ProveLeoII.hs revision 409eb8adf8c7ee0609aef256b67f5dfad2fb6386
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Interface to the Leo-II theorem prover.
Copyright : (c) A. Tsogias, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Prover)
LEO-II theorem prover for THF0
module THF.ProveLeoII where
import Logic.Prover
import THF.Cons
import THF.Sign
import THF.ProverState
import Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import Common.Result
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.Utils (basename, getTempFile, timeoutCommand)
import Common.SZSOntology
import GUI.GenericATP
import Interfaces.GenericATPState
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
import Proofs.BatchProcessing
import System.Directory
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time (timeToTimeOfDay)
import Data.Time.Clock (picosecondsToDiffTime, secondsToDiffTime)
-- Note:
-- * ask Till about env vars. (See atpFun)
leoIIName :: String
leoIIName = "Leo-II"
{- | The Prover implementation. First runs the batch prover (with
graphical feedback), then starts the GUI prover. -}
leoIIProver :: Prover SignTHF SentenceTHF MorphismTHF () ProofTree
leoIIProver = mkAutomaticProver leoIIName () leoIIGUI leoIICMDLautomaticBatch
leoIIHelpText :: String
leoIIHelpText =
"No help available yet.\n" ++
"email " ++
"for more information.\n"
-- * Main prover functions
-- ** Utility functions
{- |
Record for prover specific functions. This is used by both GUI and command
line interface.
atpFun :: String -- ^ theory name
-> ATPFunctions SignTHF SentenceTHF MorphismTHF ProofTree ProverStateTHF
atpFun _ = ATPFunctions
{ initialProverState = initialProverStateTHF
, atpTransSenName = id
, atpInsertSentence = insertSentenceTHF
, goalOutput = showProblemTHF
, proverHelpText = leoIIHelpText
, fileExtensions = FileExtensions
{ problemOutput = ".thf"
, proverOutput = ".leoII"
, theoryConfiguration = ".lpcf" }
, runProver = runLeoII
, createProverOptions = extraOpts }
-- ** GUI
{- |
Invokes the generic prover GUI. LeoII specific functions are omitted by
data type ATPFunctions.
leoIIGUI :: String -- ^ theory name
-> Theory SignTHF SentenceTHF ProofTree
-> [FreeDefMorphism SentenceTHF MorphismTHF] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO [ProofStatus ProofTree] -- ^ proof status for each goal
leoIIGUI thName th freedefs =
genericATPgui (atpFun thName) True leoIIName thName th
freedefs emptyProofTree
-- ** command line function
{- |
Implementation of 'Logic.Prover.proveCMDLautomaticBatch' which provides an
automatic command line interface to the Darwin prover.
Leo-II specific functions are omitted by data type ATPFunctions.
:: Bool -- ^ True means include proved theorems
-> Bool -- ^ True means save problem file
-> Concurrent.MVar (Result [ProofStatus ProofTree])
-- ^ used to store the result of the batch run
-> String -- ^ theory name
-> TacticScript -- ^ default tactic script
-> Theory SignTHF SentenceTHF ProofTree
-- ^ theory consisting of a signature and sentences
-> [FreeDefMorphism SentenceTHF MorphismTHF] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> IO (Concurrent.ThreadId, Concurrent.MVar ())
{- ^ fst: identifier of the batch thread for killing it
snd: MVar to wait for the end of the thread -}
leoIICMDLautomaticBatch inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch resultMVar
thName defTS th freedefs =
genericCMDLautomaticBatch (atpFun thName) inclProvedThs saveProblem_batch
resultMVar leoIIName thName
(parseTacticScript batchTimeLimit [] defTS) th freedefs emptyProofTree
{- |
Runs the Leo-II prover.
