MMiSSOntology.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2004-2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Control.Monad.Error)
MMiSSOntology provides the abstract data type for an Ontology
Within the MMiSS project a language for defining and representing
ontologies has been created. In general classes, relations, predicates
and operations between classes, objects and links between objects can
be expressed. Inheritance is possible for classes and
relations. Further details about ontologies in MMiSS are given in the
paper "Semantic Interrelation with Ontologies".
At the moment, the module ist designed for storing ontologies in the
"MMiSS sense". Later on, it should be investigated, if it is
reasonable to adapt the module for OWL or KIF ontologies.
The module defines a data type \tt{MMISSOntology} which stores all
information contained in a MMiSS-Ontology. \tt{emptyMMiSSOntology}
provides a fresh, clean ontology labeld with the delivered name. After
creating an empty ontology, the insertion functions () should be used
to fill the ontology. -}
module Taxonomy.MMiSSOntology
( MMiSSOntology
, ClassName
, ClassGraph
, ObjectName
, SuperClass
, DefaultText
, Cardinality
, SuperRel
, RelName
, RelationProperty (..)
, InsertMode (..)
, OntoObjectType (..)
, ClassType (..)
, weither
, fromWithError
, WithError
, emptyMMiSSOntology
, insertClass
, insertObject
, insertBaseRelation
, insertRelationType
, insertLink
, isComplete
, exportOWL
, getOntologyName
, getRelationNames
, getClassGraph
, getRelationGraph
, hasError
, hasValue
, gselName
, gselType
, findLNode
) where
import Control.Monad.Error ()
import Data.List
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Basic
import Common.Lib.Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Taxonomy
type ClassName = String
type ObjectName = String
type SuperClass = String
type DefaultText = String
type Cardinality = String
type SuperRel = String
type RelName = String
type RelationText = String
type AutoInserted = Bool
type WithError = Either String
type ClassGraph = Gr (String, String, OntoObjectType) String
hasError :: String -> WithError a
hasError = Left
hasValue :: a -> WithError a
hasValue = Right
-- | like either
weither :: (String -> b) -> (a -> b) -> WithError a -> b
weither = either
-- | convert to another monad
fromWithError :: (Monad m) => WithError a -> m a
fromWithError = either fail return
data RelationProperty = InversOf String | Functional deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
{- -
AutoInsert: When a new class is to be inserted and the given
SuperClass is not present in the ontology, it is
automatically inserted with just it's name. The caller
can later on insert the missing class without getting
an error message (the class information is beeing
updated). The same happens if a SuperRelation is not
present when a new relation is inserted.
ThrowError: The insertClass or insertRelation function calls will
throw an error instead of performing an autoinsert.
- -}
data InsertMode = AutoInsert | ThrowError deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data ClassType = SubSort | Predicate deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data MMiSSOntology = MMiSSOntology
{ getOntologyName :: String
, classes :: Map.Map String ClassDecl
, objects :: Map.Map String ObjectDecl
, relations :: Map.Map String RelationDecl
, objectLinks :: [ObjectLink]
, mode :: InsertMode
, getClassGraph :: ClassGraph
, getRelationGraph :: Gr String String }
data ClassDecl = ClassDecl
[(RelName, [ClassName])]
(Maybe ClassType)
data ObjectDecl = ObjectDecl ObjectName DefaultText ClassName
data RelationDecl = RelationDecl
(Maybe Cardinality)
(Maybe SuperRel)
data RelationTypeDecl = RelationTypeDecl ClassName ClassName
data ObjectLink = ObjectLink ObjectName ObjectName RelName
emptyMMiSSOntology :: String -> InsertMode -> MMiSSOntology
emptyMMiSSOntology ontoName insertMode = MMiSSOntology
{ getOntologyName = ontoName
, classes = Map.empty
, objects = Map.empty
, relations = Map.empty
, objectLinks = []
, mode = insertMode
, getClassGraph = empty
, getRelationGraph = empty }
getRelationNames :: MMiSSOntology -> [String]
getRelationNames = Map.keys . relations
insError :: String -> String -> WithError a
insError s r = hasError $ "Insertion of " ++ s ++ r
insErr :: String -> WithError a
