NuSmv.hs revision e8700894324940d187d0cc6c4c757781a5985b71
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{- |
Module : $EmptyHeader$
Description : <optional short description entry>
Copyright : (c) <Authors or Affiliations>
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer : <email>
Stability : unstable | experimental | provisional | stable | frozen
Portability : portable | non-portable (<reason>)
<optional description>
module NuSmv (basicExpr, program) where
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State, token)
(<<) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m b -> m a
(<<) a b = do x <- a
return x
checkWith :: (Show a) => GenParser tok st a -> (a -> Bool) -> GenParser tok st a
checkWith p f = do x <- p
if f x then return x
else unexpected (show x)
reserved :: [String] -> CharParser st String -> CharParser st String
reserved l p = try $ checkWith p (`notElem` l)
ws :: Parser ()
ws = many (oneOf " \t\r\n") >> return ()
token :: String -> Parser ()
token x = string x >> ws
keyword :: String -> Parser ()
keyword x = try (string x >> notFollowedBy alphaNum) >> ws
identifier :: Parser String
identifier = liftM2 (:) idFirstChar (many idConsecutiveChar) <?> "identifier"
idFirstChar = letter
<|> char '_'
idConsecutiveChar = idFirstChar
<|> digit
<|> char '$'
<|> char '#'
<|> char '\\'
<|> char '-'
integer :: Parser Int
integer = liftM read (liftM2 (++) (option "" (string "-")) (many1 digit)) <?> "integer number"
keywords :: [String]
keywords = [ "MODULE", "DEFINE", "CONSTANTS", "VAR", "IVAR", "INIT", "TRANS",
"IN", "MIN", "MAX", "process", "array", "of", "boolean",
"integer", "real", "word", "word1", "bool", "EX", "AX", "EF",
"AF", "EG", "AG", "E", "F", "O", "G", "H", "X", "Y", "Z", "A",
"U", "S", "V", "T", "BU", "EBF", "ABF", "EBG", "ABG", "case",
"esac", "mod", "next", "init", "union", "in", "xor", "xnor",
"self", "TRUE", "FALSE" ]
{- -}
{- Basic Expressions of NuSMV -}
{- -}
data Expr = Bool Bool -- Boolean Constant
| Int Int -- Integer Constant
| Var [String] -- Symbol Constant,
-- Variable Identifier,
-- or Define Identifier
| Word Int Int -- Word Constant
| Range Int Int -- Range Constant
| Not Expr -- Logical/Bitwise NOT
| And Expr Expr -- Logical/Bitwise AND
| Or Expr Expr -- Logical/Bitwise OR
| Xor Expr Expr -- Logical/Bitwise XOR
| Xnor Expr Expr -- Logical/Bitwise NOT XOR
| Impl Expr Expr -- Logical/Bitwise Implication
| Equiv Expr Expr -- Logical/Bitwise Equivalence
| Eq Expr Expr -- Equality
| Neq Expr Expr -- Inequality
| Lt Expr Expr -- Less Than
| Gt Expr Expr -- Greater Than
| Leq Expr Expr -- Less Than Or Equal
| Geq Expr Expr -- Greater Than Or Equal
| Neg Expr -- Integer Unary Minus
| Add Expr Expr -- Integer Addition
| Sub Expr Expr -- Integer Subtraction
| Mult Expr Expr -- Integer Multiplication
| Div Expr Expr -- Integer Division
| Mod Expr Expr -- Integer Remainder
| Bsr Expr Expr -- Bit Shift Right
| Bsl Expr Expr -- Bit Shift Left
| Concat Expr Expr -- Word Concatenation
| Select Expr (Int, Int) -- Word Bits Selection
| ToWord Expr -- Boolean to Word[1] convertion
| ToBool Expr -- Word[1] to Boolean convertion
| Union Expr Expr -- Union of Set Expressions
| Set [Expr] -- Set Expression
| In Expr Expr -- Inclusion Expression
| Case [(Expr, Expr)] -- Case Expression
| Next Expr -- Next Expression
instance Show Expr where
show expr = showBasicExpr expr True
showBasicExpr (Bool True) outer = "TRUE"
showBasicExpr (Bool False) outer = "FALSE"
showBasicExpr (Int value) outer = show value
showBasicExpr (Var ids) outer = concat (intersperse "." ids)
showBasicExpr (Word width value) outer = concat [ "0d", show width, "_", show value ]
showBasicExpr (Range from to) outer = concat [ show from, "..", show to ]
showBasicExpr (Not expr) outer = concat [ "!", showBasicExpr expr False ]
