Sign.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Signature for THF
Copyright : (c) A. Tsogias, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Data structures and functions for thf THF Signatures.
Note: Most of the implenentations support only THF0.
module THF.Sign where
import THF.As
import THF.Cons
import Common.DefaultMorphism
import Common.Id hiding (typeId)
import Common.Result
import qualified Data.Map as Map
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Definitions and instances of data structures
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- We use the DefaultMorphism for THF.
type MorphismTHF = DefaultMorphism SignTHF
{- A signature is a container for types and constants. In addition they are
stored in an SymbolMap. -}
data SignTHF = Sign
{ types :: TypeMap
, consts :: ConstMap
, symbols :: SymbolMap
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Ord instance that does not use symbols
instance Ord SignTHF where
compare s1 s2 = compare (types s1, consts s1) (types s2, consts s2)
instance GetRange SignTHF
-- Map for Types.
type TypeMap = Map.Map Constant TypeInfo
-- Map for Constants.
type ConstMap = Map.Map Constant ConstInfo
-- Map for Symbols. These are symbols and types.
type SymbolMap = Map.Map Constant SymbolTHF
{- TypeInfo are containers for types, their name and Kind.
In addition the original Annotaions can be stored as
Annotations. -}
data TypeInfo = TypeInfo
{ typeId :: Constant
, typeName :: Name
, typeKind :: Kind
, typeAnno :: Annotations }
deriving (Show)
-- Ord instance that neither uses typeDef nor typeAnno
instance Ord TypeInfo where
compare ti1 ti2 = compare
(typeId ti1, typeName ti1, typeKind ti1)
(typeId ti2, typeName ti2, typeKind ti2)
-- Eq instance that neither uses typeDef nor typeAnno
instance Eq TypeInfo where
(==) ti1 ti2 = (typeId ti1, typeName ti1, typeKind ti1) ==
(typeId ti2, typeName ti2, typeKind ti2)
{- ConstInfo are containers for constants, their naem and type.
In addition the original Annotaions can be stored as
Annotations. -}
data ConstInfo = ConstInfo
{ constId :: Constant
, constName :: Name
, constType :: Type
, constAnno :: Annotations }
deriving (Show)
-- Ord instance that neither uses constDef nor constAnno
instance Ord ConstInfo where
compare ci1 ci2 = compare
(constId ci1, constName ci1, constType ci1)
(constId ci2, constName ci2, constType ci2)
-- Eq instance that neither uses constDef nor constAnno
instance Eq ConstInfo where
(==) ci1 ci2 = (constId ci1, constName ci1, constType ci1) ==
(constId ci2, constName ci2, constType ci2)
-- Creates an empty Signature.
emptySign :: SignTHF
emptySign = Sign
{ types = Map.empty
, consts = Map.empty
, symbols = Map.empty }
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Some helper data structures and functions for the
union, difference and insersection methods
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
type EitherMap c x = Map.Map c (Either x Diagnosis)
-- Convert a map into an EitherMap.
toEitherLeftMap :: Map.Map c x -> EitherMap c x
toEitherLeftMap = Left
eitherMapHasDiagnosis :: EitherMap c x -> Bool
eitherMapHasDiagnosis = Map.fold (\ a b -> case a of
Right _ -> True
_ -> b ) False
-- only use after eitherMapHasDiagnosis returned true
eitherMapGetDiagnosis :: EitherMap c x -> [Diagnosis]
eitherMapGetDiagnosis =
Map.fold (\ e dl -> either (const dl) (: dl) e) []
-- only use after eitherMapHasDiagnosis returned false
eitherMapGetMap :: EitherMap c x -> Map.Map c x
eitherMapGetMap = (\ (Left a) -> a)
{- If the EitherMap contains diagnosis they will be returned in a list.
