MMiSSOntologyGraph.hs revision 4e9e95ba35a68f3c767bc0b23ebf9e904e442517
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2004-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(uni)
displays an ontology graph
module Taxonomy.MMiSSOntologyGraph (displayClassGraph) where
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.Char
import GUI.UDGUtils
import qualified GUI.HTkUtils as S
import Taxonomy.MMiSSOntology
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Lib.Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Basic
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS
import qualified GUI.AbstractGraphView as A
displayClassGraph :: MMiSSOntology -> Maybe String -> IO A.OurGraph
displayClassGraph onto startClass = do
S.initHTk []
ginfo <- A.initgraphs
classGraph <- case startClass of
Nothing -> return $ getPureClassGraph $ getClassGraph onto
Just className -> case gselName className $ getClassGraph onto of
[] -> return $ getPureClassGraph $ getClassGraph onto
(_, v, l, _) : _ -> return $ ([], v, l, []) & empty
A.Result gid _ <-
A.makegraph (getOntologyName onto) Nothing Nothing Nothing
[GlobalMenu (Button "Button2" (putStrLn "Button2 was pressed"))]
(map ( \ ( nam, col) -> (getTypeLabel nam, Box $$$ Color col $$$
createLocalMenu onto ginfo
$$$ ValueTitle ( \ (name, _, _) -> return name) $$$
emptyNodeTypeParms :: DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String, Int, Int)
)) [ (OntoClass, "#e0eeee")
, (OntoPredicate, "#ffd300")
, (OntoObject, "#ffffA0") ])
(createEdgeTypes $ getClassGraph onto)
updateDaVinciGraph classGraph gid ginfo
setEmptyRelationSpecs gid ginfo onto
A.Result gid' _ <- A.redisplay gid ginfo
graph <- A.get_graphid gid' ginfo
return graph
setEmptyRelationSpecs :: A.Descr -> A.GraphInfo -> MMiSSOntology -> IO ()
setEmptyRelationSpecs gid gv onto = do
(gs, _) <- readIORef gv
case lookup gid gs of
Nothing -> return ()
__ -> do
A.writeRelViewSpecs gid
(map ( \ relname -> A.RelViewSpec relname False False)
$ getRelationNames onto) gv
return ()
{- Klassengraph -> Objekte dazu (mit Links auf Klasse)
Klassengraph vorhanden -> Objektgraph als Input -> Objekte und
Links sowie 'instanceOf' einf�gen. Klassen vorhanden -> Objekte hinzu:
updateDaVinciGraph :: Gr (String, String, OntoObjectType) String -> A.Descr
-> A.GraphInfo -> IO ()
updateDaVinciGraph nGraph gid gv = do
(gs, _) <- readIORef gv
case lookup gid gs of
Nothing -> return ()
Just g -> do
let oldGraph = A.ontoGraph g
nMap = A.nodeMap g
nodeMap1 <- foldM (createNode gid gv oldGraph) nMap
$ labNodes nGraph
nodeMap2 <- foldM (createLink gid gv) nodeMap1 $ labEdges nGraph
A.Result gid' err <- A.writeOntoGraph gid nGraph gv
A.writeNodeMap gid' nodeMap2 gv
case err of
Nothing -> return ()
Just str -> putStr str
getTypeLabel :: OntoObjectType -> String
getTypeLabel t = case t of
OntoClass -> "class"
OntoObject -> "object"
OntoPredicate -> "predicate"
createNode :: Int -> A.GraphInfo -> ClassGraph -> A.NodeMapping
-> LNode (String, String, OntoObjectType) -> IO (A.NodeMapping)
createNode gid ginfo _ nMap (nodeID, (name, _, objectType)) =
case Map.lookup nodeID nMap of
Just(_) -> return nMap
Nothing ->
do A.Result nid err <-
A.addnode gid (getTypeLabel objectType) name ginfo
case err of
Nothing -> return (Map.insert nodeID nid nMap)
Just str -> do
putStr str
return $ Map.insert nodeID nid nMap
createLink :: A.Descr -> A.GraphInfo -> A.NodeMapping -> LEdge String
-> IO (A.NodeMapping)
createLink gid ginfo nMap (node1, node2, edgeLabel) = do
dNodeID_1 <- case Map.lookup node1 nMap of
Nothing -> return (-1)
Just n -> return n
dNodeID_2 <- case Map.lookup node2 nMap of
