Translate.hs revision ca9ac8e3ff1877f186810ec6b97c4df769c09c43
module ToHaskell.Translate where
import HasCASL.As
import Haskell.Language.Syntax
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.Parsec.Pos
import Char
translate :: BasicSpec -> HsModule
-- From where can I get the Module's name?
--translate x = error (show x)
translate (BasicSpec annotedBasicItems) =
HsModule (SrcLoc "" 1 1) (Module "HasCASLModul") Nothing []
(translateBasicItems annotedBasicItems)
translateBasicItems :: [Annoted BasicItem] -> [HsDecl]
translateBasicItems ilist = concat $ map translateBasicItem ilist
--translateBasicItems [] = []
--translateBasicItems (bi:bis) =
-- ((translateBasicItem (item bi))++(translateBasicItems bis))
translateBasicItem :: Annoted BasicItem -> [HsDecl]
translateBasicItem i =
case (item i) of
SigItems si -> translateSigItems si
ProgItems eqList _posList -> translateProgEqs eqList
_ -> error ("translateBasicItem: " ++ show i)
translateSigItems :: SigItems -> [HsDecl]
translateSigItems (TypeItems _inst _annotedTypeItems _poslist) = []
translateSigItems _ = []
translateProgEqs :: [Annoted ProgEq] -> [HsDecl]
translateProgEqs eqs = map translateProgEq eqs
translateProgEq :: Annoted ProgEq -> HsDecl
translateProgEq (Annoted (ProgEq pat term pos) _ _ _) =
case pat of
PatternToken _ptok -> case term of
TermToken _ttok -> patBind pat term pos
_ -> error ("translateProgEq " ++ show term)
MixfixPattern (p:_ps) -> case p of
PatternToken ptok ->
-- erstes PatternToken klein deutet auf HsFunBind
if isLower $ head $ tokStr ptok then
funBind pat term pos
else patBind pat term pos
_ -> error ("unexpected pattern in " ++
"translateProgEq: " ++ show pat)
_ -> error ("translateProgEq" ++ show pat)
patBind :: Pattern -> Term -> Pos -> HsDecl
-- x = y
patBind (PatternToken ptok) (TermToken ttok) pos =
HsPatBind (SrcLoc {srcFilename = sourceName pos, srcLine = sourceLine pos,
srcColumn = sourceColumn pos})
(HsPVar (HsIdent (tokStr ptok)))
(HsUnGuardedRhs (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent (tokStr ttok)))))
--patBind (MixfixPattern (p:ps)) term pos = error "not yet implemented"
patBind _ _ _ = error "not yet implemented"
funBind :: Pattern -> Term -> Pos -> HsDecl
-- f a b ... = y
funBind (MixfixPattern (p:ps)) term pos =
case p of
PatternToken ptok ->
HsFunBind [HsMatch (SrcLoc {srcFilename = "", srcLine = sourceLine pos,
srcColumn = sourceColumn pos})
(HsIdent (tokStr ptok))
(hsPats ps)
(hsRhs term)
_ -> error ("unexpected pattern: " ++ show p)
funBind _ _ _ = HsFunBind []
hsPats :: [Pattern] -> [HsPat]
hsPats pats = map hsPat pats
hsPat :: Pattern -> HsPat
hsPat p = case p of
PatternToken ptok ->
if isLower $ head $ tokStr ptok then
HsPVar (HsIdent (tokStr ptok))
if isUpper $ head $ tokStr ptok then
HsPApp (UnQual (HsIdent (tokStr ptok))) []
if and $ map isDigit (tokStr ptok) then
HsPLit (HsInt ((read (tokStr ptok))::Integer))
-- andere Typen wie z.B. Rational fehlen
else error ("unexpected pattern: " ++ show p)
_ -> error ("unexpected pattern: " ++ show p)
--BracketPattern fehlen!!
hsRhs :: Term -> HsRhs
hsRhs term = case term of
TermToken ttok -> if isLower $ head $ tokStr ttok then
HsUnGuardedRhs (HsVar (UnQual
(HsIdent (tokStr ttok))))
if isUpper $ head $ tokStr ttok then
HsUnGuardedRhs (HsCon (UnQual
(HsIdent (tokStr ttok))))
if and $ map isDigit (tokStr ttok) then
HsUnGuardedRhs (HsLit (
HsInt ((read (tokStr ttok))::Integer)))
else error ("Unexpected term: " ++ show ttok)
MixfixTerm tlist -> HsUnGuardedRhs (hsExps tlist (length tlist))
_ -> error "hsRhs is not yet implemented"
hsExps :: [Term] -> Int -> HsExp
hsExps (t:ts) l = case t of
TermToken ttok -> if l == 1 then
if isLower $ head $ tokStr ttok then
HsVar (UnQual ((HsIdent (tokStr ttok))))
if isUpper $ head $ tokStr ttok then
HsCon (UnQual (HsIdent (tokStr ttok)))
if and $ map isDigit (tokStr ttok) then
HsLit (HsInt ((read (tokStr ttok))::Integer))
-- andere Typen wie z.B. Rational fehlen
-- Operationsanwendungen fehlen
else error ("Unexpected term: " ++ show ttok)
else HsApp (hsExps (t:[]) 1) (hsExps ts (l-1))
_ -> error "hsExps is not yet implemented"
hsExps [] _ = error "Missing term"
--BracketTerm fehlt!!