insErr str = insError str " doesn't exist in the Ontology.\n"
mkMsgStr :: String -> String -> String -> WithError a
mkMsgStr str nam e = insErr $
map toLower str ++ ": " ++ nam ++ " -> " ++ str ++ e
writeErr :: String -> String -> WithError a
writeErr str nam = mkMsgStr str nam
" is properly defined and can't be overridden. (AutoInsert is on).\n"
dupErr :: String -> String -> WithError a
dupErr str nam = mkMsgStr str nam
" is already defined in Ontology.\n"
insertClass :: MMiSSOntology -> ClassName -> DefaultText -> [SuperClass]
-> Maybe ClassType -> WithError MMiSSOntology
insertClass onto className optText superCs maybeType =
(myInsertClass className optText superCs maybeType)
( \ (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ auto _) ->
case mode onto of
AutoInsert ->
if auto
then myInsertClass className optText superCs maybeType
else writeErr "Class" className
_ -> dupErr "Class" className)
$ Map.lookup className $ classes onto
myInsertClass cn opt super classType =
let class1 = (cn, ClassDecl cn opt super [] False classType)
in case super of
[] -> addClasses' [class1] super
superClasses ->
let undefSC =
filter ( \ sC -> not $ Map.member sC $ classes onto)
sClassDecls =
map ( \ sC -> (sC, ClassDecl sC "" [] []
True Nothing)) undefSC
in if null undefSC
then addClasses' [class1] super
else case mode onto of
AutoInsert -> addClasses' (class1 : sClassDecls) super
_ -> insErr $ "class: " ++ cn ++
" -> Superclass " ++ show undefSC
addClasses' :: [(String, ClassDecl)] -> [SuperClass]
-> WithError MMiSSOntology
addClasses' cList superCls =
let g = getClassGraph onto
newgraph =
case cList of
[] -> g
[(classNam, ClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ cType)] ->
let (g1, node1) = getInsNode g classNam cType
in foldl (addIsaEdge node1) g1 superCls
(subClass, ClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ subcType) : _ ->
let (g1, node1) = getInsNode g subClass subcType
in foldl (insClass node1) g1 superCls
in hasValue $ (addOnlyClasses onto cList) { getClassGraph = newgraph }
getInsNode g cl clType =
maybe (let n : _ = newNodes 1 g
in (insNode (n, (cl, "", getClassNodeType clType)) g, n))
(\ node -> (g, node))
(findLNode g cl)
insClass node1 g1 sC =
case getInsNode g1 sC Nothing of
{- at this place all autoinserted classes have type
Nothing (s. def. of sClassDecls) -}
(g2, node2) -> insEdge (node1, node2, "isa") g2
addIsaEdge node1 g1 =
maybe g1 (\ sNode -> insEdge (node1, sNode, "isa") g1)
. findLNode g1
getClassNodeType = maybe OntoClass ( \ cType -> case cType of
Predicate -> OntoPredicate
_ -> OntoClass)
addRelations :: MMiSSOntology -> [(String, RelationDecl)] -> MMiSSOntology
addRelations o rList = o
{ relations = Map.union (relations o) $ Map.fromList rList }
{- | inserts a new Relation into the Ontology. It throws an error if
the relation name already exists. -}
insertBaseRelation :: MMiSSOntology -> RelName -> DefaultText
-> Maybe SuperRel -> Maybe Cardinality
-> WithError MMiSSOntology
insertBaseRelation onto relName defText superRel card =
case Map.lookup relName (relations onto) of
Nothing -> myInsertRel relName defText superRel card
Just (RelationDecl _ _ _ _ _ auto) ->
case mode onto of
AutoInsert ->
if auto
then myInsertRel relName defText superRel card
else writeErr "Relation" relName
_ -> dupErr "Relation" relName
addRels = hasValue . addRelations onto
myInsertRel rn def super c =
let rel1 = (rn, RelationDecl rn c def [] super False)
in case super of
Nothing -> addRels [rel1]
Just superR ->
if Map.member superR $ relations onto
then addRels [rel1]
else case mode onto of
AutoInsert ->
let rel2 = (superR, RelationDecl superR Nothing ""
[] Nothing True)
in addRels [rel1, rel2]
_ -> insErr $ "relation: " ++ rn ++
" -> Superrelation " ++ superR
addOnlyClasses :: MMiSSOntology -> [(String, ClassDecl)] -> MMiSSOntology
addOnlyClasses o cList =
o { classes = Map.union (classes o) $ Map.fromList cList }
addClasses :: MMiSSOntology -> [(String, ClassDecl)] -> MMiSSOntology
addClasses o cList = (addOnlyClasses o cList)
{ getClassGraph = foldl addClassNodeWithoutDecl (getClassGraph o) cList }
insertClasses :: MMiSSOntology -> ClassName -> String
-> WithError MMiSSOntology
insertClasses o className str = case Map.lookup className $ classes o of
Nothing -> case mode o of
AutoInsert -> return $ addClasses o
[(className, ClassDecl className "" [] [] True Nothing)]