Nothing -> return (-1)
Just n -> return n
if dNodeID_1 == -1 || dNodeID_2 == -1 then return nMap else do
A.Result _ err <-
if edgeLabel == "isa" || edgeLabel == "instanceOf" ||
edgeLabel == "livesIn" || edgeLabel == "proves"
then A.addlink gid edgeLabel edgeLabel Nothing
dNodeID_2 dNodeID_1 ginfo
else A.addlink gid edgeLabel edgeLabel Nothing
dNodeID_1 dNodeID_2 ginfo
case err of
Nothing -> return ()
Just str -> putStr str
return nMap
showRelationsForVisible :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int)
-> IO ()
showRelationsForVisible onto gv (_, _, gid) =
do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv
case lookup gid gs of
Nothing -> return ()
Just g ->
do let oldGraph = A.ontoGraph g
nodesInOldGraph = map fst $ labNodes oldGraph
newGr = nfilter (`elem` nodesInOldGraph) $ getClassGraph onto
purgeGraph gid gv
updateDaVinciGraph newGr gid gv
A.redisplay gid gv
return ()
showObjectsForVisible :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int)
-> IO ()
showObjectsForVisible onto gv (_, _, gid) =
do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv
case lookup gid gs of
Nothing -> return ()
Just g ->
do let oldGraph = A.ontoGraph g
classesInOldGraph =
map ( \ (_, _, (className, _, _), _) -> className)
$ filter ( \ (_, _, (_, _, objectType), _)
-> objectType == OntoClass)
$ map (context oldGraph) $ nodes oldGraph
findObjectsOfClass classList (_, (_, className, _)) =
elem className classList
objectList =
map fst $ filter (findObjectsOfClass classesInOldGraph)
$ getTypedNodes [OntoObject] $ getClassGraph onto
objectGr = nfilter (`elem` objectList) (getClassGraph onto)
updateDaVinciGraph (makeObjectGraph oldGraph
(getPureClassGraph (getClassGraph onto))
objectGr) gid gv
A.redisplay gid gv
return ()
showWholeObjectGraph :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int)
-> IO ()
showWholeObjectGraph onto gv (_, _, gid) =
do oldGv <- readIORef gv
A.Result _ err <- purgeGraph gid gv
let objectList = map fst $ getTypedNodes [OntoObject] $ getClassGraph onto
objectGraph = nfilter (`elem` objectList) $ getClassGraph onto
updateDaVinciGraph (makeObjectGraph empty
(getClassGraph onto) objectGraph) gid gv
case err of
Just _ -> writeIORef gv oldGv
Nothing -> do
A.redisplay gid gv
return ()
{-- makeObjectGraph bekommt den alten Graphen, in den die Objekte und
deren Klassen einzubeziehen sind, den Klassen-Graphen, in dem alle
Klassen vorhanden sein sollten, sowie den Graphen mit den
einzuf�genden Objekten und deren Links �bergeben. Die Funktion geht
den Objektgraphen durch, f�gt die Objekt-Knoten in den alten Graphen
ein. F�r jeden eingef�gten Objekt-Knoten sucht die Funktion im
Klassengraphen dessen Klasse und f�gt diese als Klassen-Knoten
ebenfalls in den alten Graphen ein. Zwischen Klasse und Objekt wird
eine InstanceOf-Kante eingef�gt. Bei allen Einf�ge-Operationen wird
vorher gepr�ft, ob der Knoten schon drin war oder nicht. --}
makeObjectGraph :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> ClassGraph
makeObjectGraph oldGr classGr objectGr =
let newGr = insNodes (labNodes objectGr) oldGr
newGr2 = foldl insEdgeSecurely newGr (labEdges objectGr)
newGr3 = foldl insInstanceOfEdge newGr2 (labNodes objectGr)
in newGr3
insEdgeSecurely gr (node1,node2,label) = case match node1 gr of
(Nothing, _) -> gr
_ -> case match node2 gr of
(Nothing, _) -> gr
_ -> insEdge (node1,node2,label) gr
insInstanceOfEdge gr (_,(objectName, className,_)) =
case findLNode gr className of
Nothing -> case findLNode classGr className of
Nothing -> gr
Just classNodeID -> insInstanceOfEdge1
(insNode (classNodeID,(className, "", OntoClass)) gr)
