ParseAsLibDefn.hs revision 7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7f
{- |
Module : ./TPTP/ParseAsLibDefn.hs
Description : Methods to parse TPTP as a LibDefn
Copyright : (c) Eugen Kuksa University of Magdeburg 2017
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Eugen Kuksa <>
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic)
module TPTP.ParseAsLibDefn (parseTPTP) where
import TPTP.AS as AS
import TPTP.Common
import TPTP.Logic_TPTP as Logic
import TPTP.Parser
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.AS_Annotation (Annoted (..), item)
import Common.Id
import Common.IRI
import Common.LibName
import Common.Parsec
import Common.Result (fatal_error)
import Common.ResultT
import Driver.Options
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.AS_Structured
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.FilePath.Posix
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
parseTPTP :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> String -> ResultT IO [LIB_DEFN]
parseTPTP opts file input = do
let tptpParser = many (parseBasicSpec Map.empty) << eof
case runParser tptpParser (emptyAnnos ()) file input of
Left err -> do
liftR $ fatal_error (show err) nullRange
return $ [emptyLibDefn file]
Right basicSpecs -> return $ map (convertToLibDefn opts file) basicSpecs
convertToLibDefn :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> BASIC_SPEC -> LIB_DEFN
convertToLibDefn opts filepath spec = Lib_defn libName libItems nullRange []
-- For the library name, use the part of the @filepath@ that comes after the
-- library directory.
-- The lirary directory is the first of the libdirs given by the command
-- line option --hets-libdirs. If there is no such option, then it is the
-- directory of the @filepath@.
libName = iriLibName specName
specName' = fromJust $ parseIRICurie $ escapeTPTPFilePath filename
specName = unescapeTPTPFileIRI specName'
filename = case stripPrefix libdir filepath of
Just suffix -> suffix
Nothing -> filename'
libdir = case libdirs opts of
l : _ -> if isSuffixOf "/" l then l else l ++ "/"
[] -> dirname
(dirname, filename') = splitFileName filepath
libItems = makeLogicItem Logic.TPTP : includedLibs ++ [specItem]
includedLibs = map (addDownload False) includes
includes = directIncludes spec
specItem = makeSpecItem specName annotedSpec
annotedSpec = addImports includes . makeSpec $ G_basic_spec Logic.TPTP spec
emptyLibDefn :: FilePath -> LIB_DEFN
emptyLibDefn filepath =
Lib_defn (emptyLibName (convertFileToLibStr filepath)) [] nullRange []
-- Retrieves all includes from a basic spec, without recursing into the
-- included documents
directIncludes :: BASIC_SPEC -> [SPEC_NAME]
directIncludes (AS.Basic_spec itemsTPTP) = importsTPTP $ map item itemsTPTP
importsTPTP :: [AS.TPTP] -> [SPEC_NAME]
importsTPTP = concatMap includesInTPTP
includesInTPTP :: AS.TPTP -> [SPEC_NAME]
includesInTPTP = concatMap includes . inputsFromTPTP
inputsFromTPTP :: AS.TPTP -> [TPTP_input]
inputsFromTPTP (AS.TPTP inputs) = inputs
includes :: TPTP_input -> [SPEC_NAME]
includes tptp_input = case tptp_input of
TPTP_include (Include filename _) -> [filename]
_ -> []