_ -> insErr $ str ++ className
_ -> return o
{- | inserts a new RelationType declaration into the Ontology. It
throws an error if the relation name doesn't exist. -}
insertRelationType :: MMiSSOntology -> RelName -> ClassName -> ClassName
-> WithError MMiSSOntology
insertRelationType onto relName source target =
do o1 <- lookupClass onto source
o2 <- lookupClass o1 target
o3 <- case Map.lookup relName (relations o2) of
Nothing -> case mode o2 of
AutoInsert -> return $ addRelations o2
[(relName, RelationDecl relName Nothing "" [] Nothing True)]
_ -> insErr $ "relation type: Relation " ++ relName
Just (RelationDecl nam card defText typeList super inserted) ->
let newType = RelationTypeDecl source target
newRel = RelationDecl nam card defText
(typeList ++ [newType]) super inserted
in return (addRelations o2 [(nam, newRel)])
addEdge o3 (getClassGraph o3) relName source target
lookupClass o className =
case Map.lookup className $ classes o of
Nothing -> insertClasses o className "relation type: Class "
Just (ClassDecl cn defT sup typeList ai classType) ->
if cn == source
then let mayTypeDecl = find ((relName ==) . fst) typeList
newClassList = case mayTypeDecl of
Just (_, clist) -> clist ++ [target]
Nothing -> [target]
newTypeList = deleteBy isEqualTypelist (relName, [])
typeList ++ [(relName, newClassList)]
in return (addClasses o
[(className, ClassDecl cn defT sup newTypeList
ai classType)])
else return o
addEdge ontol g rel src tar =
case findLNode g src of
Nothing -> return ontol
Just snode -> case findLNode g tar of
Nothing -> return ontol
Just tnode -> return ontol
{ getClassGraph = insEdge (snode, tnode, rel) g }
isEqualTypelist :: (RelName, [ClassName]) -> (RelName, [ClassName]) -> Bool
isEqualTypelist (r1, _) (r2, _) = r1 == r2
insertObject :: MMiSSOntology -> ObjectName -> DefaultText -> ClassName
-> WithError MMiSSOntology
insertObject onto objectName defText className =
do o1 <- if Map.member objectName (objects onto)
then hasError ("Insertion of object: " ++ objectName
++ " already exists.")
else return onto
o2 <- insertClasses o1 className $
"object: " ++ objectName ++ " -> Class "
return onto
{ classes = classes o2
, objects = Map.insert objectName
(ObjectDecl objectName defText className) $ objects onto
, getClassGraph = addObjectToGraph objectName className
$ getClassGraph onto }
addObjectToGraph nam classNam g =
case findLNode g nam of
Nothing -> let n : _ = newNodes 1 g
in insNode (n, ("_" ++ nam ++ "_", classNam,
OntoObject)) g
Just _ -> g
{- | inserts a new link of type RelationName between the two given
objects. Throws an error if RelationName, SourceObject or
TargetObject doesn't exist. -}
insertLink :: MMiSSOntology -> String -> String -> String
-> WithError MMiSSOntology
insertLink onto source target relName = do
let objs = objects onto
case Map.lookup source objs of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> insErr' "Object" source
case Map.lookup target objs of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> insErr' "Object" target
case Map.lookup relName $ relations onto of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing -> insErr' "Relation" relName
return onto
{ objectLinks = objectLinks onto ++ [ObjectLink source target relName]
, getClassGraph = addObjectLinkToGraph source target
relName $ getClassGraph onto }
insErr' str val =
insErr $ map toLower str ++ " link: " ++ str ++ " " ++ val
addObjectLinkToGraph src tar relNam g =
case findLNode g $ "_" ++ src ++ "_" of
Nothing -> g
Just sNode -> case findLNode g $ "_" ++ tar ++ "_" of
Nothing -> g
Just tNode -> insEdge (sNode, tNode, relNam) g
{- | is checking ontologies which have been created in AutoInsert
mode. For these ontologies there could be classes and relations
that were inserted automatically rather than defined properly
via insertClass or insertRelation. If the InsertMode of the
provided ontology is 'ThrowError' returns an empty list. If
there are no classes or relations with AutoInserted mark returns
also an empty list, otherwise it returns a list of error
messages stating, which class or which relation definition is
missing. -}
isComplete :: MMiSSOntology -> [String]
isComplete onto = case mode onto of
ThrowError -> []
_ -> Map.foldWithKey checkClass [] (classes onto)
++ Map.foldWithKey checkRel [] (relations onto)
mkMsg str nam = [str ++ nam ++ " is not properly defined."]