classNodeID objectName
Just classNodeID -> insInstanceOfEdge1 gr classNodeID objectName
insInstanceOfEdge1 gr classNodeID objectName =
case findLNode gr objectName of
Nothing -> gr
Just objectNodeID -> insEdge
(objectNodeID, classNodeID, "instanceOf") gr
showWholeClassGraph :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int)
-> IO ()
showWholeClassGraph onto gv (_, _, gid) =
do oldGv <- readIORef gv
A.Result _ err <- purgeGraph gid gv
updateDaVinciGraph (getPureClassGraph (getClassGraph onto)) gid gv
case err of
Just _ -> writeIORef gv oldGv
Nothing -> do
A.redisplay gid gv
return ()
showRelationsToNeighbors :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> [String]
-> (String, Int, Int) -> IO ()
showRelationsToNeighbors onto gv rels (name, _, gid) =
do oldGv <- readIORef gv
updateDaVinciGraph (reduceToNeighbors (getClassGraph onto)
name rels) gid gv
writeIORef gv oldGv
reduceToNeighbors :: ClassGraph -> String -> [String] -> ClassGraph
reduceToNeighbors g name forbiddenRels =
case findLNode g name of
Nothing -> g
Just node ->
let (p, v, l, s) = context g node
noForbidden = not . (`elem` forbiddenRels) . fst
p' = filter noForbidden p
s' = filter noForbidden s
ns = map snd p' ++ map snd s'
myInsNode gr newGr nodeID = case match nodeID newGr of
(Nothing, _) ->
([], nodeID, lab' (context gr nodeID), []) & newGr
_ -> newGr
in (p', v, l, s') & foldl (myInsNode g) empty ns
showAllRelations :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> Bool -> [String]
-> (String, Int, Int) -> IO ()
showAllRelations onto gv withIncoming rels (name, _, gid) =
do oldGv <- readIORef gv
newGr <- return $ reduceToRelations (getClassGraph onto)
empty withIncoming rels name
updateDaVinciGraph newGr gid gv
writeIORef gv oldGv
{-- reduceToRelations bekommt den aktuellen Graph, einen Klassenknoten
darin sowie eine Liste mit Relationsnamen, die _nicht_ angezeigt
werden sollen, �bergeben. Ausgehend von dem Klassenknoten werden aus
dem Ontologiegraphen transitiv alle Klassenknoten ermittelt, die �ber
eine der nicht-ausgeblendeten Relationen erreicht werden k�nnen. Diese
werden (mit ihren Relationen zu ebenfalls neu hinzugef�gten Knoten) in
den aktuellen Graphen eingef�gt. Bez�ge zwischen neu eingef�gten
Knoten uns alten???? Im ersten Schritt werden transitiv alle Knoten
ermittelt, die mit dem ausgew�hlten Knoten in einer der nicht
verbotenen Beziehungen stehen. Dann wird rekursiv f�r jeden dieser
gefunden Knoten dessen direkte Subklassen ermittelt und f�r diese
wiederum die direkten Nachbarn ermittelt und aufgenommen.
g1 = Gesamter Ontologiegraph nach erlaubten Relationen gefiltert
nodeList = Alle Knoten der transitiven H�lle des ausgew�hlten Knotens
(delNodes toDelete g1) = Ontologiegraph reduziert auf die Knoten (und
Kanten) der transitiven H�lle
g2 = Merge aus dem aktuellen Graphen g und der transitiven H�lle von
newNodesList = Zu g neu hinzugekommene Knoten. --}
reduceToRelations :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> Bool -> [String] -> String
-> ClassGraph
reduceToRelations wholeGraph g withIncoming forbiddenRels name =
let g1 = elfilter (not . (`elem` forbiddenRels)) wholeGraph
in case findLNode g1 name of
Nothing -> g
Just selectedNode ->
let nodeList = if withIncoming
then udfs [selectedNode] g1
else dfs [selectedNode] g1
toDelete = nodes g1 \\ nodeList
g1' = delNodes toDelete g1
g2 = mergeGraphs g1' g
newNodesList = nodeList \\ nodes g
in if null newNodesList
then g2
else foldl (followRelationOverSubClasses wholeGraph
withIncoming forbiddenRels) g2 newNodesList
followRelationOverSubClasses :: ClassGraph -> Bool -> [String] -> ClassGraph
