Test.hs revision 560866529d0162896a3255aaa0f6e24177f0c151
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.PrintDevGraph
import Driver.Options
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation
import System.Environment
-- CASL things
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Common.Id as Id
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Common.AS_Annotation as Anno
import Common.Result
import Common.ResultT
import Common.ExtSign
import Logic.Coerce
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
-- DG things :)
import Proofs.Global
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Static.DGToSpec
process :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LIB_NAME, LibEnv))
process = anaLib defaultHetcatsOpts
printLibEnv :: LibEnv -> Doc
printLibEnv le = vsep $ map (printLibrary le) $ Map.toList le
{- ln -s sample-ghci-script .ghci and call "make ghci" -}
-- sample code
getDevGraph :: FilePath -> IO DGraph
getDevGraph fname = do
res <- process fname
case res of
Nothing -> error "getDevGraph: process"
Just (ln, lenv) -> case Map.lookup ln lenv of
Nothing -> error "getDevGraph: lookup"
Just dg -> return dg
main :: IO()
main = do
files <- getArgs
mapM_ process files
return ()
{- Test functions for CASL signature -}
proceed fname = do
anaSourceFile logicGraph defaultHetcatsOpts emptyLibEnv fname
-- read in a CASL file and return the basic theory
getCASLSigSens :: String -- filename
-> String -- name of spec
-> IO (CASLSign,[(String, CASLFORMULA)])
getCASLSigSens fname sp = do
Result _ res <- runResultT $ proceed fname
case res of
Just (ln,lenv) ->
let dg = lookupDGraph ln lenv
SpecEntry (ExtGenSig _ _ _ (NodeSig node _)) =
case Map.lookup (Id.mkSimpleId sp) $ globalEnv dg of
Just x -> x
_ -> error ("Specification "++sp++" not found")
case match node (dgBody dg) of
(Just ctx,_) ->
case dgn_theory $ lab' ctx of
G_theory { gTheoryLogic = lid
, gTheorySign = gSig
, gTheorySens = gSens } ->
case (coerceSign lid CASL "" $ gSig,
coerceThSens lid CASL "" $ gSens) of
(Just sig,Just sens) ->
return (plainSign sig,
map (\(x,y) -> (x,Anno.sentence y)) $ OMap.toList sens)
_ -> error "Not a CASL sig"
_ -> error "Node 1 no in development graph"
Nothing -> error "Error occured"
{- myTest for globDecomp(or more possiblely for removeContraryChanges
from Proofs/StatusUtils.hs -}
{- try to print the DGChanges list before and after executing
removeContraryChanges, in order to see what exactly is going on -}
myTest :: IO()
myTest = do
res<-process "../CASL-lib/Basic/RelationsAndOrders.casl"
-- not ok with "RelationsAndOrders.casl " :(
case res of
Nothing -> error "myTest"
Just (ln, lenv) -> do
{- (edges2, dgchanges2) <- myGlobal ln 2 lenv
putStrLn $ show dgchanges
-- print the DGChanges before execusion
putStrLn $ "!!!!!The DGChanges before excecuting of " ++
"removeContraryChanges by the third excecuting of " ++
putStrLn $ show $ myPrintShow dgchanges2
putStrLn $ "!!!!!the DGChanges afterwards by the third excecuting"
++ " of GlobalDecomposition!!!!!"
putStrLn $ show $ myPrintShow $
-- removeContraryChanges dgchanges2
putStrLn $ show $ myPrintEdges edges2
(edges3, dgchanges3) <- myGlobal ln 3 lenv
putStrLn $ "The global thm Edges before executing globDecomp for " ++
"the fourth time"
putStrLn $ show $ myPrintEdges edges3
{- putStrLn $ "!!!!!The DGChanges before excecuting of " ++
"removeContraryChanges by the fouth excecuting of " ++
putStrLn $ show $ myPrintShow dgchanges3
putStrLn $ "!!!!!the DGChanges by the fouth excecuting of " ++
"GlobalDecomposition: !!!!!"
putStrLn $ show $ myPrintDGChanges dgchanges3
putStrLn $ show $ myPrintDGChanges $ removeContraryChanges dgchanges3
{- putStrLn $ show (removeContraryChanges dgchanges)
-- print after...
putStrLn $ show $ countD $ removeContraryChanges dgchanges
dgchanges4<- myGlobal ln 4 lenv
putStrLn "aaa"
myPrintEdges :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> [String]
myPrintEdges = map showLEdge
showDGChange :: DGChange -> String
showDGChange c = showDoc c ""
myPrintDGChanges :: [DGChange] -> [String]
myPrintDGChanges = map showDGChange
countD :: [DGChange] -> Int
countD = length . filter (isPrefixOf "delete edgeI" . showDGChange)
-- my simulated execusion of globDecomp
myGlobal :: LIB_NAME -> Int -> LibEnv -> IO ([LEdge DGLinkLab], [DGChange])
myGlobal ln n lenv =
let newLenv = executeGlobalDecompByNTimes n ln lenv
-- try to do n times globDecomp
dgraph = lookupDGraph ln newLenv
globalThmEdges = filter (liftE isUnprovenGlobalThm) (labEdgesDG dgraph)
(_, newHistoryElem) = globDecompAux dgraph globalThmEdges
([], [])
defEdgesToSource = myGoingIntoGTE dgraph globalThmEdges []
in do putStrLn "all the edges going into global Thm Edges"
putStrLn $ show defEdgesToSource
return (globalThmEdges , snd newHistoryElem)
-- get the DGChanges by the fourth time executing globDecomp
myGoingIntoGTE :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> [String]->[String]
myGoingIntoGTE _ [] res = res
myGoingIntoGTE dgraph ((source, _ , _) : ys) res =
let defEdgesToSource = [e | e@(_, t, l) <- labEdgesDG dgraph,
isDefEdge (dgl_type l), t == source]
in myGoingIntoGTE dgraph ys (res++(myPrintEdges defEdgesToSource))
-- execute globDecomp by n times :)
executeGlobalDecompByNTimes :: Int -> LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
executeGlobalDecompByNTimes n ln lenv =
if n<0 then error "excecuteGlobalDecompByNTimes"
else if n==0 then lenv
else executeGlobalDecompByNTimes (n-1) ln $ globDecomp ln lenv