ModalCasl.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus Hartke, Uni Bremen 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module ModalCasl where
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State)
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Formulas of Modal CASL
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
data StateFormula a = Var a
-- Boolean Operators
| Snot (StateFormula a)
| Sand (StateFormula a) (StateFormula a)
| Sor (StateFormula a) (StateFormula a)
-- Path Quantifiers
| E (PathFormula a)
| A (PathFormula a)
-- Future Modalities
| Diamond (StateFormula a)
| Box (StateFormula a)
-- Past Modalities
| DiamondPast (StateFormula a)
| BoxPast (StateFormula a)
-- Fixpoint Opertors
| Mu a (StateFormula a)
| Nu a (StateFormula a)
data PathFormula a = State (StateFormula a)
-- Boolean Operators
| Pnot (PathFormula a)
| Pand (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| Por (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
-- Future Temporal Operators
| X (PathFormula a)
| G (PathFormula a)
| F (PathFormula a)
| W (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| U (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| B (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| W' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| U' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| B' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
-- Past Temporal Operators
| XPast (PathFormula a)
| GPast (PathFormula a)
| FPast (PathFormula a)
| WPast (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| UPast (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| BPast (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| XPast' (PathFormula a)
| WPast' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| UPast' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| BPast' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
instance (Show a) => Show (StateFormula a) where
show phi = showStateFormula phi True
instance (Show a) => Show (PathFormula a) where
show phi = showPathFormula phi True
showStateFormula (Var x) outer = show x
showStateFormula (Snot phi) outer = "not " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (Sand phi psi) True = showStateFormula phi False ++ " /\\ " ++
showStateFormula psi False
showStateFormula (Sor phi psi) True = showStateFormula phi False ++ " \\/ " ++
showStateFormula psi False
showStateFormula (E phi) outer = "E " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showStateFormula (A phi) outer = "A " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showStateFormula (Diamond phi) True = "<> " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (Box phi) True = "[] " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (DiamondPast phi) True = "<~> " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (BoxPast phi) True = "[~] " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (Mu x phi) True = "mu " ++ show x ++ " . " ++
showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (Nu x phi) True = "nu " ++ show x ++ " . " ++
showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula phi False = "(" ++ showStateFormula phi True ++ ")"
showPathFormula (State phi) outer = showStateFormula phi outer
showPathFormula (Pnot phi) outer = "not " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (Pand phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " /\\ " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (Por phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " \\/ " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (X phi) outer = "X " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (G phi) outer = "G " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (F phi) outer = "F " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (W phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " W " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (U phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " U " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (B phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " B " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (W' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " W! " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (U' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " U! " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (B' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " B! " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (XPast phi) outer = "~X " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (GPast phi) outer = "~G " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (FPast phi) outer = "~F " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (WPast phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~W " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (UPast phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~U " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (BPast phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~B " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (XPast' phi) outer = "~X! " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (WPast' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~W! " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (UPast' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~U! " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (BPast' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~B! " ++
showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula phi False = "(" ++ showPathFormula phi True ++ ")"
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
parser :: Parser a -> Parser (StateFormula a)
parser var = between spaces eof stateImpl where
stateImpl = chainl1 stateOr (do string "->"
return (Sor . Snot))
stateOr = chainl1 stateAnd (do string "\\/"
return Sor)
stateAnd = chainl1 state (do string "/\\"
return Sand)
state = (do char '('
x <- stateImpl
char ')'
return x)
<|> (do string "not"
liftM Snot state)
<|> (do string "E"
liftM E pathImpl)
<|> (do string "A"
liftM A pathImpl)
<|> (do x <- string "<"
y <- option "" (string "~")
z <- string ">"
case concat [x, y, z] of
"<>" -> liftM Diamond state
"<~>" -> liftM DiamondPast state)
<|> (do x <- string "["
y <- option "" (string "~")
z <- string "]"
case concat [x, y, z] of
"[]" -> liftM Box state
"[~]" -> liftM BoxPast state)
<|> (do string "mu"
x <- var
char '.'
liftM (Mu x) stateImpl)
<|> (do string "nu"
x <- var
char '.'
liftM (Nu x) stateImpl)
<|> (do x <- var
return (Var x))
pathImpl = chainl1 pathOr (do string "->"
return (Por . Pnot))
pathOr = chainl1 pathAnd (do string "\\/"
return Por)
pathAnd = chainl1 pathBinary (do string "/\\"
return Pand)
pathBinary = chainl1 pathUnary
(do x <- option "" (string "~")
y <- string "W" <|> string "U" <|> string "B"
z <- option "" (string "!")
case concat [x, y, z] of
"W" -> return W
"U" -> return U
"B" -> return B
"W!" -> return W'
"U!" -> return U'
"B!" -> return B'
"~W" -> return WPast
"~U" -> return UPast
"~B" -> return BPast
"~W!" -> return WPast'
"~U!" -> return UPast'
"~B!" -> return BPast')
pathUnary = (do char '('
x <- pathImpl
char ')'
return x)
<|> (do string "not"
liftM Pnot pathUnary)
<|> (do x <- option "" (string "~")
y <- string "X" <|> string "G" <|> string "F"
z <- if x ++ y == "~X"
then option "" (string "!") else return ""
case concat [x, y, z] of
"X" -> liftM X pathUnary
"G" -> liftM G pathUnary
"F" -> liftM F pathUnary
"~X" -> liftM XPast pathUnary
"~G" -> liftM GPast pathUnary
"~F" -> liftM FPast pathUnary
"~X!" -> liftM XPast' pathUnary)
<|> liftM State state
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------