showBasicExpr (And exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " & ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Or exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " | ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Xor exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " xor ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Xnor exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " xnor ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Impl exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " -> ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Equiv exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " <-> ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Eq exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " = ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Neq exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " != ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Lt exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " < ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Gt exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " > ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Leq exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " <= ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Geq exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " >= ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Neg expr) outer = concat [ "-", showBasicExpr expr False ]
showBasicExpr (Add exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " + ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Sub exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " - ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Mult exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " * ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Div exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " / ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Mod exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " mod ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Bsr exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " >> ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Bsl exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " << ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Concat exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " :: ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Select expr (from, to)) outer = concat [ showBasicExpr expr False, "[", show from, ", ", show to, "]" ]
showBasicExpr (ToWord expr) outer = concat [ "word1(", showBasicExpr expr True, ")" ]
showBasicExpr (ToBool expr) outer = concat [ "bool(", showBasicExpr expr True, ")" ]
showBasicExpr (Union exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " union ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Set exprs) outer = concat [ "{", concat (intersperse ", " (map (\expr-> showBasicExpr expr False) exprs)), "}" ]
showBasicExpr (In exprA exprB) True = concat [ showBasicExpr exprA False, " in ", showBasicExpr exprB False ]
showBasicExpr (Case cases) outer = concat [ "case ", concat (intersperse "\n" (map (\(exprA, exprB)-> concat [showBasicExpr exprA False, " : ", showBasicExpr exprB False, ";"]) cases)), " esac" ]
showBasicExpr (Next expr) outer = concat [ "next(", showBasicExpr expr True, ")" ]
showBasicExpr expr False = concat [ "(", showBasicExpr expr True, ")" ]
{- -}
{- Parser for Basic Expressions -}
{- -}
basicExpr :: Parser Expr
basicExpr = implExpr
implExpr = chainr1 equivExpr (token "->" >> return Impl)
equivExpr = chainl1 orExpr (token "<->" >> return Equiv)
orExpr = chainl1 andExpr ((token "|" >> return Or) <|>
(keyword "xor" >> return Xor) <|>
(keyword "xnor" >> return Xnor))
andExpr = chainl1 eqExpr (token "&" >> return And)
eqExpr = chainl1 inExpr ((token "=" >> return Eq) <|>
(token "!=" >> return Neq) <|>
(try (token "<=" >> return Leq)) <|>
(try (token ">=" >> return Geq)) <|>
(token "<" >> return Lt) <|>
(token ">" >> return Gt))
inExpr = chainl1 unionExpr (keyword "in" >> return In)
unionExpr = chainl1 shiftExpr (keyword "union" >> return Union)
shiftExpr = chainl1 modExpr ((try (token ">>" >> return Bsr)) <|>
(try (token "<<" >> return Bsl)))
modExpr = chainl1 addSubExpr (keyword "mod" >> return Mod)
addSubExpr = chainl1 multDivExpr ((token "+" >> return Add) <|>
(token "-" >> return Sub))
multDivExpr = chainl1 negateExpr ((token "*" >> return Mult) <|>
(token "/" >> return Div))
negateExpr = (token "-" >> (liftM Neg negateExpr)) <|>
concatExpr = chainl1 selectExpr (try (token "::") >> return Concat)
selectExpr = do expr <- notExpr
option expr (do token "[" <?> "selector"
bits <- sepBy1 bit (token "[")
return (foldl Select expr bits))
