Translate.hs revision b63d1c8a4e0ea8b68f91c1c1b35b1b735a290113
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : create legal THF mixfix identifier
Copyright : (c) A. Tsogias, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
translate 'Id' to THF Constant
module THF.Translate where
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import qualified Common.ProofUtils as CM (charMap)
import HasCASL.Builtin
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import THF.As as THFAs
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as Map
mkTypesName :: THFAs.Constant -> THFAs.Name
mkTypesName c = case c of
A_Lower_Word w -> N_Atomic_Word $ A_Lower_Word
$ mkSimpleId ("type_" ++ show w)
A_Single_Quoted s -> N_Atomic_Word $ A_Single_Quoted
$ mkSimpleId ("type_" ++ show s)
mkConstsName :: THFAs.Constant -> THFAs.Name
mkConstsName c = case c of
A_Lower_Word w -> N_Atomic_Word $ A_Lower_Word
$ mkSimpleId ("const_" ++ show w)
A_Single_Quoted s -> N_Atomic_Word $ A_Single_Quoted
$ mkSimpleId ("const_" ++ show s)
mkDefName :: THFAs.Constant -> THFAs.Name
mkDefName c = case c of
A_Lower_Word w -> N_Atomic_Word $ A_Lower_Word
$ mkSimpleId ("def_" ++ show w)
A_Single_Quoted s -> N_Atomic_Word $ A_Single_Quoted
$ mkSimpleId ("def_" ++ show s)
transTypeId :: Id -> Result THFAs.Constant
transTypeId id1 = case maybeElem id1 preDefHCTypeIds of
Just res -> return $ stringToConstant res
Nothing -> case transToTHFString $ "x_" ++ show id1 of
Just s -> return $ stringToConstant s
Nothing -> fatal_error ("Unable to translate " ++ show id1 ++
" into a THF valide Constant.") nullRange
transAssumpId :: Id -> Result THFAs.Constant
transAssumpId id1 = case maybeElem id1 preDefHCAssumpIds of
Just res -> return $ stringToConstant res
Nothing -> case transToTHFString $ show id1 of
Just s -> return $ stringToConstant s
Nothing -> fatal_error ("Unable to translate " ++ show id1 ++
" into a THF valide Constant.") nullRange
transAssumpsId :: Id -> Int -> Result THFAs.Constant
transAssumpsId id1 int = if int == 1 then transAssumpId id1 else
case transToTHFString $ show id1 of
Just s -> return $ stringToConstant (s ++ show int)
Nothing -> fatal_error ("Unable to translate " ++ show id1 ++
" into a THF valide Constant.") nullRange
stringToConstant :: String -> THFAs.Constant
stringToConstant = A_Lower_Word . stringToLowerWord
stringToLowerWord :: String -> Token
stringToLowerWord = mkSimpleId . \ s -> case s of
c : r -> if isLower c then s else 'x' : c : r
"" -> ""
stringToVariable :: String -> String
stringToVariable s = case s of
c : r -> if isUpper c then s else toUpper c : 'x' : r
"" -> ""
transVarId :: Id -> Result Token
transVarId id1 = case transToTHFString $ show id1 of
Just s -> return $ mkSimpleId $ stringToVariable s
Nothing -> fatal_error ("Unable to translate " ++ show id1 ++
" into a THF valide Variable.") nullRange
transToTHFString :: String -> Maybe String
transToTHFString = transToTHFStringAux True
transToTHFStringAux :: Bool -> String -> Maybe String
transToTHFStringAux first s = case s of
"" -> Just ""
c : rc -> let
x = 'x' -- escape character
rest = transToTHFStringAux False rc
if isTHFChar c
then if first && isDigit c || c == x then fmap ([x, c] ++) rest else
fmap (c :) rest
else case Map.lookup c charMap of
Just res -> fmap (res ++) rest
Nothing -> Nothing
isTHFChar :: Char -> Bool
isTHFChar c = isAlphaNum c && isAscii c || c == '_'
isLowerTHFChar :: Char -> Bool
isLowerTHFChar c = isLower c && isAscii c
preDefHCTypeIds :: Map.Map Id String
preDefHCTypeIds = Map.fromList
[ (logId, "hct" ++ show logId)
, (predTypeId, "hct" ++ show predTypeId)
, (unitTypeId, "hct" ++ show unitTypeId)
, (lazyTypeId, "hctLazy")
, (arrowId FunArr, "hct__FunArr__")
, (arrowId PFunArr, "hct__PFunArr__")
, (arrowId ContFunArr, "hct__ContFunArr__")
, (arrowId PContFunArr, "hct__PContFunArr__")
, (productId 2 nullRange, "hct__X__")
, (productId 3 nullRange, "hct__X__X__")
, (productId 4 nullRange, "hct__X__X__X__")
, (productId 5 nullRange, "hct__X__X__X__X__") ]
preDefHCAssumpIds :: Map.Map Id String
preDefHCAssumpIds = Map.fromList
[ (botId, "hcc" ++ show botId)
, (defId, "hcc" ++ show defId)
, (notId, "hcc" ++ show notId)
, (negId, "hccNeg__")
, (whenElse, "hcc" ++ show whenElse)
, (trueId, "hcc" ++ show trueId)
, (falseId, "hcc" ++ show falseId)
, (eqId, "hcc__Eq__")
, (exEq, "hcc__ExEq__")
, (resId, "hcc" ++ show resId)
, (andId, "hcc__And__")
, (orId, "hcc__Or__")
, (eqvId, "hcc__Eqv__")
, (implId, "hcc__Impl__")
, (infixIf, "hcc" ++ show infixIf) ]
maybeElem :: Id -> Map.Map Id a -> Maybe a
maybeElem id1 m = helper id1 (Map.toList m)
helper :: Id -> [(Id, a)] -> Maybe a
helper _ [] = Nothing
helper id2 ((eid, ea) : r) =
if myEqId id2 eid then Just ea else helper id2 r
myEqId :: Id -> Id -> Bool
myEqId (Id t1 c1 _) (Id t2 c2 _) = (t1, c1) == (t2, c2)
-- | a separate Map speeds up lookup
charMap :: Map.Map Char String
charMap = Map.insert '\'' "Apostrophe"
. Map.insert '.' "Dot"
$ stringToVariable CM.charMap
-- this map is no longer injective