-> Node -> ClassGraph
followRelationOverSubClasses wholeGraph withIncoming forbiddenRels g node =
let g1 = elfilter (== "isa") wholeGraph
in case match node g1 of
(Nothing, _) -> g
_ ->
let subclasses = rdfs [node] g1
newNs = subclasses \\ nodes g
in if null newNs
then g
toDelete = nodes g1 \\ subclasses
g2 = mergeGraphs (delNodes toDelete g1) g
in foldl transClosureForNode g2 newNs
transClosureForNode g' n =
let (name, _, _) = lab' $ context wholeGraph n
in reduceToRelations wholeGraph g' withIncoming forbiddenRels name
mergeGraphs :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> ClassGraph
mergeGraphs g1 g2 =
insEdges (labEdges g2) $ insNodes (labNodes g2 \\ labNodes g1) g1
showSuperSubClassesForVisible :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> Bool -> Bool
-> (String, Int, Int) -> IO ()
showSuperSubClassesForVisible onto gv showSuper transitive (_, _, gid) =
do nodeList <- myGetNodes gid gv
if transitive
then updateDaVinciGraph
(foldl (getSubSuperClosure (getClassGraph onto) showSuper)
empty nodeList) gid gv
else updateDaVinciGraph
(foldl (getSubSuperSingle (getClassGraph onto) showSuper)
empty nodeList) gid gv
A.redisplay gid gv
return ()
reduceToThisNode :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO ()
reduceToThisNode onto gv (name, _, gid) = do
purgeGraph gid gv
case gselName name $ getClassGraph onto of
[] -> return ()
(_, v, l, _) : _ -> do
updateDaVinciGraph (([], v, l, []) & empty) gid gv
A.redisplay gid gv
return ()
purgeThisNode :: A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO ()
purgeThisNode gv (name, _, gid) =
do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv
case lookup gid gs of
Nothing -> return ()
Just g ->
do let oldGraph = A.ontoGraph g
nMap = A.nodeMap g
(_, mayNodeID) <-
case findLNode oldGraph name of
Nothing -> return (oldGraph, Nothing)
Just nodeID -> return (delNode nodeID oldGraph, Just nodeID)
case mayNodeID of
Nothing -> return ()
Just nodeID ->
case Map.lookup nodeID nMap of
Nothing -> return ()
Just node -> do
A.delnode gid node gv
A.redisplay gid gv
return ()
showSuperSubClasses :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> Bool -> Bool
-> (String, Int, Int) -> IO ()
showSuperSubClasses onto gv showSuper transitive (name, _, gid) =
do if transitive
then updateDaVinciGraph
(getSubSuperClosure (getClassGraph onto) showSuper empty name)
gid gv
else updateDaVinciGraph (getSubSuperSingle (getClassGraph onto)
showSuper empty name) gid gv
A.redisplay gid gv
return ()
getSubSuperSingle :: ClassGraph -> Bool -> ClassGraph -> String -> ClassGraph
getSubSuperSingle g showSuper newGr name =
case findLNode g name of
Nothing -> g
Just nodeID ->
let isaPred (_, _, a) = a == "isa"
subClassEdges = filter isaPred $ inn g nodeID
ng = foldl (insPredecessorAndEdge g)
(insertInitialNode nodeID newGr) subClassEdges
in if showSuper
then let superClassEdges = filter isaPred $ out g nodeID
in foldl (insSuccessorAndEdge g) ng superClassEdges
else ng
insertInitialNode :: Node -> ClassGraph -> ClassGraph
insertInitialNode nodeID gr =
case match nodeID gr of
(Nothing, _) -> ([], nodeID, (name,"",OntoClass),[]) & gr
_ -> gr
insPredecessorAndEdge :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> LEdge String
-> ClassGraph
insPredecessorAndEdge oldGr newGr' (fromNode, toNode, edgeLabel) =
case fst $ match fromNode oldGr of
Nothing -> newGr'
Just (_, _, nodeLabel1, _) ->
case match fromNode newGr' of
(Nothing, _) ->
([], fromNode, nodeLabel1, [(edgeLabel, toNode)]) & newGr'
(Just (p, fromNodeID, nodeLabel2, s), newGr2) ->
(p, fromNodeID, nodeLabel2, (edgeLabel, toNode) :s) & newGr2