notExpr = (token "!" >> (liftM Not notExpr)) <|>
primaryExpr = parenthesizedExpr <|>
(liftM Set (between (token "{") (token "}")
(sepBy1 implExpr (char ',' >> ws)))) <|>
(do expr <- constantExpr << ws
case expr of
Var ["word1"] -> liftM ToWord parenthesizedExpr
Var ["bool"] -> liftM ToBool parenthesizedExpr
Var ["case"] -> caseExpr
Var ["next"] -> liftM Next parenthesizedExpr
_ -> return expr)
parenthesizedExpr = between (token "(") (token ")") implExpr
caseExpr = liftM Case (manyTill (do lhs <- implExpr
token ":"
rhs <- implExpr
token ";"
return (lhs, rhs)) (token "esac"))
bit = do value1 <- integer << ws
token ":"
value2 <- integer << ws
token "]"
return (value1, value2)
{- -}
{- Parser for Constant Expressions -}
{- -}
constantExpr :: Parser Expr
constantExpr = (constantA <?> "integer constant") <|>
(constantB <?> "boolean constant") <|>
(constantE <?> "symbolic constant") <|>
(constantF <?> "variable identifier") <|>
(constantG <?> "define identifier")
constantA = do char '-'
value <- many1 digit
range (negate (read value))
constantB = do char '0'
constantC <|> constantD
constantC = do base <- oneOf "bBoOdDhH"
width <- many digit
char '_'
value <- case toLower base of
'b' -> many1 (oneOf "01_")
'o' -> many1 (octDigit <|> char '_')
'd' -> many1 (digit <|> char '_')
'h' -> many1 (hexDigit <|> char '_')
let width' = case width of
"" -> case toLower base of
'b' -> 1 * length value
'o' -> 3 * length value
'd' -> error "Cannot calculate width of decimal integers"
'h' -> 4 * length value
_ -> read width
let value' = case toLower base of
'b' -> error "Cannot decode binary integer"
'o' -> read ("0o" ++ (filter (/= '_') value))
'd' -> read (filter (/= '_') value)
'h' -> read ("0x" ++ (filter (/= '_') value))
return (Word width' value')
constantD = do value <- many digit
case value of
"" -> return (Bool False)
_ -> range (read ('0':value))
constantE = do char '1'
value <- many digit
case value of
"" -> return (Bool True)
_ -> range (read ('1':value))
constantF = do value <- many1 digit
range (read value)
constantG = do value <- sepBy1 identifier (char '.')
case value of
["FALSE"] -> return (Bool False)
["TRUE"] -> return (Bool True)
_ -> return (Var value)
range x = (string ".." >> liftM (Range x) integer)
<|> (return (Int x))
{- -}
{- Complex Identifiers -}
{- -}
data ComplexId = Id String
| ComplexId ComplexId String
| IndexedId ComplexId Int
| Self
instance Show ComplexId where
show (Id s) = s
show (ComplexId id s) = (show id) ++ "." ++ s
show (IndexedId id i) = (show id) ++ "[" ++ (show i) ++ "]"
show (Self) = "self"
complexId :: Parser ComplexId
complexId = do id <- reserved keywords identifier << ws
return (Id id) --TODO: really complex identifiers
{- -}
{- NuSMV Programs -}
{- -}
data Program = Program [Module]
data Module = Module String [String] [Element]
data Element = VarDecl [(String, Type)]
| IVarDecl [(String, Type)]
| DefineDecl [(String, Expr)]
| ConstDecl [String]
| Init Expr
| Invar Expr
| Trans Expr
| Assign [(AssignLhs, AssignRhs)]
| Fairness Expr
| Justice Expr
| Compassion Expr Expr
data Type = BoolType
| WordType Int
| EnumType [EnumValue]
| RangeType Int Int
| ArrayType Int Int Type
data EnumValue = Symbol String
| Number Int
data AssignLhs = CurrentValue ComplexId
| InitialValue ComplexId
| NextValue ComplexId
type AssignRhs = Expr
instance Show Program where
show program = showProgram program
showProgram (Program mods) = concatMap showModule mods
instance Show Module where
show mod = showModule mod
showModule (Module name params elements) = concat [ "MODULE ", name, showParams params, "\n", concatMap showElement elements ]
showParams [] = ""
showParams params = concat [ "(", concat (intersperse ", " params), ")" ]
instance Show Element where
show element = showElement element
showElement (VarDecl vars) = concat [ "VAR", concatMap showVar vars, "\n" ]
showVar (id, ty) = concat [ " ", id, " : ", showType ty, ";" ]
showElement (IVarDecl vars) = concat [ "IVAR", concatMap showVar vars, "\n" ]
showVar (id, ty) = concat [ " ", id, " : ", showType ty, ";" ]
showElement (DefineDecl defs) = concat [ "DEFINE", concatMap showDefine defs, "\n" ]
showDefine (id, expr) = concat [ " ", id, " := ", showBasicExpr expr True, ";" ]
