Test.hs revision 43b4c41fbb07705c9df321221ab9cb9832460407
module Test
import System.Environment
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
import System.IO
import Static.DotGraph
import Static.DevGraph
import Driver.Options
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import Common.Lib.Graph
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
--proceed :: String -> IO()
proceed fname = do
anaFile logicGraph defaultLogic defaultHetcatsOpts emptyLibEnv fname
{- case res of
Just(_,_,dg,_) -> do
putStrLn ("Successfully analyzed.")
putStrLn ("Writing development graph to "++fname++".dot")
h <- openFile (fname++".dot") WriteMode
sequence (map (hPutStrLn h) (dot dg))
hClose h
_ -> return ()
getCASLSig :: String -> IO CASLSign
getCASLSig fname = do
res <- proceed fname
case res of
Just (_,_,dg,_) -> do
case match 1 dg of
(Just ctx,_) -> case dgn_sign $ lab' ctx of
G_sign lid sig ->
case maybeResult $ rcoerce lid CASL nullPos sig of
Just sig' -> return sig'
Nothing -> error "Not a CASL sig"
_ -> error "Node 1 no in development graph"
Nothing -> error "Error occured"
getCASLSens :: String -> IO [Named CASLFORMULA]
getCASLSens fname = do
res <- proceed fname
case res of
Just (_,_,dg,_) -> do
case match 1 dg of
(Just ctx,_) -> case dgn_sens $ lab' ctx of
G_l_sentence_list lid sens ->
case maybeResult $ rcoerce lid CASL nullPos sens of
Just sens' -> return sens'
Nothing -> error "Not the CASL logic"
_ -> error "Node 1 no in development graph"
Nothing -> error "Error occured"
main :: IO()
main = do
files <- getArgs
sequence (map proceed files)
return ()