ProverState.hs revision 93c8c4a8ce75cc2e02e03468a97b896f149d26ce
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Help functions for all automatic theorem provers.
Copyright : (c) Rainer Grabbe
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Data structures, initialising functions for Prover state and configurations.
module THF.ProverState where
import Logic.Prover
import THF.As
import THF.Cons
import THF.Sign
import THF.Print
import Common.AS_Annotation
-- Todos:
-- * maybe use FreeDefMorphism in the ProverStateTHF
-- * Data structures
data ProverStateTHF = ProverStateTHF
{ axioms :: [Named SentenceTHF]
, signature :: SignTHF
, freeDefs :: [FreeDefMorphism SentenceTHF MorphismTHF] }
-- * THF specific functions for prover GUI
{- |
Creates an initial THF prover state.
initialProverStateTHF :: SignTHF -> [Named SentenceTHF]
-> [FreeDefMorphism SentenceTHF MorphismTHF]
-> ProverStateTHF
initialProverStateTHF sign oSens freedefs = ProverStateTHF
{ axioms = filter isAxiom oSens
, signature = sign
, freeDefs = freedefs }
insertSentenceTHF :: ProverStateTHF -> Named SentenceTHF -> ProverStateTHF
insertSentenceTHF ps ns = ps {axioms = (checkAxiom ns) : axioms ps}
showProblemTHF :: ProverStateTHF -> Named SentenceTHF -> [String] -> IO String
showProblemTHF ps goal _ = return $ show $ printProblemTHF (signature ps)
(filter isAxiom (map checkAxiom (axioms ps))) goal
-- | get all axioms possibly used in a proof
getAxioms :: ProverStateTHF -> [String]
getAxioms = map (senAttr) . filter isAxiom . map checkAxiom . axioms
-- be carefull with negated_conjectures
-- eventually negated conjectures should be negated before the are transformed
-- into Axioms or Theorems
checkAxiom :: Named SentenceTHF -> Named SentenceTHF
checkAxiom ns =
let sen = sentence ns
in if isAxiom ns
then if elem (senRole sen) thfAxioms then ns
else if wasTheorem ns
then ns { sentence = sen { senRole = Theorem } }
else ns { sentence = sen { senRole = Axiom } }
else if elem (senRole sen) [Conjecture, Negated_Conjecture] then ns
else ns { sentence = sen { senRole = Conjecture } }
thfAxioms :: [FormulaRole]
thfAxioms = [Axiom, Definition, Lemma, Theorem]