ModalCasl.hs revision 26db4a742376d513cdba128780ee8ca60eeb927e
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiumodule ModalCasl where
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiuimport Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiuimport Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State)
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu{------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
c038fcf2030a6cfac7a261dee48a9eb29edb78eaFelix Gabriel Mance{- -}
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu{- Formulas of Modal CASL -}
15d62726781e67fe6458fbcf0a8c46832a7bb8daFelix Gabriel Mance{- -}
c038fcf2030a6cfac7a261dee48a9eb29edb78eaFelix Gabriel Mance{------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
c038fcf2030a6cfac7a261dee48a9eb29edb78eaFelix Gabriel Mance
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiudata StateFormula a = Var a
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu -- Boolean Operators
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu | Snot (StateFormula a)
ed1b8e97e72b2e3e92edaf2eb22a4b5373d705f1Felix Gabriel Mance | Sand (StateFormula a) (StateFormula a)
5180a08007989fd364622fc9bc01f82141643f7bFelix Gabriel Mance | Sor (StateFormula a) (StateFormula a)
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu -- Path Quantifiers
c038fcf2030a6cfac7a261dee48a9eb29edb78eaFelix Gabriel Mance | E (PathFormula a)
c038fcf2030a6cfac7a261dee48a9eb29edb78eaFelix Gabriel Mance | A (PathFormula a)
8d246de26958f1e8c35714b260b9d85c933c060aFrancisc Nicolae Bungiu -- Future Modalities
8d246de26958f1e8c35714b260b9d85c933c060aFrancisc Nicolae Bungiu | Diamond (StateFormula a)
6995877e4e201fcf8bb936066da2d259aed7c008Felix Gabriel Mance | Box (StateFormula a)
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu -- Past Modalities
19e01e1a7e319063434bd86c8ecbc5f241ef9993Felix Gabriel Mance | DiamondPast (StateFormula a)
19e01e1a7e319063434bd86c8ecbc5f241ef9993Felix Gabriel Mance | BoxPast (StateFormula a)
19e01e1a7e319063434bd86c8ecbc5f241ef9993Felix Gabriel Mance -- Fixpoint Opertors
19e01e1a7e319063434bd86c8ecbc5f241ef9993Felix Gabriel Mance | Mu a (StateFormula a)
19e01e1a7e319063434bd86c8ecbc5f241ef9993Felix Gabriel Mance | Nu a (StateFormula a)
c4076ff1721f8901a30e4b7aa004479ecb2631e0Felix Gabriel Mance
c4076ff1721f8901a30e4b7aa004479ecb2631e0Felix Gabriel Mance
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiudata PathFormula a = State (StateFormula a)
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu -- Boolean Operators
c4076ff1721f8901a30e4b7aa004479ecb2631e0Felix Gabriel Mance | Pnot (PathFormula a)
ccb84c1cb43fb0ed70c5bf2d364e671820473ed5Francisc Nicolae Bungiu | Pand (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
dda7065c0c0f383558d7d4e8072969c8c41a8ed7Francisc Nicolae Bungiu | Por (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
8e1b180fc839e96d7a4f1f63dfc563c75139c683Francisc Nicolae Bungiu -- Future Temporal Operators
e5ea4eeaeefd3521ae3475719e18c96cf91637d5Felix Gabriel Mance | X (PathFormula a)
15d62726781e67fe6458fbcf0a8c46832a7bb8daFelix Gabriel Mance | G (PathFormula a)
15d62726781e67fe6458fbcf0a8c46832a7bb8daFelix Gabriel Mance | F (PathFormula a)
c4076ff1721f8901a30e4b7aa004479ecb2631e0Felix Gabriel Mance | W (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
dda7065c0c0f383558d7d4e8072969c8c41a8ed7Francisc Nicolae Bungiu | U (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
15d62726781e67fe6458fbcf0a8c46832a7bb8daFelix Gabriel Mance | B (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
e5ea4eeaeefd3521ae3475719e18c96cf91637d5Felix Gabriel Mance | W' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
e5ea4eeaeefd3521ae3475719e18c96cf91637d5Felix Gabriel Mance | U' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
dda7065c0c0f383558d7d4e8072969c8c41a8ed7Francisc Nicolae Bungiu | B' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
ed1b8e97e72b2e3e92edaf2eb22a4b5373d705f1Felix Gabriel Mance -- Past Temporal Operators
c4076ff1721f8901a30e4b7aa004479ecb2631e0Felix Gabriel Mance | XPast (PathFormula a)
c4076ff1721f8901a30e4b7aa004479ecb2631e0Felix Gabriel Mance | GPast (PathFormula a)
| FPast (PathFormula a)
| WPast (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| UPast (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| BPast (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| XPast' (PathFormula a)
| WPast' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| UPast' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
| BPast' (PathFormula a) (PathFormula a)
instance (Show a) => Show (StateFormula a) where
show phi = showStateFormula phi True
instance (Show a) => Show (PathFormula a) where
show phi = showPathFormula phi True
showStateFormula (Var x) outer = show x
showStateFormula (Snot phi) outer = "not " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (Sand phi psi) True = showStateFormula phi False ++ " /\\ " ++ showStateFormula psi False
showStateFormula (Sor phi psi) True = showStateFormula phi False ++ " \\/ " ++ showStateFormula psi False
