NuSmvLtl.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{- |
Module : $EmptyHeader$
Description : <optional short description entry>
Copyright : (c) <Authors or Affiliations>
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : <email>
Stability : unstable | experimental | provisional | stable | frozen
Portability : portable | non-portable (<reason>)
<optional description>
module NuSmvLtl where
{- -}
{- LTL Specifications -}
{- -}
-- LTL specifications are introduced by the keyword LTLSPEC. The syntax
-- of LTL formulas recognized by NuSMV is as follows:
data Formula a = Var a
| Not (Formula a) -- logical not
| And (Formula a) (Formula a) -- logical and
| Or (Formula a) (Formula a) -- logical or
| Xor (Formula a) (Formula a) -- logical exlusive or
| Impl (Formula a) (Formula a) -- logical implies
| Equiv (Formula a) (Formula a) -- logical equivalence
-- Future
| X (Formula a) -- next state
| G (Formula a) -- globally
| F (Formula a) -- finally
| U (Formula a) (Formula a) -- until
| V (Formula a) (Formula a) -- releases
-- Past
| Y (Formula a) -- previous state
| Z (Formula a) -- not previous state not
| H (Formula a) -- historically
| O (Formula a) -- once
| S (Formula a) (Formula a) -- since
| T (Formula a) (Formula a) -- triggered
instance (Show a) => Show (Formula a) where
show phi = "LTLSPEC " ++ show' phi True ++ ";" where
show' (Var x) outer = show x
show' (Not phi) outer = "! " ++ show' phi False
show' (And phi psi) True = show' phi False ++ " & " ++ show' psi False
show' (Or phi psi) True = show' phi False ++ " | " ++ show' psi False
show' (Xor phi psi) True = show' phi False ++ " xor " ++ show' psi False
show' (Impl phi psi) True = show' phi False ++ " -> " ++ show' psi False
show' (Equiv phi psi) True = show' phi False ++ " <-> " ++ show' psi False
show' (X phi) outer = "X " ++ show' phi False
show' (G phi) outer = "G " ++ show' phi False
show' (F phi) outer = "F " ++ show' phi False
show' (U phi psi) True = show' phi False ++ " U " ++ show' psi False
show' (V phi psi) True = show' phi False ++ " V " ++ show' psi False
show' (Y phi) outer = "Y " ++ show' phi False
show' (Z phi) outer = "Z " ++ show' phi False
show' (H phi) outer = "H " ++ show' phi False
show' (O phi) outer = "O " ++ show' phi False
show' (S phi psi) True = show' phi False ++ " S " ++ show' psi False
show' (T phi psi) True = show' phi False ++ " T " ++ show' psi False
show' phi False = "(" ++ show' phi True ++ ")"