ProveLeoII.hs revision 87d946b3c13ffd7f6391aa796e786c2b31b122b1
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Interface to the Leo II theorem prover.
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI Bremen 2012
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Jonathan von Schroeder <>
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
Leo II theorem prover for THF0
module THF.ProveLeoII ( leoIIProver ) where
import THF.SZSProver
import Interfaces.GenericATPState
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
pfun :: ProverFuncs
pfun = ProverFuncs {
cfgTimeout = maybe 601 (+ 20) . timeLimit,
proverCommand = \ tout tmpFile _ ->
let extraOptions = ("-po 0 -t " ++) . show $ tout
in return ("leo", words extraOptions ++ [tmpFile]),
getMessage = \ res' _ perr -> let msg = res' ++ perr
in if not $ null msg then msg
else unlines
["Leo seem to have terminated early.",
"Probably increasing the timelimit",
"will help." ],
getTimeUsed = \ line ->
case words (fromMaybe "" $ stripPrefix "# Total time" line) of
_ : (tim : _) -> Just $ round $ (read tim :: Float) * 1000
_ -> Nothing }
leoIIHelpText :: String
leoIIHelpText =
"No help available yet.\n" ++
"email " ++
"for more information.\n"
leoIIProver :: ProverType
leoIIProver = createSZSProver "Leo II"
leoIIHelpText pfun