insSuccessorAndEdge :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph -> LEdge String
-> ClassGraph
insSuccessorAndEdge oldGr newGr' (fromNode, toNode, edgeLabel) =
case fst $ match toNode oldGr of
Nothing -> newGr'
Just (_, _, (nodeLabel1, _, _), _) ->
case match toNode newGr' of
(Nothing, _) ->
([(edgeLabel, fromNode)], toNode, (nodeLabel1,"",OntoClass), [])
& newGr'
(Just (p, toNodeID, nodeLabel2, s), newGr2) ->
((edgeLabel, fromNode) : p, toNodeID, nodeLabel2, s) & newGr2
getSubSuperClosure :: ClassGraph -> Bool -> ClassGraph -> String -> ClassGraph
getSubSuperClosure g showSuper newGr name =
case findLNode g name of
Nothing -> g
Just nodeID ->
let ng = foldl subClassClosure newGr [nodeID]
in if showSuper
then foldl (superClassClosure nodeID) ng [nodeID]
else ng
superClassClosure :: Node -> ClassGraph -> Node -> ClassGraph
superClassClosure specialNodeID ng nodeID =
case fst $ match nodeID g of
Nothing -> ng
Just (_, _, (label, _, _), outAdj) ->
let isaAdj = filter ((== "isa") . fst) outAdj
ng1 = foldl (superClassClosure specialNodeID) ng
$ map snd isaAdj
in if nodeID == specialNodeID
then case match specialNodeID ng1 of
-- This should never be the case, but we somehow have to deal with it
(Nothing, _) -> (isaAdj, nodeID, (label, "", OntoClass), [])
& ng1
(Just (inAdj, _, _, _), ng2) ->
(inAdj, nodeID, (label, "", OntoClass), isaAdj) & ng2
else case match nodeID ng1 of
(Nothing, _) -> ([], nodeID, (label, "", OntoClass), isaAdj)
& ng1
(Just (inAdj, _, _, outAdj2), ng2) ->
(inAdj ++ isaAdj, nodeID, (label, "", OntoClass), outAdj2)
& ng2
{-- subClassClosure hunts transitively all isa-Ajacencies that goes
into the given node (nodeID). For all nodes collected, their
outgoing adjacencies are ignored because we only want to show the
isa-Relation to the superclass. The given specialNodeID is the ID
of the node from which the search for subclasses startet. Because
this node is already in the graph, we have to delete and reinsert
it with its outgoing adjacencies (which consists of the
isa-relations to it's superclasses, build by superClassClosure
beforehand). --}
subClassClosure :: ClassGraph -> Node -> ClassGraph
subClassClosure ng nodeID =
case fst $ match nodeID g of
Nothing -> ng
Just (inAdj, _, (label, _, _), _) ->
let isaAdj = filter ((== "isa") . fst) inAdj
ng1 = foldl subClassClosure ng $ map snd isaAdj
in case fst $ match nodeID ng1 of
Nothing -> (isaAdj, nodeID, (label, "", OntoClass), []) & ng1
_ -> ng1
hideObjectsForVisible :: A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO ()
hideObjectsForVisible gv (_, _, gid) =
do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv
case lookup gid gs of
Nothing -> return ()
Just g ->
do let oldGraph = A.ontoGraph g
objectNodeIDs = map ( \ (_, v, _, _) -> v) $
gselType (== OntoObject) oldGraph
purgeGraph gid gv
updateDaVinciGraph (nfilter (`notElem` objectNodeIDs) oldGraph)
gid gv
A.redisplay gid gv
return ()
createEdgeTypes :: ClassGraph -> [(String,DaVinciArcTypeParms A.EdgeValue)]
createEdgeTypes g = map createEdgeType
$ nub (map ( \ (_, _, l) -> l) $ labEdges g) ++ ["instanceOf"]
createEdgeType str =
case str of
"isa" ->
$$$ Head "oarrow"
$$$ Dir "first"
$$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms A.EdgeValue)
"instanceOf" ->
$$$ Dir "first"
$$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms A.EdgeValue)
_ -> -- "contains"
$$$ Head "arrow"
$$$ ValueTitle (\ (name, _, _) -> return name)
$$$ emptyArcTypeParms :: DaVinciArcTypeParms A.EdgeValue)
createLocalMenu :: MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo -> LocalMenu (String, Int, Int)
createLocalMenu onto ginfo =