runLeoII :: ProverStateTHF
-> GenericConfig ProofTree -- ^ configuration to use
-> Bool -- ^ True means save THF file
-> String -- ^ name of the theory in the DevGraph
-> Named SentenceTHF -- ^ goal to prove
-> IO (ATPRetval, GenericConfig ProofTree)
-- ^ (retval, configuration with proof status and complete output)
runLeoII pst cfg saveTHF thName nGoal = do
let options = extraOpts cfg
tout = maybe leoIITimeout (+ 1) (timeLimit cfg)
extraOptions = maybe "-po" (("-po -t " ++) . show) (timeLimit cfg)
tmpFileName = thName ++ '_' : AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal
prob <- showProblemTHF pst nGoal []
runRes <- runLeoIIProcess tout saveTHF extraOptions tmpFileName prob
case runRes of
Nothing ->
let ctime = timeToTimeOfDay $ secondsToDiffTime
$ toInteger leoIITimeout
in return (ATPTLimitExceeded, cfg
{ proofStatus =
(openProofStatus (AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal)
"LEO-II" emptyProofTree)
{ usedTime = ctime
, tacticScript = TacticScript
$ show ATPTacticScript
{ tsTimeLimit = configTimeLimit cfg
, tsExtraOpts = options} }
, timeUsed = ctime })
Just (exitCode, out, tUsed) ->
let ctime = timeToTimeOfDay $ picosecondsToDiffTime
$ toInteger $ tUsed * 1000000000
(err, retval) = case () of
_ | szsProved exitCode -> (ATPSuccess, provedStatus)
_ | szsDisproved exitCode -> (ATPSuccess, disProvedStatus)
_ | szsTimeout exitCode ->
(ATPTLimitExceeded, defaultProofStatus)
_ | szsStopped exitCode ->
(ATPBatchStopped, defaultProofStatus)
_ ->
(ATPError exitCode, defaultProofStatus)
defaultProofStatus =
(openProofStatus (AS_Anno.senAttr nGoal) "LEO-II" emptyProofTree)
{ usedTime = ctime
, tacticScript = TacticScript $ show ATPTacticScript
{ tsTimeLimit = configTimeLimit cfg
, tsExtraOpts = options} }
disProvedStatus = defaultProofStatus {goalStatus = Disproved}
provedStatus = defaultProofStatus { goalStatus = Proved True
, usedAxioms = getAxioms pst }
in return (err, cfg { proofStatus = retval
, resultOutput = out
, timeUsed = ctime })
:: Int -- ^ timeout time in seconds
-> Bool -- ^ save problem
-> String -- ^ options
-> String -- ^ filename without extension
-> String -- ^ problem
-> IO (Maybe (String, [String], Int))
runLeoIIProcess tout saveTHF options tmpFileName prob = do
let tmpFile = basename tmpFileName ++ ".thf"
when saveTHF (writeFile tmpFile prob)
timeTmpFile <- getTempFile prob tmpFile
mres <- timeoutCommand tout "leo" (words options ++ [timeTmpFile])
maybe (return Nothing) (\ (_, pout, _) -> do
let l = lines pout
(res, _, tUsed) = parseOutput l
removeFile timeTmpFile
return $ Just (res, l, tUsed)) mres
parseOutput :: [String] -> (String, Bool, Int)
-- ^ (exit code, status found, used time ins ms)
parseOutput = foldl checkLine ("", False, -1) where
checkLine (exCode, stateFound, to) line = case getSZSStatusWord line of
Just szsState | not stateFound -> (szsState, True, to)
_ -> case words (fromMaybe "" $ stripPrefix "# Total time" line) of
_ : (tim : _) -> -- ":" : (tim : ("s" : []))
let time = round $ (read tim :: Float) * 1000
in (exCode, stateFound, time)
_ -> (exCode, stateFound, to)
getSZSStatusWord :: String -> Maybe String
getSZSStatusWord line =
case words (fromMaybe "" $ stripPrefix "% SZS status" line) of
[] -> Nothing
w : _ -> Just w
leoIITimeout :: Int
leoIITimeout = 601