Otherwise the map will be converted back. -}
genRes :: EitherMap c x -> Either (Map.Map c x) [Diagnosis]
genRes em = if eitherMapHasDiagnosis em
then Right (eitherMapGetDiagnosis em)
else Left (eitherMapGetMap em)
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signature union
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- Union of two signatures
sigUnion :: SignTHF -> SignTHF -> Result SignTHF
sigUnion s1 s2 =
let smu = symbolMapUnion (symbols s1) (symbols s2)
in case smu of
Right d -> Result d Nothing
Left nsm ->
let tmu = typeMapUnion (types s1) (types s2)
cmu = constMapUnion (consts s1) (consts s2)
in case tmu of
Right d1 -> Result d1 Nothing
Left ntm -> case cmu of
Right d2 -> Result d2 Nothing
Left ncm -> Result [] (Just $
s1 { types = ntm, consts = ncm, symbols = nsm })
typeMapUnion :: TypeMap -> TypeMap -> Either TypeMap [Diagnosis]
typeMapUnion t1 t2 =
let emt1 = toEitherLeftMap t1
emt2 = toEitherLeftMap t2
in genRes $ unite "Types" emt1 emt2
constMapUnion :: ConstMap -> ConstMap -> Either ConstMap [Diagnosis]
constMapUnion c1 c2 =
let emc1 = toEitherLeftMap c1
emc2 = toEitherLeftMap c2
in genRes $ unite "Constants" emc1 emc2
symbolMapUnion :: SymbolMap -> SymbolMap -> Either SymbolMap [Diagnosis]
symbolMapUnion s1 s2 =
let ems1 = toEitherLeftMap s1
ems2 = toEitherLeftMap s2
in genRes $ unite "Symbols" ems1 ems2
unite :: (Ord c, Eq x, Show x) => String -> EitherMap c x -> EitherMap c x
-> EitherMap c x
unite s = Map.unionWith (\ (Left e1) (Left e2) -> if e1 == e2 then Left e1
else Right (mkDiag Error
(s ++ " " ++ show e1 ++ " and " ++ show e2 ++
" have the same name but heve different definitions.") ()))
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signature difference
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- Difference of two signatures
sigDiff :: SignTHF -> SignTHF -> Result SignTHF
sigDiff s1 s2 = Result [] (Just $
s1 { types = diff (types s1) (types s2)
, consts = diff (consts s1) (consts s2)
, symbols = diff (symbols s1) (symbols s2) })
diff :: (Ord c, Eq x) => Map.Map c x -> Map.Map c x -> Map.Map c x
diff = Map.differenceWith (\ e1 e2 -> if e1 == e2 then Nothing else Just e1)
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signature intersection
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- Intersection of two signatures
sigIntersect :: SignTHF -> SignTHF -> Result SignTHF
sigIntersect s1 s2 =
let smi = symbolMapIntersect (symbols s1) (symbols s2)
in case smi of
Right d -> Result d Nothing
Left nsm ->
let tmi = typeMapIntersect (types s1) (types s2)
cmi = constMapIntersect (consts s1) (consts s2)
in case tmi of
Right d1 -> Result d1 Nothing
Left ntm -> case cmi of
Right d2 -> Result d2 Nothing
Left ncm -> Result [] (Just $
s1 { types = ntm, consts = ncm, symbols = nsm })
typeMapIntersect :: TypeMap -> TypeMap -> Either TypeMap [Diagnosis]
typeMapIntersect t1 t2 =
let emt1 = toEitherLeftMap t1
emt2 = toEitherLeftMap t2
in genRes $ intersect "Types" emt1 emt2
constMapIntersect :: ConstMap -> ConstMap -> Either ConstMap [Diagnosis]
constMapIntersect c1 c2 =
let emc1 = toEitherLeftMap c1
emc2 = toEitherLeftMap c2
in genRes $ intersect "Constants" emc1 emc2
symbolMapIntersect :: SymbolMap -> SymbolMap -> Either SymbolMap [Diagnosis]
symbolMapIntersect s1 s2 =
let ems1 = toEitherLeftMap s1
ems2 = toEitherLeftMap s2
in genRes $ intersect "Symbols" ems1 ems2
intersect :: (Ord c, Eq x, Show x) => String -> EitherMap c x -> EitherMap c x
-> EitherMap c x
intersect s = Map.intersectionWith (\ (Left e1) (Left e2) ->
if e1 == e2 then Left e1 else Right (mkDiag Error
(s ++ " " ++ show e1 ++ " and " ++ show e2 ++
" have the same name but heve different definitions.") ()))