ProofParser.hs revision 7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7f
{- |
Module : ./TPTP/Prover/ProofParser.hs
Description : Parses a TPTP proof.
Copyright : (c) Eugen Kuksa University of Magdeburg 2017
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Eugen Kuksa <>
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic)
module TPTP.Prover.ProofParser ( axiomsFromProofObject
, filterProofLines
, findSZS
) where
import TPTP.AS ( Annotated_formula
, Formula_role (..)
, Annotations (..)
, Source (..)
, External_source (..)
, File_source (..)
, formulaRole
, annotations )
import TPTP.Parser (annotated_formula)
import TPTP.Pretty ()
import Common.DocUtils
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Maybe
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
axiomsFromProofObject :: [String] -> ([String], [String])
axiomsFromProofObject =
foldr addIfAxiom ([], []) . map parseFormulae . splitFormulae . unlines
splitFormulae :: String -> [String]
splitFormulae = init . map (\ s -> s ++ ").\n") . splitOn ").\n"
parseFormulae :: String -> Either String Annotated_formula
parseFormulae text = case runParser annotated_formula () "" text of
Right formula -> Right formula
Left err -> Left ("Warning: unable to parse proof:\n" ++
"Formula in the proof: " ++ text ++ "\n" ++
"Error: " ++ show err ++ "\n")
addIfAxiom :: Either String Annotated_formula
-> ([String], [String]) -> ([String], [String])
addIfAxiom formulaOrError (axiomNames, parserErrors) =
case formulaOrError of
Left err -> (axiomNames, err : parserErrors)
Right formula -> (getAxiomName formula ++ axiomNames, parserErrors)
getAxiomName :: Annotated_formula -> [String]
getAxiomName formula = case (formulaRole formula, annotations formula) of
(Axiom, (Annotations mAnnos)) -> case mAnnos of
Just (Source_external (ExtSrc_file (File_source _ (Just fileInfo))),_) ->
[show $ pretty fileInfo]
_ -> []
_ -> []
-- Find the SZS status line
findSZS :: [String] -> String
findSZS = fst . foldl' checkLine ("Could not determine SZS status", False)
checkLine :: (String, Bool) -> String -> (String, Bool)
checkLine (szsStatusLine, found) line =
if found
then (szsStatusLine, found)
else if isPrefixOf "Couldn't find " line
then (line, found)
else case getSZSStatusWord line of
Just szsStatus -> (szsStatus, True)
_ -> (szsStatusLine, found)
getSZSStatusWord :: String -> Maybe String
getSZSStatusWord line = case words $ fromMaybe "" $
stripPrefix "SZS status" $ dropWhile (`elem` "%# ") line of
[] -> Nothing
w : _ -> Just w
-- filters the lines of the proof
filterProofLines :: [String] -> [String]
filterProofLines = fst . foldr addIfInProof ([], False)
addIfInProof :: String -> ([String], Bool) -> ([String], Bool)
addIfInProof line (addedLines, insideProof) =
-- @insideProof@ tells if the line is between "SZS output start/end".
-- Since the lines are in reverse order (by foldr), we need to parse after
-- "SZS output end" and before "SZS output start".
if insideProof
then if isPrefixOf "SZS output start" $ dropWhile (`elem` "%# ") line
then (addedLines, False)
else (line : addedLines, insideProof)
else if isPrefixOf "SZS output end" $ dropWhile (`elem` "%# ") line
then (addedLines, True)
else (addedLines, insideProof)