checkClass className (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ inserted _) l =
if inserted then l ++ mkMsg "Class " className else l
checkRel relName (RelationDecl _ _ _ _ _ inserted) l =
if inserted then l ++ mkMsg "Relation " relName else l
exportOWL :: MMiSSOntology -> String
exportOWL onto =
let startStr = owlStart $ getOntologyName onto
relationsStr = foldl writeOWLRelation "" $ Map.elems $ relations onto
classesStr = foldl writeOWLClass "" $ Map.elems $ classes onto
objectsStr = foldl writeOWLObject "" $ Map.elems $ objects onto
linksStr = foldl writeOWLLink "" $ objectLinks onto
endStr = "</rdf:RDF>"
in startStr ++ classesStr ++ relationsStr ++ objectsStr ++ linksStr ++ endStr
writeOWLLink :: String -> ObjectLink -> String
writeOWLLink inStr (ObjectLink object1 object2 relName) =
let start = "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"#" ++ object1 ++ "\">\n"
propStr = "<" ++ relName ++ " rdf:resource=\"#" ++ object2 ++ "\"/>\n"
end = "</rdf:Description>\n"
in inStr ++ start ++ propStr ++ end
writeOWLObject :: String -> ObjectDecl -> String
writeOWLObject inStr (ObjectDecl nam defText instanceOf) =
let start = "<rdf:Description" ++ " rdf:about=\"#" ++ nam ++ "\">\n"
defTextStr = "<MPhrase>" ++ latexToEntity defText ++ "</MPhrase>\n"
classStr = "<rdf:type>\n <owl:Class rdf:about=\"#" ++ instanceOf
++ "\"/>\n</rdf:type>"
end = "</rdf:Description>"
in inStr ++ start ++ defTextStr ++ classStr ++ end
writeOWLClass :: String -> ClassDecl -> String
writeOWLClass inStr (ClassDecl nam defText super relTypes _ _) =
let start = "<owl:Class rdf:ID=\"" ++ nam ++ "\">\n"
defTextStr = " <MPhrase>" ++ latexToEntity defText ++ "</MPhrase>\n"
superStr =
concatMap (\ str -> "<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=\"#" ++
str ++ "\"/>\n" ) super
propertyRestrictions = foldl writePropRestriction "" relTypes
end = "</owl:Class>\n"
in inStr ++ start ++ defTextStr ++ superStr ++ propertyRestrictions ++ end
writePropRestriction :: String -> (RelName, [ClassName]) -> String
writePropRestriction inStr (relName, classList) =
case classList of
[] -> inStr
[hd] -> let
start = "<rdfs:subClassOf>\n <owl:Restriction>\n"
classStr = " <owl:allValuesFrom>\n" ++
" <owl:Class rdf:about=\"#" ++ hd
++ "\"/>\n" ++
" </owl:allValuesFrom>\n"
onPropStr = " <owl:onProperty>\n"
++ " <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=\"#"
++ relName ++ "\"/>\n"
++ " </owl:onProperty>\n"
end = " </owl:Restriction>\n</rdfs:subClassOf>\n"
in inStr ++ start ++ onPropStr ++ classStr ++ end
_ -> let start = "<rdfs:subClassOf>\n <owl:Restriction>\n " ++
"<owl:onProperty>\n" ++
" <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about=\"#" ++ relName ++
"\"/>\n" ++
" </owl:onProperty>\n" ++
" <owl:allValuesFrom>\n" ++
" <owl:Class>\n" ++
" <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType=\"Collection\">\n"
restrictions = foldl writeSingleClassRestriction "" classList
end = "</owl:unionOf>\n</owl:Class>\n</owl:allValuesFrom>\n" ++
in inStr ++ start ++ restrictions ++ end
writeSingleClassRestriction :: String -> ClassName -> String
writeSingleClassRestriction inStr className =
inStr ++ "<owl:Class rdf:about=\"#" ++ className ++ "\"/>\n"
writeOWLRelation :: String -> RelationDecl -> String
writeOWLRelation inStr (RelationDecl relName card relText _ super _) =
let start = "<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID=\"" ++ relName ++ "\">\n"
propStr = case card of
Just "->" -> " <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;FunctionalProperty\"/>"