showElement (ConstDecl consts) = concat [ "CONSTANTS ", concat (intersperse ", " consts), ";\n" ]
showElement (Init expr) = concat [ "INIT ", showBasicExpr expr True, ";\n" ]
showElement (Invar expr) = concat [ "INVAR ", showBasicExpr expr True, ";\n" ]
showElement (Trans expr) = concat [ "TRANS ", showBasicExpr expr True, ";\n" ]
showElement (Assign assigns) = concat [ "ASSIGN", concatMap showAssign assigns, "\n" ]
showAssign (lhs, rhs) = concat [ " ", show lhs, " := ", show rhs, ";" ]
showElement (Fairness expr) = concat [ "FAIRNESS ", showBasicExpr expr True, ";\n" ]
showElement (Justice expr) = concat [ "JUSTICE ", showBasicExpr expr True, ";\n" ]
showElement (Compassion exprA exprB) = concat [ "COMPASSION(", showBasicExpr exprA True, ", ", showBasicExpr exprB True, ");\n" ]
instance Show Type where
show ty = showType ty
showType BoolType = "boolean"
showType (WordType width) = concat [ "word[", show width, "]" ]
showType (EnumType values) = concat [ "{", concat (intersperse "," (map showValue values)), " }" ]
showValue (Symbol symbol) = concat [ " ", symbol ]
showValue (Number number) = concat [ " ", show number ]
showType (RangeType from to) = concat [ show from, "..", show to ]
showType (ArrayType from to ty) = concat [ "array ", show from, "..", show to, " of ", showType ty ]
instance Show AssignLhs where
show (CurrentValue id) = show id
show (InitialValue id) = "init(" ++ (show id) ++ ")"
show (NextValue id) = "next(" ++ (show id) ++ ")"
{- -}
{- Parser for Programs -}
{- -}
program :: Parser Program
program = liftM Program (many modul)
modul :: Parser Module
modul = do keyword "MODULE"
name <- reserved keywords identifier << ws
params <- option [] (between (token "(") (token ")") parameters)
elements <- many element
return (Module name params elements)
parameters = sepBy1 (reserved keywords identifier << ws) (token ",")
element :: Parser Element
element = varDecl
<|> ivarDecl
<|> constDecl
<|> defineDecl
<|> initConstraint
<|> invarConstraint
<|> transConstraint
<|> assign
<|> fairness
<|> justice
<|> compassion
varDecl = do keyword "VAR"
vars <- many1 (do id <- (reserved keywords identifier) << ws
token ":"
ty <- typeSpec
token ";"
return (id, ty))
return (VarDecl vars)
ivarDecl = do keyword "IVAR"
vars <- many1 (do id <- (reserved keywords identifier) << ws
token ":"
ty <- typeSpec
token ";"
return (id, ty))
return (IVarDecl vars)
defineDecl = do keyword "DEFINE"
defs <- many1 (do id <- (reserved keywords identifier) << ws
token ":="
expr <- basicExpr
token ";"
return (id, expr))
return (DefineDecl defs)
constDecl = do keyword "CONSTANTS"
consts <- sepBy1 (reserved keywords identifier << ws) (token ",")
token ";"
return (ConstDecl consts)
initConstraint = do keyword "INIT"
expr <- basicExpr
optional (token ";")
return (Init expr)
invarConstraint = do keyword "INVAR"
expr <- basicExpr
optional (token ";")
return (Invar expr)
transConstraint = do keyword "TRANS"
expr <- basicExpr
optional (token ";")
return (Trans expr)
assign = do keyword "ASSIGN"
assigns <- many1 (do lhs <- assignLhs
token ":="
rhs <- basicExpr
token ";"
return (lhs, rhs))
return (Assign assigns)
assignLhs = do keyword "init"
token "("
id <- complexId
token ")"
return (InitialValue id)
<|> do keyword "next"
token "("
id <- complexId
token ")"
return (NextValue id)
<|> do id <- complexId
return (CurrentValue id)
fairness = do keyword "FAIRNESS"
expr <- basicExpr
optional (token ";")
return (Fairness expr)
justice = do keyword "JUSTICE"
expr <- basicExpr
optional (token ";")
return (Justice expr)
compassion = do keyword "COMPASSION"
token "("
exprA <- basicExpr
token ","
exprB <- basicExpr
token ")"
optional (token ";")
return (Compassion exprA exprB)
typeSpec :: Parser Type
typeSpec = boolSpec
<|> wordSpec
<|> enumSpec
<|> rangeSpec
<|> arraySpec
boolSpec = do keyword "boolean"
return BoolType
wordSpec = do keyword "word"
token "["
width <- integer
token "]"
return (WordType width)
enumSpec = do token "{"
values <- sepBy1 (liftM Symbol identifier <|> liftM Number integer) (ws >> token ",")
token "}"
return (EnumType values)
rangeSpec = do from <- integer
token ".."
to <- integer
return (RangeType from to)
arraySpec = do keyword "array"
from <- integer
token ".."
to <- integer
keyword "of"
ty <- typeSpec
return (ArrayType from to ty)