProgEq ::Assumps -> TypeMap -> ProgEq -> HsDecl
translateLetProgEq as tm (ProgEq pat t _pos) =
HsPatBind nullLoc
(translatePattern as tm pat)
(HsUnGuardedRhs (translateTerm as tm t))
-- | Translation of a toplevel program equation
translateProgEq ::Assumps -> TypeMap -> ProgEq -> HsDecl
translateProgEq as tm (ProgEq pat t _) =
case getAppl pat of
Just (uid, ts, args) ->
let oid = findUniqueId uid ts tm as
in case oid of
Just i -> HsFunBind [HsMatch nullLoc
(UnQual $ HsIdent $ translateIdWithType LowerId i)
(map (translatePattern as tm) args) -- [HsPat]
(HsUnGuardedRhs $ translateTerm as tm t) -- HsRhs
_ -> error ("translateLetProgEq: non-unique id: " ++ show pat)
Nothing -> error ("translateLetProgEq: no toplevel id: " ++ show pat)
translateDt :: DatatypeDefn -> Named HsDecl
translateDt (DatatypeConstr i _ _ args alts) =
let hsname = HsIdent $ translateIdWithType UpperId i in
NamedSen ("ga_" ++ showId i "") $
HsDataDecl nullLoc
[] -- empty HsContext
(map getArg args) -- type arguments
(map translateAltDefn alts) -- [HsConDecl]
translateSentence :: Env -> Named Sentence -> [Named HsDecl]
translateSentence env sen =
let as = assumps env
tm = typeMap env
in case sentence sen of
DatatypeSen dt -> map translateDt dt
ProgEqSen _ _ pe -> [NamedSen (senName sen)
$ translateProgEq as tm pe]
Formula t -> case mkQuantEq env t of
Nothing -> []
Just pe -> [NamedSen (senName sen)
$ translateProgEq as tm pe]
-- some stuff
-- The positions in the source code are not necessary during the translation,
-- therefore the same SrcLoc is used everywhere.
nullLoc :: SrcLoc
nullLoc = SrcLoc 1 0
-- For the definition of an undefined function.
-- Takes the name of the function as argument.
functionUndef :: String -> HsDecl
functionUndef s =
HsPatBind nullLoc
(HsPVar (HsIdent s))
(HsUnGuardedRhs (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent "undefined"))))
-- | remove dummy decls given by sentences
cleanSig :: [HsDecl] -> [Named HsDecl] -> [HsDecl]
cleanSig ds sens =
let dds = foldr ( \ nd l -> case sentence nd of
HsDataDecl _ _ n _ _ _ -> n : l
_ -> l) [] sens
funs = foldr ( \ nd l -> case sentence nd of
HsFunBind (HsMatch _ n _ _ _ : _) -> n : l
_ -> l) [] sens
in filter ( \ hs -> case hs of
HsDataDecl _ _ n _ _ _ -> n `notElem` dds
HsTypeDecl _ n _ _ -> n `notElem` dds
HsPatBind _ (HsPVar n) _ _ -> UnQual n `notElem` funs
_ -> True)