Just ">" -> " <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;TransitiveProperty\"/>"
Just ">=" -> " <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;TransitiveProperty\"/>"
Just "=" -> " <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;TransitiveProperty\"/>"
++ " <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;SymmetricProperty\"/>"
Just "<->" -> " <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;FunctionalProperty\"/>"
++ " <rdf:type rdf:resource=\"&owl;InverseFunctionalProperty\"/>"
_ -> ""
cardStr = case card of
Just str -> " <MCardinality>" ++ latexToEntity str
++ "</MCardinality>\n"
Nothing -> ""
defText = " <MPhrase>" ++ relText ++ "</MPhrase>\n"
superStr = case super of
Just str -> " <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource=\"#" ++ str
++ "\"/>\n"
Nothing -> ""
end = "</owl:ObjectProperty>\n"
in inStr ++ start ++ propStr ++ cardStr ++ defText ++ superStr ++ end
owlStart :: String -> String
owlStart nam = unlines
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
, "<!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF ["
, " <!ENTITY rdf \"\">"
, " <!ENTITY rdfs \"\" >"
, " <!ENTITY xsd \"\" >"
, " <!ENTITY owl \"\">"
, " ]>"
, "<rdf:RDF"
, "xmlns:rdf=\"&rdf;\""
, "xmlns:rdfs=\"&rdfs;\""
, "xmlns:owl=\"&owl;\""
, "xmlns:vcard=\"\""
, "xmlns:daml=\"\""
, "xmlns:dc=\"\""
, "xmlns=\"" ++ nam ++ ".owl\">"
, "<owl:Ontology rdf:about=\"" ++ nam ++ "\">"
, "<rdfs:comment>OWL ontology created by MMiSS OntoTool v0.2. " ++
"For more information about the MMiSS project please visit " ++
"</rdfs:comment>" ++
, " <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:ID=\"MPhrase\">"
, " <rdfs:range rdf:resource=" ++
, " <rdf:type rdf:resource=" ++
, " </owl:AnnotationProperty>"
, " <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:ID=\"MCardinality\">"
, " <rdfs:range rdf:resource=" ++
, " <rdf:type rdf:resource=" ++
, " </owl:AnnotationProperty>"
latexToEntityList :: [(String, String)]
latexToEntityList = [("<", "&#38;#60;"), (">", "&#62;"), ("&", "&#38;#38;")]
++ [("'", "&#39;"), ("\"", "&#34;")]
latexToEntity :: String -> String
latexToEntity inStr = foldl (applyTranslation "") inStr latexToEntityList
applyTranslation :: String -> String -> (String, String) -> String
applyTranslation outStr inStr (search, replaceStr)
| lenInStr < lenSearch = outStr ++ inStr
| isPrefixOf search inStr = applyTranslation (outStr ++ replaceStr)
(genericDrop lenSearch inStr) (search, replaceStr)
| otherwise = applyTranslation (outStr ++ take 1 inStr)
(drop 1 inStr) (search, replaceStr)
lenInStr = genericLength inStr
lenSearch = genericLength search :: Integer
gselLab :: ((String, String, OntoObjectType) -> Bool) -> ClassGraph
-> [Context (String, String, OntoObjectType) String]
gselLab f = gsel ( \ (_, _, l, _) -> f l)
gselName :: String -> ClassGraph
-> [Context (String, String, OntoObjectType) String]
gselName n = gselLab ( \ (l, _, _) -> n == l)
gselType :: (OntoObjectType -> Bool) -> ClassGraph
-> [Context (String, String, OntoObjectType) String]
gselType f = gselLab ( \ (_, _, t) -> f t)
findLNode :: ClassGraph -> String -> Maybe Node
findLNode gr label = case gselName label gr of
[] -> Nothing
hd : _ -> Just $ node' hd
{- | Insert a class-node into the graph. The ClassDecl doesn't have to
be considered, because classes added here have no Superclass (they are
inserted in AutoInsert-Mode). -}
addClassNodeWithoutDecl :: ClassGraph -> (String, ClassDecl) -> ClassGraph
addClassNodeWithoutDecl g (cn, _) = case findLNode g cn of
Just _ -> g
Nothing ->
let node : _ = newNodes 1 g
in insNode (node, (cn, "", OntoClass)) g