let relMenus b =
createRelationMenuButtons b (getRelationNames onto) onto ginfo
allRels f b = [ Button "All relations" $ f onto ginfo b ["isa"]
, Blank ] ++ relMenus b
superSub' f b1 b2 = Button
(if b1 then "Sub/Superclasses" else "Subclasses")
$ f onto ginfo b1 b2
superSub = superSub' showSuperSubClasses
superSubForVis = superSub' showSuperSubClassesForVisible
relMen f = Menu (Just "Show relations")
[ Menu (Just "Outgoing") $ f False
, Menu (Just "Out + In") $ f True ]
nodeMen f b l = Menu (Just $ "Show "
++ if b then "transitively" else "adjacent")
$ [ f False b, f True b ] ++ l
in LocalMenu $ Menu Nothing $
[ Menu (Just "For this node")
[ nodeMen superSub True [relMen $ allRels showAllRelations]
, nodeMen superSub False
[relMen $ allRels ( \ o g _ -> showRelationsToNeighbors o g)]
, Menu (Just "For visible nodes")
[ nodeMen superSubForVis True []
, nodeMen superSubForVis False []
, Blank
, Button "Show relations" $ showRelationsForVisible onto ginfo
, Blank
, Button "Show objects" $ showObjectsForVisible onto ginfo
, Button "Hide objects" $ hideObjectsForVisible ginfo
, Button "Show whole class graph" $ showWholeClassGraph onto ginfo
, Button "Show whole object graph" $ showWholeObjectGraph onto ginfo
, Button "Show relations" $ showRelationDialog ginfo
, Button "Reduce to this node" $ reduceToThisNode onto ginfo
, Button "Delete this node" $ purgeThisNode ginfo
createRelationMenuButtons :: Bool -> [String] -> MMiSSOntology -> A.GraphInfo
-> [MenuPrim a ((String, Int, Int) -> IO ())]
createRelationMenuButtons withIncomingRels relNames onto ginfo =
map createButton relNames
createButton name = Button name
$ showAllRelations onto ginfo withIncomingRels
$ delete name $ relNames ++ ["isa"]
myDeleteNode :: A.Descr -> A.GraphInfo -> A.Result
-> (Int, (String, DaVinciNode (String, Int, Int)))
-> IO A.Result
myDeleteNode gid gv _ node = A.delnode gid (fst node) gv
purgeGraph :: Int -> A.GraphInfo -> IO (A.Result)
purgeGraph gid gv =
do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv
case lookup gid gs of
Just g -> do
A.writeOntoGraph gid empty gv
A.writeNodeMap gid Map.empty gv
foldM (myDeleteNode gid gv) (A.Result 0 Nothing)
$ Map.toList $ A.nodes g
Nothing -> return $ A.Result 0 $ Just $
"Graph id " ++ show gid ++ " not found"
myGetNodes :: Int -> A.GraphInfo -> IO ([String])
myGetNodes gid gv =
do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv
case lookup gid gs of
Just g -> return $ map ( \ (_, (name, _, _)) -> name)
$ labNodes $ A.ontoGraph g
Nothing -> return []
getPureClassGraph :: ClassGraph -> ClassGraph
getPureClassGraph g =
let classNodeList = map fst
$ getTypedNodes [OntoClass, OntoPredicate] g
in nfilter (`elem` classNodeList) g
nfilter :: DynGraph gr => (Node -> Bool) -> gr a b -> gr a b
nfilter f = ufold cfilter empty
where cfilter (p, v, l, s) g =
if f v then (p', v, l, s') & g else g
where p' = filter (f . snd) p
s' = filter (f . snd) s
getTypedNodes :: [OntoObjectType] -> ClassGraph
-> [LNode (String, String, OntoObjectType)]
getTypedNodes ts g = map labNode' $ gselType (`elem` ts) g
showRelationDialog :: A.GraphInfo -> (String, Int, Int) -> IO ()
showRelationDialog gv (_ , _,gid) =
do (gs, _) <- readIORef gv
case lookup gid gs of
Nothing -> return ()
Just g ->
do let rvs = A.relViewSpecs g
specEntries = S.row $ map relSpecToFormEntry rvs
form = firstRow S.// specEntries
S.doForm "Show relations" form
return ()
firstRow = S.newFormEntry "" () S.\\ S.newFormEntry "Show" ()
S.\\ S.newFormEntry "Transitive" ()
relSpecToFormEntry (A.RelViewSpec relname b1 b2) =
S.newFormEntry relname () S.\\ S.newFormEntry "" b1
S.\\ S.newFormEntry "" b2