Sign.hs revision 7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7f
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : ./TPTP/Sign.hs
Description : Data structures representing TPTP signatures.
Copyright : (c) Eugen Kuksa University of Magdeburg 2017
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Eugen Kuksa <>
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic)
Data structures representing TPTP signatures.
module TPTP.Sign where
import TPTP.AS
import Common.Id
import Data.Data
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type Sentence = Annotated_formula
data Symbol = Symbol { symbolId :: Token
, symbolType :: SymbolType
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Data, Typeable)
instance GetRange Symbol where
getRange = Range . rangeSpan
rangeSpan = tokenRange . symbolId
data SymbolType = Constant
| Number
| Predicate
| Proposition
| Function
| TypeConstant
| TypeFunctor
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Data, Typeable)
instance GetRange SymbolType
symbolTypeS :: Symbol -> String
symbolTypeS = show . symbolType
type ConstantSet = Set.Set Constant
type FunctorMap = Map.Map TPTP_functor FunctorType
type NumberSet = Set.Set Number
type PropositionSet = Set.Set Proposition
type THFTypeDeclarationMap = Map.Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
type TFFTypeDeclarationMap = Map.Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
type THFPredicateMap = THFTypeDeclarationMap
type TFFPredicateMap = TFFTypeDeclarationMap
type FOFPredicateMap = Map.Map Predicate (Set.Set Int)
type FOFFunctorMap = Map.Map TPTP_functor (Set.Set Int)
type THFTypeConstantMap = THFTypeDeclarationMap
type TFFTypeConstantMap = TFFTypeDeclarationMap
type THFTypeFunctorMap = THFTypeDeclarationMap
type TFFTypeFunctorMap = TFFTypeDeclarationMap
type THFSubTypeMap = Map.Map THF_atom THF_atom
type TFFSubTypeMap = Map.Map Untyped_atom Atom
data THFTypeable = THFTypeFormula THF_typeable_formula
| THFTypeConstant Constant
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
data FunctorType = FunctorTHF THF_arguments
| FunctorFOF FOF_arguments
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
data PredicateType = PredicateType FOF_arguments
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
data Type_functorType = Type_functorType TFF_type_arguments
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
data Sign = Sign { constantSet :: ConstantSet
, numberSet :: NumberSet
, propositionSet :: PropositionSet
, thfSubtypeMap :: THFSubTypeMap
, tffSubtypeMap :: TFFSubTypeMap
, thfPredicateMap :: THFPredicateMap
, tffPredicateMap :: TFFPredicateMap
, fofPredicateMap :: FOFPredicateMap
, fofFunctorMap :: FOFFunctorMap
, thfTypeConstantMap :: THFTypeConstantMap
, tffTypeConstantMap :: TFFTypeConstantMap
, thfTypeFunctorMap :: THFTypeFunctorMap
, tffTypeFunctorMap :: TFFTypeFunctorMap
-- The following maps are just temporary and ignored after
-- static analysis in favor of thfPreficateMap, thfTypeFunctorMap,
-- tffPredicateMap and tffTypeFunctorMap
, thfTypeDeclarationMap :: THFTypeDeclarationMap
, tffTypeDeclarationMap :: TFFTypeDeclarationMap
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
emptySign :: Sign
emptySign = Sign { constantSet = Set.empty
, numberSet = Set.empty
, propositionSet = Set.empty
, thfSubtypeMap = Map.empty
, tffSubtypeMap = Map.empty
, thfPredicateMap = Map.empty
, tffPredicateMap = Map.empty
, fofPredicateMap = Map.empty
, fofFunctorMap = Map.empty
, thfTypeConstantMap = Map.empty
, tffTypeConstantMap = Map.empty
, thfTypeFunctorMap = Map.empty
, tffTypeFunctorMap = Map.empty
, thfTypeDeclarationMap = Map.empty
, tffTypeDeclarationMap = Map.empty
negateSentence :: Sentence -> Maybe Sentence
negateSentence sen = case sen of
AF_THF_Annotated (THF_annotated n r f a) -> case negate_thf f of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just f' -> Just $ AF_THF_Annotated $ THF_annotated n r f' a
AF_TFX_Annotated (TFX_annotated _ _ _ _) -> Nothing -- Todo: Check if this is possible somehow
AF_TFF_Annotated (TFF_annotated n r f a) -> case negate_tff f of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just f' -> Just $ AF_TFF_Annotated $ TFF_annotated n r f' a
AF_TCF_Annotated (TCF_annotated _ _ _ _) -> Nothing -- Todo: break out of TCF
AF_FOF_Annotated (FOF_annotated n r f a) -> case negate_fof f of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just f' -> Just $ AF_FOF_Annotated $ FOF_annotated n r f' a
AF_CNF_Annotated (CNF_annotated _ _ _ _) -> Nothing -- Todo: break out of CNF
AF_TPI_Annotated (TPI_annotated n r f a) -> case negate_fof f of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just f' -> Just $ AF_TPI_Annotated $ TPI_annotated n r f' a
negate_thf :: THF_formula -> Maybe THF_formula
negate_thf formula = case formula of
THFF_logic lf ->
Just $ THFF_logic $ THFLF_unitary $
THFUF_unary $ THF_unary_formula (THFUC_unary NOT) lf
_ -> Nothing
negate_tff :: TFF_formula -> Maybe TFF_formula
negate_tff formula = case formula of
TFFF_logic lf -> Just $ TFFF_logic $ TFFLF_unitary $ TFFUF_unary $
TFFUF_connective NOT $ TFFUF_logic lf
_ -> Nothing
negate_fof :: FOF_formula -> Maybe FOF_formula
negate_fof formula = case formula of
FOFF_logic lf -> Just $ FOFF_logic $ FOFLF_unitary $ FOFUF_unary $
FOFUF_connective NOT $ FOFUF_logic lf
_ -> Nothing