showStateFormula (E phi) outer = "E " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showStateFormula (A phi) outer = "A " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showStateFormula (Diamond phi) True = "<> " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (Box phi) True = "[] " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (DiamondPast phi) True = "<~> " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (BoxPast phi) True = "[~] " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (Mu x phi) True = "mu " ++ show x ++ " . " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula (Nu x phi) True = "nu " ++ show x ++ " . " ++ showStateFormula phi False
showStateFormula phi False = "(" ++ showStateFormula phi True ++ ")"
showPathFormula (State phi) outer = showStateFormula phi outer
showPathFormula (Pnot phi) outer = "not " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (Pand phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " /\\ " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (Por phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " \\/ " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (X phi) outer = "X " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (G phi) outer = "G " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (F phi) outer = "F " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (W phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " W " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (U phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " U " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (B phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " B " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (W' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " W! " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (U' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " U! " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (B' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " B! " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (XPast phi) outer = "~X " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (GPast phi) outer = "~G " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (FPast phi) outer = "~F " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (WPast phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~W " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (UPast phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~U " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (BPast phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~B " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (XPast' phi) outer = "~X! " ++ showPathFormula phi False
showPathFormula (WPast' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~W! " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (UPast' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~U! " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula (BPast' phi psi) True = showPathFormula phi False ++ " ~B! " ++ showPathFormula psi False
showPathFormula phi False = "(" ++ showPathFormula phi True ++ ")"
parser :: Parser a -> Parser (StateFormula a)
parser var = between spaces eof stateImpl where
stateImpl = chainl1 stateOr (do string "->"
return (Sor . Snot))
stateOr = chainl1 stateAnd (do string "\\/"
return Sor)
stateAnd = chainl1 state (do string "/\\"
return Sand)
state = (do char '('
x <- stateImpl
char ')'
return x)
<|> (do string "not"
liftM Snot state)
<|> (do string "E"
liftM E pathImpl)
<|> (do string "A"
liftM A pathImpl)
<|> (do x <- string "<"
y <- option "" (string "~")
z <- string ">"
case concat [x, y, z] of
"<>" -> liftM Diamond state
"<~>" -> liftM DiamondPast state)
<|> (do x <- string "["
y <- option "" (string "~")
z <- string "]"
case concat [x, y, z] of
"[]" -> liftM Box state
"[~]" -> liftM BoxPast state)
<|> (do string "mu"
x <- var
char '.'
liftM (Mu x) stateImpl)
<|> (do string "nu"
x <- var
char '.'
liftM (Nu x) stateImpl)
<|> (do x <- var
return (Var x))
pathImpl = chainl1 pathOr (do string "->"
return (Por . Pnot))
pathOr = chainl1 pathAnd (do string "\\/"
return Por)
pathAnd = chainl1 pathBinary (do string "/\\"
return Pand)
pathBinary = chainl1 pathUnary $ (do x <- option "" (string "~")
y <- (string "W" <|> string "U" <|> string "B")
z <- option "" (string "!")
case concat [x, y, z] of
"W" -> return W
"U" -> return U
"B" -> return B
"W!" -> return W'
"U!" -> return U'
"B!" -> return B'
"~W" -> return WPast
"~U" -> return UPast
"~B" -> return BPast
"~W!" -> return WPast'
"~U!" -> return UPast'
"~B!" -> return BPast')
pathUnary = (do char '('
x <- pathImpl
char ')'
return x)
<|> (do string "not"
liftM Pnot pathUnary)
<|> (do x <- option "" (string "~")
y <- (string "X" <|> string "G" <|> string "F")
z <- if concat [x, y] == "~X" then option "" (string "!")
else return ""
case concat [x, y, z] of
"X" -> liftM X pathUnary
"G" -> liftM G pathUnary
"F" -> liftM F pathUnary
"~X" -> liftM XPast pathUnary
"~G" -> liftM GPast pathUnary
"~F" -> liftM FPast pathUnary
"~X!" -> liftM XPast' pathUnary)
<|> liftM State state