Common.hs revision 7bb0a9e92bc7a6f868eaa0b9c3212c0af4f96b7f
{- |
Module : ./TPTP/Common.hs
Description : Common functions for TPTP handling.
Copyright : (c) Eugen Kuksa University of Magdeburg 2017
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Eugen Kuksa <>
Stability : provisional
module TPTP.Common where
import Common.IRI
import Data.Text (pack, replace, unpack)
-- The TPTP library uses filenames like AGT027^1.p which are not IRI compliant.
-- They need to be escaped.
-- In order to display the filename anyway, the unescaped IRI is saved as the
-- name of the spec.
-- These functions are only used for file names (in includes) and spec names.
escapeTPTPFilePath :: String -> String
escapeTPTPFilePath s = unpack $ replace (pack "^") (pack "%5E") (pack s)
unescapeTPTPFilePath :: String -> String
unescapeTPTPFilePath s = unpack $ replace (pack "%5E") (pack "^") (pack s)
unescapeTPTPFileIRI :: IRI -> IRI
unescapeTPTPFileIRI i = i { abbrevPath = unescapeTPTPFilePath $ abbrevPath i }